Obama cheating scandal

I stated this earlier but maybe it's a case of reverse "wag the dog" Steer the focus away from HC cap and trade immigration etc and let the media dogs and anti Obama people go after a fake sex scandal. Evil genius?

I can't buy that. The Obamas are devoted parents. They would not put their kids through the horror of this type of scandal.

Perhaps boedicca. But what if they knew nothing about it. What if it was the work of Acorn or SEIU or some other group that wanted to create a diversion? Think like an Alinsky follower...
Obama is too big of a narcissist to accept looking flawed and subjecting himself to personal criticism.

He might not have any choice now.

God I wish. I'd love to see the purple lipped kenyan on the hot seat. He can't take criticism. He gets snarky. He gets mouthy. I want to see him completely lose it.
If true, this situation will more likely end up in a Clintonian "Stand By My Man" show of unity in order to preserve the political franchise, than an Edwards Fracas.

But if it's true, Michelle will make him absolutely miserable in the way only a betrayed wife can do.

For reasons unnecessary to explain, over the years I have become a student of body language and vibes. And it has been interesting watching politicians campaign with their wives. It is my impression that George and Barbara Bush are deeply in love as are George and Laura Bush, Ross and Margot Perot and, at least back then, Al and Tipper Gore. I picked up deep animosity between Bill and Hillary that persists to this day and attributed theirs to a marriage of convenience that has lasted due to the fact that they both know where most of the figurative bodies are buried. I think John and Cindy McCain like each other okay as do John and Theresa Kerry, but whatever spark that has existed is mostly gone.

With Barack and Michelle, the jury is still out but so far I'm not picking up a lot of vibes of love or even a lot of respect. Sometimes in candid shots her expression suggests she is not a happy person. And I don't see much deep affection in her eyes when she looks at Barack. But I still think and hope the rumor is false.

Still, there's something to say for refocusing him on something other than dismantling the country. :)
Perhaps boedicca. But what if they knew nothing about it. What if it was the work of Acorn or SEIU or some other group that wanted to create a diversion? Think like an Alinsky follower...

That is an interesting theory. From what I've seen, the Obama organization is pretty topdown driven. Could a rogue be doing this? Possibly. But it seems rather implausible to me.

More likely: the rumors about Obama have been around for years. The NE recently was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for the Edwards coverage. That's a huge deal for them. They are going for another try for the big prize by upping the ante and investigating Obama.
I stated this earlier but maybe it's a case of reverse "wag the dog" Steer the focus away from HC cap and trade immigration etc and let the media dogs and anti Obama people go after a fake sex scandal. Evil genius?

Sorry...just because you hear of scandals like this every day it doesn't mean it's automatically fake. Tiger Woods, John Edwards....they're both egomaniacs like Obama.

I remember the Bush affair scandal they tried to push. It didn't seem plausible.

With Obama...it seems that the guy thinks his shit don't stink...which would make one assume that he's not afraid to stroke his ego by letting a strange woman stroke his pole.

It's really not much of a stretch to believe this.

Add to that the simple fact that he idolized and was mentored by a Gay Communist when he lived in Honolulu.....who knows what Obama has really been up to.

I wouldn't write it off completely.
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Perhaps boedicca. But what if they knew nothing about it. What if it was the work of Acorn or SEIU or some other group that wanted to create a diversion? Think like an Alinsky follower...

That is an interesting theory. From what I've seen, the Obama organization is pretty topdown driven. Could a rogue be doing this? Possibly. But it seems rather implausible to me.

More likely: the rumors about Obama have been around for years. The NE recently was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for the Edwards coverage. That's a huge deal for them. They are going for another try for the big prize by upping the ante and investigating Obama.

Now let's look at this like an Alinskian...chanel may be onto something here. Right now the far left is upset that Obama hasn't delivered on what he promised them. Interesting thought...no?
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If true, this situation will more likely end up in a Clintonian "Stand By My Man" show of unity in order to preserve the political franchise, than an Edwards Fracas.

But if it's true, Michelle will make him absolutely miserable in the way only a betrayed wife can do.

