Obama: Cognitive Dissonance

Not complicated at all.....you've been shown to be a lying coward.

You're here to support Obama's ineptitude and lies, and that's all.

"1. "In the home stretch of the 2012 presidential campaign, from August to September, the unemployment rate fell sharply — raising eyebrows from Wall Street to Washington.
2. ...— from 8.1 percent in August to 7.8 percent in September — might not have been all it seemed. The numbers, according to a reliable source, were manipulated..... the Census Bureau, which does the unemployment survey, knew it."

...that includes you.

BLS does unemployment numbers, not the Census Bureau.

Can you please stick to one batshit crazy conspiracy theory at a time?

Hey, you know why you lost in 2012.

Because you nominated a Weird Mormon Robot who made it pretty clear that he didn't give a fuck if working Americans lived or died.

When you guys stop sucking up to the Rich and the Religious crazies, MAYBE I'll consider voting for you again.

- Washington Times[/url]

Guy, you can't quote for



and then claim to have any credibility.
Joe. Shut it.

You lost all your credibility with me when you cited that disgraced Kellerman study in kaz's gun thread last year.

By the way, you aren't the guy who gets to determine what is and isn't credible.
Joe. Shut it.

You lost all your credibility with me when you cited that disgraced Kellerman study in kaz's gun thread last year.

By the way, you aren't the guy who gets to determine what is and isn't credible.

Um, yeah, guy, actually, I am because I've got something called "Life experience".

I mean, it isn't as impressive as your high score on Skyrim, but it's kind of important.

(Pssst. Kellerman is still true.)
And where are you when liberals on this board start quoting Think Progress or DailyKOS?

I thought as much.

Actually, I rarely use those sources, because they are partisan.

I usually stick with non-partisan news sources that have something called 'Credibility".

Which means- Not owned by some whacked out Korean Cult Leader that even REAGAN felt a need to put in prison.
And where are you when liberals on this board start quoting Think Progress or DailyKOS?

I thought as much.

Actually, I rarely use those sources, because they are partisan.

I usually stick with non-partisan news sources that have something called 'Credibility".

Which means- Not owned by some whacked out Korean Cult Leader that even REAGAN felt a need to put in prison.

19 Americans were killed by illegal aliens released by the Obama administration prior to this batch that he just released:

"The Obama administration released illegal immigrants who went on to commit more crimes, including charges of 19 murders, 3 attempted murders and 142 sex crimes, the House Judiciary Committee said in a report Tuesday.

All told, 16 percent of the nearly 47,000 illegal immigrants the administration was notified of but declined to deport between 2008 and 2011 under its Secure Communities program have gone on to be charged with other crimes, the committee said."
Report cites killings blamed on non-deported illegals - Washington Times
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And so we are back to the Moonie Times, eh?

so we are going to start arresting people for crimes they haven't committed yet?


"I'm on the case of Reverend Moon AND Lord Zenu!!!

Oh, man....worked like a charm!

I was hoping to get you to fall into that!

1. First....I jammed your words down your throat last time you said that by posting the actual vid of the Jeh Johnson admitting it!

OK, ErroneousJoe......Open wide:

A Congressional Research Service (CRS) 2012 report revealed that illegal aliens who had been released from U.S. custody onto U.S. soil between 2008 and 2011 were subsequently charged with more than 16,000 crimes, including murders, according to the New York Times."
2012 Report: Released Illegal Immigrants Charged with 16,226 Crimes, 19 Murders in US

3. "The Obama administration released illegal immigrants who went on to commit more crimes, including charges of 19 murders, 3 attempted murders and 142 sex crimes, the House Judiciary Committee said in a report Tuesday."
Doug Ross @ Journal: Crikeys: illegal aliens released by the Obama administration have killed 19, raped 142, and committed a total of 60,000 crimes

4. "Obama administration failed to deport arrested illegal immigrants who went onto to commit 19 murders and 142 sex crimes"
Obama administration failed to deport arrested illegal immigrants who went onto to commit 19 murders and 142 sex crimes | Mail Online

5. "Report: Obama Immigration Policy Partly Responsible for Deaths of Americans
Foreign criminals who were rearrested committed some 60,000 crimes, the report said, adding,

Of those released, CRS found that about 17% of illegal and criminal immigrants, or 26,412, were rearrested on criminal charges. These 26,412 recidivists accounted for a total of 42,827 arrests and 57,763 alleged violations.

