Obama bombs Muslims

Why do you believe that these Syrian refugees are the real threat to the United States?

I don't, and I also don't know who the radicals look like. It's not like embedding terrorists in a group has never been done before right? you know this right? Please tell me you know this.

Absolutely it is possible that terrorist could be embedded within the Syrian refugees.

Or within a German student exchange program to the United States.

Unless you want to prevent every tourist and student and businessman AND refugee from coming to the United States- you cannot be certain you are excluding ever potential 'embedded terrorist'.

I know there are people who are so terrified now that that is what they do want.

When did conservative Americans become such cowards?
but none of those others would be coming into this country unvetted. you keep bypassing that point.

All of those would be unvetted- unlike refugees.

The German exchange student wouldn't even need a visa to come here, nor would the Belgian businessman.

So again- when did conservative Americans become such cowards?
again, yes they would need a visa to come. .

Who would need a visa?

Currently Belgians and French citizens don't require visa's.
Chinese citizens do require visa's.
None require any more 'vetting' than running their names through the DHS database.

Syrian refugees require refugee visa's- and vetting by multiple agencies.

So of course- you are terrified of the Syrian refugees.
they need passports and pass through customs to show where they've been. And need visas.
US immigration service web page:

"Students and Exchange Visitors

If you wish to pursue full-time academic or vocational studies in the United States, you may be eligible for one of two nonimmigrant student categories. The “F” category is for academic students and the “M” is for vocational students. To learn more, please see the Students and Exchange Visitors Program Web page on the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's website."
A nuclear extermination campaign is not merely going to war, it is committing a massive war crime that would make the Holocaust look like a childish indiscretion. There are 150 million Muslims in Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Lebanon alone. I suppose you want them all dead plus the 150 million in Indonesia and 200 million in Afghanistan and Pakistan. 6 million Jews were mudered in the Holocaust.

It's not like we haven't done it before.
We haven't. Japan had to be toppled causing millions of fatalities no matter how it was done. The A-bomb saved Japanese lives, because these guys would fight to their own death so long as the Emperor told them to.

You are promoting killing all Muslims, because unlike Japan where the war was over when the Emperor surrendered, there would be no party to surrender. Terrorism would never end until every Muslim was dead.

You are promoting genocide on a scale far above what has ever been seen on this earth.

But of course we both know what you're really doing is trolling.

How long have we been in Iraq? How long in Afghanistan? What now about Syria, Yemen, Nigeria, Africa, and other areas. When will it end? Is it your solution to continue to fight radical Islam for two thousand years? That's not my idea of winning.

Your 'solution' would be like us bombing China in order to defeat Japan.

But- your "solution" would actually convince Muslims all around the world that ISIS was actually correct.

But it is a viable solution where you Liberals have failed to offer one. Ignoring is not a solution.
The only way it would be "viable" is if you killed them all, making you the worst mass murderer in world history 100 times over.
Because Japan and Germany declared war on the United States.

As has ISIS.

I have no problem with bombing ISIS.

You want to bomb every Muslim in the world- again using an analogy- you would be advocating bombing German-Americans in the United States during WW2 because Hitler declared war against us.
see I'd actually formulate a plan and be strategic. It is what a military leader would do. So you ranting and raving is just that, ranting and raving.

So far your 'strategic plan' is dropping nuclear bombs on Muslims- and that is ranting and raving.
when did I say nuclear? post up that comment for me.

Your comment: "well we bombed Japan and beat the Germans"- in reply to a proposal by someone else to drop nuclear bombs on Muslims.

If that is not your solution- my apologies.

What is your 'solution'?
I explained that already, keep up if you want to discuss.

Okay- folks here is JC's solution- as he already explained in this thread- these are all his quotes:

well we bombed Japan and beat the Germans.

any good terrorist is a dead one.

well I'm just saying, his comment was a stupid one. I proved why. Talk to your libturd friend.

From Wikipedia

  • Khaled bin Laden, son of Osama. Killed along with his father at Abbottabad, Pakistan, May 2, 2011.[21]


it's called hypocrisy

I don't, and I also don't know who the radicals look like. It's not like embedding terrorists in a group has never been done before right? you know this right? Please tell me you know this.

see I'd actually formulate a plan and be strategic. It is what a military leader would do. So you ranting and raving is just that, ranting and raving.

