Obama Care Mess

Within 10-15 years it will be moot because the supply will be far outstripped by demand.

Those who get priority care will be the politically well connected.
I don't go along with the idea that people will over utilize the healthcare system simply because the cost is low. People don't go into the hospital because it's a bargain. They go because there're sick or injured.

By 2022, the CBO estimates that 33 million uninsured people will have healthcare coverage. Will that create a shortage of healthcare resources? No. Today the're approximately 250 million people with health insurance, so with the addition of 33 million, the increase load on the system will be 13%. Our healthcare system will certainly have the capacity in 2022 to handle and addition 13% load without prioritizing. Actually the load should be even less because most of these people getting insurance are not seniors. They are the young to middle age who require less healthcare resources.
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I doubt that very much. Just because you want to wish away how markets work doesn't mean that people won't act in a way consistent with classical economic principles.
Having spent more than my fair share of time in the emergency room I beg to differ. I've seen people in there just to get drugs, I've seen those who had colds, one who had a headache sometimes, one who had a pain in their back but yes they could walk ok just couldn't wait until morning to see a doctor... And those ore just the ones i can think of off the top of my head....
Having spent more than my fair share of time in the emergency room I beg to differ. I've seen people in there just to get drugs, I've seen those who had colds, one who had a headache sometimes, one who had a pain in their back but yes they could walk ok just couldn't wait until morning to see a doctor... And those ore just the ones i can think of off the top of my head....


I had to go to an emergency room in Oakland last year for an injury. The doctor who treated me told me that at least half the people who show up at the ER are just trying to score drugs...which is why he couldn't give me anything other than the dose required to treat my wound.

When I was waiting to be seen, there were several groups of early 20 somethings sitting around joking about how "sick" they were. hahaha.
Yes. They do. ObamaCare is now going to cost $Ts instead of bending the cost curve down.

Heckuva Job, Barry!
Having spent more than my fair share of time in the emergency room I beg to differ. I've seen people in there just to get drugs, I've seen those who had colds, one who had a headache sometimes, one who had a pain in their back but yes they could walk ok just couldn't wait until morning to see a doctor... And those ore just the ones i can think of off the top of my head....
People with headaches, colds, backaches, and looking for a prescription go to an emergency room because they can't afford to go to the doctor. The ER has to treat you even if you say you can't pay, doctors and medical clinics don't. So the government pays $1,000 to $2,000 to treat something that could be handled in a walk-in clinic or a doctor's office for less that $100.
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That is not the entire reason.

Many people go to ERs because they can't get a doctor's appointment. As ObamaCare forces more and more doctors out of private practice, the shortages are going to get worse, and the pressure on ERs will increase.
Having spent more than my fair share of time in the emergency room I beg to differ. I've seen people in there just to get drugs, I've seen those who had colds, one who had a headache sometimes, one who had a pain in their back but yes they could walk ok just couldn't wait until morning to see a doctor... And those ore just the ones i can think of off the top of my head....
People with headaches, colds, backaches, and looking for a prescription go to an emergency room because they can't afford to go to the doctor. The ER has to treat you even if you say you can't pay, doctors and medical clinics don't. So the government pays $1,000 to $2,000 to treat something that could be handled in a walk-in clinic or a doctor's office for less that $100.

And it will get worse..........
People may dislike “the health reform law” when asked about it that way, but their negative views are rooted largely in ignorance. Strong majorities favor most of the law’s key provisions. Two-thirds favor the so-called guaranteed issue, which bars discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions. More than 70% support expanding Medicaid to cover people living below 138% of the poverty level. Some 76% like the rule that allows kids to stay on their parents’ plans through age 25, and even higher proportions favor health insurance exchanges, better drug coverage for Medicare participants, and tax credits to help small businesses sponsor health plans for their employees (chart). All told, the public favors 10 of Obamacare’s 11 key provisions, and Republicans favor seven of the 11.

