obama birth certificate: more investigation request

the family and the obama campaign website and snopes had it wrong, until they changed it.
And by family, you mean a half sister who didn't know what hospital her half brother was born in; and by Obama campaign website, you mean folks who managed his site who were told by someone, possibly that same half sister, the incorrect name of the hospital, right?

And of course, none of that matters since he presented his official record of birth, provided and certified by the good state of Hawaii. Indicating all we needed to know about him -- that he was at least 35 years of age and born in the U.S.
i didn't know maya was involved with the campaign. and in all fairness the grandmother didn't say hawaii at all, but mombassa.

natural born is a separate issue.
Why lie? His grandmother also said Hawaii. She first said Mombasa but then corrected herself.
whoopsie daisy.

So what? She was an old lady being questioned through an interpreter. After her confusing answer, she was asked again to clarify and volunteered, "Hawaii."

Which, by no sheer coincidence, matches his record of birth from the state of Hawaii.

She never said Mombassa- not once. Just another Birther lie.

An American tried to trick her into saying that Obama was born in Kenya- and failed- but claimed she had said anyway.
President Obama made a special request to Hawaii- which does not normally provide certified photocopies of birth certificates- and Hawaii provided it.

You need a certified copy of your birth certificate to get a passport. To join the military. To obtain certain government jobs. The Hawaiian state government must be making a LOT of exceptions because I'm pretty sure hundreds of thousands of Hawaiians have done at least one of those things.

You're saying that the state of Hawaii couldn't respond to a special request from the President of the United States until three years into his first term? That sounds fairly seditious to me. Is Hawaii controlled by a vast right-wing conspiracy?
Look ... a certified copy ...


My certified Birth Certificate from 1957, which I had to produce to join the US Navy in 1975, is a copy of a microfiche copy of a typewritten document.

Wow....and that is relevant how? If you were born in Hawaii please feel free to share- if that is from any state other than Hawaii- its totally irrelevant.
President Obama made a special request to Hawaii- which does not normally provide certified photocopies of birth certificates- and Hawaii provided it.

You need a certified copy of your birth certificate to get a passport. To join the military. To obtain certain government jobs. The Hawaiian state government must be making a LOT of exceptions because I'm pretty sure hundreds of thousands of Hawaiians have done at least one of those things.

You're saying that the state of Hawaii couldn't respond to a special request from the President of the United States until three years into his first term? That sounds fairly seditious to me. Is Hawaii controlled by a vast right-wing conspiracy?
Look ... a certified copy ...


That's an original document ... not a copy. Raised seal, watermarked, and written on a San Serif typewriter in 1961?


My certified Birth Certificate from 1957, which I had to produce to join the US Navy in 1975, is a copy of a microfiche copy of a typewritten document.
Nope, you're wrong again. It's a copy -- certified in 2007, as indicated on the backside of the above document ...


Well it's got a rubber stamp. So that proves it.

LOL Birthers.

When confronted with the facts.....well Birthers don't know what to do with facts....
And by family, you mean a half sister who didn't know what hospital her half brother was born in; and by Obama campaign website, you mean folks who managed his site who were told by someone, possibly that same half sister, the incorrect name of the hospital, right?

And of course, none of that matters since he presented his official record of birth, provided and certified by the good state of Hawaii. Indicating all we needed to know about him -- that he was at least 35 years of age and born in the U.S.
i didn't know maya was involved with the campaign. and in all fairness the grandmother didn't say hawaii at all, but mombassa.

natural born is a separate issue.
Why lie? His grandmother also said Hawaii. She first said Mombasa but then corrected herself.
whoopsie daisy.

So what? She was an old lady being questioned through an interpreter. After her confusing answer, she was asked again to clarify and volunteered, "Hawaii."

Which, by no sheer coincidence, matches his record of birth from the state of Hawaii.

She never said Mombassa- not once. Just another Birther lie.

An American tried to trick her into saying that Obama was born in Kenya- and failed- but claimed she had said anyway.
it's in the transcripts governor.
t's a "true copy," Just as state registrar, Alvin Onaka's stamp indicates.

So not a copy of the original Birth Certificate. But, a 'reproduction' of the information contained in an original document.

Hundreds of people a day write away to their state registrars and obtain ACTUAL certified photocopies of their original Birth Certificates. But the President of the United States can't?

I don't care if he was born in America, Kenya, or Latveria. We have, as a collective, decided to ignore where he was born because he was a popular candidate and that's done and dusted.

