Obama Cuts God Out of T-day Address

Well since those of you defending the President didn't bother to read the proclamation, it is obvious you think he shoiuld not have mentioned God? Or you don't care.

However, the copy of the 2011 proclamation that I received was an abridged one. I do not know the source. Apparently this is the entire 2011 Thanksgiving Proclamation, and I will officially apologize to President Obama as he most certainly did mention God in it. I won't apologize for those trying to justify him not doing so, however. :)

Is no one still saying that he was required to mention God? Because I'm pretty sure you keep showing off that you think it is a requirement for a president.

Yes I do because to fail to do so would show a deplorable lack of content, respect, and appreciation for history, what the Holiday represents, and the American culture.

Did Washington or Jefferson mention god in their thanksgiving day addresses?

If not, why not?
Ridiculous. Pompous and absurd. The amount of EGO in this right wing demand blows my mind.

Ask a Native American what Thankgiving means to them.
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Well since those of you defending the President didn't bother to read the proclamation, it is obvious you think he shoiuld not have mentioned God? Or you don't care.

However, the copy of the 2011 proclamation that I received was an abridged one. I do not know the source. Apparently this is the entire 2011 Thanksgiving Proclamation, and I will officially apologize to President Obama as he most certainly did mention God in it. I won't apologize for those trying to justify him not doing so, however. :)

Is no one still saying that he was required to mention God? Because I'm pretty sure you keep showing off that you think it is a requirement for a president.

Yes I do because to fail to do so would show a deplorable lack of content, respect, and appreciation for history, what the Holiday represents, and the American culture.

If you take the American culture/history part to mean 'white and Christian' sure. But our own culture and history is much more diverse and rich, to the point where you could just as easily say as mentioning a deity would show a lack of content, respect, and appreciation for history, the holiday and the American culture.
Is no one still saying that he was required to mention God? Because I'm pretty sure you keep showing off that you think it is a requirement for a president.

Yes I do because to fail to do so would show a deplorable lack of content, respect, and appreciation for history, what the Holiday represents, and the American culture.

If you take the American culture/history part to mean 'white and Christian' sure. But our own culture and history is much more diverse and rich, to the point where you could just as easily say as mentioning a deity would show a lack of content, respect, and appreciation for history, the holiday and the American culture.

For Native Americans, Thanksgiving isn't about Pilgrims. This is the official US celebration of the European invasion that culminated in the death of ten to thirty million native people. "Land of our pilgrims pride" doesn't fit for them. By 1623, Mather the elder, a Pilgrim leader, was giving thanks to his God for destroying the heathen savages to make way "for a better growth," meaning his people.

The RW God Squad thinks this holiday is all about them. The RW thinks everyone should respect this holiday in the same way. For Native Americans, it's more of a day of mourning.

Today happens to be Red Friday, Native American Heritage Day.
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Ridiculous. Pompous and absurd. The amount of EGO in this right wing demand blows my mind.

Ask a Native American what Thankgiving means to them.

Why the right wing sweets...forgetting your history perhaps..:confused:

I'll help out... Andrew Jackson.. 1st Democrat President.. responsible for extermination of Indians..
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President Barack Obama has regularly issued proclamations in November during his years in office to date marking the month of November as Native American Heritage Month. Obama’s 2011 proclamation follows:

“From the Aleutian Islands to the Florida Everglades, American Indians and Alaska Natives have contributed immensely to our country’s heritage. During National Native American Heritage Month, we commemorate their enduring achievements and reaffirm the vital role American Indians and Alaska Natives play in enriching the character of our Nation.

“Native Americans stand among America’s most distinguished authors, artists, scientists, and political leaders, and in their accomplishments, they have profoundly strengthened the legacy we will leave our children. So, too, have American Indians and Alaska Natives bravely fought to protect this legacy as members of our Armed Forces. As service members, they have shown exceptional valor and heroism on battlefields from the American Revolution to Iraq and Afghanistan. Native Americans have demonstrated time and again their commitment to advancing our common goals, and we honor their resolve in the face of years of marginalization and broken promises. My Administration recognizes the painful chapters in our shared history, and we are fully committed to moving forward with American Indians and Alaska Natives to build a better future together.

“To strengthen our economy and win the future for our children, my Administration is addressing problems that have burdened Native American communities for too long. We are working to bolster economic development, expand access to affordable health care, broaden post-secondary educational opportunities, and ensure public safety and tribal justice. In June, I signed an Executive Order establishing the White House Rural Council, to strengthen Federal engagement with tribal governments and promote economic prosperity in Indian country and across rural America. This comes in conjunction with several settlements that will put more land into the hands of tribes and deliver long-awaited trust reform to Indian country.