BTW, it wasn't made at you anyway.

but none of those others would be coming into this country unvetted. you keep bypassing that point.

Hell the married shooter came in on a marriage visa and had ties and obama's team did nothing because they ignored social media background checks. They admitted it. Yeah I trust them as far as I can throw a three hundred pound tv.

when did I say nuclear? post up that comment for me.

I'm sorry, it wasn't your conversation.

but you weren't the beneficiary of the comment. So, it wasn't your conversation.

again, yes they would need a visa to come and a passport. When did libturds decide it wasn't our country any longer.
Absolutely it is possible that terrorist could be embedded within the Syrian refugees.

Or within a German student exchange program to the United States.

Unless you want to prevent every tourist and student and businessman AND refugee from coming to the United States- you cannot be certain you are excluding ever potential 'embedded terrorist'.

I know there are people who are so terrified now that that is what they do want.

When did conservative Americans become such cowards?
but none of those others would be coming into this country unvetted. you keep bypassing that point.

All of those would be unvetted- unlike refugees.

The German exchange student wouldn't even need a visa to come here, nor would the Belgian businessman.

So again- when did conservative Americans become such cowards?
again, yes they would need a visa to come. .

Who would need a visa?

Currently Belgians and French citizens don't require visa's.
Chinese citizens do require visa's.
None require any more 'vetting' than running their names through the DHS database.

Syrian refugees require refugee visa's- and vetting by multiple agencies.

So of course- you are terrified of the Syrian refugees.
they need passports and pass through customs to show where they've been. And need visas.

Belgians and French need passports- which may- or may not show where they have been- you consider that vetting?
Chinese need passports and visa's- you consider that vetting?
Except of course- that is just your lie- isn't it?

Obama has not proposed- and no one but a liar or an idiot would suggest- that his proposal to accept Syrian refugees fleeing ISIS will stop ISIS.

The Syrian refugees did not attack France- it was French and Belgian citizens that attacked France- French and Belgian citizens who were also Islamic extremists/terrorists/murderous thugs.

French and Belgian citizens who could have flown to the United States without any vetting at all.

Why do you believe that these Syrian refugees are the real threat to the United States?
What has been the national origin of those Islamic Terrorists who have attacked the United States?
9/11-- Saudi Arabia
Boston Bombing- Chechnya
San Bernadino- Pakistan

And we have been accepting refugees from Iraq and Afghanistan for years and years....but suddenly you are scared of Syrian refugees

So your solution is preventing those fleeing from ISIS from coming here? Refugees who take on average 1.5 to 2 years of processing to get here- when they instead could just hop on a plane to Canada and then slip across our unguarded northern border with no vetting at all?

Perhaps you think Obama should be bombing the Syrian refugees that flee ISIS to prevent them from coming here....
Why do you believe that these Syrian refugees are the real threat to the United States?

I don't, and I also don't know who the radicals look like. It's not like embedding terrorists in a group has never been done before right? you know this right? Please tell me you know this.

Absolutely it is possible that terrorist could be embedded within the Syrian refugees.

Or within a German student exchange program to the United States.

Unless you want to prevent every tourist and student and businessman AND refugee from coming to the United States- you cannot be certain you are excluding ever potential 'embedded terrorist'.

I know there are people who are so terrified now that that is what they do want.

When did conservative Americans become such cowards?
but none of those others would be coming into this country unvetted. you keep bypassing that point.

All of those would be unvetted- unlike refugees.

The German exchange student wouldn't even need a visa to come here, nor would the Belgian businessman.

So again- when did conservative Americans become such cowards?
again, yes they would need a visa to come and a passport. When did libturds decide it wasn't our country any longer.
Have you ever had a passport? Have you ever traveled anywhere that required a visa?
Why do you believe that these Syrian refugees are the real threat to the United States?

I don't, and I also don't know who the radicals look like. It's not like embedding terrorists in a group has never been done before right? you know this right? Please tell me you know this.

Absolutely it is possible that terrorist could be embedded within the Syrian refugees.

