Obama: Cognitive Dissonance

hard to have a court case when ICE has released the guy you suspect of comitting the crime
geesh what an idiot

You're right. They never should have turned them over to ICE.

They should have prosecuted them themselves.

But either they served their sentences for minor crimes or the local jurisdictions didn't want to spend the money prosecuting, thinking ICE would just deport them.
do we just release American citizens suspected of shoplifting or traffic violations with no clue where to find them?

ur a joke
hard to have a court case when ICE has released the guy you suspect of comitting the crime
geesh what an idiot

You're right. They never should have turned them over to ICE.

They should have prosecuted them themselves.

But either they served their sentences for minor crimes or the local jurisdictions didn't want to spend the money prosecuting, thinking ICE would just deport them.

i see; your ability think critically stops when you consider cities and counties going bankrupt trying to prosecute the wave if illegals the federal government wont stop from entering; because they just "release" them

you're a JOKE
Yeah, you discover that every one of those convicts had mothers, so they can't be all bad.

Yup, Obama is sending em back in droves, and that's why Joe Biden believes they're already Americans. Because he's sending them back, in droves, more than ever before, trust us, we wouldn't lie about this.

Again, he's been sending 400,000 a year home.

And he's letting 30K go for crimes like "traffic violations" and "Shoplifting". Oh, noes.

Mostly because their home countries won't take them and the places that originally caught them committing crimes declined to prosecute.

"sending them home"

like a trout you release after catching

damn joke

So you want to put them in a frying pan? YOu sick puppy!

Okay, here's the reality check, and i know it's hard to explain to slackjawed bubbas like yourself.

The reason we have illegals is because the rich people you Republicans worship at the feet of don't want to pay you as an American a fair wage for menial tasks.

We could end the "illegal problem" very easily if we went after the people who hired them, with heavy fines, confiscation of business assets and maybe some jail time.

You get caught with an illegal on your shop floor, your business is now the government's business.

Problem. Solved.

But, nope, that ain't gonna happen. INstead, they'll keep hiring them while getting Bubba upset about that Mexican who is dating his daughter.

the federal government says it has the sole power to dictate immigration law; then places the onus on localities to bear the burden of prosecuting illegal criminals?
hard to have a court case when ICE has released the guy you suspect of comitting the crime
geesh what an idiot

You're right. They never should have turned them over to ICE.

They should have prosecuted them themselves.

But either they served their sentences for minor crimes or the local jurisdictions didn't want to spend the money prosecuting, thinking ICE would just deport them.

i see; your ability think critically stops when you consider cities and counties going bankrupt trying to prosecute the wave if illegals the federal government wont stop from entering; because they just "release" them

you're a JOKE

again,f or every illegal they released, they deported 10. Not seeing the problem here.
Again, he's been sending 400,000 a year home.

And he's letting 30K go for crimes like "traffic violations" and "Shoplifting". Oh, noes.

Mostly because their home countries won't take them and the places that originally caught them committing crimes declined to prosecute.

"sending them home"

like a trout you release after catching

damn joke

So you want to put them in a frying pan? YOu sick puppy!

Okay, here's the reality check, and i know it's hard to explain to slackjawed bubbas like yourself.

The reason we have illegals is because the rich people you Republicans worship at the feet of don't want to pay you as an American a fair wage for menial tasks.

We could end the "illegal problem" very easily if we went after the people who hired them, with heavy fines, confiscation of business assets and maybe some jail time.

You get caught with an illegal on your shop floor, your business is now the government's business.

Problem. Solved.

But, nope, that ain't gonna happen. INstead, they'll keep hiring them while getting Bubba upset about that Mexican who is dating his daughter.

republicans want border security and tighter control of illegals

it is you left-wing idiots that don't

you're an idiot telling yourself stupid talking points that arent true
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the Left's love if illegals gaurantees they wont be paid a fair wage you dolt

the next wave of illegals will be right behind the ones you give amnesty to
You're right. They never should have turned them over to ICE.

They should have prosecuted them themselves.

But either they served their sentences for minor crimes or the local jurisdictions didn't want to spend the money prosecuting, thinking ICE would just deport them.

i see; your ability think critically stops when you consider cities and counties going bankrupt trying to prosecute the wave if illegals the federal government wont stop from entering; because they just "release" them

you're a JOKE

again,f or every illegal they released, they deported 10. Not seeing the problem here.

another moronic LIE
obama is cooking the books on deportations; just counting them differently

like i say; you're a joke and a loser lying to HIMSELF
THE IDIOTIC LEFT says illegals are here because Republicans need cheap labor

gee left-wing losers; how did Republicans get to own every business in America?

idiots and hypocrites

republicans want border security and tighter control of illegals

it is you left-wing idiots that don't

you're an idiot telling yourself stupid talking points that arent true

Guy, Republicans don't want that.

Oh, they say they are for a fence, because they know a fence is worthless but it makes the dumb bubba rednecks feel good.

reality, though, is that the enforcement of illegal employment is left up to the employees, which is like letting the foxes watch the henhouse.
if you're an illegal with a brain; would you rather come here illegally just to be "expolited" for "cheap labor" by 'republicans"; or to get on FREE SOCIAL WELFARE BENEFITS just because your woman dropped a baby on American soil and that baby is an American citizen?

republicans want border security and tighter control of illegals

it is you left-wing idiots that don't

you're an idiot telling yourself stupid talking points that arent true

Guy, Republicans don't want that.

Oh, they say they are for a fence, because they know a fence is worthless but it makes the dumb bubba rednecks feel good.

reality, though, is that the enforcement of illegal employment is left up to the employees, which is like letting the foxes watch the henhouse.

fences are worthless???

oh gee another left-wing nutjob with the "nothing will work' excuse for the Left's pandering to illegals

i'm from a very blue state you mindless, hypocritical, stereoytping idiot

the problem is you're wallowing in your own hypocritical ignorance
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the Left's love if illegals gaurantees they wont be paid a fair wage you dolt

the next wave of illegals will be right behind the ones you give amnesty to

Which is why I'm not for amnesty, but that's not what we are discussing here.

We were discussing going into hysterics because ICE let go of some shoplifters local jurisdictions didn't want to prosecute.

Do try to keep up.
gee leftard; maybe if we stopped giving them free welfare benefits the fence excuse wouldnt be needed.

love the Left's idiotic circular logic.

fences are wrothless/

oh gee another left-wing nutjob with the "nothing will work' excuse for the Left's pandering to illegals

i'm from a very blue state you mindless, hypocritical, steroytping idiot

the problem is your'e wallowing in your own hypocrtical ignorance

I didn't say nothing would work.

I said Fences are Worthless.

Which they are.

They can be climbed over, dug under, cut through or gone around.

And a lot of illegals never got anywhere near a fence. They entered the country legally and then overstayed their visas.

You want something that will work, enforce workplace compliance.
the Left's love if illegals gaurantees they wont be paid a fair wage you dolt

the next wave of illegals will be right behind the ones you give amnesty to

Which is why I'm not for amnesty, but that's not what we are discussing here.

We were discussing going into hysterics because ICE let go of some shoplifters local jurisdictions didn't want to prosecute.

Do try to keep up.

it's not hysterical to not want the federal government to release people accused of comitting crimes against our citizens

just goes to show the depth of your rabid political ignorance

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