Obama: Cognitive Dissonance

When I read the following two stories, I shook my head so rapidly, you could blend paint colors in my mouth….


Shame on those posters who say that PC doesn't have a job because she doesn't have a marketable skill.

Of course I have a job!

I work as an independent consultant, an expert in how to deal with the terminally ignorant and obnoxious. Thanks so much for helping me practice.
They're all "real crimes"....starting with sneakng into the country.

I must have really wounded you or you wouldn't have posted this bilge:

" Non-crimes like domestic violence and drug infractions,..."

Nope, I just don't consider those to be real crimes. criminalzing what people do to themselves is just something I can't get that upset about.

Murder- Real Crime.

Slapping around your old lady over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best... meh, not so much.
leave it to left-wng losers to try to dictate what a "real crime" is

idiots and hypocrites

You're the one bending over for rich people... I refuse to.

I'm going to ignore most of your response because it came from the Moonie Times.

In fact, it all came from the Moonie times, and therefore can be ignored.

"I'm going to ignore most of your response because it came from the Moonie Times."

No, you'll try to blunt the point....you're- as usual- wrong.

Obama 'facts' are lies....and you turn a blind eye to it.

Again....Obama has not deported more than Bush did.

And you voted for a lying windbag.

No, I voted against a Mormon Cultist. Sorry you can't see the difference.

You don't quote the Moonie Times as a source and then expect to have any credibility.


No Credibility!

Let's get this straight: the WashTimes is a credible source.

You are not.

"Last Tuesday, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson acknowledged that the Department has been reclassifying deportation data in a way that makes it appear deportations have increased. Specifically, Secretary Johnson confirmed that the 368,000 deportations reported by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for fiscal year 2013 are due to the activity of an entirely different agency — Customs and Border Protection — and would not have counted towards ICE's removal total in previous administrations. (Hearing of the Homeland Security Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee Mar. 11, 2014; Bloomberg Government Transcript, Mar. 12, 2014; see also, Washington Times, Mar. 12, 2014)

Secretary Johnson made this admission last week when testifying before the Homeland Security Subcommittee of the House Appropriations. Representative John Culberson (R-TX) asked: "But under the Obama administration, more than half of those removals that were attributed to ICE are actually a result of Border Patrol arrests. They wouldn't have been counted in prior administrations." Secretary Johnson responded, "Correct." (See Bloomberg Government Transcript, Mar. 12, 2014; Washington Times, Mar. 12, 2014) Then Johnson confirmed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had increased the number of ICE deportations by transferring custody of illegal aliens caught by the Border Patrol to ICE so that ICE could have credit for removing the aliens. "For various reasons," Johnson said, "including reasons involving logistics, a larger number of people who were apprehended in or around the border then go to ICE custody," and thus the "368,000 reflects those removed by ICE." (Id.)"
Legislative Update: 3/19/2014

Let's hear you admit you are wrong.
They're all "real crimes"....starting with sneakng into the country.

I must have really wounded you or you wouldn't have posted this bilge:

" Non-crimes like domestic violence and drug infractions,..."

Nope, I just don't consider those to be real crimes. criminalzing what people do to themselves is just something I can't get that upset about.

Murder- Real Crime.

Slapping around your old lady over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best... meh, not so much.

I haven’t seen such contortions since you gave birth to yourself.
"I'm going to ignore most of your response because it came from the Moonie Times."

No, you'll try to blunt the point....you're- as usual- wrong.

Obama 'facts' are lies....and you turn a blind eye to it.

Again....Obama has not deported more than Bush did.

And you voted for a lying windbag.

No, I voted against a Mormon Cultist. Sorry you can't see the difference.

You don't quote the Moonie Times as a source and then expect to have any credibility.

Let's get this straight: the WashTimes is a credible source.

Let's hear you admit you are wrong.

Uh, no, it isn't.


Your Lord and Master Commands You!!!
They're all "real crimes"....starting with sneakng into the country.

I must have really wounded you or you wouldn't have posted this bilge:

" Non-crimes like domestic violence and drug infractions,..."