For reasons unnecessary to explain, over the years I have become a student of body language and vibes. And it has been interesting watching politicians campaign with their wives. It is my impression that George and Barbara Bush are deeply in love as are George and Laura Bush, Ross and Margot Perot and, at least back then, Al and Tipper Gore. I picked up deep animosity between Bill and Hillary that persists to this day and attributed theirs to a marriage of convenience that has lasted due to the fact that they both know where most of the figurative bodies are buried. I think John and Cindy McCain like each other okay as do John and Theresa Kerry, but whatever spark that has existed is mostly gone.

With Barack and Michelle, the jury is still out but so far I'm not picking up a lot of vibes of love or even a lot of respect. Sometimes in candid shots her expression suggests she is not a happy person. And I don't see much deep affection in her eyes when she looks at Barack. But I still think and hope the rumor is false.

Still, there's something to say for refocusing him on something other than dismantling the country. :)

Very interesting. I also watch the body language. (As a side note, it's also telling that the White House staff loved working for both Bush families, loathed the Clintons, and are not liking the Obamas - that's the buzz anyhoo. A happy marriage makes a nicer domestic environment).

The Obamas do not look happy to me, except when engaged in some joint form of gross over consumption on the taxpayer dime. I suspect that Michelle is not happy about being "second fiddle" in a professional sense to her husband.
If true, this situation will more likely end up in a Clintonian "Stand By My Man" show of unity in order to preserve the political franchise, than an Edwards Fracas.

But if it's true, Michelle will make him absolutely miserable in the way only a betrayed wife can do.

For reasons unnecessary to explain, over the years I have become a student of body language and vibes. And it has been interesting watching politicians campaign with their wives. It is my impression that George and Barbara Bush are deeply in love as are George and Laura Bush, Ross and Margot Perot and, at least back then, Al and Tipper Gore. I picked up deep animosity between Bill and Hillary that persists to this day and attributed theirs to a marriage of convenience that has lasted due to the fact that they both know where most of the figurative bodies are buried. I think John and Cindy McCain like each other okay as do John and Theresa Kerry, but whatever spark that has existed is mostly gone.

With Barack and Michelle, the jury is still out but so far I'm not picking up a lot of vibes of love or even a lot of respect. Sometimes in candid shots her expression suggests she is not a happy person. And I don't see much deep affection in her eyes when she looks at Barack. But I still think and hope the rumor is false.

Still, there's something to say for refocusing him on something other than dismantling the country. :)

Very interesting. I also watch the body language. (As a side note, it's also telling that the White House staff loved working for both Bush families, loathed the Clintons, and are not liking the Obamas - that's the buzz anyhoo. A happy marriage makes a nicer domestic environment).

The Obamas do not look happy to me, except when engaged in some joint form of gross over consumption on the taxpayer dime. I suspect that Michelle is not happy about being "second fiddle" in a professional sense to her husband.

She's NOT getting any!!!!! Women could care less about what their husbands do or what happens with their careers...as long as they are getting some daily...they are extremely happy. I bet they haven't had sex since the inauguration dinner.
She's NOT getting any!!!!! Women could care less about what their husbands do or what happens with their careers...as long as they are getting some daily...they are extremely happy. I bet they haven't had sex since the inauguration dinner.

Yes, that is likely the case. But Michelle's self esteem appears to be highly correlated to achieving the ivy league education and requisite career to which an elite education "entitles" the holder. She has a Huge Chip on her shoulder - a retreat from a prestigious career has got to be a blow to her.
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She's NOT getting any!!!!! Women could care less about what their husbands do or what happens with their careers...as long as they are getting some daily...they are extremely happy. I bet they haven't had sex since the inauguration dinner.

Yes, that is likely the case. But Michelle's self esteem appears to be highly correlated to achieving the ivy league education and requisite career to which an elite education "entitles" the holder. She has a Huge Chip on her shoulder - a retreat from a prestigious career has got to be a blow to her.

I will agree with this to an extent...unless Michele has turned into such a narcissist that SHE cut off Barry because he became President....but let's face it....when you take care of the ol' lady you can pretty much do whatever you want.
PRESIDENT OBAMA has been caught in a shocking cheating scandal after being caught in a Washington, DC Hotel with a former campaign aide, sources say.

And now, a hush-hush security video that shows everything could topple both Obama's presidency and marriage to Michelle!