However, because of his inability to provide a document that literally millions of other Americans can obtain for $20 is going to fuel the fires of doubt. Obama's own history of playing fast-and-loose with his origin story contributes to the confusion.

You can't blame, President Trump, or Hillary Clinton, Andy Martin or Acton and Dystal for pointing out what we already know.

You are displaying an entirely new basement for Birther ignorance.

That is a certified photocopy of the original Birth Certificate. You should know this because I have posted the official confirmation from the State of Hawaii twice now.

Just another example that you can lead a Birther to facts, but you can't make a Birther believe facts- not when they have WND for a source.

Vital Records | Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II


t's a "true copy," Just as state registrar, Alvin Onaka's stamp indicates.

However, because of his inability to provide a document that literally millions of other Americans can obtain for $20 is going to fuel the fires of doubt. Obama's own history of playing fast-and-loose with his origin story contributes to the confusion.

Candidate Obama provided that document in 2008- idiot Birthers didn't believe it.
President Obama provided that document in 2012- idiot Birthers still don't believe it.

The ignorance and idiocy of Birthers is not President Obama's fault.
There is no reliable source of which I'm aware of Barak Obama stating he was born in Kenya. However, Obama's literary agents, Dystel & Goderich Literary Management company, in his official client biography, was touting that he was born in Kenya as early as 1991. It was still reporting that Obama was born in Kenya as late as 2008.

I have no doubt he was aware of this and found some literary value in representing himself as foreign-born. However, the fact that he did not address this possible oversight until his campaign was in full-swing leaves a lot of unanswered questions.

Did he deliberately misrepresent himself before the election? Did he misrepresent himself after the election? Only one of those can be true.
hey, this guy's good. you nailed it again. did he ever use foreign born status to enhance his education ? did he hide anything ? the benghazi affair makes it crystal clear that they are capable of a coverup.

Does Trump ride unicorns around the White House? Did Trump get pay offs by the mob?

Birthers love to play 'what if'- and use your fantasies to ignore the facts.

The facts are pretty straight forward- President Obama was born in Hawaii- and that will never be acceptable to you.
President Obama made a special request to Hawaii- which does not normally provide certified photocopies of birth certificates- and Hawaii provided it.

You need a certified copy of your birth certificate to get a passport. To join the military. To obtain certain government jobs. The Hawaiian state government must be making a LOT of exceptions because I'm pretty sure hundreds of thousands of Hawaiians have done at least one of those things.

You're saying that the state of Hawaii couldn't respond to a special request from the President of the United States until three years into his first term? That sounds fairly seditious to me. Is Hawaii controlled by a vast right-wing conspiracy?
that whole special waiver story was a ruse. anyone could get their long form via foia.

And by 'ruse'- you mean official policy of the State of Hawaii, confirmed repeatedly by both the Republican and Democrat Directors of Health of Hawaii.

Birthers- lol
i mean it was a story made up for the pageant. where are those copies now ? what birth certificate did he carry around in dreams ? evolving stories and blanks.
(1776 Channel) NBC White House correspondent Savannah Guthrie, the only journalist on the planet proclaiming to have seen a paper copy of Barack Obama’s long-form Hawaii birth certificate and to have ‘touched and felt the raised seal’, has emerged as the top choice to replace embattled NBC News anchor Brian Williams, according to the Drudge Report.

Guthrie made that statement during the April 27, 2011 broadcast of NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams. The title of the segment is Obama birth certificate—signed, sealed, delivered (Click to watch video).

Guthrie also uploaded to social media website UberSocial two images she claims are photographs she took at the White House of a paper copy of President Obama’s long-form Hawaii birth certificate.

Thanks for pointing out that there was an independent observer who has seen and handled the birth certificates shown to reporters.

Of course there were dozens of reporters at the press conference- she just happened to be the only one who took photo's of them with her phone.

Of course Birthers attack her- because she is presenting the facts- and Birthers like you hate the facts.

You need a certified copy of your birth certificate to get a passport. To join the military. To obtain certain government jobs. The Hawaiian state government must be making a LOT of exceptions because I'm pretty sure hundreds of thousands of Hawaiians have done at least one of those things.

You're saying that the state of Hawaii couldn't respond to a special request from the President of the United States until three years into his first term? That sounds fairly seditious to me. Is Hawaii controlled by a vast right-wing conspiracy?
Look ... a certified copy ...