Happy Birthday, Obamacare ? MSNBC

Does Allstate cover preexisting dents? Should they? Why or why not?
Setting aside the argument as to whether it's the federal gubmint's job to dictate to insurance companies who their customers will and won't be, we didn't need more than 1,200 pages of legislation, scores of thousands of pages of regulations and an army of new bureaucrats to get all those things, you useful idiot.

Well.... Yes we, er the Democrats do need all those new public sector union jobs. We must pay them 50% above what their skills would command in the private sector so they can afford huge contributions to their masters, the DNC.
That is not the entire reason.

Many people go to ERs because they can't get a doctor's appointment. As ObamaCare forces more and more doctors out of private practice, the shortages are going to get worse, and the pressure on ERs will increase.
That's ridiculous. The increase load on the healthcare system should be about 13%. That will increase the doctor's revenue. In addition, more patients covered by insurance means less write offs for bad debts which will further increase income. Doctors aren't about to walkout when their getting more patients and income.
People may dislike “the health reform law” when asked about it that way, but their negative views are rooted largely in ignorance. Strong majorities favor most of the law’s key provisions. Two-thirds favor the so-called guaranteed issue, which bars discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions. More than 70% support expanding Medicaid to cover people living below 138% of the poverty level. Some 76% like the rule that allows kids to stay on their parents’ plans through age 25, and even higher proportions favor health insurance exchanges, better drug coverage for Medicare participants, and tax credits to help small businesses sponsor health plans for their employees (chart). All told, the public favors 10 of Obamacare’s 11 key provisions, and Republicans favor seven of the 11.

Happy Birthday, Obamacare ? MSNBC

However, those numbers may change once people realize that they will have to pay for those benefits through higher premiums, fines, or being dropped completely by their employer, who may also reduce their hours to get around the "full time" requirements. Everyone likes better benefits until the bill comes.

I suppose the ones who will hate it the most will be the young people who make reasonable income but choose not to buy health insurance; they will be paying a penalty (OK, a tax) of 2.5% of their income by 2016.

What is really going to be funny is when they find out that since their employer cut them down to part time employees and cut their wages they now have to buy their own insurance or be fined. Or are they calling it a tax this week? The first year won't be so bad at $95, but then the tax/fine will begin to grow and then they will be in deep shit and if they elect to go with the fine, they will have no insurance at all.

And just wait until they find out the cost of the policy they have to buy! They'll be screaming that they have been screwed over royally. I doubt most of them have any idea how much their employers were subsidizing their family health insurance.

I just can't understand what people don't understand about this. If their employers decide to pay the $2,000/employee fine and dump the insurance policy in the lap of the employees (and who can blame them if they do?) it is we the working class that are going to have to pay for our own insurance. As for the OP, if the $2,000/employee is going to cost the employer $700,000 then the employer will actually save somewhere between $1.5
million and $3.5 million (depending on whether or not they cover a portion of the family benefits of their employees) on employee benefits estimating coverage for an employee at $400/month and family in the neighborhood of $1,200/month. Not only will we have to foot the frigging bill for our insurance, but we'll have to start shopping for coverage as well! Having dealt with insurance brokers before... I think I would rather take an enema everyday for the rest of my life than have to deal with that annually.

Within 10 or 15 years, access to affordable healthcare will be considered to be a right by most people.

Just exactly what Obama and the Democrats want. Us to be more dependent upon them. God help us, we are walking into their trap. Hell, we practically put the hook in our mouths ourselves.

People may dislike “the health reform law” when asked about it that way, but their negative views are rooted largely in ignorance. Strong majorities favor most of the law’s key provisions. Two-thirds favor the so-called guaranteed issue, which bars discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions. More than 70% support expanding Medicaid to cover people living below 138% of the poverty level. Some 76% like the rule that allows kids to stay on their parents’ plans through age 25, and even higher proportions favor health insurance exchanges, better drug coverage for Medicare participants, and tax credits to help small businesses sponsor health plans for their employees (chart). All told, the public favors 10 of Obamacare’s 11 key provisions, and Republicans favor seven of the 11.

