Obama Cuts God Out of T-day Address

Obama doesn't have a 'messaging' problem. He's raising taxes, raising spending and calling for restraint, while he tosses American interests out the window. It will all add up.

That's his message.

You're full of it..........your party is full of it. A large part of Obama's Stimulus was tax cuts for those earning less than $250,000 per year. He's been trying to get taxes raised on corporations and the wealthy... back to where they were while Bill Clinton's two terms were thriving but your right wing supporters of corporations and the wealthy won't allow it.

Right now taxes are the lowest they've been in 50 years and the goddamed right wing conservatives have pledged not to allow any increases. We don't pay for our spending any more. It started when Reagan took office and I can't help it if you're either too stupid or too hard headed to see it.

You really pulled that one out of your ass.

Tax-cuts, my hairy nut-sack.

Guess what loser, Obama didn't want the Super-committee to do anything.

You wanna know how I know????

Because the sticking point was a $1,000,000,000,000.00 tax increase on all of us.

Another deal-breaker was the Bush Tax-cuts. He wants them to expire first of the year.

Who do you think that will effect??????

All of us.

Try pulling your head out of your ass for once.
Obama doesn't have a 'messaging' problem. He's raising taxes, raising spending and calling for restraint, while he tosses American interests out the window. It will all add up.

That's his message.

...meanwhile, in North Mexico..... errr..... Canada :rolleyes:

Why you keep spreading this 57Frankie? :eusa_eh:

PolitiFact | Photo was taken during anthem, not pledge
But the Time magazine photograph wasn't taken during the Pledge of Allegiance; it was taken during the singing of the Star-Spangled Banner.

The Obama photo was taken Sept. 16 in Indianola, Iowa, at the Harkin Steak Fry, an annual political event hosted by U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin. The caption on the Time photo says Obama and the others "stand during the national anthem."

"the tune of the Star-Spangled Banner was originally a drinking song. If they can put the words to the tune of a rousing drinking song, to quibble over whether you put your hand over your heart is really ridiculous."


It's not a photo, Fluffer, It's a video of Obama playing with his cock during the National Anthem
Obama doesn't have a 'messaging' problem. He's raising taxes, raising spending and calling for restraint, while he tosses American interests out the window. It will all add up.

That's his message.

...meanwhile, in North Mexico..... errr..... Canada :rolleyes:

Actually, Canada had a major victory for the conservatives last spring...first time in 23 years. That is helping them with their economy.

Fact being...we would probably be closer to North Mexico than Canada.
just sayin

Why you keep spreading this 57Frankie? :eusa_eh:

PolitiFact | Photo was taken during anthem, not pledge
But the Time magazine photograph wasn't taken during the Pledge of Allegiance; it was taken during the singing of the Star-Spangled Banner.

The Obama photo was taken Sept. 16 in Indianola, Iowa, at the Harkin Steak Fry, an annual political event hosted by U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin. The caption on the Time photo says Obama and the others "stand during the national anthem."

"the tune of the Star-Spangled Banner was originally a drinking song. If they can put the words to the tune of a rousing drinking song, to quibble over whether you put your hand over your heart is really ridiculous."


It's not a photo, Fluffer, It's a video of Obama playing with his cock during the National Anthem

you made the mistake of qouting that its the star Spangled Banner you nut-juggler :clap2:
I never said is was the Pledge, Fluffer

Now you look extremely ridiculous. My recommendation? Lose the Obama kneepad

"FDR Depression was worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years"

Like today...FDR was dumped on by a bunch of Herbert Hoover cohorts in the banking business which tightened up and wouldn't loan a goddamned thing to anybody or anything unless they could prove they really didn't need it.

Guess What MoFo... Franklin Delano Roosevelt was re elected three times. It screwed the Republican party's minds up so bad that they changed the rules so that no president, either party could ever serve four terms again......I wonder why......NOT!

Your stupidity isn't an act, is it? The presidency tenure has always been a two term limit with all the presidents except for FDR. He died right at the beginning of his fourth term.

Term limits in the Constitution
In contrast to the Articles of Confederation, the federal constitution convention at Philadelphia omitted mandatory term limits from the second national frame of government, i.e. the U.S. Constitution of 1787 to the present. Nonetheless, largely because of grassroots support for the principle of rotation, rapid turnover in Congress prevailed. Also, George Washington set the precedent for a two-term tradition that prevailed (with the exception of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's four terms) until the 22nd Amendment of 1951.
However, when the states ratified the Constitution (1787–88), several leading statesmen regarded the lack of mandatory limits to tenure as a dangerous defect, especially, they thought, as regards the Presidency and the Senate. Richard Henry Lee viewed the absence of legal limits to tenure, together with certain other features of the Constitution, as "most highly and dangerously oligarchic."[6] Both Jefferson[7] and George Mason[8] advised limits on reelection to the Senate and to the Presidency, because said Mason, "nothing is so essential to the preservation of a Republican government as a periodic rotation." The historian Mercy Otis Warren, warned that "there is no provision for a rotation, nor anything to prevent the perpetuity of office in the same hands for life; which by a little well timed bribery, will probably be done...."[9]
Term limits in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Politics wasn't so polarized as it is now, so why does a hack like yourself try to pretend it was all about party partisanship, moron.

