Obama, Bill's Wife, and Bernie.....

1. So....you're strongest argument is that there may have been a few outlier years where the socialist/communist didn't quite have the highest regulatory costs???

That's it????

So....you are agreeing that, taken as a whole, this statement is correct in defining communists, socialists, fascists Liberals, Progressives, and Nazis?

2. The 'expert' you're quoting is a waaayyyyy Left Liberal Obama apparatchik who believes that animals should have the right to sue human beings???


3. Then, there's this:
a. The Obama Administration is aggressively exploiting regulation to achieve its policy agenda, issuing 157 new major rules at a cost to Americans approaching $73 billion annually....twice the annual average of his predecessor George W. Bush. And much more regulation is on the way, with another 125 major rules on the Administration’s to-do list, including dozens linked to the Dodd–Frank financial regulation law and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Red Tape Rising: Five Years of Regulatory Expansion

b. "Obama Administration Announces 144 Big Regulations Right Before Thanksgiving
This is a new record, beating the previous high of 136 set by President Obama this spring."
Obama Administration Announces 144 Big Regulations Right Before Thanksgiving

c. "Obama pushing thousands of new regulations in Year 8"
Obama pushing thousands of new regulations in Year 8

Read more: Obama pushing thousands of new regulations in Year 8
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And as you bring up Bush......

d. "Major Regulations 153% Higher in First Five Years Under Obama Than Bush" Major Regulations 153% Higher in First Five Years Under Obama Than Bush

In your face, boyyyyeeeeeeee!
Since the Bush boys have the worst record on cost of regulations, they must be commie fags also, according to your logic...in you ear dear...

Clean off your specs,:
"Major Regulations 153% Higher in First Five Years Under Obama Than Bush" Major Regulations 153% Higher in First Five Years Under Obama Than Bush
But any regulation would be communistic in your OP, so all GOP presidents are communist also..

"....any regulation would be communistic in your OP....."

It's soooo simple to catch you lying....

Show any such quote of mine......double dog dare ya'.....
You have stated it several times that part of being a communist, progressives yada, yada, yada, makes them just like communist..

Well.....another lie....

If I stated it several times..."....any regulation would be communistic in your OP....."
...why can't you find such a quote, Pinocchio?

Things more trustworthy than you:

a. Mexican tap water

b. A rattlesnake with a 'pet me' sign

c. Taking the elevator with Ray Rice

d. Bill Cosby as the bartender

e. A Jimmy Carter economic plan

f. emails from a Nigerian princess

g. Brian Williams newscast.

h. The Jeffrey Dahmer Diner special of the day
Here it is once more.....the quote that defines the aims of every one of the shameful six....

'....collectivization, unquestioning lock-step adherence to government policies, over-regulation, and unlimited central command and control governance.....'

That's Liberalism, Progressivism, socialism, communism, fascism, and Nazism.
Which would make anyone that passed any regulations guilty, no matter the party designation..

Sorry....you can't hide.

You accused me thus:
"....any regulation would be communistic in your OP....."

This is your third chance to show where I said that.

Sooo.....how come you Obama supporters have to lie as often as you do?
Is that your lack of character or lack of cerebral synapses?
....... Where They Are Taking Us

This is an important lesson....to be studied and fully learned.....before you vote in November!
No foolin!!!!!

1. After all the warnings about the untried, unaccomplished novice, Barack Hussein Obama, many of us wondered....'how can the Democrats put America in such danger?'
We warned you.

But we should have known that the Leftist-controlled major party, with it's allies in the media and academia, would be only too happy with a socialist/communist in charge.

Everyone should have recognized warnings such as this:

a. . "The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] is a political action committee and bills itself as the heir to the defunct Socialist Party of America. It's chief organizing objective is to work within the Democratic Party as the primary, but not sole, method of achieving public ownership of private property and the means of production.

The Democratic Socialists of America boasted in a newsletter to insiders 70 of its members currently serve in Congress,.... the close association between the DSA and the Congressional Progressive Caucus. At that time, the caucus website was actually hosted by the DSA..."
How many socialists sit in Congress today?

If you voted Democrat, your bumper-sticker should read " Ich bin ein Socialist!!!"

b. Here is the current state of affairs:
Sixty percent (60%) of U.S. adults nationwide say that capitalism is better than socialism. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 18% disagree, while 21% are not sure.

Adults under 30 are closely divided on the question. While Republicans and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly say that capitalism is better, just 43% of Democrats agree. Twenty-four percent (24%) of Democrats say socialism is better.
60 Say Capitalism Better Than Socialism - Rasmussen Reports

c. Once again, no big surprise, but those who favor capitalism or socialism are divided in a partisan way as well. Republicans favor capitalism by an 11-1 margin, while democrats are much more divided on the issue; 39% say they favor capitalism while 30% favor socialism.
Rasmussen Poll Capitalism vs. Socialism 53 Prefer Capitalism Right Pundits

d. The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism."

However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively
Socialism Not So Negative Capitalism Not So Positive Pew Research Center

e. A 2012 Gallup poll found that 53 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Americans more generally had a positive reaction to the wordsocialism. Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't

And, btw......difference between 'socialist' and 'communist' depends, largely, upon what day of the week it is.


Fanatic for Jesus: The Clenched Fist: A Sign of Rebellion
Oh I've always know that, anyone who ever balled their hand up in a fist is a "communist".
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony
Oh I've always know that, anyone who ever balled their hand up in a fist is a "communist".


