Obama: Cognitive Dissonance

Ooooh, noes, they released a bunch of traffic violators! (Usually to local authorities who had jurisdiction, but don't let that stop you!)

Meanwhile, we deported 369,000 illegal aliens in 2013, more than Bush ever did in any given year.

America?s deportation machine: The great expulsion | The Economist


ErroneousJoe....reliable Democrat voter....low information voter....how do you get all of those titles on your resume???

Read carefully as I show that your post is a lie....just like all the other lies you so firmly believe:

"The administration has argued it is tougher on illegal immigration than previous presidents, and immigrant-rights groups have excoriated President Obama, calling him the “deporter-in-chief” for having kicked out nearly 2 million immigrants during his five-year tenure.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson acknowledged Tuesday that his department’s deportation numbers are now mostly made up of illegal immigrants caught at the border, not just those from the interior, which means they can’t be compared one-to-one with deportations under President Bush or other prior administrations.

Previous administrations primarily counted only those caught in the interior of the U.S. by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“Under the Obama administration, more than half of those removals that were attributed to ICE are actually a result of Border Patrol arrests that wouldn’t have been counted in prior administrations,” said Rep. John Culberson, Texas Republican.
“Correct,” Mr. Johnson confirmed.

That would mean that in a one-to-one comparison with the final years of the Bush administration, deportations of those same people under Mr. Obama had actually fallen, according to immigration analysts who have studied the data."

Deportations come mostly from border, DHS chief says - Washington Times


".....deportations of those same people under Mr. Obama had actually fallen,...."

So...you bought the wind-bag's lies like they were on sale!
Joe....if you say 'gullible' very slowly....
...it sounds like 'oranges.'
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Okay, those are benefits for Children who are US Citizens because they were born here.

So unless someone repealed the 14th Amendment when I wasn't looking, I'm not seeing what your issue here is again.

the 14th Amendment was nevr meant for that purpose

of course you dont see what the issue is'

you're willfully ignorant

that is exactly what its for. if you're born here you're a citizen.

but I get we can't expect more from you and the rest of the double digit IQ crowd.

"....the double digit IQ crowd."


You've finally got a new one!

Remember the old "BUSH-IDIOT-DOLT-STUPID-COULTERGEIST- RUSHBOT-brain dead-wingnut-fruit loop- nutcase-obstreperous teatards" rant!

I guess you can learn new tricks.....
Ooooh, noes, they released a bunch of traffic violators! (Usually to local authorities who had jurisdiction, but don't let that stop you!)

Meanwhile, we deported 369,000 illegal aliens in 2013, more than Bush ever did in any given year.

America?s deportation machine: The great expulsion | The Economist


That is a bald faced lie, just like a whole lot of other bald faced lies that you kool-aid drinkers accept without thought. Those "deportation" numbers were generated by changing the method of counting deportations. To get those numbers, the Obama gang, has started counting those caught and returned at the border as "deportations".

The simple fact that this administration is not deporting the trash, should have given you a clue that their figures are bogus. But, that would have required you to actually think, and not just regurgitate the shit you have been fed.
The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is a nonpartisan,[1] politically conservative[2] non-profit research organization that advocates immigration reduction in the United States. It was started as a spin-off from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) in 1985.[3] As a 501(c)(3) organization, it is subject to limits or absolute prohibitions on engaging in political activities. The CIS's self-described mission is to "provid[e] immigration policymakers, the academic community, news media, and concerned citizens with reliable information about the social, economic, environmental, security, and fiscal consequences of legal and illegal immigration into the United States."[4]

Center for Immigration Studies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the 14th Amendment was nevr meant for that purpose

of course you dont see what the issue is'

you're willfully ignorant

that is exactly what its for. if you're born here you're a citizen.

but I get we can't expect more from you and the rest of the double digit IQ crowd.

no ignorant leftard; it was originally meant for freed slaves

read a book

The one time he uses a punctuation mark he uses it improperly.
When I read the following two stories, I shook my head so rapidly, you could blend paint colors in my mouth….

1. "Murderers, Rapists, Kidnappers: Over 36,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants Released In 2013
Nearly 200 murderers, over 400 rapists, and 300 kidnappers in the U.S. illegally were released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement while awaiting deportation proceedings, according to a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies.

A total of 36,007 criminal illegal immigrants that were being processed for deportation were freed in 2013. Together, they committed nearly 88,000 crimes, according to the report, published Monday."

Over 36,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants Released In 2013 | The Daily Caller

2. "Obama: Amnesty Necessary “For Our Safety And Security”…

Talking today with law enforcement officials at the White House, President Obama said changes to immigration law is necessary “for our safety and security.”

“Our broken immigration system makes it harder for our law enforcement agencies to do their job,” Obama said."

Obama: Amnesty Necessary ?For Our Safety And Security?? | Weasel Zippers

No longer is the safety of American citizens the priority of the Democrats....

....looking for a way to increase their vote totals is.

You've convinced me, and I agree that we need a law to license guest workers who peacefully work here
they released murderers and rapists

how many illegal crimianals is ok with you to release left-wing nutjob?