LOL...you're telling me what I just got through posting LMAO

I was in school when they declared a day of mourning for Roosevelt. The only other one I remember was when Richard Nixon and George Herbert Walker Bush carried out the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
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Like today...FDR was dumped on by a bunch of Herbert Hoover cohorts in the banking business which tightened up and wouldn't loan a goddamned thing to anybody or anything unless they could prove they really didn't need it.

Guess What MoFo... Franklin Delano Roosevelt was re elected three times. It screwed the Republican party's minds up so bad that they changed the rules so that no president, either party could ever serve four terms again......I wonder why......NOT!

Your stupidity isn't an act, is it? The presidency tenure has always been a two term limit with all the presidents except for FDR. He died right at the beginning of his fourth term.

Term limits in the Constitution
In contrast to the Articles of Confederation, the federal constitution convention at Philadelphia omitted mandatory term limits from the second national frame of government, i.e. the U.S. Constitution of 1787 to the present. Nonetheless, largely because of grassroots support for the principle of rotation, rapid turnover in Congress prevailed. Also, George Washington set the precedent for a two-term tradition that prevailed (with the exception of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's four terms) until the 22nd Amendment of 1951.
However, when the states ratified the Constitution (1787–88), several leading statesmen regarded the lack of mandatory limits to tenure as a dangerous defect, especially, they thought, as regards the Presidency and the Senate. Richard Henry Lee viewed the absence of legal limits to tenure, together with certain other features of the Constitution, as "most highly and dangerously oligarchic."[6] Both Jefferson[7] and George Mason[8] advised limits on reelection to the Senate and to the Presidency, because said Mason, "nothing is so essential to the preservation of a Republican government as a periodic rotation." The historian Mercy Otis Warren, warned that "there is no provision for a rotation, nor anything to prevent the perpetuity of office in the same hands for life; which by a little well timed bribery, will probably be done...."[9]
Term limits in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Politics wasn't so polarized as it is now, so why does a hack like yourself try to pretend it was all about party partisanship, moron.

LOL...you're telling me what I just got through posting LMAO

I was in school when they declared a day of mourning for Roosevelt. The only other one I remember was when Richard Nixon and George Herbert Walker Bush carried out the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Now you have me LMAO. I didn't know you're a conspiracy theorist also. :lol:
Your stupidity isn't an act, is it? The presidency tenure has always been a two term limit with all the presidents except for FDR. He died right at the beginning of his fourth term.

Term limits in the Constitution
In contrast to the Articles of Confederation, the federal constitution convention at Philadelphia omitted mandatory term limits from the second national frame of government, i.e. the U.S. Constitution of 1787 to the present. Nonetheless, largely because of grassroots support for the principle of rotation, rapid turnover in Congress prevailed. Also, George Washington set the precedent for a two-term tradition that prevailed (with the exception of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's four terms) until the 22nd Amendment of 1951.
However, when the states ratified the Constitution (1787–88), several leading statesmen regarded the lack of mandatory limits to tenure as a dangerous defect, especially, they thought, as regards the Presidency and the Senate. Richard Henry Lee viewed the absence of legal limits to tenure, together with certain other features of the Constitution, as "most highly and dangerously oligarchic."[6] Both Jefferson[7] and George Mason[8] advised limits on reelection to the Senate and to the Presidency, because said Mason, "nothing is so essential to the preservation of a Republican government as a periodic rotation." The historian Mercy Otis Warren, warned that "there is no provision for a rotation, nor anything to prevent the perpetuity of office in the same hands for life; which by a little well timed bribery, will probably be done...."[9]
Term limits in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Politics wasn't so polarized as it is now, so why does a hack like yourself try to pretend it was all about party partisanship, moron.

LOL...you're telling me what I just got through posting LMAO

I was in school when they declared a day of mourning for Roosevelt. The only other one I remember was when Richard Nixon and George Herbert Walker Bush carried out the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Now you have me LMAO. I didn't know you're a conspiracy theorist also. :lol:

Everybody knows that the one magic bullet didn't go through two people on a curve and run down the street only to be found in pristine condition on a gurney. Anybody with one eye and half sense. Also....oddly enough part of the JFK skull never showed up after the plane ride. Lee Harvey Oswald said he was a Patsy as soon as he was arrested. When Jack Ruby rubbed him out live on TV in the early days of TV that was the end of one of the most atrocious plots in the nation's history. Conspiricy theorist my ass.
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LOL...you're telling me what I just got through posting LMAO

I was in school when they declared a day of mourning for Roosevelt. The only other one I remember was when Richard Nixon and George Herbert Walker Bush carried out the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Now you have me LMAO. I didn't know you're a conspiracy theorist also. :lol:

Everybody knows that the one magic bullet didn't go through two people on a curve and run down the street only to be found in pristine condition on a gurney. Anybody with one eye and half sense. Also....oddly enough part of the JFK skull never showed up after the plane ride. Lee Harvey Oswald said he was a Patsy as soon as he was arrested. When Jack Ruby rubbed him out live on TV in the early days of TV that was the end of one of the most atrocious plots in the nation's history. Conspiricy theorist my ass.