That's an original document ... not a copy. Raised seal, watermarked, and written on a San Serif typewriter in 1961?


My certified Birth Certificate from 1957, which I had to produce to join the US Navy in 1975, is a copy of a microfiche copy of a typewritten document.
Nope, you're wrong again. It's a copy -- certified in 2007, as indicated on the backside of the above document ...


Well it's got a rubber stamp. So that proves it.

LOL Birthers.

When confronted with the facts.....well Birthers don't know what to do with facts....
why don't you take a swing at those image groupings. i wish historian dude was still around.
Link? Yes, he spent some time in Kenya as a child. That doesn't mean he was born in Kenya.
when was he in kenya as a child ?

Don't know. I heard he spent some time over there somewhere as a child.
no offense, but you're in over your head in this thread.

None taken, but I'll note your comment.
it's an interesting topic, but it's very complex. take the time to watch that video again. how can these exact groupings be explained.

Not complex- according to every record, Barack Obama did not visit Kenya until he was an adult.

According to his entire family he did not visit Kenya until he was an adult.

According to Birthers.....well they believe any crap thrown on the internet.
(1776 Channel) NBC White House correspondent Savannah Guthrie, the only journalist on the planet proclaiming to have seen a paper copy of Barack Obama’s long-form Hawaii birth certificate and to have ‘touched and felt the raised seal’, has emerged as the top choice to replace embattled NBC News anchor Brian Williams, according to the Drudge Report.

Guthrie made that statement during the April 27, 2011 broadcast of NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams. The title of the segment is Obama birth certificate—signed, sealed, delivered (Click to watch video).

Guthrie also uploaded to social media website UberSocial two images she claims are photographs she took at the White House of a paper copy of President Obama’s long-form Hawaii birth certificate.

Thanks for pointing out that there was an independent observer who has seen and handled the birth certificates shown to reporters.

Of course there were dozens of reporters at the press conference- she just happened to be the only one who took photo's of them with her phone.

Of course Birthers attack her- because she is presenting the facts- and Birthers like you hate the facts.

the other reporters were told pad and pencils only. my point about nbc and williams is that he got fired for cooking the story. just one of a thousand things.
Now you're simply lying. There's the short form certificate is showed in 2008. Like it or not, that's evidence. Then there's the long form certificate he showed in 2011. Again, like it or not, that's evidence.
but people not born in hawaii can/could have gotten one right (short) ? we agree on that, not sure what the lying is all about.

there could be nothing in the vault and everything could be the same. (fort knox syndrome)

the whole corley guthie scenario is pageantry to me.
No, people not born in Hawaii cannot get a Hawaiian birth certificate that says they were born in Hawaii. You've been duped yet again.

And again, Obama has shown two forms of his birth record. Like it or not, that's evidence.
i'm pretty sure i heard about hawaii issuing birth certificates to people not born there.

and this is interesting.

An analysis of Hawaii’s birth recording requirements around the time of Barack Obama’s 1961 birth reveals several ways to generate a “Certificate of Birth,” including some that require no documentation other than the assertion of a adult.

The word comes in a report by an investigator commissioned by a retired CIA officer. The report was posted online by the Western Center for Journalism, which withheld the officer’s name.

“In the State of Hawaii, back in 1961, there were four different ways to get an ‘original birth certificate’ on record,” the investigator says, including a report to the Department of Health from an attending physician or midwife.

But if the certificate was obtained through any of the other three options, “Obama would have a very good reason not to release the vault birth certificate,” the investigator said.

“If the original certificate were the standard … type of birth certificate (documented by a physician or midwife), he would have allowed its release and brought the controversy to a quick end,” the report said. The investigator said if the birth certificate was obtained by one of the other methods, then it contributes to the overall questions raised about Obama’s eligibility.

Tell Obama you don’t buy his state-run media

“And the fact that though there are many witnesses to Ann Dunham’s presence on Oahu from Sept. 1960 to Feb. 1961, there are no witnesses to her being on Oahu from March 1961 to August 1962 when she returned from Seattle and the University of Washington. No Hawaiian physicians, nurses, or midwives have come forward with any recollection of Barack Obama’s birth,” the report said.

While it’s clear that release of the original birth certificate would answer many questions about Obama’s origins, it is far from the only document in dispute. WND has reported that documentation not yet available for Obama includes his kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records and his adoption records.