A confidential investigation has learned that Obama first became close to gorgeous 35 year-old VERA BAKER in 2004 when she worked tirelessly to get him elected to the US Senate, raising millions in campaign contributions.

OBAMA CHEATING SCANDAL - Celebrity News | Gossip - National Enquirer

Calling John Edwards.... :eek:

Vera Baker photo.


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Wouldn't doubt it - but does it matter??? Clinton did it, Edwards did it, Eisenhower did it, Kennedy did it, etc. Ho-hum. Let Michelle handle it. And do I care? No! I did not vote for the socialist.
Perhaps boedicca. But what if they knew nothing about it. What if it was the work of Acorn or SEIU or some other group that wanted to create a diversion? Think like an Alinsky follower...

That is an interesting theory. From what I've seen, the Obama organization is pretty topdown driven. Could a rogue be doing this? Possibly. But it seems rather implausible to me.

More likely: the rumors about Obama have been around for years. The NE recently was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for the Edwards coverage. That's a huge deal for them. They are going for another try for the big prize by upping the ante and investigating Obama.

Michelle admitted in a book that she and Barry had considered divorce before the primaries. She said that "marriage is hard work." [that's why I don't personally like being married ] :lol: :lol: If it isn't hard work, it has proved boring..:lol:
PRESIDENT OBAMA has been caught in a shocking cheating scandal after being caught in a Washington, DC Hotel with a former campaign aide, sources say.

And now, a hush-hush security video that shows everything could topple both Obama's presidency and marriage to Michelle!

A confidential investigation has learned that Obama first became close to gorgeous 35 year-old VERA BAKER in 2004 when she worked tirelessly to get him elected to the US Senate, raising millions in campaign contributions.

OBAMA CHEATING SCANDAL - Celebrity News | Gossip - National Enquirer

Calling John Edwards.... :eek:

First time this got posted some enterprising Mod moved it to the Lame zone. Now it is in the conspiracy forum. Go figure.
PRESIDENT OBAMA has been caught in a shocking cheating scandal after being caught in a Washington, DC Hotel with a former campaign aide, sources say.

And now, a hush-hush security video that shows everything could topple both Obama's presidency and marriage to Michelle!

A confidential investigation has learned that Obama first became close to gorgeous 35 year-old VERA BAKER in 2004 when she worked tirelessly to get him elected to the US Senate, raising millions in campaign contributions.

OBAMA CHEATING SCANDAL - Celebrity News | Gossip - National Enquirer

Calling John Edwards.... :eek:

Vera Baker photo.

Whoa. She's a looker huh? And if she is a fun person - good personality and all that - well, you can see why there could be speculation.
Just to go on record, I think it's true. I wouldn't put anything past the kenyan. Since he's been successful hiding practically his entire past including his real birth certificate, if there even is one, then he can hide an affair. So why the hell shouldn't he get a little on the side with a liberal lame stream media that won't say shit about it? He's drunk with power right now and believes he can get away with anything, and he just about has.
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I'm inclined to believe that HillBuzz has the correct motorcycle:

The GOP was convinced that Vera Baker, a former campaign fundraiser for Obama’s Senate race, had an affair with Obama and was then sent to Martinique to hide out during the election. Reportedly, Michelle Obama was so jealous of Baker that she “wanted to scratch her eyes out”, which is something she said about President Clinton as well. Michelle wants to scratch all sorts of people’s eyes out, none of whom have had an affair with Dr. Utopia.

AND, as Desiree Rogers proved, Michelle doesn’t have to think a woman is having an affair with anyone to start hating her and push her out. If a woman is prettier than her, she does not want that woman around. Rogers and Baker are both far prettier (and nicer) than the current First Lady. You do the math.


We never believed Obama had an affair with a woman, because Obama does not appear to like women.

Leave Vera Baker Alone. She Did Not Have An Affair With Obama. HillBuzz
Yep. Troofers are nutz. No matter who they are.

Hey Curve - what do you think of tea partiers, gun rights advocates, "birthers" and evangelicals that may have lost someone on 9/11? Please share.

Typical bullshit. But you have the beautiful Right to call people nutty for wanting to hold our government accountable. Go back to your obushama fantasies.

I have no problem with our government being held accountable. I just want it held accountable for what they actually ARE doing, not because some of y'all got your chinstraps too tight.:lol:

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