Obama Commits The Biggest Flip-Flop Of All Time


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

You're gonna be hearing this from both sides but Obama thinks he's scoring points with this.

Will Romney use it against him?

He'd better.

Obama is trying to capitalize off of Romney's 47% comment.

He told the people at his rally; "Romney thinks you're victims.......I see no victims here!!!"

LMAO!!!! What a fucken idiot!!!
Sounded good when he said it but it flies in the face of what his campaign has been about all GD year.


Blacks who are victims, women who are victims, Latinos who are victims, and the Middle-Class who are victims.

For a guy who makes a living off of victimhood or a community-organizer, he sure has seen the light.

I guess income redistribution isn't necessary anymore because there are no oppressed masses anymore for Obama to help.

This one will blow up in his face like the chair.

Trust me....

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Bury this if you want....this one will hit Obama as hard as "you didn't build that"
Yup - complete failure - just like the "you didn't build that" lie. They seized on that like it was the first food they'd seen in a month. Based their entire convention on it. And what did it gain them? NOTHING. They got less than a point in convention bounce, which was gone in a day, and since then, the momentum's been building for the President. For some reason, they can't figure out that the undecided moderates really aren't that stupid to fall for it.
Several years ago, Romney was criticizing the propensity of people with no health insurance to fill emergency waiting rooms to get medical care for all kinds of non-emergency matters.

In a recent interview, when confronted with the fact that the Republican plan for health insurance would leave over 50 million people without health insurance, he said no, they can get medical treatment. All they have to do is go to the nearest emergency room.

That kind of flip-flop?
Romney is trying to appeal to the moderate (aka: hopelessly stupid) who haven't yet figured out that an Obama reelection will be our last election as a 50 state union.

Romney has been honest and hard-hitting, and he's not going to shy away from the the 47% comment
Several years ago, Romney was criticizing the propensity of people with no health insurance to fill emergency waiting rooms to get medical care for all kinds of non-emergency matters.

In a recent interview, when confronted with the fact that the Republican plan for health insurance would leave over 50 million people without health insurance, he said no, they can get medical treatment. All they have to do is go to the nearest emergency room.

That kind of flip-flop?

Well, seems to me his opinion hasn't changed.....people still can get health care without buying insurance. It seems you like giving people a hard time for being honest. Don't you think Mitt tried to insure as many as possible? He was simply stating a fact. Romney's primary complaint was that too many were using this option rather than paying for it through health premiums.

However I don't think victimizing every special interest group on the planet except white males and then trying to make hay off of the fact that Romney thinks 47% can't be persuaded to vote for him with promises of lower taxes is smart.

My point is this:

By declaring all of the sudden that nobody at his rally is a victim is the ultimate in opportunism and is absolutely dripping with irony.
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Several years ago, Romney was criticizing the propensity of people with no health insurance to fill emergency waiting rooms to get medical care for all kinds of non-emergency matters.

In a recent interview, when confronted with the fact that the Republican plan for health insurance would leave over 50 million people without health insurance, he said no, they can get medical treatment. All they have to do is go to the nearest emergency room.

That kind of flip-flop?

Well, seems to me his opinion hasn't changed.....people still can get health care without buying insurance. It seems you like giving people a hard time for being honest. Don't you think Mitt tried to insure as many as possible? He was simply stating a fact. Romney's primary complaint was that too many were using this option rather than paying for it through health premiums.

However I don't think victimizing every special interest group on the planet except white males and then trying to make hay off of the fact that Romney thinks 47% can't be persuaded to vote for him with promises of lower taxes is smart.

My point is this:

By declaring all of the sudden that nobody at his rally is a victim is the ultimate in opportunism and is absolutely dripping with irony.

Apologies for going off on a tangent, but you raise an interesting point here. Have you had to go to an emergency room lately? If you try to do that in the Los Angeles area (and, I would assume, just about any other major, urban area throughout the country), you will find the waiting room packed with people. Hardly any of them have health insurance. Hardly any of them are there for a geuine emergency. Most of them are bringing their sick kids in to be seen by a doc and given medicine.

This has been one of the major criticisms of the former (pre Obama plan) health care system. Oh, there were lots of other criticisms, but this was one of the main ones. Once you have been subjected to a four-hour wait when you have a genuine emergency, while sick kids are being given aspirin and sent home, you will hate this practice with all your heart.

OK - Romney at one time, quite properly, was very critical of a system that spawned a problem like this and he made public statements denouncing crowded emergency waiting rooms filled with uninsured people. Now, during his run for the presidency, he is saying that uninsured people will be taken care of by going to emergency rooms. That is a 180-degree change of opinion.

They ALL flip flop to some degree. All of them. Politics is a dirty, slimy business. The people who practice this "art" are intelligent, well-educated men and women who are very good at what they do. Unfortunately, they are also ambitious and opportunistic and will say pretty much whatever they think they should say in order to get what they want.

