Obama daughters listed as "senior staff" for African trip

Uh oh!

They've really been listed as "senior staff" because when Obama suspends the election he's going to put the girls in charge of the FEMA camps.


will there be cookies?

i like cookies.

Why yes it does matter that the children of the President and First Lady are listed as "senior staff".

They are travelling on the taxpayers dime when the Obamas continually call for shared sacrifice.

They are limousine liberals with the typical "do as I say, not as I do".

And they are swine at the trough of the taxpayers dollars.

They deserve to be listed as "senior staff" and fly on our dollar. They will never ever have a normal life. Now leave the children alone. Of all the fucking things for you hacks to come up with.....


And I vividly remember the stink all the libs raised over the security provided for the Bush daughters and their South American vacation.

Bloody country club commies constantly harping at the twins.

Oh and let us not forget all the stink raised about the Palin children flying with their mother.


People who bitched about those instances are jackasses just like you.
Bring out the pitchforks!

“The Obama daughters were not listed as Senior Staff – that only designates the area of the plane where they were seated,” says the official. “The Air Force categorizes the passengers by compartment on the plane.”

Washington Examiner: Half a Million for Michelle Obama's Africa Trip ... - Michelle Obama - Fox Nation

Gotta love Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits, which is what it takes to make the Obama administration answer questions on how Michelle Obama spends taxpayer's money.

Last week we obtained mission expense records and passenger manifests from the United States Air Force related to the June 21-27, 2011, trip. Judicial Watch obtained the documents pursuant to an August 19, 2011, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit. It is amazing how transparent the Obama administration becomes once you sue them in a federal court!

On June 28, 2011, we filed a FOIA request seeking the mission taskings, transportation records, and passenger manifests for Michelle Obama’s Africa trip. Our FOIA lawsuit extracted some interesting information:

•According to U.S. Department of Defense’s published hourly rates for the C-32A aircraft used for the trip, we calculated the total cost to American taxpayers was $424,142 for the flight and crew. (The C-32 is a specially configured military version of the Boeing 757.) Other expenses ─ meals (off the plane), transportation, security, various services, etc. ─ have yet to be reported.

•The expense records also indicate $928.44 were spent for “bulk food” purchases on flight. Overall, during the trip, 192 meals were served for the 21 passengers on board.

•The passenger manifests confirm the presence of Obama’s daughter’s, Malia and Sasha on the trip. The two girls are listed as “Senior Staff.” The manifests also list Mrs. Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, and niece and nephew, Leslie and Avery Robinson, as well Mrs. Obama’s makeup and hairstylist (Carl Ray and Johnny Wright).
Wake up America: Obama's Daughters Are Listed As "Senior Staff" In Order To Bilk Taxpayers For Their Travel And Vacation

I'm going to go with the FOIA lawsuit as the most reputable source.

OK. Fine. Now, if I'm gonna be outraged, I need to know what previous Presidents have done. Got any info?
They deserve to be listed as "senior staff" and fly on our dollar. They will never ever have a normal life. Now leave the children alone. Of all the fucking things for you hacks to come up with.....


And I vividly remember the stink all the libs raised over the security provided for the Bush daughters and their South American vacation.

Bloody country club commies constantly harping at the twins.

Oh and let us not forget all the stink raised about the Palin children flying with their mother.


People who bitched about those instances are jackasses just like you.

The "jackass" is the Democrat's mascot. the dumb jackass. that speaks volumes actually.
And I vividly remember the stink all the libs raised over the security provided for the Bush daughters and their South American vacation.

Bloody country club commies constantly harping at the twins.

Oh and let us not forget all the stink raised about the Palin children flying with their mother.


People who bitched about those instances are jackasses just like you.

The "jackass" is the Democrat's mascot. the dumb jackass. that speaks volumes actually.

only to those who are hard up against the left side of the bell curve, like you.
People who bitched about those instances are jackasses just like you.

The "jackass" is the Democrat's mascot. the dumb jackass. that speaks volumes actually.

only to those who are hard up against the left side of the bell curve, like you.

why didn't they pick a smart, self-reliant mascot like the tiger or the grizzly bear or even the elephant. A jackass a dumb, needy, can't live on it's own animal. simple as that. Deny it all you want. It's a fact. Remember the line in "Treasure of the Sierra Madre" - "You're so dumb, there's nothing to compare you to, you're dumber than the dumbest jackass."

Gotta love Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits, which is what it takes to make the Obama administration answer questions on how Michelle Obama spends taxpayer's money.

Last week we obtained mission expense records and passenger manifests from the United States Air Force related to the June 21-27, 2011, trip. Judicial Watch obtained the documents pursuant to an August 19, 2011, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit. It is amazing how transparent the Obama administration becomes once you sue them in a federal court!

