Obama, Bill's Wife, and Bernie.....

....... Where They Are Taking Us

This is an important lesson....to be studied and fully learned.....before you vote in November!
No foolin!!!!!

1. After all the warnings about the untried, unaccomplished novice, Barack Hussein Obama, many of us wondered....'how can the Democrats put America in such danger?'
We warned you.

But we should have known that the Leftist-controlled major party, with it's allies in the media and academia, would be only too happy with a socialist/communist in charge.

Everyone should have recognized warnings such as this:

a. . "The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] is a political action committee and bills itself as the heir to the defunct Socialist Party of America. It's chief organizing objective is to work within the Democratic Party as the primary, but not sole, method of achieving public ownership of private property and the means of production.

The Democratic Socialists of America boasted in a newsletter to insiders 70 of its members currently serve in Congress,.... the close association between the DSA and the Congressional Progressive Caucus. At that time, the caucus website was actually hosted by the DSA..."
How many socialists sit in Congress today?

If you voted Democrat, your bumper-sticker should read " Ich bin ein Socialist!!!"

b. Here is the current state of affairs:
Sixty percent (60%) of U.S. adults nationwide say that capitalism is better than socialism. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 18% disagree, while 21% are not sure.

Adults under 30 are closely divided on the question. While Republicans and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly say that capitalism is better, just 43% of Democrats agree. Twenty-four percent (24%) of Democrats say socialism is better.
60 Say Capitalism Better Than Socialism - Rasmussen Reports

c. Once again, no big surprise, but those who favor capitalism or socialism are divided in a partisan way as well. Republicans favor capitalism by an 11-1 margin, while democrats are much more divided on the issue; 39% say they favor capitalism while 30% favor socialism.
Rasmussen Poll Capitalism vs. Socialism 53 Prefer Capitalism Right Pundits

d. The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism."

However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively
Socialism Not So Negative Capitalism Not So Positive Pew Research Center

e. A 2012 Gallup poll found that 53 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Americans more generally had a positive reaction to the wordsocialism. Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't

And, btw......difference between 'socialist' and 'communist' depends, largely, upon what day of the week it is.

Hell, PC. It's Friday and payday and I expect a joke.

Obama Hillary and Bernie walk into a working class Philly bar.

Obama, "my good man, what is the favored micro brew in this ..... well .... hovel of failed white meritocracy?
Barkeep, 'Pennsylvania Pale Ale, Mr. President."
Obama, "color me so unsurprised. Very well, I'll try one."

Hillary, "Well I'm for the American workers. Gimme a bud."
Barkeep, 'Well Mrs Secretary, InBev bought bud and it's now a Belgium Beer."
Hillary, 'why wasn't I told this? Huma, huma .... where the fuck is Huma ... oh she's getting a divorce. I told her divorce is for pussies, but did she listen ... nnnnnnoooooo.
Obama, "Hillary, take it easy."
Bernie, "I like Belgium."
Hillary, "Well what beer do workers drink here?"
Entire Bar SHOUTING "Yuengling!"
Hillary "I'll have one ... and a round for the HOUSE.
Bar " TRUMP"

Bernie, "Oh, it's my turn? Oh, I'm generally a wine guy ..... Finger Lakes ..... wineries with state support and small sales ....."
Obama, "We know Bern. fucking useless unless you're a Republican."
Barkeep, "We got a Pumpkin Ale, Kentz o Lantern."
Obama, "That'll be good, give him one of those."
Bernie, "Thanks Mr. President, I left my wallet in the car."

My! That proves it.

Proves what?

Jesus hon, you're a waste.

Something seems to put a burr under your saddle.

What ever could it be?

I'm amused by your affinity for fisting.

Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony
Oh I've always know that, anyone who ever balled their hand up in a fist is a "communist".