“To bring jobs and sustainable growth to tribal nations, my Administration is connecting tribal economies to the broader economy through transportation infrastructure and high-speed Internet, as well as by focusing on clean energy development on tribal lands. First Lady Michelle Obama’s recently launched Let’s Move! in Indian Country initiative will also redouble efforts to encourage healthy living for American Indians and Alaska Natives. These actions reflect my Administration’s ongoing commitment to progress for Native Americans, which was reaffirmed last year when we announced our support for the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Through a comprehensive strategy where the Federal Government and tribal nations move forward as equal partners, we can bring real and lasting change to Indian country.

“This month, we celebrate the rich heritage and myriad contributions of American Indians and Alaska Natives, and we rededicate ourselves to supporting tribal sovereignty, tribal self-determination, and prosperity for all Native Americans. We will seek to strengthen our nation-to-nation relationship by ensuring tribal nations have a voice in shaping national policies impacting tribal communities. We will continue this dialogue at the White House Tribal Nations Conference held in Washington, D.C. next month. As we confront the challenges currently facing our tribal communities and work to ensure American Indians and Alaska Natives have meaningful opportunities to pursue their dreams, we are forging a brighter future for the First Americans and all Americans.

“NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2011 as National Native American Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans to commemorate this month with appropriate programs and activities, and to celebrate November 25, 2011, as Native American Heritage Day.

“IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of November, in the year of our Lord two thousand eleven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-sixth.”

Read more:Red Friday: Native American Heritage Day 2011 - ICTMN.com Red Friday: Native American Heritage Day 2011 - ICTMN.com
Ridiculous. Pompous and absurd. The amount of EGO in this right wing demand blows my mind.

Ask a Native American what Thankgiving means to them.

Why the right wing sweets...forgetting your history perhaps..:confused:

I'll help out... Andrew Jackson.. 1st Democrat President.. responsible for extermination of Indians..

You can hardly lay all of the blame at Jackson's feet. We'd been going to war with the Native Americans periodically since the American Revolution.
Is no one still saying that he was required to mention God? Because I'm pretty sure you keep showing off that you think it is a requirement for a president.

Yes I do because to fail to do so would show a deplorable lack of content, respect, and appreciation for history, what the Holiday represents, and the American culture.

If you take the American culture/history part to mean 'white and Christian' sure. But our own culture and history is much more diverse and rich, to the point where you could just as easily say as mentioning a deity would show a lack of content, respect, and appreciation for history, the holiday and the American culture.

You are entitled to your opinion. And the hundreds of millions of Americans who look at Thanksgiving for what it is--the first Thanksgiving was celebrated with the Native Americans actually--are entitled to theirs. The first Thanksgiving was a beautiful thing and to set aside a day as a national holiday to give thanks to God for our blessings, whatever they are, is a beautiful thing.

You are most welcome to ignore the holiday. There is no requirement that you observe it. You might ask why it seems so important to you to make it into something ugly and hateful for so many others, however.
Ridiculous. Pompous and absurd. The amount of EGO in this right wing demand blows my mind.

Ask a Native American what Thankgiving means to them.

Why the right wing sweets...forgetting your history perhaps..:confused:

I'll help out... Andrew Jackson.. 1st Democrat President.. responsible for extermination of Indians..

You can hardly lay all of the blame at Jackson's feet. We'd been going to war with the Native Americans periodically since the American Revolution.

Sorry.. I got carried away...oh, wait a second.. I didn't say all Indians...:D
The arrogant RW thinks the only people who celebrate Thanksgiving "properly" or who know the meaning of it are the descendants of white folks who came over on the Mayflower.

If the word GOD isn't used by the President a hundred times in his Thanksgiving speech he isn't performing his Presidential duties.

The pomposity in that view astounds me. Thanksgiving belongs to our country, ALL of us citizens, including some who never use the word God or require God to give thanks and offer blessings.
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The arrogant RW thinks the only people who celebrate Thanksgiving "properly" or who know the meaning of it are the descendants of white folks who came over on the Mayflower.

If the word GOD isn't used by the President a hundred times in his Thanksgiving speech he isn't performing his Presidential duties.

The pomposity in that view astounds me.

Sheesh.. how about just once, you know the pompous 90%ers...all white in your book..
The arrogant RW thinks the only people who celebrate Thanksgiving "properly" or who know the meaning of it are the descendants of white folks who came over on the Mayflower.

If the word GOD isn't used by the President a hundred times in his Thanksgiving speech he isn't performing his Presidential duties.

The pomposity in that view astounds me.

Sheesh.. how about just once, you know the pompous 90%ers...all white in your book..

The people who criticised the President for not mentioning GOD in his Thanksgiving speech when he actually did, are pompous and arrogant.

When people ignore what Thanksgiving means to Native Americans and act like it was alll about the Pilgrims, (whites), presume they OWN the holiday.

They don't. We all own it and it means different things to each of us.
Yes I do because to fail to do so would show a deplorable lack of content, respect, and appreciation for history, what the Holiday represents, and the American culture.

If you take the American culture/history part to mean 'white and Christian' sure. But our own culture and history is much more diverse and rich, to the point where you could just as easily say as mentioning a deity would show a lack of content, respect, and appreciation for history, the holiday and the American culture.