Or within a German student exchange program to the United States.

Unless you want to prevent every tourist and student and businessman AND refugee from coming to the United States- you cannot be certain you are excluding ever potential 'embedded terrorist'.

I know there are people who are so terrified now that that is what they do want.

When did conservative Americans become such cowards?
but none of those others would be coming into this country unvetted. you keep bypassing that point.

All of those would be unvetted- unlike refugees.

The German exchange student wouldn't even need a visa to come here, nor would the Belgian businessman.

So again- when did conservative Americans become such cowards?
again, yes they would need a visa to come and a passport. When did libturds decide it wasn't our country any longer.
Have you ever had a passport? Have you ever traveled anywhere that required a visa?
Yep and yep. The airlines require you have them to board.
A nuclear extermination campaign is not merely going to war, it is committing a massive war crime that would make the Holocaust look like a childish indiscretion. There are 150 million Muslims in Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Lebanon alone. I suppose you want them all dead plus the 150 million in Indonesia and 200 million in Afghanistan and Pakistan. 6 million Jews were mudered in the Holocaust.

It's not like we haven't done it before.
We haven't. Japan had to be toppled causing millions of fatalities no matter how it was done. The A-bomb saved Japanese lives, because these guys would fight to their own death so long as the Emperor told them to.

You are promoting killing all Muslims, because unlike Japan where the war was over when the Emperor surrendered, there would be no party to surrender. Terrorism would never end until every Muslim was dead.

You are promoting genocide on a scale far above what has ever been seen on this earth.

But of course we both know what you're really doing is trolling.

How long have we been in Iraq? How long in Afghanistan? What now about Syria, Yemen, Nigeria, Africa, and other areas. When will it end? Is it your solution to continue to fight radical Islam for two thousand years? That's not my idea of winning.

Your 'solution' would be like us bombing China in order to defeat Japan.

But- your "solution" would actually convince Muslims all around the world that ISIS was actually correct.

But it is a viable solution where you Liberals have failed to offer one. Ignoring is not a solution.


Viable like Germany's solution to the "Jewish problem"?
Obama has been bombing Muslims since his first day in office, but don't tell Ds or the mainstream media. They don't want to know.
Now that is funny. It's the Rs who keep insisting Obama is a Muslim, or at the very least a Muslim terrorist sympathizer. They are the ones who have choked on their piss cup every time it has been pointed out to them how many Muslims Obama has killed.

He hasn't killed enough. He is pin pricking at them. Putin is killing them wholesale.

Putin's forces- Russian forces- such as they are in the Middle East- has hardly killed any Islamic terrorists compared to the United States forces in the Middle East.

But the cons do sure admire a corrupt autocrat like Putin- for doing exactly what they would be whining about if Obama did it.

Of course not. Putin is there be invitation of his ally Assad. We were never invited into Syria. All this talk of the United States instituting a no-fly zone over a sovereign nation could be frowned upon and deemed by the world community as an act pf war. That I do not oppose provided the United States is fully prepared to enter into World War III with the sole intention of winning.
It's not like we haven't done it before.
We haven't. Japan had to be toppled causing millions of fatalities no matter how it was done. The A-bomb saved Japanese lives, because these guys would fight to their own death so long as the Emperor told them to.

You are promoting killing all Muslims, because unlike Japan where the war was over when the Emperor surrendered, there would be no party to surrender. Terrorism would never end until every Muslim was dead.

You are promoting genocide on a scale far above what has ever been seen on this earth.

But of course we both know what you're really doing is trolling.

How long have we been in Iraq? How long in Afghanistan? What now about Syria, Yemen, Nigeria, Africa, and other areas. When will it end? Is it your solution to continue to fight radical Islam for two thousand years? That's not my idea of winning.

Your 'solution' would be like us bombing China in order to defeat Japan.

But- your "solution" would actually convince Muslims all around the world that ISIS was actually correct.

But it is a viable solution where you Liberals have failed to offer one. Ignoring is not a solution.


Viable like Germany's solution to the "Jewish problem"?