:lol: So with your conspiracy, it was Nixon and Bush 41, huh? :rolleyes:
Now you have me LMAO. I didn't know you're a conspiracy theorist also. :lol:

Everybody knows that the one magic bullet didn't go through two people on a curve and run down the street only to be found in pristine condition on a gurney. Anybody with one eye and half sense. Also....oddly enough part of the JFK skull never showed up after the plane ride. Lee Harvey Oswald said he was a Patsy as soon as he was arrested. When Jack Ruby rubbed him out live on TV in the early days of TV that was the end of one of the most atrocious plots in the nation's history. Conspiricy theorist my ass.

:lol: So with your conspiracy, it was Nixon and Bush 41, huh? :rolleyes:

My money is on Col Mustard in the Conservatory with a candlestick
We are in 2 shooting wars, the deficit is skyrocketing, gas is over 3 bucks a gallon, unemployment is very high and you empty skull jockeys are worried about someone not mentioning God.

Maybe we wouldn't have all these problems if he DID mention God once in awhile!

You can not be serious.
We have 3 Republican candidates that claim God told them to run.
Old God sure is confused.
We had a Governor here in Georgia who mentioned God everytime his mouth was open while his hand was in the taxpayers pocket. He even had a prayer vigil praying for rain when we had the drought a few years ago.
It didn't rain for 6 more weeks. All the while he gave away 100 million in tax credits for the new Kia plant here where it turned out 1/3 of the employees live in Alabama.
Sorry honey, God does not care about what goes on down here in politics.
He cares how you and I treat our fellow man.
Politicians that mention God do it for your vote. They are con men.

I'm quite serious.
Nothing happens without God's hand being involved somehow.
God either let it happen or He put your governor in place...for some reason. God kept the rain away, for some reason. We don't always know the reasons, but whatever they are, they will be figured out some day. I even believe God put Obama where he is now...for a reason. Maybe it was bring the US to their knees and ask for forgiveness....because we all know God has to be punishing us for something!
What is all the talk about a damn word that is empty in meaning by examples of those who exercise its use. It is all bullshit.
Is the religious right so insecure that they need the President to validate their beliefs?
More Than 9 in 10 Americans Continue to Believe in God


What does that have to do with Thanksgiving? The holiday isn’t subject to ‘majority rule.’

But the point is, Thanksgiving was established as a national holiday for the purpose of giving thanks to God for our blessings. Whether or not he personally subscribes to that, any President who gives the clear impression that he doesn't have a clue about that is a President who is clearly so out of touch with the vast majority of Americans that he really should not be President at all.

More nonsense.

And this is a non-issue, a partisan contrivance of the right.

I wonder if he did it on purpose to showcase the idiocy of Republicans?

Republicans seem perfectly capable of showcasing this themselves.
God believes anyone that cares about mentioning his name in a political Thanksgiving PR announcement is a damn fool.
As evidenced here.
God believes anyone that cares about mentioning his name in a political Thanksgiving PR announcement is a damn fool.
As evidenced here.


God does this, God does that, God thinks this, God thinks that, God says this, God says that, God believes this, God believes that.....sounds like a preacher. All preachers pretend they are God's sidekicks and are with him 24-7. I used to think they had a crystal ball or a direct communications channel to the man himself.

Seriously think about any sermon you've ever heard. Preachers make up shit just as fast as they can and it's always something god must have personally told them. That places them on a level with Moses....except the five books of the old testament which Moses is given credit for were written in third person. I wonder who that mystery writer was that stood there and watched and heard Moses and God talking about the burning bush and the ten commandments.
Maybe we wouldn't have all these problems if he DID mention God once in awhile!

You can not be serious.
We have 3 Republican candidates that claim God told them to run.
Old God sure is confused.
We had a Governor here in Georgia who mentioned God everytime his mouth was open while his hand was in the taxpayers pocket. He even had a prayer vigil praying for rain when we had the drought a few years ago.
It didn't rain for 6 more weeks. All the while he gave away 100 million in tax credits for the new Kia plant here where it turned out 1/3 of the employees live in Alabama.
Sorry honey, God does not care about what goes on down here in politics.
He cares how you and I treat our fellow man.
Politicians that mention God do it for your vote. They are con men.

I'm quite serious.
Nothing happens without God's hand being involved somehow.
God either let it happen or He put your governor in place...for some reason. God kept the rain away, for some reason. We don't always know the reasons, but whatever they are, they will be figured out some day. I even believe God put Obama where he is now...for a reason. Maybe it was bring the US to their knees and ask for forgiveness....because we all know God has to be punishing us for something!

What a sucker! Don't feel bad...there's one born every minute.

And who may I ask was responsible for your brainwashing. God is in your mind numbnuts.
We are in 2 shooting wars, the deficit is skyrocketing, gas is over 3 bucks a gallon, unemployment is very high and you empty skull jockeys are worried about someone not mentioning God.

Maybe we wouldn't have all these problems if he DID mention God once in awhile!

Explain in detail how mentioning a god will solve all those problems.

Thanks in advance.

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