Nope, I just don't consider those to be real crimes. criminalzing what people do to themselves is just something I can't get that upset about.

Murder- Real Crime.

Slapping around your old lady over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best... meh, not so much.

I haven’t seen such contortions since you gave birth to yourself.

i live in the real world, where Cops give a good talking to "Domestic Abusers" and stupid women keep going back to them.

SO I just can't get worked up that ICE let some guy go for slapping around someone with poor relationship skills.

Now, here's the thing, all the hand-wringing about illegals is just silly. The Chamber of Commerce is DEMANDING the GOP pass immigration reform this year, and Boenher and the rest of them are ignoring people like you and saying, "Yes, Sir! How High, Sir!"
No, I voted against a Mormon Cultist. Sorry you can't see the difference.

You don't quote the Moonie Times as a source and then expect to have any credibility.

Let's get this straight: the WashTimes is a credible source.

Let's hear you admit you are wrong.

Uh, no, it isn't.


Your Lord and Master Commands You!!!

From post #84...

"(See Bloomberg Government Transcript, Mar. 12, 2014; Washington Times, Mar. 12, 2014) Then Johnson confirmed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had increased the number of ICE deportations by transferring custody of illegal aliens caught by the Border Patrol...

Ignoring it makes you a liar.
Nope, I just don't consider those to be real crimes. criminalzing what people do to themselves is just something I can't get that upset about.

Murder- Real Crime.

Slapping around your old lady over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best... meh, not so much.

I haven’t seen such contortions since you gave birth to yourself.

i live in the real world, where Cops give a good talking to "Domestic Abusers" and stupid women keep going back to them.

SO I just can't get worked up that ICE let some guy go for slapping around someone with poor relationship skills.

Now, here's the thing, all the hand-wringing about illegals is just silly. The Chamber of Commerce is DEMANDING the GOP pass immigration reform this year, and Boenher and the rest of them are ignoring people like you and saying, "Yes, Sir! How High, Sir!"

"i live in the real world, where Cops give a good talking to "Domestic Abusers"...."

No you don't.

"Current research on domestic violence indicates that intimate partner
violence arrest rates have risen as a direct result of the implementation of
mandatory and preferred arrest domestic violence laws."

"i live in the real world, where Cops give a good talking to "Domestic Abusers"...."

No you don't.

"Current research on domestic violence indicates that intimate partner
violence arrest rates have risen as a direct result of the implementation of
mandatory and preferred arrest domestic violence laws."

Yeah, okay.

I'm glad to see you guys are still all for "Freedom" and lack of government intrusion.

You realize most of these cases get thrown out when the other person doesn't testify, right?
From post #84...

"(See Bloomberg Government Transcript, Mar. 12, 2014; Washington Times, Mar. 12, 2014) Then Johnson confirmed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had increased the number of ICE deportations by transferring custody of illegal aliens caught by the Border Patrol...

Ignoring it makes you a liar.

I'm sorry, did you have a point here?

What was the border patrol doing with illegals they caught before?
From post #84...

"(See Bloomberg Government Transcript, Mar. 12, 2014; Washington Times, Mar. 12, 2014) Then Johnson confirmed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had increased the number of ICE deportations by transferring custody of illegal aliens caught by the Border Patrol...

Ignoring it makes you a liar.

I'm sorry, did you have a point here?

What was the border patrol doing with illegals they caught before?

when they released them they didnt count them as deportations

you're a joke
From post #84...

"(See Bloomberg Government Transcript, Mar. 12, 2014; Washington Times, Mar. 12, 2014) Then Johnson confirmed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had increased the number of ICE deportations by transferring custody of illegal aliens caught by the Border Patrol...

Ignoring it makes you a liar.

I'm sorry, did you have a point here?

What was the border patrol doing with illegals they caught before?

In the words of the famed Brown Bomber....'You can run but you can't hide.'
From post #84...