Then what is your solution? Continue involvement in a never-ending war with the constant threat of acts of terrorism on our own cities and communities? Is that your plan for your children?
Obama has been bombing Muslims since his first day in office, but don't tell Ds or the mainstream media. They don't want to know.
Now that is funny. It's the Rs who keep insisting Obama is a Muslim, or at the very least a Muslim terrorist sympathizer. They are the ones who have choked on their piss cup every time it has been pointed out to them how many Muslims Obama has killed.

He hasn't killed enough. He is pin pricking at them. Putin is killing them wholesale.

Putin's forces- Russian forces- such as they are in the Middle East- has hardly killed any Islamic terrorists compared to the United States forces in the Middle East.

But the cons do sure admire a corrupt autocrat like Putin- for doing exactly what they would be whining about if Obama did it.

Of course not. Putin is there be invitation of his ally Assad.

You would be absolutely whining if Obama was doing exactly what Putin did.

What do you think about Obama and Iraq?
Absolutely it is possible that terrorist could be embedded within the Syrian refugees.

Or within a German student exchange program to the United States.

Unless you want to prevent every tourist and student and businessman AND refugee from coming to the United States- you cannot be certain you are excluding ever potential 'embedded terrorist'.

I know there are people who are so terrified now that that is what they do want.

When did conservative Americans become such cowards?
but none of those others would be coming into this country unvetted. you keep bypassing that point.

All of those would be unvetted- unlike refugees.

The German exchange student wouldn't even need a visa to come here, nor would the Belgian businessman.

So again- when did conservative Americans become such cowards?
again, yes they would need a visa to come and a passport. When did libturds decide it wasn't our country any longer.
Have you ever had a passport? Have you ever traveled anywhere that required a visa?
Yep and yep. The airlines require you have them to board.
What countries did you visit that required you to have a visa?
see I'd actually formulate a plan and be strategic. It is what a military leader would do. So you ranting and raving is just that, ranting and raving.

So far your 'strategic plan' is dropping nuclear bombs on Muslims- and that is ranting and raving.
when did I say nuclear? post up that comment for me.

Your comment: "well we bombed Japan and beat the Germans"- in reply to a proposal by someone else to drop nuclear bombs on Muslims.

If that is not your solution- my apologies.

What is your 'solution'?
I explained that already, keep up if you want to discuss.

Okay- folks here is JC's solution- as he already explained in this thread- these are all his quotes:

well we bombed Japan and beat the Germans.

any good terrorist is a dead one.

well I'm just saying, his comment was a stupid one. I proved why. Talk to your libturd friend.

From Wikipedia

  • Khaled bin Laden, son of Osama. Killed along with his father at Abbottabad, Pakistan, May 2, 2011.[21]


it's called hypocrisy

I don't, and I also don't know who the radicals look like. It's not like embedding terrorists in a group has never been done before right? you know this right? Please tell me you know this.

see I'd actually formulate a plan and be strategic. It is what a military leader would do. So you ranting and raving is just that, ranting and raving.

BTW, it wasn't made at you anyway.

but none of those others would be coming into this country unvetted. you keep bypassing that point.

Hell the married shooter came in on a marriage visa and had ties and obama's team did nothing because they ignored social media background checks. They admitted it. Yeah I trust them as far as I can throw a three hundred pound tv.

when did I say nuclear? post up that comment for me.

I'm sorry, it wasn't your conversation.

but you weren't the beneficiary of the comment. So, it wasn't your conversation.

again, yes they would need a visa to come and a passport. When did libturds decide it wasn't our country any longer.
Hey, not bad, I appreciate the attention and reposts!!!Let everyone read it again here.
but none of those others would be coming into this country unvetted. you keep bypassing that point.

All of those would be unvetted- unlike refugees.

The German exchange student wouldn't even need a visa to come here, nor would the Belgian businessman.

So again- when did conservative Americans become such cowards?
again, yes they would need a visa to come and a passport. When did libturds decide it wasn't our country any longer.
Have you ever had a passport? Have you ever traveled anywhere that required a visa?
Yep and yep. The airlines require you have them to board.
What countries did you visit that required you to have a visa?
Brazil. I had to stand in line at their consulate in Miami, FL to get it. And are they assholes to get it as well.
We haven't. Japan had to be toppled causing millions of fatalities no matter how it was done. The A-bomb saved Japanese lives, because these guys would fight to their own death so long as the Emperor told them to.