I am REALLY looking forward to the circus during the next two months. Pull up a chair.:D
Several years ago, Romney was criticizing the propensity of people with no health insurance to fill emergency waiting rooms to get medical care for all kinds of non-emergency matters.

In a recent interview, when confronted with the fact that the Republican plan for health insurance would leave over 50 million people without health insurance, he said no, they can get medical treatment. All they have to do is go to the nearest emergency room.

That kind of flip-flop?

Well, seems to me his opinion hasn't changed.....people still can get health care without buying insurance. It seems you like giving people a hard time for being honest. Don't you think Mitt tried to insure as many as possible? He was simply stating a fact. Romney's primary complaint was that too many were using this option rather than paying for it through health premiums.

However I don't think victimizing every special interest group on the planet except white males and then trying to make hay off of the fact that Romney thinks 47% can't be persuaded to vote for him with promises of lower taxes is smart.

My point is this:

By declaring all of the sudden that nobody at his rally is a victim is the ultimate in opportunism and is absolutely dripping with irony.

Apologies for going off on a tangent, but you raise an interesting point here. Have you had to go to an emergency room lately? If you try to do that in the Los Angeles area (and, I would assume, just about any other major, urban area throughout the country), you will find the waiting room packed with people. Hardly any of them have health insurance. Hardly any of them are there for a geuine emergency. Most of them are bringing their sick kids in to be seen by a doc and given medicine.

This has been one of the major criticisms of the former (pre Obama plan) health care system. Oh, there were lots of other criticisms, but this was one of the main ones. Once you have been subjected to a four-hour wait when you have a genuine emergency, while sick kids are being given aspirin and sent home, you will hate this practice with all your heart.

OK - Romney at one time, quite properly, was very critical of a system that spawned a problem like this and he made public statements denouncing crowded emergency waiting rooms filled with uninsured people. Now, during his run for the presidency, he is saying that uninsured people will be taken care of by going to emergency rooms. That is a 180-degree change of opinion.

They ALL flip flop to some degree. All of them. Politics is a dirty, slimy business. The people who practice this "art" are intelligent, well-educated men and women who are very good at what they do. Unfortunately, they are also ambitious and opportunistic and will say pretty much whatever they think they should say in order to get what they want.

I am REALLY looking forward to the circus during the next two months. Pull up a chair.:D

I'd love to see the direct quote on this. Romney didn't lie in ether case. What Obama did was lie and that's what makes it different.

The difference being that Obama has been making a living off of victimizing everyone, telling them that they've been oppressed and he's the one to make things fair, but then when it becomes convenient for him to take a cheap shot at Romney he acts like everything his campaign has been based on never happened.

The list is long......

Trayvan was victimized by a white man.
A 30 year old female college student is getting her birth control taken away by evil Repugs.
Gays are being victimized by Christians keeping them from getting married.
Hispanics are being victimized by the GOP who won't let them just walk in and take what they want.
Muslims are being victimized by some Christian that made a disgusting video.
The rich are victimizing the Middle-Class.
A steel workers wife was a Romney victim.

But now Obama all of the sudden can't see a victim anywhere.

Next week he'll be back to the class-warfare nonsense. There will be more victims than he can shake a stick at.

Obama is a compulsive liar. This is just another example of it.
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You're gonna be hearing this from both sides but Obama thinks he's scoring points with this.

Will Romney use it against him?

He'd better.

Obama is trying to capitalize off of Romney's 47% comment.

He told the people at his rally; "Romney thinks you're victims.......I see no victims here!!!"

LMAO!!!! What a fucken idiot!!!
Sounded good when he said it but it flies in the face of what his campaign has been about all GD year.


Blacks who are victims, women who are victims, Latinos who are victims, and the Middle-Class who are victims.

For a guy who makes a living off of victimhood or a community-organizer, he sure has seen the light.

I guess income redistribution isn't necessary anymore because there are no oppressed masses anymore for Obama to help.

This one will blow up in his face like the chair.

Trust me....

Several years ago, Romney was criticizing the propensity of people with no health insurance to fill emergency waiting rooms to get medical care for all kinds of non-emergency matters.

In a recent interview, when confronted with the fact that the Republican plan for health insurance would leave over 50 million people without health insurance, he said no, they can get medical treatment. All they have to do is go to the nearest emergency room.

That kind of flip-flop?

Yup and let's not forget his pro life flip flop, so, your point is?
Several years ago, Romney was criticizing the propensity of people with no health insurance to fill emergency waiting rooms to get medical care for all kinds of non-emergency matters.

In a recent interview, when confronted with the fact that the Republican plan for health insurance would leave over 50 million people without health insurance, he said no, they can get medical treatment. All they have to do is go to the nearest emergency room.

That kind of flip-flop?

Yup and let's not forget his pro life flip flop, so, your point is?

thats fuking it, talk about shoving me into the abyss? Romneys out.....and I aint kidding. Hes as phony as Cater anyway....*shrugs*


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