WASHINGTON — President Obama paid tribute to the "Black Power" protesters at the 1968 Olympics Thursday during a White House ceremony to honor the 2016 Olympic team.
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony


"The raised fist (also known as the clenched fist) is a salute most often used by left-wing activists, such as: Marxists, anarchists, socialists, communists, pacifists, feminists, trade unionists, and black nationalists. The raised fist is usually regarded as an expression of solidarity, strength, or defiance. It dates back to the salute of Rotfrontkämpferbund, a red front paramilitary organization of the Communist Party of Germany before WWII."
Raised fist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Other opinions are out there for the more open minded to explore:

Raised fist

The raised fist is a symbol of solidarity and support. It is also used as a salute to express unity, strength, defiance, or resistance. The salute dates back to ancient Assyria as a symbol of resistance in the face of violence.

http://www.definitions.net/definition/raised fist

I reckon folk can explore for themselves or follow.
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony
Oh I've always know that, anyone who ever balled their hand up in a fist is a "communist".


WASHINGTON — President Obama paid tribute to the "Black Power" protesters at the 1968 Olympics Thursday during a White House ceremony to honor the 2016 Olympic team.
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony


"The raised fist (also known as the clenched fist) is a salute most often used by left-wing activists, such as: Marxists, anarchists, socialists, communists, pacifists, feminists, trade unionists, and black nationalists. The raised fist is usually regarded as an expression of solidarity, strength, or defiance. It dates back to the salute of Rotfrontkämpferbund, a red front paramilitary organization of the Communist Party of Germany before WWII."
Raised fist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Other opinions are out there for the more open minded to explore:

Raised fist

The raised fist is a symbol of solidarity and support. It is also used as a salute to express unity, strength, defiance, or resistance. The salute dates back to ancient Assyria as a symbol of resistance in the face of violence.

http://www.definitions.net/definition/raised fist

I reckon folk can explore for themselves or follow.

But you know the truth......

...and that's what irritates you.

Let's let everyone know the truth, k'?
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony
Oh I've always know that, anyone who ever balled their hand up in a fist is a "communist".


WASHINGTON — President Obama paid tribute to the "Black Power" protesters at the 1968 Olympics Thursday during a White House ceremony to honor the 2016 Olympic team.
Obama invites 'Black Power' protesters to White House Olympic ceremony


"The raised fist (also known as the clenched fist) is a salute most often used by left-wing activists, such as: Marxists, anarchists, socialists, communists, pacifists, feminists, trade unionists, and black nationalists. The raised fist is usually regarded as an expression of solidarity, strength, or defiance. It dates back to the salute of Rotfrontkämpferbund, a red front paramilitary organization of the Communist Party of Germany before WWII."
Raised fist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Other opinions are out there for the more open minded to explore:

Raised fist

The raised fist is a symbol of solidarity and support. It is also used as a salute to express unity, strength, defiance, or resistance. The salute dates back to ancient Assyria as a symbol of resistance in the face of violence.

http://www.definitions.net/definition/raised fist

I reckon folk can explore for themselves or follow.

But you know the truth......

...and that's what irritates you.

Let's let everyone know the truth, k'?

Bwa ha ha ha, hon, you're free to go influence anyone silly enough to letcha, no worries.
....... Where They Are Taking Us

This is an important lesson....to be studied and fully learned.....before you vote in November!
No foolin!!!!!

1. After all the warnings about the untried, unaccomplished novice, Barack Hussein Obama, many of us wondered....'how can the Democrats put America in such danger?'
We warned you.

But we should have known that the Leftist-controlled major party, with it's allies in the media and academia, would be only too happy with a socialist/communist in charge.

Everyone should have recognized warnings such as this:

a. . "The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] is a political action committee and bills itself as the heir to the defunct Socialist Party of America. It's chief organizing objective is to work within the Democratic Party as the primary, but not sole, method of achieving public ownership of private property and the means of production.

The Democratic Socialists of America boasted in a newsletter to insiders 70 of its members currently serve in Congress,.... the close association between the DSA and the Congressional Progressive Caucus. At that time, the caucus website was actually hosted by the DSA..."
How many socialists sit in Congress today?

If you voted Democrat, your bumper-sticker should read " Ich bin ein Socialist!!!"

b. Here is the current state of affairs:
Sixty percent (60%) of U.S. adults nationwide say that capitalism is better than socialism. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 18% disagree, while 21% are not sure.