You are promoting killing all Muslims, because unlike Japan where the war was over when the Emperor surrendered, there would be no party to surrender. Terrorism would never end until every Muslim was dead.

You are promoting genocide on a scale far above what has ever been seen on this earth.

But of course we both know what you're really doing is trolling.

How long have we been in Iraq? How long in Afghanistan? What now about Syria, Yemen, Nigeria, Africa, and other areas. When will it end? Is it your solution to continue to fight radical Islam for two thousand years? That's not my idea of winning.

Your 'solution' would be like us bombing China in order to defeat Japan.

But- your "solution" would actually convince Muslims all around the world that ISIS was actually correct.

But it is a viable solution where you Liberals have failed to offer one. Ignoring is not a solution.


Viable like Germany's solution to the "Jewish problem"?

Then what is your solution? Continue involvement in a never-ending war with the constant threat of acts of terrorism on our own cities and communities? Is that your plan for your children?

My children are in no significant danger from Muslims.

Your solution is like Germany's solution to the "Jewish problem"- and sounds eerily like the very reason for the Nazi policy.
So far your 'strategic plan' is dropping nuclear bombs on Muslims- and that is ranting and raving.
when did I say nuclear? post up that comment for me.

Your comment: "well we bombed Japan and beat the Germans"- in reply to a proposal by someone else to drop nuclear bombs on Muslims.

If that is not your solution- my apologies.

What is your 'solution'?
I explained that already, keep up if you want to discuss.

Okay- folks here is JC's solution- as he already explained in this thread- these are all his quotes:

well we bombed Japan and beat the Germans.

any good terrorist is a dead one.

well I'm just saying, his comment was a stupid one. I proved why. Talk to your libturd friend.

From Wikipedia

  • Khaled bin Laden, son of Osama. Killed along with his father at Abbottabad, Pakistan, May 2, 2011.[21]


it's called hypocrisy

I don't, and I also don't know who the radicals look like. It's not like embedding terrorists in a group has never been done before right? you know this right? Please tell me you know this.

see I'd actually formulate a plan and be strategic. It is what a military leader would do. So you ranting and raving is just that, ranting and raving.

BTW, it wasn't made at you anyway.

but none of those others would be coming into this country unvetted. you keep bypassing that point.

Hell the married shooter came in on a marriage visa and had ties and obama's team did nothing because they ignored social media background checks. They admitted it. Yeah I trust them as far as I can throw a three hundred pound tv.

when did I say nuclear? post up that comment for me.

I'm sorry, it wasn't your conversation.

but you weren't the beneficiary of the comment. So, it wasn't your conversation.

again, yes they would need a visa to come and a passport. When did libturds decide it wasn't our country any longer.
Hey, not bad, I appreciate the attention and reposts!!!Let everyone read it again here.

I am in admiration of what a Conservative call "actually formulate a plan and be strategic"
when did I say nuclear? post up that comment for me.

Your comment: "well we bombed Japan and beat the Germans"- in reply to a proposal by someone else to drop nuclear bombs on Muslims.

If that is not your solution- my apologies.

What is your 'solution'?
I explained that already, keep up if you want to discuss.

Okay- folks here is JC's solution- as he already explained in this thread- these are all his quotes:

well we bombed Japan and beat the Germans.

any good terrorist is a dead one.

well I'm just saying, his comment was a stupid one. I proved why. Talk to your libturd friend.

From Wikipedia

  • Khaled bin Laden, son of Osama. Killed along with his father at Abbottabad, Pakistan, May 2, 2011.[21]


it's called hypocrisy

I don't, and I also don't know who the radicals look like. It's not like embedding terrorists in a group has never been done before right? you know this right? Please tell me you know this.

see I'd actually formulate a plan and be strategic. It is what a military leader would do. So you ranting and raving is just that, ranting and raving.

BTW, it wasn't made at you anyway.

but none of those others would be coming into this country unvetted. you keep bypassing that point.

