Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

No limits in this Whitehouse

So who's STUPID enough to deliver 2000 semi-automatic weapons to Mexican drug cartels?

No one is--including the ATF under the direction of Eric Holder--that is (without a hidden agenda.)

I can clearly remember Obama standing at the border--saying that Americans were selling guns to Mexican drug cartels. Well it turns out his own ATF was doing that. None of these guns had any TRACKING devices on them--so why would Obama & Eric Holder do that?

Was the plan to talk about all these DEAD BODIES in Mexico--so they could assault the 2nd amendment to the U.S. Constitution? But it blew up in their faces when 3 ATF whistle blowers started talking.

Is this why Eric Holder ADMITTED that if these documents that he didn't release--were released it would get very embarrassing for this administration.

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And Jaime Zapata seems to get lost in this conversation. Agent Zapata was killed IN MEXICO CITY and guns from Fast and Furious were found at the site of his murder as well.

"On February 15, 2011, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent Jaime Zapata and his partner Victor Avila were driving from Mexico City to Monterrey when gunmen pulled alongside their vehicle. In an attempt to reason with them, the agents opened the window to explain, “We’re Americans, we’re diplomats.” One gunman responded in Spanish, “I don’t give a ****,” and shot through the window. Agent Zapata was shot three times, and Agent Avila was shot twice. By the time Mexican authorities arrived, Agent Zapata had died.

At the scene, investigators found 83 shell casings and three firearms. Law enforcement agents traced the purchase of one firearm, a Romarm-Cugir Draco 7.62 x 39mm pistol, to Otilio Osorio, who purchased it from a gun dealer in Texas on October 10, 2010.

The bitch of this is, Otilio Osorio was buying 30-40 guns at a time....he was a straw purchaser in the Fast and Furious debacle....who had been arrested a half dozen times for all kinds of crap and cut loose by ICE. The guy shouldn't have even been in this country...little own buying guns!

They DID eventually arrest and indite Osorio on March 23, 2011 for illegal possession of a firearm and possession of a firearm bearing a removed or obliterated serial number. But it was too late for Zapata, Terry or over 500 dead Mexicans that are confirmed deaths due to Fast and Furious!
And Jaime Zapata seems to get lost in this conversation. Agent Zapata was killed IN MEXICO CITY and guns from Fast and Furious were found at the site of his murder as well.

"On February 15, 2011, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent Jaime Zapata and his partner Victor Avila were driving from Mexico City to Monterrey when gunmen pulled alongside their vehicle. In an attempt to reason with them, the agents opened the window to explain, “We’re Americans, we’re diplomats.” One gunman responded in Spanish, “I don’t give a ****,” and shot through the window. Agent Zapata was shot three times, and Agent Avila was shot twice. By the time Mexican authorities arrived, Agent Zapata had died.

At the scene, investigators found 83 shell casings and three firearms. Law enforcement agents traced the purchase of one firearm, a Romarm-Cugir Draco 7.62 x 39mm pistol, to Otilio Osorio, who purchased it from a gun dealer in Texas on October 10, 2010.

The bitch of this is, Otilio Osorio was buying 30-40 guns at a time....he was a straw purchaser in the Fast and Furious debacle....who had been arrested a half dozen times for all kinds of crap and cut loose by ICE. The guy shouldn't have even been in this country...little own buying guns!

They DID eventually arrest and indite Osorio on March 23, 2011 for illegal possession of a firearm and possession of a firearm bearing a removed or obliterated serial number. But it was too late for Zapata, Terry or over 500 dead Mexicans that are confirmed deaths due to Fast and Furious!

Yeah--No one could possibly imagine how many people have died from these guns. The only thing that makes any sense to this--is that Obama wanted to tighten gun control in the United states--so he directed Eric Holder to let walk 2000 semi-automatic weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels--so Obama and Holder could point their fingers at the violence and death in Mexico--and say it's time to get control of guns here in the United States.

There is no other rational explanation for Fast n Furious.

  • Thanks
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At this point, anyone left still supporting the kenyan and his CORRUPT lap dogs has to be an absolute fucking IDIOT, and they're EXCUSES they continue to make for them are getting more PATHETIC by the DAY.
At this point, anyone left still supporting the kenyan and his CORRUPT lap dogs has to be an absolute fucking IDIOT, and they're EXCUSES they continue to make for them are getting more PATHETIC by the DAY.

In a strange way I'm happy to see you have reached the pinnacle of your miserable human existance as a mod at USMB. Fortunately for the rest of humanity this is the most power you will ever have.

Treasure it..
this is RICH


Holder: Issa wanted to 'provoke' conflict
politico44 ^ | 6/20/12 | BYRON TAU

Posted on Wednesday, June 20, 2012 5:19:40 PM by ColdOne

In the aftermath of a Wednesday vote by a House committee accusing Attorney General Eric Holder of being in contempt of Congress, the attorney general accused the panel's top Republican Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) of provoking a partisan showdown between the branches of government.

"He has chosen to use his authority to take an extraordinary, unprecedented and entirely unnecessary action, intended to provoke an avoidable conflict between Congress and the Executive Branch," Holder said in a statement.

"This divisive action does not help us fix the problems that led to this operation or previous ones and it does nothing to make any of our law enforcement agents safer. It's an election-year tactic intended to distract attention -- and, as a result -- has deflected critical resources from fulfilling what remains my top priority at the Department of Justice: Protecting the American people," Holder said.