Adults under 30 are closely divided on the question. While Republicans and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly say that capitalism is better, just 43% of Democrats agree. Twenty-four percent (24%) of Democrats say socialism is better.
60 Say Capitalism Better Than Socialism - Rasmussen Reports

c. Once again, no big surprise, but those who favor capitalism or socialism are divided in a partisan way as well. Republicans favor capitalism by an 11-1 margin, while democrats are much more divided on the issue; 39% say they favor capitalism while 30% favor socialism.
Rasmussen Poll Capitalism vs. Socialism 53 Prefer Capitalism Right Pundits

d. The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism."

However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively
Socialism Not So Negative Capitalism Not So Positive Pew Research Center

e. A 2012 Gallup poll found that 53 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Americans more generally had a positive reaction to the wordsocialism. Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't

And, btw......difference between 'socialist' and 'communist' depends, largely, upon what day of the week it is.

You're the best advertisement for voting Democrat that anyone could come up with.
"The Communist Pedigree of the Clenched-fist Salute

When Baltimore erupted in flames, riots, and looting, the “protesters” — from unknown teens to infamous agitators — prominently displayed the clenched-fist salute. The same clenched fist appeared on rally posters and banners, along with “#BlackLivesMatter” and “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!” Malik Zulu Shabazz, the hate-spewing former head of the New Black Panther Party (and current national president of Black Lawyers for Justice) conspicuously employed the clenched fist salute .....

Protesters took to the streets with their clenched fists raised, led by the professional organizers of the Black Lives Matter movement, the New Black Panther Party, the Communist Party USA, and the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP)."
The Communist Pedigree of the Clenched-fist Salute
This is a great thread. The title uses the very interesting "Bill's Wife" to describe the next POTUS! That's so cool!

Being Bill's wife.....

That is her only actual personal achievement.....

...isn't it.

Well....other than running the 'war room' that threatenen the women Bill assaulted.

If you ever get around to actually reading a book....
.....look for the details, here:
"Blood Sport: The President and His Adversaries," March 25, 1996
by James B. Stewart (Author)
"....demonstrators consisted of the usual AFL-CIO labor union members, Occupy Wall Street activists, and Marxist-Leninists, including members of the Communist Party USA and the Revolutionary Communist Party. The RCP is a hardcore Maoist party led by Bob Avakian, whose pedigree dates back to his leadership in the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and their violent demonstrations in the 1960s and ’70s.

This coalition of communists, AFL-CIO members, and Occupy protesters displayed red banners, flyers, posters, and T-shirts depicting an upright clenched fist."
The Communist Pedigree of the Clenched-fist Salute
....... Where They Are Taking Us

This is an important lesson....to be studied and fully learned.....before you vote in November!
No foolin!!!!!

1. After all the warnings about the untried, unaccomplished novice, Barack Hussein Obama, many of us wondered....'how can the Democrats put America in such danger?'
We warned you.

But we should have known that the Leftist-controlled major party, with it's allies in the media and academia, would be only too happy with a socialist/communist in charge.

Everyone should have recognized warnings such as this:

a. . "The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] is a political action committee and bills itself as the heir to the defunct Socialist Party of America. It's chief organizing objective is to work within the Democratic Party as the primary, but not sole, method of achieving public ownership of private property and the means of production.

The Democratic Socialists of America boasted in a newsletter to insiders 70 of its members currently serve in Congress,.... the close association between the DSA and the Congressional Progressive Caucus. At that time, the caucus website was actually hosted by the DSA..."
How many socialists sit in Congress today?

If you voted Democrat, your bumper-sticker should read " Ich bin ein Socialist!!!"

b. Here is the current state of affairs:
Sixty percent (60%) of U.S. adults nationwide say that capitalism is better than socialism. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 18% disagree, while 21% are not sure.

