obama...child poverty spikes under his rule.....a war on children anyone?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Under obama there are now more children in poverty than before he came to office....wait for it....wait for it....


There....that takes care of the left wing, racist responses to this thread....

Number of U.S. Children Living in Poverty Spikes - Breitbart

The study from the Annie E. Casey Foundation showed poverty rates among all children have grown since 2008, when the rate was 18%; the rate increased to 22% by 2013. The report indicated particularly bleak news for African-American, American Indian, and Latino children, stating, “On nearly all of the measures that [it] track, African-American, American Indian and Latino children continued to experience negative outcomes at rates that were higher than the national average.”

The study admitted, “During the last three months of 2014, the unemployment rate for whites and Asian Americans was roughly 4.5 percent, compared with a devastating 11 percent for African Americans and 6.7 percent for Latinos.”

Almost 40% of African-American children live in poverty.

In 2013, according to the report, 31% of children lived in families where no parent had full-time, year-round employment. In 2000, 9% of children lived in census tracts where the total population’s poverty rate rose to at least 30%. From 2009 to 2013, that figure rose to 14%.
Well, you have to fight a war on somebody...

Since Obozo and the Libs are to chicken to fight anybody else, that left the American people....

And with PC getting to be what it is, the pickings are getting slim.
Obama put them in poverty so they grow up hating White Christian Conservatives.
He knows exactly what he's doing.
Obama has convinced the stupid American that stealing from the rich, will make the poor rich. Theft does not promote equality. The poor are still poor and the rich are leaving and taking their jobs with them

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