Happy Birthday, Obamacare ? MSNBC

Does Allstate cover preexisting dents? Should they? Why or why not?
There's a big difference between the denial of auto insurance and health insurance. If you can't get affordable auto insurance because you caused too many wrecks, you can ride the bus, join a car pool, walk, or bike. If you can't get health insurance because you have a serious cancer or heart problem, you're most likely going to die an early death and probably bankrupt your family trying to afford treatments.
Just this morning I read an article about ObamaCare in a company newsletter my younger sister brought home from work. It made my hair stand on end!! If I could print it on here for folks to read I would.

Under this legislation we are all going to be in hot water. It is going to be a mess. My sister's employer is going to drop all full-timers to part-time in order to avoid being penalized. and I do mean penalized. Because they have over 50 full-time employees they would be find $2000 for every FT employee minus the first 30, a grand total of over $700,000.00 annually. Think this is a good incentive for companies to provide insurance? Read on!

The most popular and least expensive plan this company offers is a "Limited Benefits Plan" Because their is a limit or "cap" on the services the plan covers annually, it does not meet the minimum essential coverage requirement of the ObamaCare legislation. They will not be able to offer this plan to their employees when the time comes for renewal.

If a plan offered by an employer costs more than 9.5% of the employee's gross household wages for the least expensive employee only plan, the plan is considered unaffordable and the employer can be penalized $3000 per employee who can't afford the insurance.

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that health insurance for individuals will be as much as $4000 annually and $12,000 for families.

People, we need to wake up and smell the coffee! We are being bullied by our government (Obama). Those of us who care need to telephone our state congresspeople and let them know how we feel. This is still the United States of America and I for one would like it to stay that way. :eusa_pray:

Obama’s 2010 health law] is so complicated, and if it isn't done right the first time, it will just simply get worse."Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va

Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius in a speech at Harvard on Monday vented her frustrations with implementing the massive law that, aside from creating a new health-insurance entitlement program, has spawned tens of thousands of pages of regulations on everything from tax collection to the sale of salami sandwiches at supermarkets.
The ACA is more of a Medicaid Expansion plan since most of the population without insurance will fall into this group. They should have left businesses and higher income people out of the mandate for now anyway.

What makes it so complicated now is all those businesses that pay minimum wage of 7.25 or less paid per hour even for those working full time would still qualify for Medicaid poverty limit. How can they penalize businesses if these people qualify for Medicaid?

Businesses should have realized this and should fight this because those people belong in the State healthcare plan.
The ACA is more of a Medicaid Expansion plan since most of the population without insurance will fall into this group. They should have left businesses and higher income people out of the mandate for now anyway.

What makes it so complicated now is all those businesses that pay minimum wage of 7.25 or less paid per hour even for those working full time would still qualify for Medicaid poverty limit. How can they penalize businesses if these people qualify for Medicaid?

Businesses should have realized this and should fight this because those people belong in the State healthcare plan.
Not sure I understand your question. How is a business penalized if it has move people qualified for Medicaid? Seems like that would help the business.
People may dislike “the health reform law” when asked about it that way, but their negative views are rooted largely in ignorance. Strong majorities favor most of the law’s key provisions. Two-thirds favor the so-called guaranteed issue, which bars discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions. More than 70% support expanding Medicaid to cover people living below 138% of the poverty level. Some 76% like the rule that allows kids to stay on their parents’ plans through age 25, and even higher proportions favor health insurance exchanges, better drug coverage for Medicare participants, and tax credits to help small businesses sponsor health plans for their employees (chart). All told, the public favors 10 of Obamacare’s 11 key provisions, and Republicans favor seven of the 11.

Happy Birthday, Obamacare ? MSNBC

Does Allstate cover preexisting dents? Should they? Why or why not?
There's a big difference between the denial of auto insurance and health insurance. If you can't get affordable auto insurance because you caused too many wrecks, you can ride the bus, join a car pool, walk, or bike. If you can't get health insurance because you have a serious cancer or heart problem, you're most likely going to die an early death and probably bankrupt your family trying to afford treatments.
You can't wreck your car then buy collision insurance to pay for the repairs, fool.

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