WND also reported previously that the short-form “Certification of Live Birth” posted online presented by Obama as documentation of his reported Hawaiian birth doesn’t alone “prove” his birth, according to government officials.

U.S. State Department officials say the law is “complicated,” and Hawaii state officials said such documents are issued only when certain standards have been met.

But the investigator reported there are scenarios that don’t involve a physician.

“In 1961, if a person was born in Hawaii but not attended by a physician or midwife, then all that was required was that one of the parents send in a birth certificate to be filed. The birth certificate could be filed by mail. There appears to have been no requirement for the parent to actually physically appear before ‘the local registrar of the district,'” the investigator said. He called this option BC2.

“It would have been very easy for a relative to forge an absent parent’s signature to a form and mail it in. In addition, if a claim was made that ‘neither parent of the newborn child whose birth is unattended as above provided is able to prepare a birth certificate, the local registrar shall secure the necessary information from any person having knowledge of the birth and prepare and file the certificate,'” the report said. “I asked the Dept of Health what they currently ask for (in 2008) to back up a parent’s claim that a child was born in Hawaii. I was told that all they required was a proof of residence in Hawaii (e.g. a driver’s license … and pre-natal (statement or report that a woman was pregnant) and post-natal (statement or report that a new-born baby has been examined) certification by a physician. On further enquiry, the employee that I spoke to informed me that the pre-natal and post-natal certifications had probably not been in force in the ’60s. Even if they had been, there is and was no requirement for a physician or midwife to witness, state or report that the baby was born in Hawaii.”

Another opportunity arises because of the law in force in 1961 in Hawaii that if a person was born in Hawaii but not attended by a physician or midwife, then, up to the first birthday of the child, a ‘Delayed Certificate’ could be filed, which required that ‘a summary statement of the evidence submitted in support of the acceptance for delayed filing or the alteration [of a file] shall be endorsed on the certificates,’ which ‘evidence shall be kept in a special permanent file,'” the report said of the option called BC3.

“In other words, this form of vault birth certificate, the Delayed Certificate, required no more than a statement before a government bureaucrat by one of the parents or (the law does not seem to me clear on this) one of Barack Obama’s grandparents. If the latter is true, Ann Dunham did not have to be present for this statement or even in the country,” the investigator said.

Finally, a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth is available for those born in Hawaii without attendance and for whom no Delayed Certificate was filed.

There actually was one further option, but it didn’t become law until 1982, the report said. Under Act 182, “Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that the proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child.

“In this way ‘state policies and procedures’ accommodate even ‘children born out of State,'” the report said, noting, “This is the actual language of Act 182.

“So it is even possible that the birth certificate referred to by [state Health Department chief] Dr. [Chiyome] Fukino is of the kind specified in Act 182. This possibility cannot be dismissed because such a certificate certainly satisfies Dr. Fukino’s statement that, “I as Director of Health for the State of Hawaii, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai’i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.”

Such a statement could apply to any one of several of the birth certificate options in Hawaii, the report said.

“I only bring up this possibility to show how cleverly hedged and ‘lawyered’ and basically worthless Dr. Fukino’s statement is,” the investigator said.

“The fact that Obama refuses to release the vault birth certificate that would instantly clear up this matter almost certainly indicates that the vault birth certificate is probably a BC2 or possibly a BC3,” the report said.

“It is also very strange that Dr. Fukino’s statement in no way attested to (or even addressed the issue of) the authenticity of the ‘Certification of Live Birth’ (and the information that appears on it) that the Daily Kos blog and the Obama campaign posted on line,” the investigator pondered.

The absence of a hospital name or physician on the vault certificate would mean Obama wasn’t born in a hospital in Hawaii. A home birth also could be ruled because of other evidence, the report said.

“When someone has a home birth or is not born in a hospital, this becomes a part of his family’s lore and is now and again spoken of by his parents. He and his siblings grow up knowing that he was born at home or his uncle’s house, etc. The fact that someone in the campaign told a Washington Post reporter that he was born in Kapiolani hospital and his sister said he was born at Queens hospital indicates that there was not and is not any Obama/Dunham family memory of a home birth or non-hospital birth in Hawaii,” the report said.

Want to turn up the pressure to learn the facts? Get your signs and postcards asking for the president’s birth certificate documentation here.

The investigator said the “Certification of Live Birth” posted online by the campaign “proves nothing.”

The investigator said the reason for a deception, given the probable of the origins of the birth certificate, are plain.