You are entitled to your opinion. And the hundreds of millions of Americans who look at Thanksgiving for what it is--the first Thanksgiving was celebrated with the Native Americans actually--are entitled to theirs. The first Thanksgiving was a beautiful thing and to set aside a day as a national holiday to give thanks to God for our blessings, whatever they are, is a beautiful thing.

You are most welcome to ignore the holiday. There is no requirement that you observe it. You might ask why it seems so important to you to make it into something ugly and hateful for so many others, however.

Please point out where I said a had a problem with Thanksgiving being observed. I thought we were talking about you requiring every President to invoke the name of the Christian god every time a speech on Thanksgiving was given.
The arrogant RW thinks the only people who celebrate Thanksgiving "properly" or who know the meaning of it are the descendants of white folks who came over on the Mayflower.

If the word GOD isn't used by the President a hundred times in his Thanksgiving speech he isn't performing his Presidential duties.

The pomposity in that view astounds me.

Sheesh.. how about just once, you know the pompous 90%ers...all white in your book..

The people who criticised the President for not mentioning GOD in his Thanksgiving speech when he actually did, are pompous and arrogant.

When people ignore what Thanksgiving means to Native Americans and act like it was alll about the Pilgrims, (whites), presume they OWN the holiday.

They don't. We all own it and it means different things to each of us.

Okay Pilgrim.. you win..:lol:
mmm subconsciously Obama must believe he's a lousy President that doesn't deserve re-election...Heck, he's not even trying fake it anymore...

PRINCETON, NJ -- More than 9 in 10 Americans still say "yes" when asked the basic question "Do you believe in God?"; this is down only slightly from the 1940s, when Gallup first asked this question.

More Than 9 in 10 Americans Continue to Believe in God

Right here is the key:

"Belief in God drops below 90% among younger Americans, liberals, those living in the East, those with postgraduate educations, and political independents. However, belief in God is nearly universal among Republicans and conservatives and, to a slightly lesser degree, in the South."

Brainwashing isn't working as well...except on foolish assed Republicans and those who sport a rebel flag and a gun. If it were not for brainwashing infants and small children that ancient god worship would have died a thousand years ago.

Also...the thing is a belief in God. Here's a poll about Christians and it doesn't stand so tall:


America becoming less Christian, survey finds

March 09, 2009

A survey finds percentage of of Americans identifying themselves as Christian has fallen over two decades.America is a less Christian nation than it was 20 years ago, and Christianity is not losing out to other religions, but primarily to a rejection of religion altogether, a survey published Monday found.

Seventy-five percent of Americans call themselves Christian, according to the American Religious Identification Survey from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. In 1990, the figure was 86 percent.
William Donohue, president of the Catholic League said he thinks a radical shift towards individualism over the last quarter-century has a lot to do it.

"The three most dreaded words are thou shalt not," he told Lou Dobbs. "Notice they are not atheists -- they are saying I don't want to be told what to do with my life."

At the same time there has been an increase in the number of people expressing no religious affiliation.
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mmm subconsciously Obama must believe he's a lousy President that doesn't deserve re-election...Heck, he's not even trying fake it anymore...

PRINCETON, NJ -- More than 9 in 10 Americans still say "yes" when asked the basic question "Do you believe in God?"; this is down only slightly from the 1940s, when Gallup first asked this question.

More Than 9 in 10 Americans Continue to Believe in God

Right here is the key:

"Belief in God drops below 90% among younger Americans, liberals, those living in the East, those with postgraduate educations, and political independents. However, belief in God is nearly universal among Republicans and conservatives and, to a slightly lesser degree, in the South."

Brainwashing isn't working as well...except on foolish assed Republicans and those who sport a rebel flag and a gun. If it were not for brainwashing infants and small children that ancient god worship would have died a thousand years ago.

Should we add that most, "Democrats are God-less heathens" according to you..:D

Sounds like a political win.. win.. as a Democrat motto...:lol:
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Sheesh.. how about just once, you know the pompous 90%ers...all white in your book..

The people who criticised the President for not mentioning GOD in his Thanksgiving speech when he actually did, are pompous and arrogant.

When people ignore what Thanksgiving means to Native Americans and act like it was alll about the Pilgrims, (whites), presume they OWN the holiday.

They don't. We all own it and it means different things to each of us.

Okay Pilgrim.. you win..:lol:

I'm no Pilgrim. My family didn't get here until the 1890's.
The people who criticised the President for not mentioning GOD in his Thanksgiving speech when he actually did, are pompous and arrogant.

When people ignore what Thanksgiving means to Native Americans and act like it was alll about the Pilgrims, (whites), presume they OWN the holiday.

They don't. We all own it and it means different things to each of us.

Okay Pilgrim.. you win..:lol:

I'm no Pilgrim. My family didn't get here until the 1890's.

I suspect your family mated with the pilgrim ancestory but only to bug you a little...:lol:

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