Adults under 30 are closely divided on the question. While Republicans and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly say that capitalism is better, just 43% of Democrats agree. Twenty-four percent (24%) of Democrats say socialism is better.
60 Say Capitalism Better Than Socialism - Rasmussen Reports

c. Once again, no big surprise, but those who favor capitalism or socialism are divided in a partisan way as well. Republicans favor capitalism by an 11-1 margin, while democrats are much more divided on the issue; 39% say they favor capitalism while 30% favor socialism.
Rasmussen Poll Capitalism vs. Socialism 53 Prefer Capitalism Right Pundits

d. The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism."

However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively
Socialism Not So Negative Capitalism Not So Positive Pew Research Center

e. A 2012 Gallup poll found that 53 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Americans more generally had a positive reaction to the wordsocialism. Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't

And, btw......difference between 'socialist' and 'communist' depends, largely, upon what day of the week it is.


Fanatic for Jesus: The Clenched Fist: A Sign of Rebellion

Here is again giving the communist signal to the Russians......Time for the sickle, scythe and hammer bit..
OBAMA: 'We need to keep sanctions on Russia'

OBAMA: 'We need to keep sanctions on Russia'
....... Where They Are Taking Us

This is an important lesson....to be studied and fully learned.....before you vote in November!
No foolin!!!!!

1. After all the warnings about the untried, unaccomplished novice, Barack Hussein Obama, many of us wondered....'how can the Democrats put America in such danger?'
We warned you.

But we should have known that the Leftist-controlled major party, with it's allies in the media and academia, would be only too happy with a socialist/communist in charge.

Everyone should have recognized warnings such as this:

a. . "The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] is a political action committee and bills itself as the heir to the defunct Socialist Party of America. It's chief organizing objective is to work within the Democratic Party as the primary, but not sole, method of achieving public ownership of private property and the means of production.

The Democratic Socialists of America boasted in a newsletter to insiders 70 of its members currently serve in Congress,.... the close association between the DSA and the Congressional Progressive Caucus. At that time, the caucus website was actually hosted by the DSA..."
How many socialists sit in Congress today?

If you voted Democrat, your bumper-sticker should read " Ich bin ein Socialist!!!"

b. Here is the current state of affairs:
Sixty percent (60%) of U.S. adults nationwide say that capitalism is better than socialism. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 18% disagree, while 21% are not sure.

Adults under 30 are closely divided on the question. While Republicans and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly say that capitalism is better, just 43% of Democrats agree. Twenty-four percent (24%) of Democrats say socialism is better.
60 Say Capitalism Better Than Socialism - Rasmussen Reports

c. Once again, no big surprise, but those who favor capitalism or socialism are divided in a partisan way as well. Republicans favor capitalism by an 11-1 margin, while democrats are much more divided on the issue; 39% say they favor capitalism while 30% favor socialism.
Rasmussen Poll Capitalism vs. Socialism 53 Prefer Capitalism Right Pundits

d. The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism."

However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively
Socialism Not So Negative Capitalism Not So Positive Pew Research Center

e. A 2012 Gallup poll found that 53 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Americans more generally had a positive reaction to the wordsocialism. Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't

And, btw......difference between 'socialist' and 'communist' depends, largely, upon what day of the week it is.


Fanatic for Jesus: The Clenched Fist: A Sign of Rebellion

Here is again giving the communist signal to the Russians......Time for the sickle, scythe and hammer bit..
OBAMA: 'We need to keep sanctions on Russia'

OBAMA: 'We need to keep sanctions on Russia'

Work hard to articulate:

What's your point?
....... Where They Are Taking Us

This is an important lesson....to be studied and fully learned.....before you vote in November!
No foolin!!!!!

1. After all the warnings about the untried, unaccomplished novice, Barack Hussein Obama, many of us wondered....'how can the Democrats put America in such danger?'
We warned you.

But we should have known that the Leftist-controlled major party, with it's allies in the media and academia, would be only too happy with a socialist/communist in charge.

Everyone should have recognized warnings such as this:

a. . "The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] is a political action committee and bills itself as the heir to the defunct Socialist Party of America. It's chief organizing objective is to work within the Democratic Party as the primary, but not sole, method of achieving public ownership of private property and the means of production.

