Obama cannot raise the debt ceiling

This isn't a dictatorship. The President doesn't get to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling.

I wouldnt be too sure on the first point. And we'll see on the second.
I honestly believe that Obama will issue an EO to the Treasury to borrow the money based on his alleged 14thA authority. At that point we have a dictatorship because Congress will not impeach and remove him.
Put it this way...It's not SUPPOSED to be a dictatorship.
This isn't a dictatorship. The President doesn't get to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling.

I wouldnt be too sure on the first point. And we'll see on the second.
I honestly believe that Obama will issue an EO to the Treasury to borrow the money based on his alleged 14thA authority. At that point we have a dictatorship because Congress will not impeach and remove him.

Personally I think theres more chance of ET landing on your lawn than Obama using that 14th Amendment. Its Congresses role to raise the ceiling and if they don't then the buck stops with them, I'm surprised that Obama hasn't mentioned it would be those members in the House that would be acting against the constitution.

Think of it politically, there would definitely be enough votes to pass a clean debt ceiling, you'd get enough moderate Republicans to cross over. At that point if Boehner refused to allow a clean vote then the default would lie with the GOP.

Those moderates are more worried about the fall out from a default than the TP, for the timebeing we've not seen any big rifts opening up in the GOP but as October 17 gets closer that's likely to change. At this point the best thing all round is for people to take a step back and calm down, Congress should vote to open the government and raise the debt ceiling for a few months and everyone needs to get round the table and find some way of cutting a deal that gives a little to both sides.

Obama isnt too certain what the Constitution is. So he wont be making any such statements.
There are not the votes for a full cave to the Democrats. The GOP would lose every primary in the coming cycle.
The idea of "let's give in today so we can fight tomorrow" is nonsense. Tomorrow never comes. It is just series of give ins by the responsible people in government.
The Constitution is clear: Congress has the power to borrow money.

NOT the President.

That means that Obama cannot unilaterally raise the debt ceiling or allow/order Treasury to sell more bonds.

But, the Constitution (14th Amendment) also says that the validity of the debt cannot be questioned. I believe that means that Obama would have the authority to prioritize spending so that debts are paid before any other spending. This might prevent a default.

duh. that's a given.

he does not want to prioritize - that's a given as well.
Let's pass a debt ceiling bill that makes sure that infrastructure, science and tech is fully funded. This way we're investing into our country within a way that benefits it.

No more bull shit.


you can'be reprogrammed, can you?

there is no money for that.
there is barely money to pay for the debt and obligatory spending.
infrastructure, science and tech will have to wait or look for another sources of funding. Which science and tech have had for decades - and that is the best for them.
Keep the government out of tech and science, unless you want solyndryzation of the whole country.
The Constitution is clear: Congress has the power to borrow money.

NOT the President.

That means that Obama cannot unilaterally raise the debt ceiling or allow/order Treasury to sell more bonds.

But, the Constitution (14th Amendment) also says that the validity of the debt cannot be questioned. I believe that means that Obama would have the authority to prioritize spending so that debts are paid before any other spending. This might prevent a default.

You've got to be kidding, he doesn't know how to spell constitution.
You know, after some careful thinking and reading, I think the debt ceiling may in fact be unConstitutional.

Any law that compromises our ability to pay back any of our debts, is illegal...as per the 14th Amendment.

If Treasury says that the only we can finance our obligations is by incurring more debt, then we muct incur more debt. Congress approved the spending and only Congress can unapprove it.

So, until Congress unapproves the spending, we muct borrow money to finance it if revenue won't cut it.

if the debt ceiling gets in the way, its unConstitutional.

On October 18th, the debt ceiling may prevent us from financing the spending Congress has approved. That would make it unConstitutional.

The constitution is just a facade.

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