Hell the married shooter came in on a marriage visa and had ties and obama's team did nothing because they ignored social media background checks. They admitted it. Yeah I trust them as far as I can throw a three hundred pound tv.

when did I say nuclear? post up that comment for me.

I'm sorry, it wasn't your conversation.

but you weren't the beneficiary of the comment. So, it wasn't your conversation.

again, yes they would need a visa to come and a passport. When did libturds decide it wasn't our country any longer.
Hey, not bad, I appreciate the attention and reposts!!!Let everyone read it again here.

I am in admiration of what a Conservative call "actually formulate a plan and be strategic"
Human being's final solution is not viable unless he's prepared to kill 700 million people or more, making the Nazis look like children.
Absolutely it is possible that terrorist could be embedded within the Syrian refugees.

Or within a German student exchange program to the United States.

Unless you want to prevent every tourist and student and businessman AND refugee from coming to the United States- you cannot be certain you are excluding ever potential 'embedded terrorist'.

I know there are people who are so terrified now that that is what they do want.

When did conservative Americans become such cowards?
but none of those others would be coming into this country unvetted. you keep bypassing that point.

All of those would be unvetted- unlike refugees.

The German exchange student wouldn't even need a visa to come here, nor would the Belgian businessman.

So again- when did conservative Americans become such cowards?
again, yes they would need a visa to come and a passport. When did libturds decide it wasn't our country any longer.
Have you ever had a passport? Have you ever traveled anywhere that required a visa?
Yep and yep. The airlines require you have them to board.

Do you think that my passport shows every country I have travelled to?
when did I say nuclear? post up that comment for me.

Your comment: "well we bombed Japan and beat the Germans"- in reply to a proposal by someone else to drop nuclear bombs on Muslims.

If that is not your solution- my apologies.

What is your 'solution'?
I explained that already, keep up if you want to discuss.

Okay- folks here is JC's solution- as he already explained in this thread- these are all his quotes:

well we bombed Japan and beat the Germans.

any good terrorist is a dead one.

well I'm just saying, his comment was a stupid one. I proved why. Talk to your libturd friend.

From Wikipedia

  • Khaled bin Laden, son of Osama. Killed along with his father at Abbottabad, Pakistan, May 2, 2011.[21]


it's called hypocrisy

I don't, and I also don't know who the radicals look like. It's not like embedding terrorists in a group has never been done before right? you know this right? Please tell me you know this.

see I'd actually formulate a plan and be strategic. It is what a military leader would do. So you ranting and raving is just that, ranting and raving.

BTW, it wasn't made at you anyway.

but none of those others would be coming into this country unvetted. you keep bypassing that point.

Hell the married shooter came in on a marriage visa and had ties and obama's team did nothing because they ignored social media background checks. They admitted it. Yeah I trust them as far as I can throw a three hundred pound tv.

when did I say nuclear? post up that comment for me.

I'm sorry, it wasn't your conversation.

but you weren't the beneficiary of the comment. So, it wasn't your conversation.

again, yes they would need a visa to come and a passport. When did libturds decide it wasn't our country any longer.
Hey, not bad, I appreciate the attention and reposts!!!Let everyone read it again here.

I am in admiration of what a Conservative call "actually formulate a plan and be strategic"
You could almost imagine that JC is Trump himself.
How long have we been in Iraq? How long in Afghanistan? What now about Syria, Yemen, Nigeria, Africa, and other areas. When will it end? Is it your solution to continue to fight radical Islam for two thousand years? That's not my idea of winning.

Your 'solution' would be like us bombing China in order to defeat Japan.

But- your "solution" would actually convince Muslims all around the world that ISIS was actually correct.

But it is a viable solution where you Liberals have failed to offer one. Ignoring is not a solution.


Viable like Germany's solution to the "Jewish problem"?

Then what is your solution? Continue involvement in a never-ending war with the constant threat of acts of terrorism on our own cities and communities? Is that your plan for your children?

My children are in no significant danger from Muslims.

Your solution is like Germany's solution to the "Jewish problem"- and sounds eerily like the very reason for the Nazi policy.
how? no one said anything about rounding up muslims in country? Who said that> immigration is immigration what is it about you libturds you don't understand immigration?

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