The Democratic Socialists of America boasted in a newsletter to insiders 70 of its members currently serve in Congress,.... the close association between the DSA and the Congressional Progressive Caucus. At that time, the caucus website was actually hosted by the DSA..."
How many socialists sit in Congress today?

If you voted Democrat, your bumper-sticker should read " Ich bin ein Socialist!!!"

b. Here is the current state of affairs:
Sixty percent (60%) of U.S. adults nationwide say that capitalism is better than socialism. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 18% disagree, while 21% are not sure.

Adults under 30 are closely divided on the question. While Republicans and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly say that capitalism is better, just 43% of Democrats agree. Twenty-four percent (24%) of Democrats say socialism is better.
60 Say Capitalism Better Than Socialism - Rasmussen Reports

c. Once again, no big surprise, but those who favor capitalism or socialism are divided in a partisan way as well. Republicans favor capitalism by an 11-1 margin, while democrats are much more divided on the issue; 39% say they favor capitalism while 30% favor socialism.
Rasmussen Poll Capitalism vs. Socialism 53 Prefer Capitalism Right Pundits

d. The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism."

However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively
Socialism Not So Negative Capitalism Not So Positive Pew Research Center

e. A 2012 Gallup poll found that 53 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Americans more generally had a positive reaction to the wordsocialism. Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't

And, btw......difference between 'socialist' and 'communist' depends, largely, upon what day of the week it is.


Fanatic for Jesus: The Clenched Fist: A Sign of Rebellion

Here is again giving the communist signal to the Russians......Time for the sickle, scythe and hammer bit..
OBAMA: 'We need to keep sanctions on Russia'

OBAMA: 'We need to keep sanctions on Russia'

Work hard to articulate:

What's your point?
That darn fist shows up in all kinds of places..he must be a hard core communist...I was wondering, uhm, which communistic programs has he enacted, and will the capitalist ever stop taking socialist monies to stay afloat?
....... Where They Are Taking Us

This is an important lesson....to be studied and fully learned.....before you vote in November!
No foolin!!!!!

1. After all the warnings about the untried, unaccomplished novice, Barack Hussein Obama, many of us wondered....'how can the Democrats put America in such danger?'
We warned you.

But we should have known that the Leftist-controlled major party, with it's allies in the media and academia, would be only too happy with a socialist/communist in charge.

Everyone should have recognized warnings such as this:

a. . "The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] is a political action committee and bills itself as the heir to the defunct Socialist Party of America. It's chief organizing objective is to work within the Democratic Party as the primary, but not sole, method of achieving public ownership of private property and the means of production.

The Democratic Socialists of America boasted in a newsletter to insiders 70 of its members currently serve in Congress,.... the close association between the DSA and the Congressional Progressive Caucus. At that time, the caucus website was actually hosted by the DSA..."
How many socialists sit in Congress today?

If you voted Democrat, your bumper-sticker should read " Ich bin ein Socialist!!!"

b. Here is the current state of affairs:
Sixty percent (60%) of U.S. adults nationwide say that capitalism is better than socialism. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 18% disagree, while 21% are not sure.

Adults under 30 are closely divided on the question. While Republicans and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly say that capitalism is better, just 43% of Democrats agree. Twenty-four percent (24%) of Democrats say socialism is better.
60 Say Capitalism Better Than Socialism - Rasmussen Reports

c. Once again, no big surprise, but those who favor capitalism or socialism are divided in a partisan way as well. Republicans favor capitalism by an 11-1 margin, while democrats are much more divided on the issue; 39% say they favor capitalism while 30% favor socialism.
Rasmussen Poll Capitalism vs. Socialism 53 Prefer Capitalism Right Pundits

d. The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism."

However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively
Socialism Not So Negative Capitalism Not So Positive Pew Research Center

e. A 2012 Gallup poll found that 53 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Americans more generally had a positive reaction to the wordsocialism. Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't

And, btw......difference between 'socialist' and 'communist' depends, largely, upon what day of the week it is.