Read it all
Holder: Issa wanted to 'provoke' conflict - POLITICO.com
Exactly. Congress should just abdicate their responsibility to the American people and rubber-stamp Obama's whims.

Right, Obamabots?
Not to change the important deflection topic back to the actual topic or anything, but ...

will the Administration EXPLAIN to the American People the pretend BASIS for their obviously fraudulent invocation of Executive Privilege?

"My fellow Americans: Shut the fuck up and do what you're told. Good night."
At this point, anyone left still supporting the kenyan and his CORRUPT lap dogs has to be an absolute fucking IDIOT, and they're EXCUSES they continue to make for them are getting more PATHETIC by the DAY.

In a strange way I'm happy to see you have reached the pinnacle of your miserable human existance as a mod at USMB. Fortunately for the rest of humanity this is the most power you will ever have.

Treasure it..

Fortunately for the rest of humanity, you will never have even that small amount of power.

We treasure that.
At this point, anyone left still supporting the kenyan and his CORRUPT lap dogs has to be an absolute fucking IDIOT, and they're EXCUSES they continue to make for them are getting more PATHETIC by the DAY.

In a strange way I'm happy to see you have reached the pinnacle of your miserable human existance as a mod at USMB. Fortunately for the rest of humanity this is the most power you will ever have.

Treasure it..

Fortunately for the rest of humanity, you will never have even that small amount of power.

We treasure that.


You'll have to excuse conservaderrps, he is a feral baboon. He has ONE purpose in this forum, to fling shit.

This is not a rational, sentient being. This is a mindless simian playing in his own feces. The nature of a feral baboon is to fling shit, expect nothing else from this one.
And Jaime Zapata seems to get lost in this conversation. Agent Zapata was killed IN MEXICO CITY and guns from Fast and Furious were found at the site of his murder as well.

"On February 15, 2011, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent Jaime Zapata and his partner Victor Avila were driving from Mexico City to Monterrey when gunmen pulled alongside their vehicle. In an attempt to reason with them, the agents opened the window to explain, “We’re Americans, we’re diplomats.” One gunman responded in Spanish, “I don’t give a ****,” and shot through the window. Agent Zapata was shot three times, and Agent Avila was shot twice. By the time Mexican authorities arrived, Agent Zapata had died.

At the scene, investigators found 83 shell casings and three firearms. Law enforcement agents traced the purchase of one firearm, a Romarm-Cugir Draco 7.62 x 39mm pistol, to Otilio Osorio, who purchased it from a gun dealer in Texas on October 10, 2010.

The bitch of this is, Otilio Osorio was buying 30-40 guns at a time....he was a straw purchaser in the Fast and Furious debacle....who had been arrested a half dozen times for all kinds of crap and cut loose by ICE. The guy shouldn't have even been in this country...little own buying guns!

They DID eventually arrest and indite Osorio on March 23, 2011 for illegal possession of a firearm and possession of a firearm bearing a removed or obliterated serial number. But it was too late for Zapata, Terry or over 500 dead Mexicans that are confirmed deaths due to Fast and Furious!


Just fucking amazing

No wonder Obama and Holder retreated to the bunker
More facts that Conservatives on this board won't know about because they refuse to read this stuff because they think it comes from a "hate site."

Five Things To Know About The Republican Witchhunt Against Attorney General Holder | ThinkProgress
1. Issa Has No Case: Issa’s uncovered no evidence showing Holder bears any blame for the botched operations begun under George W. Bush, even though the Justice Department turned over thousands of pages of documents concerning the operations. Instead of accepting this fact, Issa has requested many more documents containing confidential information regarding ongoing law enforcement investigations, and is now threatening to hold Holder in contempt if these documents are not turned over. Holder is entirely correct to withhold these documents, however, because Justice Department documents are not subject to congressional subpoena if they would reveal “strategies and procedures that could be used by individuals seeking to evade [DOJ's] law enforcement efforts.”
2. Reagan’s Justice Department Agreed With Holder: President Reagan’s Justice Department warned in the 1980s that the Constitution’s separation of powers prevents the kind of documents Issa is seeking from being revealed to Congress because of the risk that the legislature could “exert pressure or attempt to influence the prosecution of criminal cases.”
3. Law Enforcement Rejects Issa’s Witchhunt: Issa’s efforts to embarrass Holder are an unnecessary distraction that hinders the Department of Justice’s ability to do its real job. As an organization representing numerous senior law enforcement officials warned Issa, his efforts are “an impediment to the vigorous enforcement of violence and crime.”
4. Even Top Republicans Think Issa Goes Too Far: After Issa leaked his plans to pursue contempt charges to the media, the House Republican leadership pressured him to back off. Indeed, even House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) has indicated that Issa is overreaching.
5. Issa Is Fixated On A Conspiracy Theory: Perhaps the most bizarre aspect of this affair is what Issa once suggested his investigation will uncover. In an interview with Sean Hannity, Issa claimed that the Obama administration “made a crisis” when they continued the Bush-era gunrunning operations because they wanted to “us[e] this crisis to somehow take away or limit people’s Second Amendment rights.” This accusation originates from a former militiaman who supports violent resistance to imagined government attempts to seize his guns. And it amounts to an accusation that a series of botched gun stings that begun during the Bush Administration were actually part of a secret Obama plot to release guns to Mexican drug lords, so that those guns could then be used to kill federal agents, which would then cause a national uprising in support of gun control.

And this isn't a partisan which hunt, right?
I would like to see this use of executive privilege go to the SCOTUS just before the election for all to see that his act is that of a dictator, not a president.
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