A young girl giving birth in a foreign country to a child whose father was not an American citizen did not have the right to pass along American citizenship, the report said.

“When enacted in 1952, section 301 [of federal immigration laws at the time] required a U.S. citizen married to an alien to have been physically present in the United States for 10 years, including five after reaching the age of fourteen, to transmit citizenship to foreign-born children. The 10-year transmission requirement remained in effect from 12:01 a.m. EDT December 24, 1952, through midnight November 13, 1986, and still is applicable to persons born during that period,” the investigator said.

“Even if the law was retroactively changed to grant citizenship (but not ‘natural-born’ citizenship) to some of those who had at birth been denied it. If a person is not at the time of his birth an American citizen, he cannot be a natural-born citizen. Therefore, that person is ineligible under Article II, Section1 for the Office of President of the United States,” the report concluded.

Here is the “Certification of Live Birth” presented by Obama:

image: http://www.wnd.com/images/misc/shortform.jpg


Short-form “Certification of Live Birth”
And here is an image of an actual long-form Hawaiian birth certificate from the same hospital President Obama reports he was born at from the day after the president’s birth:

image: http://www.wnd.com/images/090728birthcert.gif


Photostat of Susan Nordyke’s 1961 Hawaii birth certificate (Courtesy Honolulu Advertiser)
The report warned of the possible ramifications, including invalid president orders and appointments.

“The only way out of the present constitutional crisis is for Obama to do as McCain did when he was confronted by far less pressing doubts about the circumstances of his birth. He must disclose his vault birth certificate. Since the document has been so suspiciously withheld for so long, it should be subjected to rigorous forensic tests,” the report said.

But raising a red flag that cannot be ignored are several other circumstances, the investigator said. One is that one of Obama’s top advisers, John O. Brennen, heads a firm that was cited for breaching State Department passport files belonging to Obama.

Further relevant information “may” be obtained from a Washington Times report that a key witness in the passport investigation was found dead.

The Times said Lt. Quarles Harris Jr., 24, who was cooperating with investigators, was found dead inside a car in front of a Washington church.

The report said, “City police said they do not know whether his death was a direct result of his cooperation with federal investigators.”

Read more at Count the ways to get Hawaii ‘birth certificate’
Ah, WND? Even WND said Obama's certification of live birth is "authentic"...

And no, Hawaii does not issue birth certificates to foreign born folks which indicate they were born in Hawaii. Hawaii did issue birth certificates to foreign born folks but it indicated their place of birth.

[§338-17.8] Certificates for children born out of State. (a) Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child.

(b) Proof of legal residency shall be submitted to the director of health in any manner that the director shall deem appropriate. The director of health may also adopt any rules pursuant to chapter 91 that he or she may deem necessary or proper to prevent fraudulent applications for birth certificates and to require any further information or proof of events necessary for completion of a birth certificate.

(c) The fee for each application for registration shall be established by rule adopted pursuant to chapter 91. [L 1982, c 182, §1]


Count the ways to get Hawaii ‘birth certificate’

And such a birth certificate will show the child's actual state of birth.

Not Hawaii.
(1776 Channel) NBC White House correspondent Savannah Guthrie, the only journalist on the planet proclaiming to have seen a paper copy of Barack Obama’s long-form Hawaii birth certificate and to have ‘touched and felt the raised seal’, has emerged as the top choice to replace embattled NBC News anchor Brian Williams, according to the Drudge Report.

Guthrie made that statement during the April 27, 2011 broadcast of NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams. The title of the segment is Obama birth certificate—signed, sealed, delivered (Click to watch video).

Guthrie also uploaded to social media website UberSocial two images she claims are photographs she took at the White House of a paper copy of President Obama’s long-form Hawaii birth certificate.

Thanks for pointing out that there was an independent observer who has seen and handled the birth certificates shown to reporters.

Of course there were dozens of reporters at the press conference- she just happened to be the only one who took photo's of them with her phone.

Of course Birthers attack her- because she is presenting the facts- and Birthers like you hate the facts.

the other reporters were told pad and pencils only..

Nope. Just another Birther lie.

That is what Birthers do.
i didn't know maya was involved with the campaign. and in all fairness the grandmother didn't say hawaii at all, but mombassa.

natural born is a separate issue.
Why lie? His grandmother also said Hawaii. She first said Mombasa but then corrected herself.
whoopsie daisy.

