OBAMA Blasts Netanyahu Yet Again, Saying: His Comments “Erode the Name of Democracy”


Gateway Pundit ^
Barack Obama continued to attack the Jewish leader in a video that aired today saying Netanyahu’s previous comments “erode the name of democracy.” This comes from the same man who passed amnesty by executive order and who forces poverty nuns to pay for birth control.....
What does Israel's recent election have in common with White South Africa a generation ago?

"Jacobus Johannes Fouché, South African Minister of Defence during the apartheid era, compared the two states and said that Israel also practiced apartheid.[3]

"Former deputy mayor of Jerusalem Meron Benvenisti relates in his 1986 book Conflicts and Contradictions that during the 1970s, an official of the South African apartheid government compared Israeli–Palestinian relations to South African policy for the Transkei in a meeting.

"The Israeli officials present expressed shock at the comparison, and the South African official said 'I understand your reaction. But aren't we actually doing the same thing? We are faced with the same existential problem, therefore we arrive at the same solution. The only difference is that yours is pragmatic and ours is ideological.'"
Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Hell, ALL of Israel's Arabs can go move to any mudslime country they want to, and then they can see just how much FUCKING FREEDOM they have there..... Why are there NO JEWS in mudslime countries?????
We should be very afraid of who it is that is pulling Obama's strings.
Oh, now I see. The president isn't actually dong anything of his own accord, he is just a puppet with puppet masters above him pulling the strings.

Care to give us an informed, intelligent opinion on who the puppet masters are?

I won't be holding my breath.
Who has benefited the most from Obama?

The 1% that control him.

His :afro::blsmile: base hasn't gotten shit.
We should be very afraid of who it is that is pulling Obama's strings.
Oh, now I see. The president isn't actually dong anything of his own accord, he is just a puppet with puppet masters above him pulling the strings.

Care to give us an informed, intelligent opinion on who the puppet masters are?

I won't be holding my breath.
Who has benefited the most from Obama?

The 1% that control him.

His :afro::blsmile: base hasn't gotten shit.

Cleaver If Obama wasn t president we would be marching on the White House TheHill
Hell, ALL of Israel's Arabs can go move to any mudslime country they want to, and then they can see just how much FUCKING FREEDOM they have there..... Why are there NO JEWS in mudslime countries?????
Too much land to steal?


Oh my..... the little muslim cocksucker thinks he's got a THING here... Try this THING on for size. terrorist lover!

Hell, ALL of Israel's Arabs can go move to any mudslime country they want to, and then they can see just how much FUCKING FREEDOM they have there..... Why are there NO JEWS in mudslime countries?????
Too much land to steal?


Oh my..... the little muslim cocksucker thinks he's got a THING here... Try this THING on for size. terrorist lover!

"The demographic study – based on analysis of more than 2,500 censuses, surveys and population registers – finds 2.2 billion Christians (32% of the world's population), 1.6 billion Muslims (23%), 1 billion Hindus (15%), nearly 500 million Buddhists (7%) and 14 million Jews (0.2%) around the world as of 2010.Dec 18, 2012"
Does that help, Bigot?
I would bet by now Israel does like most of here at home does when Obama opens his mouth and spews his garbage

Tune him out and turn off
Since 1938 only 2 presidents have had higher approval ratings at this point of their presidency. Eisenhower and Clinton. Suck on that for awhile wingnuts.
Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama Gallup Historical Data Trends

LOL...all that proves, August...is that liberal Obama supporters won't turn on him no matter how badly he sucks as President. The telling statistic is how high his approval ratings were when he was elected President and how low they've dropped since.
Hell, ALL of Israel's Arabs can go move to any mudslime country they want to, and then they can see just how much FUCKING FREEDOM they have there..... Why are there NO JEWS in mudslime countries?????
Too much land to steal?


Oh my..... the little muslim cocksucker thinks he's got a THING here... Try this THING on for size. terrorist lover!

"The demographic study – based on analysis of more than 2,500 censuses, surveys and population registers – finds 2.2 billion Christians (32% of the world's population), 1.6 billion Muslims (23%), 1 billion Hindus (15%), nearly 500 million Buddhists (7%) and 14 million Jews (0.2%) around the world as of 2010.Dec 18, 2012"
Does that help, Bigot?

So what!!!!! Life's a bitch and then we eradicate muslim's and life gets better!!!!!
They FOUGHT for it, and still do! Now, to get them to turn the rest of the muslim community into glass, but alas, they are TOO ETHICAL to do what is really needed!
They aren't too ETHICAL to steal the homes, businesses, and farms of Arabs who have lived on their land for generations. The Zionist colonization of Palestine was one of many attempts by European powers to take control of the Middle East one hundred years ago. If what Hitler did to Jews in Europe is something you oppose, how do you justify what Jews are doing in Palestine?
They FOUGHT for it, and still do! Now, to get them to turn the rest of the muslim community into glass, but alas, they are TOO ETHICAL to do what is really needed!
They aren't too ETHICAL to steal the homes, businesses, and farms of Arabs who have lived on their land for generations. The Zionist colonization of Palestine was one of many attempts by European powers to take control of the Middle East one hundred years ago. If what Hitler did to Jews in Europe is something you oppose, how do you justify what Jews are doing in Palestine?

Too fucking bad.... go find somewhere else in the BILLION square miles of Arab country, just like all the Israeli Jews did when persecuted in Europe, and Asia! My fucking heart couldn't;t care less about the scum that KILLED nearly 3,000 American's on 9/11.... unfortunately you weren't there to TASTE what your friends did!
obama is acting unhinged. He needs to accept the results of the election.

His pettyness may have more to do with his losses in our mid terms than what happened is Israel. He has to accept the outcome of elections that he doesn't like. Twice. He can't do it.
Why do you believe Jews are entitled to all the land between the River and the sea?[/QUOTE]
Because Stephanie said so.
Why do you believe Jews are entitled to all the land between the River and the sea?
Because Stephanie and Rabii said so.

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