Where these guys CONVICTED of rape and murder, or just accused?

If they were accused, did the jurisdiction where they committed their crimes ask for them to be handed over for trial and punishment, or did they say, "Meh, we don't have enough evidence, just deport them."

You see, i'm always suspicious when I see some figure like this and then when you drill down, you find it's not quite what it was presented as.

For every illegal we released despite having minor crimes on their record, we sent 10 back to their home countries. We are sending more back now than we ever have in our history.

"Among the 36,000 immigrants whom U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement released from custody last year there were 116 with convictions for homicide, 43 for negligent manslaughter, 14 for voluntary manslaughter and one with a conviction classified by ICE as “homicide-willful kill-public official-gun.”

Feds released hundreds of immigrant murderers, drunken drivers, sex-crimes convicts - Washington Times

Oh.....btw....I gave each of 'em the address to your house.
When I read the following two stories, I shook my head so rapidly, you could blend paint colors in my mouth….

1. "Murderers, Rapists, Kidnappers: Over 36,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants Released In 2013
Nearly 200 murderers, over 400 rapists, and 300 kidnappers in the U.S. illegally were released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement while awaiting deportation proceedings, according to a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies.

A total of 36,007 criminal illegal immigrants that were being processed for deportation were freed in 2013. Together, they committed nearly 88,000 crimes, according to the report, published Monday."

Over 36,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants Released In 2013 | The Daily Caller

2. "Obama: Amnesty Necessary “For Our Safety And Security”…

Talking today with law enforcement officials at the White House, President Obama said changes to immigration law is necessary “for our safety and security.”

“Our broken immigration system makes it harder for our law enforcement agencies to do their job,” Obama said."

Obama: Amnesty Necessary ?For Our Safety And Security?? | Weasel Zippers

No longer is the safety of American citizens the priority of the Democrats....

....looking for a way to increase their vote totals is.

Oh. I thought you were talking about the Democratic party. My bad.
Rep raises alarm after murders by illegals blocked from deportation by home countries | Fox News June, a judge sentenced 22-year-old Shafiqul Islam, a Bangladeshi national, for the murder of 73-year-old Lois Decker."This man was a dangerous criminal," said Hudson New York District Attorney Paul Czajka. "He should not have been in the United States. At the very least, he should have been in detention."Islam murdered Decker after serving a year for sexually assaulting a child. After his release from prison, a judge ordered Islam deported.Bangladesh, however, refused to take him back. Because of the 2001 high court ruling, Islam stayed in the country."Lois had so much more living to do. She'll never see her grandchildren marry. Or see them have children. She loved her family, her friends and her church," lamented Decker's sister Sue Call at Islam's sentencing hearing.Police say Decker was at home when Islam broke in and strangled her to death in March. Decker taught Sunday school, volunteered at church and supported veterans' groups. Her case ignited a storm of criticism in tiny Hudson, N.Y., but it is hardly isolated. More than 50,000 criminal alien immigrants ordered deported remain in the U.S.

Secret criminals: US quietly released 8,500 criminals who were supposed to be deported -- with deadly consequences - Nation - The Boston Globe
She was sure that Huang Chen, a Chinese citizen who slipped into America on a ship and stayed in the country illegally, would be deported as soon as he got out of jail for choking, punching, and pointing a knife at her in 2006.

"">But China refused to take Chen back. So, after jailing Chen on and off for three years in Texas, immigration officials believed they were out of options and did what they have done with thousands of criminals like*him.
They quietly let him go.Nobody warned Wu, or prosecutors, or the public. The petite, 46-year-old woman learned Chen was still here when he stormed into her unlocked apartment one day in January 2010 and announced, “I bet you didn’t expect to see me.” Terrified, she called the police, and he fled. But for two weeks, Chen was free to stalk her*and finally, to catch her as she hurried home with milk and bread one afternoon.Chen then finished what he had started earlier, bashing Wu on the head with a hammer and slashing her with a knife. As she lay crumpled in a grimy stairwell, he ripped out her heart and a lung and fled with his macabre trophies.

Where these guys CONVICTED of rape and murder, or just accused?

If they were accused, did the jurisdiction where they committed their crimes ask for them to be handed over for trial and punishment, or did they say, "Meh, we don't have enough evidence, just deport them."

You see, i'm always suspicious when I see some figure like this and then when you drill down, you find it's not quite what it was presented as.

For every illegal we released despite having minor crimes on their record, we sent 10 back to their home countries. We are sending more back now than we ever have in our history.

Yeah, you discover that every one of those convicts had mothers, so they can't be all bad.

Yup, Obama is sending em back in droves, and that's why Joe Biden believes they're already Americans. Because he's sending them back, in droves, more than ever before, trust us, we wouldn't lie about this.

Again, he's been sending 400,000 a year home.

And he's letting 30K go for crimes like "traffic violations" and "Shoplifting". Oh, noes.