So what? She was an old lady being questioned through an interpreter. After her confusing answer, she was asked again to clarify and volunteered, "Hawaii."

Which, by no sheer coincidence, matches his record of birth from the state of Hawaii.

She never said Mombassa- not once. Just another Birther lie.

An American tried to trick her into saying that Obama was born in Kenya- and failed- but claimed she had said anyway.
it's in the transcripts governor.

Thats not a transcript- that is Youtube. This is a transcript


VOICE (in background): It is here.
MCRAE: Was she present when he was born in Kenya?
BROTHER TOM: I think, uh, uh I think--
VOICE (in background): (unintelligible)
BROTHER TOM (in background): He is asking her that, uh, he wants to
know something that uh, was uh you, was they, was she present when, ah,
he was born. Were they they there then?
(Male voice in foreign language in background.)
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE: Yes, they say that yes she was.
She was
present when Obama was born.
(McRae catches breath)
Uh, when I come in December
I would like to go by the, the
place, the hospital where he is born.
Uh, could you tell me where he was
born? Was he born in Mombasa?
(Long pause. Puzzled sound from Translator Ogombe in background:
BROTHER TOM: Uh, uh, I, I will need help.
I think, uh I think, I kind of,
you know we'll be coming December (unintelligible
) and Vitalis, and I
talking to him, so I tell him--
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE (in background, simultaneously): --no, no--
BROTHER TOM: --that you are a capitalist, that you were a little, that you
were a little, a little, a little American bus--
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE (responding to background voices, sounding
distressed): No--yes--
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE (to McRae): No! Obama was not born in
Mombasa! He was born in America!
MCRAE: Wh-whereabouts, whereabouts wa
s he born? I, I thought he was
born in Kenya.
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE: No he was born in America, not in Mombasa.
MCRAE: OK. Do you know whereabouts he was born?
MCRAE: Do you know where he was born? I thought he was born in
Kenya. I was gonna go by and see where he was born.
(two male voices in background in foreign language speaking at the same
time. Mrs. Obama or another woman in background.)
VOICE (background): It was Hawaii.
BROTHER TOM (background): Hawaii, yeah?
HER WOMAN (background): Yeah.
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE (background): Yes.
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE (to McRae): Sir, she says he was born in
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE: Yeah, in 1960 this was Hawaii, where his
father, his father was also marrying there. This was Hawaii.
MCRAE: Was, was, was Mrs. Obama,
was sh--was she present? Was, was
Mrs. Obama, see I thought you said she was present. Was she, was, was she,
was she able to see him being, being born in, in Hawaii?
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE: (pause, silence) Hoh? (pause) Uh, yeah would
you please pronounce?
MCRAE: OK I’m sorry. I, I thought she sa
id she was present when he was
born. I was—
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE (sounding exasperated): No, no! The, the
woman was not present. She was uh not, a what--you see, she was here in
Kenya, and Obama was born in America. That is, that’s obvious.
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE: Because, because
the grandmother was married
here in Kenya, and Obama was born in America, oh yeah, so his son, the
little Obama, was marrying, was marrying, in America, in United States.
MCRAE: Oh, OK, fine. I mean, I--I ju
st, I misunderstood what she was
saying. I thought you said she was present when he was born.
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE: No, not present th
ere. The present with me here
was tonight. Not present so she can leave.
No she was here in Kenya while
he, uh, her son, the little Obama, was marrying in America. And, uh, he be
present if it--
WOMAN'S VOICE (background): It was in Hawaii.
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE: --was in America there, why are they for,
theygo, they go, they go to some place,
then the present isn't here sir,
he was born there in America.
Look ... a certified copy ...


That's an original document ... not a copy. Raised seal, watermarked, and written on a San Serif typewriter in 1961?


My certified Birth Certificate from 1957, which I had to produce to join the US Navy in 1975, is a copy of a microfiche copy of a typewritten document.
Nope, you're wrong again. It's a copy -- certified in 2007, as indicated on the backside of the above document ...


Well it's got a rubber stamp. So that proves it.

LOL Birthers.

When confronted with the facts.....well Birthers don't know what to do with facts....
why don't you take a swing at those image groupings. i wish historian dude was still around.

Why the hell would i care about Birther idiocy about image groupings?

The State of Hawaii has repeatedly confirmed Barack Obama was born there and that the BC is authentic.

Why do you believe that the State of Hawaii is lying?

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