Fanatic for Jesus: The Clenched Fist: A Sign of Rebellion

Here is again giving the communist signal to the Russians......Time for the sickle, scythe and hammer bit..
OBAMA: 'We need to keep sanctions on Russia'

OBAMA: 'We need to keep sanctions on Russia'

Work hard to articulate:

What's your point?
That darn fist shows up in all kinds of places..he must be a hard core communist...I was wondering, uhm, which communistic programs has he enacted, and will the capitalist ever stop taking socialist monies to stay afloat?

So....this post is your admission that the former...."OBAMA: 'We need to keep sanctions on Russia'"

.....was the mutterings of one not in control of his faculties...and, meant nothing.....your usual posting?

Is that the case?

....... Where They Are Taking Us

This is an important lesson....to be studied and fully learned.....before you vote in November!
No foolin!!!!!

1. After all the warnings about the untried, unaccomplished novice, Barack Hussein Obama, many of us wondered....'how can the Democrats put America in such danger?'
We warned you.

But we should have known that the Leftist-controlled major party, with it's allies in the media and academia, would be only too happy with a socialist/communist in charge.

Everyone should have recognized warnings such as this:

a. . "The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] is a political action committee and bills itself as the heir to the defunct Socialist Party of America. It's chief organizing objective is to work within the Democratic Party as the primary, but not sole, method of achieving public ownership of private property and the means of production.

The Democratic Socialists of America boasted in a newsletter to insiders 70 of its members currently serve in Congress,.... the close association between the DSA and the Congressional Progressive Caucus. At that time, the caucus website was actually hosted by the DSA..."
How many socialists sit in Congress today?

If you voted Democrat, your bumper-sticker should read " Ich bin ein Socialist!!!"

b. Here is the current state of affairs:
Sixty percent (60%) of U.S. adults nationwide say that capitalism is better than socialism. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 18% disagree, while 21% are not sure.

Adults under 30 are closely divided on the question. While Republicans and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly say that capitalism is better, just 43% of Democrats agree. Twenty-four percent (24%) of Democrats say socialism is better.
60 Say Capitalism Better Than Socialism - Rasmussen Reports

c. Once again, no big surprise, but those who favor capitalism or socialism are divided in a partisan way as well. Republicans favor capitalism by an 11-1 margin, while democrats are much more divided on the issue; 39% say they favor capitalism while 30% favor socialism.
Rasmussen Poll Capitalism vs. Socialism 53 Prefer Capitalism Right Pundits

d. The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism."

However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively
Socialism Not So Negative Capitalism Not So Positive Pew Research Center

e. A 2012 Gallup poll found that 53 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Americans more generally had a positive reaction to the wordsocialism. Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't

And, btw......difference between 'socialist' and 'communist' depends, largely, upon what day of the week it is.


Fanatic for Jesus: The Clenched Fist: A Sign of Rebellion

Here is again giving the communist signal to the Russians......Time for the sickle, scythe and hammer bit..
OBAMA: 'We need to keep sanctions on Russia'

OBAMA: 'We need to keep sanctions on Russia'

Work hard to articulate:

What's your point?
That darn fist shows up in all kinds of places..he must be a hard core communist...I was wondering, uhm, which communistic programs has he enacted, and will the capitalist ever stop taking socialist monies to stay afloat?

".I was wondering, uhm, which communistic programs has he enacted,..."

It seems that I must educate, and re-educate you Leftist dunces over and over.


1. Government control of private sector activity...is aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too. Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917 (Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately.)
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

2. Obama wasn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine. For context, there was Henry Sigerist: "He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine. Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union (1937), and History of Medicine were among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked the American Medical Association because of his conflicting views on socialized medicine." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_E._Sigerist

a. And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished (The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Stalin's Forced Famine 1932-33).

I hope you took notes, so you don't embarrass yourself....and the Leftist elites from whom you take your orders, in the future.
....... Where They Are Taking Us

This is an important lesson....to be studied and fully learned.....before you vote in November!
No foolin!!!!!