Mostly because their home countries won't take them and the places that originally caught them committing crimes declined to prosecute.
Rep raises alarm after murders by illegals blocked from deportation by home countries | Fox News June, a judge sentenced 22-year-old Shafiqul Islam, a Bangladeshi national, for the murder of 73-year-old Lois Decker."This man was a dangerous criminal," said Hudson New York District Attorney Paul Czajka. "He should not have been in the United States. At the very least, he should have been in detention."Islam murdered Decker after serving a year for sexually assaulting a child. After his release from prison, a judge ordered Islam deported.Bangladesh, however, refused to take him back. Because of the 2001 high court ruling, Islam stayed in the country."Lois had so much more living to do. She'll never see her grandchildren marry. Or see them have children. She loved her family, her friends and her church," lamented Decker's sister Sue Call at Islam's sentencing hearing.Police say Decker was at home when Islam broke in and strangled her to death in March. Decker taught Sunday school, volunteered at church and supported veterans' groups. Her case ignited a storm of criticism in tiny Hudson, N.Y., but it is hardly isolated. More than 50,000 criminal alien immigrants ordered deported remain in the U.S.

Secret criminals: US quietly released 8,500 criminals who were supposed to be deported -- with deadly consequences - Nation - The Boston Globe
She was sure that Huang Chen, a Chinese citizen who slipped into America on a ship and stayed in the country illegally, would be deported as soon as he got out of jail for choking, punching, and pointing a knife at her in 2006.

"">But China refused to take Chen back. So, after jailing Chen on and off for three years in Texas, immigration officials believed they were out of options and did what they have done with thousands of criminals like*him.
They quietly let him go.Nobody warned Wu, or prosecutors, or the public. The petite, 46-year-old woman learned Chen was still here when he stormed into her unlocked apartment one day in January 2010 and announced, “I bet you didn’t expect to see me.” Terrified, she called the police, and he fled. But for two weeks, Chen was free to stalk her*and finally, to catch her as she hurried home with milk and bread one afternoon.Chen then finished what he had started earlier, bashing Wu on the head with a hammer and slashing her with a knife. As she lay crumpled in a grimy stairwell, he ripped out her heart and a lung and fled with his macabre trophies.

Yeah, you discover that every one of those convicts had mothers, so they can't be all bad.

Yup, Obama is sending em back in droves, and that's why Joe Biden believes they're already Americans. Because he's sending them back, in droves, more than ever before, trust us, we wouldn't lie about this.

Again, he's been sending 400,000 a year home.

And he's letting 30K go for crimes like "traffic violations" and "Shoplifting". Oh, noes.

Mostly because their home countries won't take them and the places that originally caught them committing crimes declined to prosecute.

Talk shit when the pure morons who voted for Obama have someone better to vote for than one of Jeff Dunham's puppets.
"The statistics shows ICE released illegals jailed for 9,187 dangerous drug infractions, 426 sexual assault convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions, 193 homicide convictions, 1,317 domestic violence convictions and 1,075 aggravated assault convictions."
Murderers, Rapists, Child Molesters: Obama Release Of 36,000 Criminal Illegal Aliens Impeachable? « Pat Dollard

So throwing out the Non-crimes like domestic violence and drug infractions, you are down to less than 500 real crimes, then?

ErroneousJoe....reliable Democrat voter....low information voter....how do you get all of those titles on your resume???

You're the one bending over for rich people... I refuse to.

I'm going to ignore most of your response because it came from the Moonie Times.

In fact, it all came from the Moonie times, and therefore can be ignored.

"I'm going to ignore most of your response because it came from the Moonie Times."

No, you'll try to blunt the point....you're- as usual- wrong.

Obama 'facts' are lies....and you turn a blind eye to it.

Again....Obama has not deported more than Bush did.

And you voted for a lying windbag.
"The statistics shows ICE released illegals jailed for 9,187 dangerous drug infractions, 426 sexual assault convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions, 193 homicide convictions, 1,317 domestic violence convictions and 1,075 aggravated assault convictions."
Murderers, Rapists, Child Molesters: Obama Release Of 36,000 Criminal Illegal Aliens Impeachable? « Pat Dollard

So throwing out the Non-crimes like domestic violence and drug infractions, you are down to less than 500 real crimes, then?

They're all "real crimes"....starting with sneakng into the country.

I must have really wounded you or you wouldn't have posted this bilge:

" Non-crimes like domestic violence and drug infractions,..."

ErroneousJoe....reliable Democrat voter....low information voter....how do you get all of those titles on your resume???

You're the one bending over for rich people... I refuse to.

I'm going to ignore most of your response because it came from the Moonie Times.

In fact, it all came from the Moonie times, and therefore can be ignored.

"I'm going to ignore most of your response because it came from the Moonie Times."

No, you'll try to blunt the point....you're- as usual- wrong.

Obama 'facts' are lies....and you turn a blind eye to it.

Again....Obama has not deported more than Bush did.

And you voted for a lying windbag.

No, I voted against a Mormon Cultist. Sorry you can't see the difference.

You don't quote the Moonie Times as a source and then expect to have any credibility.


No Credibility!

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