"(See Bloomberg Government Transcript, Mar. 12, 2014; Washington Times, Mar. 12, 2014) Then Johnson confirmed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had increased the number of ICE deportations by transferring custody of illegal aliens caught by the Border Patrol...

Ignoring it makes you a liar.

I'm sorry, did you have a point here?

What was the border patrol doing with illegals they caught before?

In the words of the famed Brown Bomber....'You can run but you can't hide.'

Not really, since you neither specified 1) How many illegals the border patrol was catching. (My guess- very few) or 2) What they did with them when they caught them.

That and you used the Moonie Times as a source.

Maybe a deprogramming is in order.
I'm sorry, did you have a point here?

What was the border patrol doing with illegals they caught before?

In the words of the famed Brown Bomber....'You can run but you can't hide.'

Not really, since you neither specified 1) How many illegals the border patrol was catching. (My guess- very few) or 2) What they did with them when they caught them.

That and you used the Moonie Times as a source.

Maybe a deprogramming is in order.

Whenever you guys are caught with facts you cannot deny, it's "I don't believe the source."

Here....let's see you do it again:

"DHS Chief Jeh Johnson Confirms Inflation of Deportation Numbers"
DHS Chief Johnson Confirms Inflation of Deportation Numbers

And there's video there, too.
Budget Hearing - Department of Homeland Security | Committee on Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives

So....which are you: a fool or a liar?

When will you realize that I am never wrong....and you are right in the remaining fraction of the time?
Sister, not really interested in reading the Moonie times.

State your case clearly, I'm not clicking on you links.

Reality- Obama increased the number of deportations over what Bush was doing. If Bush wasn't counting them right, then he wasn't doing it right.

This is really not complicated.
Sister, not really interested in reading the Moonie times.

State your case clearly, I'm not clicking on you links.

Reality- Obama increased the number of deportations over what Bush was doing. If Bush wasn't counting them right, then he wasn't doing it right.

This is really not complicated.

Not complicated at all.....you've been shown to be a lying coward.

You're here to support Obama's ineptitude and lies, and that's all.

Any reader will see links showing that Obama has claimed more deportations, but has in fact done the opposite.....

So aid the Washington Times, Bloomberg, Heritage....


...the actual video of Jeh Johnson, President Obama's new secretary of the Department of Homeland Security admitting it.

One lie after another.....

such as this one I just exposed....

...and this one:

"1. "In the home stretch of the 2012 presidential campaign, from August to September, the unemployment rate fell sharply — raising eyebrows from Wall Street to Washington.
2. ...— from 8.1 percent in August to 7.8 percent in September — might not have been all it seemed. The numbers, according to a reliable source, were manipulated..... the Census Bureau, which does the unemployment survey, knew it."
Census ?faked? 2012 election jobs report | New York Post

...that includes you.
When I read the following two stories, I shook my head so rapidly, you could blend paint colors in my mouth….


Shame on those posters who say that PC doesn't have a job because she doesn't have a marketable skill.

Of course I have a job!

I work as an independent consultant, an expert in how to deal with the terminally ignorant and obnoxious. Thanks so much for helping me practice.

Well, at least I'm not the only they're telling to get a job. Funny you have one. Yeah, these liberals are desperate. "You don't have a job" is as desperate as one can get when their argument falls flat.
And Joe, somehow I think the DHS chief's congressional testimony trumps your emotions.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson acknowledged Tuesday that his department’s deportation numbers are now mostly made up of illegal immigrants caught at the border, not just those from the interior, which means they can’t be compared one-to-one with deportations under President Bush or other prior administrations.
The administration has argued it is tougher on illegal immigration than previous presidents, and immigrant-rights groups have excoriated President Obama, calling him the “deporter-in-chief” for having kicked out nearly 2 million immigrants during his five-year tenure.

Deportations come mostly from border, DHS chief says - Washington Times
“Under the Obama administration, more than half of those removals that were attributed to ICE are actually a result of Border Patrol arrests that wouldn’t have been counted in prior administrations,” said Rep. John Culberson, Texas Republican.

“Correct,” Mr. Johnson confirmed.


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