1. After all the warnings about the untried, unaccomplished novice, Barack Hussein Obama, many of us wondered....'how can the Democrats put America in such danger?'
We warned you.

But we should have known that the Leftist-controlled major party, with it's allies in the media and academia, would be only too happy with a socialist/communist in charge.

Everyone should have recognized warnings such as this:

a. . "The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] is a political action committee and bills itself as the heir to the defunct Socialist Party of America. It's chief organizing objective is to work within the Democratic Party as the primary, but not sole, method of achieving public ownership of private property and the means of production.

The Democratic Socialists of America boasted in a newsletter to insiders 70 of its members currently serve in Congress,.... the close association between the DSA and the Congressional Progressive Caucus. At that time, the caucus website was actually hosted by the DSA..."
How many socialists sit in Congress today?

If you voted Democrat, your bumper-sticker should read " Ich bin ein Socialist!!!"

b. Here is the current state of affairs:
Sixty percent (60%) of U.S. adults nationwide say that capitalism is better than socialism. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 18% disagree, while 21% are not sure.

Adults under 30 are closely divided on the question. While Republicans and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly say that capitalism is better, just 43% of Democrats agree. Twenty-four percent (24%) of Democrats say socialism is better.
60 Say Capitalism Better Than Socialism - Rasmussen Reports

c. Once again, no big surprise, but those who favor capitalism or socialism are divided in a partisan way as well. Republicans favor capitalism by an 11-1 margin, while democrats are much more divided on the issue; 39% say they favor capitalism while 30% favor socialism.
Rasmussen Poll Capitalism vs. Socialism 53 Prefer Capitalism Right Pundits

d. The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism."

However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively
Socialism Not So Negative Capitalism Not So Positive Pew Research Center

e. A 2012 Gallup poll found that 53 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Americans more generally had a positive reaction to the wordsocialism. Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't

And, btw......difference between 'socialist' and 'communist' depends, largely, upon what day of the week it is.


Fanatic for Jesus: The Clenched Fist: A Sign of Rebellion

Here is again giving the communist signal to the Russians......Time for the sickle, scythe and hammer bit..
OBAMA: 'We need to keep sanctions on Russia'

OBAMA: 'We need to keep sanctions on Russia'

Work hard to articulate:

What's your point?
That darn fist shows up in all kinds of places..he must be a hard core communist...I was wondering, uhm, which communistic programs has he enacted, and will the capitalist ever stop taking socialist monies to stay afloat?

I know you're stupid....and uneducated.....

...but this may be the most stupid in a universe of your stupid posts.

"...and will the capitalist ever stop taking socialist monies to stay afloat?"

Government earns nothing....and must confiscate and coerce the funds from folks who earn same......the capitalists.
Margaret Thatcher — 'The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.'

Pleeeeezzzzeee.....get an education.

As one eventually becomes weary of having the dull, the uneducated, the ignorant, offer what they consider rebuff to intelligent and informed posts, and in the interests of better debate milieu.....I strongly suggest that no Leftists.....e.g., Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Communist, Nazi, Progressive, or Fascist.....

....nor any combination or permutation of same, embarrass themselves by offering any post until such time that they complete a study of these three works:

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline,"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change,"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character,"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world you live in.

And, please do study the vast and scholarly documentation provided in each tome.

Without having digested the three above, and carefully decided whether they are correct or not, your posts reek of stupidity and a lack of understanding.

I mean that in only the kindest way.

I fully understand the difficulties that this course (pun intended) of action entails....

...as elucidated by the great mind herself...

"Liberals don’t read books- they don’t read anything. That’s why they’re liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."



Having completed the above assignment, you will find that your experience.....and mine....here on the board will be greatly enhanced.

Begin immediately!!!

....... Where They Are Taking Us

Far away from racist Donald Trump and his racist followers is where they're taking us. Honk if you know who I'm talking about.
But dey gonna take our private property away, you know the real estate that the tax collector owns...

PoliticalChic is the bogeyman's mistress, and the strawman's maid.
ahhhh look at the little jealous libturd.

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