Obama, be like Harry

Why do low information democrats rely on pop history rather than researching the background of the political hero they hype? Harry Truman was such a fool that he didn't even have enough support from his own party to run for a 2nd term.
Why do low information democrats rely on pop history rather than researching the background of the political hero they hype? Harry Truman was such a fool that he didn't even have enough support from his own party to run for a 2nd term.

The press, in Truman's day, actually tried to be impartial. Not so much any more.

So the average D voter, who gets his/her news from the MSM, is completely unaware of the truth.
Why do low information democrats rely on pop history rather than researching the background of the political hero they hype? Harry Truman was such a fool that he didn't even have enough support from his own party to run for a 2nd term.

The press, in Truman's day, actually tried to be impartial. Not so much any more.

So the average D voter, who gets his/her news from the MSM, is completely unaware of the truth.

The press in Truman's day was so much in the back pocket of the democrat party that they called Korea the "forgotten war" because they couldn't bear to criticize either Truman or MacArthur. The media actually blamed a minority member of the US Senate for the anti-communist rhetoric and it became known as "McCarthyism" even though Truman and the democrats were in power.

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