The categories of crimes charged include nearly 8,500 DUI (14.6%), over 6,000 Drug Violations (10.9%), more than 4,000 Major Criminal Offenses (7.1%), which includes murder, assault, battery, rape, and kidnapping, nearly 3,000 Theft (4.9%), and over 1,000 Other Violent Crimes (2.1%), which includes carjacking, child cruelty, child molestation, domestic abuse, lynching, stalking, and torture.
Foreign criminals who were rearrested committed some 60,000 crimes, the report said, adding,

Of those released, CRS found that about 17% of illegal and criminal immigrants, or 26,412, were rearrested on criminal charges. These 26,412 recidivists accounted for a total of 42,827 arrests and 57,763 alleged violations.

The categories of crimes charged include nearly 8,500 DUI (14.6%), over 6,000 Drug Violations (10.9%), more than 4,000 Major Criminal Offenses (7.1%), which includes murder, assault, battery, rape, and kidnapping, nearly 3,000 Theft (4.9%), and over 1,000 Other Violent Crimes (2.1%), which includes carjacking, child cruelty, child molestation, domestic abuse, lynching, stalking, and torture."
Report: Obama Immigration Policy Partly Responsible for Deaths of Americans

Time to change your name to "Fish In A Barrel."
okay, obviously, you don't get that the Moonie Times has no credibility... So I'm not even sure where to take this discussion.

So to recap- the Moonie times has created a false narrative about "Criminal" illegals who were released because the courts say they can't hold illegals for more than six months and they had already done their time with whatever jurisdictions they had committed violations in.

Why, must be a scandal.
okay, obviously, you don't get that the Moonie Times has no credibility... So I'm not even sure where to take this discussion.

So to recap- the Moonie times has created a false narrative about "Criminal" illegals who were released because the courts say they can't hold illegals for more than six months and they had already done their time with whatever jurisdictions they had committed violations in.

Why, must be a scandal.

Once again I've shown that it is you, ErroneousJoe, AKA 'FishInABarrel,' who have no credibility.

Obama releases known criminals, with no concern for the Americans who will be harmed, for the same reason that President Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, offered pardons to Puerto Rican terrorists when his wife was planning a run for Senator in NY.

It's all about political benefits to the Democrat.

I think you knew that.

Bet you didn't know this:

Economist Jim Powell, in “FDR’s Folly,” notes that a disproportionate amount of FDR’s relief and public works spending “went not to the poorest states such as the South, but to western states were people were better off , apparently because there were ‘swing’ states which could yield FDR more votes in the next election.”
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okay, obviously, you don't get that the Moonie Times has no credibility... So I'm not even sure where to take this discussion.

So to recap- the Moonie times has created a false narrative about "Criminal" illegals who were released because the courts say they can't hold illegals for more than six months and they had already done their time with whatever jurisdictions they had committed violations in.

Why, must be a scandal.

"Left scrambles to defend release of criminal illegals"
Read more at Left scrambles to defend release of criminal illegals

I think they mention your name in there......
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WND. Seriously?

I'd suggest you go to Stormfront Next. Just don't tell them you're Asian...

You appear more and more the fraud every time you squeeze your eyes shut, cover your ears, and scream 'not credible, not credible......wahhhhhhh!~"
WND. Seriously?

I'd suggest you go to Stormfront Next. Just don't tell them you're Asian...

You appear more and more the fraud every time you squeeze your eyes shut, cover your ears, and scream 'not credible, not credible......wahhhhhhh!~"

NO, you see, the problem is, you use these fringe websites to make you point and ignore key facts.

Like most of these "Criminal" aliens had completed their sentences.

Or that 75% of them were released to do court mandates that we can't hold an illegal more than 6 months if their home country won't take them back.

But I'm sure you'll find something on "Wingnut.com" that contradicts that.

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