WASHINGTON — President Obama paid tribute to the "Black Power" protesters at the 1968 Olympics Thursday during a White House ceremony to honor the 2016 Olympic team.
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony


"The raised fist (also known as the clenched fist) is a salute most often used by left-wing activists, such as: Marxists, anarchists, socialists, communists, pacifists, feminists, trade unionists, and black nationalists. The raised fist is usually regarded as an expression of solidarity, strength, or defiance. It dates back to the salute of Rotfrontkämpferbund, a red front paramilitary organization of the Communist Party of Germany before WWII."
Raised fist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony
Oh I've always know that, anyone who ever balled their hand up in a fist is a "communist".


WASHINGTON — President Obama paid tribute to the "Black Power" protesters at the 1968 Olympics Thursday during a White House ceremony to honor the 2016 Olympic team.
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony


"The raised fist (also known as the clenched fist) is a salute most often used by left-wing activists, such as: Marxists, anarchists, socialists, communists, pacifists, feminists, trade unionists, and black nationalists. The raised fist is usually regarded as an expression of solidarity, strength, or defiance. It dates back to the salute of Rotfrontkämpferbund, a red front paramilitary organization of the Communist Party of Germany before WWII."
Raised fist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hominids never raised a fist before the salute of Rotfrontkämpferbund, interesting.
Oh I've always know that, anyone who ever balled their hand up in a fist is a "communist".


WASHINGTON — President Obama paid tribute to the "Black Power" protesters at the 1968 Olympics Thursday during a White House ceremony to honor the 2016 Olympic team.
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony
Lol look at the idiot O'Biden clapping and smiling. What a freakin clown show.

Maybe you won't be a sore loser come Nov.
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony
Oh I've always know that, anyone who ever balled their hand up in a fist is a "communist".


WASHINGTON — President Obama paid tribute to the "Black Power" protesters at the 1968 Olympics Thursday during a White House ceremony to honor the 2016 Olympic team.
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony


"The raised fist (also known as the clenched fist) is a salute most often used by left-wing activists, such as: Marxists, anarchists, socialists, communists, pacifists, feminists, trade unionists, and black nationalists. The raised fist is usually regarded as an expression of solidarity, strength, or defiance. It dates back to the salute of Rotfrontkämpferbund, a red front paramilitary organization of the Communist Party of Germany before WWII."
Raised fist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hominids never raised a fist before the salute of Rotfrontkämpferbund, interesting.
Oh I've always know that, anyone who ever balled their hand up in a fist is a "communist".


WASHINGTON — President Obama paid tribute to the "Black Power" protesters at the 1968 Olympics Thursday during a White House ceremony to honor the 2016 Olympic team.
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony
Lol look at the idiot O'Biden clapping and smiling. What a freakin clown show.

Maybe you won't be a sore loser come Nov.
Nope. President Trump has a nice ring to it.
Oh I've always know that, anyone who ever balled their hand up in a fist is a "communist".


WASHINGTON — President Obama paid tribute to the "Black Power" protesters at the 1968 Olympics Thursday during a White House ceremony to honor the 2016 Olympic team.
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony
Lol look at the idiot O'Biden clapping and smiling. What a freakin clown show.

Maybe you won't be a sore loser come Nov.
Nope. President Trump has a nice ring to it.

Best of luck pard. Neither of 'em sounds good to me.
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony
Oh I've always know that, anyone who ever balled their hand up in a fist is a "communist".


WASHINGTON — President Obama paid tribute to the "Black Power" protesters at the 1968 Olympics Thursday during a White House ceremony to honor the 2016 Olympic team.
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony


"The raised fist (also known as the clenched fist) is a salute most often used by left-wing activists, such as: Marxists, anarchists, socialists, communists, pacifists, feminists, trade unionists, and black nationalists. The raised fist is usually regarded as an expression of solidarity, strength, or defiance. It dates back to the salute of Rotfrontkämpferbund, a red front paramilitary organization of the Communist Party of Germany before WWII."
Raised fist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hominids never raised a fist before the salute of Rotfrontkämpferbund, interesting.

My! That proves it.
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony

WASHINGTON — President Obama paid tribute to the "Black Power" protesters at the 1968 Olympics Thursday during a White House ceremony to honor the 2016 Olympic team.
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony


"The raised fist (also known as the clenched fist) is a salute most often used by left-wing activists, such as: Marxists, anarchists, socialists, communists, pacifists, feminists, trade unionists, and black nationalists. The raised fist is usually regarded as an expression of solidarity, strength, or defiance. It dates back to the salute of Rotfrontkämpferbund, a red front paramilitary organization of the Communist Party of Germany before WWII."
Raised fist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hominids never raised a fist before the salute of Rotfrontkämpferbund, interesting.

My! That proves it.

Proves what?
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony

"The raised fist (also known as the clenched fist) is a salute most often used by left-wing activists, such as: Marxists, anarchists, socialists, communists, pacifists, feminists, trade unionists, and black nationalists. The raised fist is usually regarded as an expression of solidarity, strength, or defiance. It dates back to the salute of Rotfrontkämpferbund, a red front paramilitary organization of the Communist Party of Germany before WWII."
Raised fist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hominids never raised a fist before the salute of Rotfrontkämpferbund, interesting.

My! That proves it.

Proves what?

Jesus hon, you're a waste.
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony
"The raised fist (also known as the clenched fist) is a salute most often used by left-wing activists, such as: Marxists, anarchists, socialists, communists, pacifists, feminists, trade unionists, and black nationalists. The raised fist is usually regarded as an expression of solidarity, strength, or defiance. It dates back to the salute of Rotfrontkämpferbund, a red front paramilitary organization of the Communist Party of Germany before WWII."
Raised fist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hominids never raised a fist before the salute of Rotfrontkämpferbund, interesting.

My! That proves it.

Proves what?

Jesus hon, you're a waste.

Something seems to put a burr under your saddle.

What ever could it be?

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