On June 28, 2011, we filed a FOIA request seeking the mission taskings, transportation records, and passenger manifests for Michelle Obama’s Africa trip. Our FOIA lawsuit extracted some interesting information:

•According to U.S. Department of Defense’s published hourly rates for the C-32A aircraft used for the trip, we calculated the total cost to American taxpayers was $424,142 for the flight and crew. (The C-32 is a specially configured military version of the Boeing 757.) Other expenses ─ meals (off the plane), transportation, security, various services, etc. ─ have yet to be reported.

•The expense records also indicate $928.44 were spent for “bulk food” purchases on flight. Overall, during the trip, 192 meals were served for the 21 passengers on board.

•The passenger manifests confirm the presence of Obama’s daughter’s, Malia and Sasha on the trip. The two girls are listed as “Senior Staff.” The manifests also list Mrs. Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, and niece and nephew, Leslie and Avery Robinson, as well Mrs. Obama’s makeup and hairstylist (Carl Ray and Johnny Wright).
Wake up America: Obama's Daughters Are Listed As "Senior Staff" In Order To Bilk Taxpayers For Their Travel And Vacation

I'm going to go with the FOIA lawsuit as the most reputable source.

OK. Fine. Now, if I'm gonna be outraged, I need to know what previous Presidents have done. Got any info?


I recall reading a biography of Harry S. Truman, and it recounting the fact that he kept postal stamps in two different pockets...one for government mailings, and one for personal.
Now, that may be apocryphal, like Washington and the cherry tree...but isn't that what we are comparing this behavior to?

Is it wrong to expect Truman like behavior from our Presidents?
They deserve to be listed as "senior staff" and fly on our dollar. They will never ever have a normal life. Now leave the children alone. Of all the fucking things for you hacks to come up with.....


And I vividly remember the stink all the libs raised over the security provided for the Bush daughters and their South American vacation.

Bloody country club commies constantly harping at the twins.

Oh and let us not forget all the stink raised about the Palin children flying with their mother.


People who bitched about those instances are jackasses just like you.

tsk tsk tsk.
Gotta love Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits, which is what it takes to make the Obama administration answer questions on how Michelle Obama spends taxpayer's money.

Last week we obtained mission expense records and passenger manifests from the United States Air Force related to the June 21-27, 2011, trip. Judicial Watch obtained the documents pursuant to an August 19, 2011, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit. It is amazing how transparent the Obama administration becomes once you sue them in a federal court!

On June 28, 2011, we filed a FOIA request seeking the mission taskings, transportation records, and passenger manifests for Michelle Obama’s Africa trip. Our FOIA lawsuit extracted some interesting information:

•According to U.S. Department of Defense’s published hourly rates for the C-32A aircraft used for the trip, we calculated the total cost to American taxpayers was $424,142 for the flight and crew. (The C-32 is a specially configured military version of the Boeing 757.) Other expenses ─ meals (off the plane), transportation, security, various services, etc. ─ have yet to be reported.

•The expense records also indicate $928.44 were spent for “bulk food” purchases on flight. Overall, during the trip, 192 meals were served for the 21 passengers on board.

•The passenger manifests confirm the presence of Obama’s daughter’s, Malia and Sasha on the trip. The two girls are listed as “Senior Staff.” The manifests also list Mrs. Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, and niece and nephew, Leslie and Avery Robinson, as well Mrs. Obama’s makeup and hairstylist (Carl Ray and Johnny Wright).
Wake up America: Obama's Daughters Are Listed As "Senior Staff" In Order To Bilk Taxpayers For Their Travel And Vacation

I'm going to go with the FOIA lawsuit as the most reputable source.

OK. Fine. Now, if I'm gonna be outraged, I need to know what previous Presidents have done. Got any info?


I recall reading a biography of Harry S. Truman, and it recounting the fact that he kept postal stamps in two different pockets...one for government mailings, and one for personal.
Now, that may be apocryphal, like Washington and the cherry tree...but isn't that what we are comparing this behavior to?

Is it wrong to expect Truman like behavior from our Presidents?

Truman's the worst President in history.. so.. yes.
OK. Fine. Now, if I'm gonna be outraged, I need to know what previous Presidents have done. Got any info?


I recall reading a biography of Harry S. Truman, and it recounting the fact that he kept postal stamps in two different pockets...one for government mailings, and one for personal.
Now, that may be apocryphal, like Washington and the cherry tree...but isn't that what we are comparing this behavior to?

Is it wrong to expect Truman like behavior from our Presidents?

Truman's the worst President in history.. so.. yes.

Guess you haven't been reading the papers recently.

I recall reading a biography of Harry S. Truman, and it recounting the fact that he kept postal stamps in two different pockets...one for government mailings, and one for personal.
Now, that may be apocryphal, like Washington and the cherry tree...but isn't that what we are comparing this behavior to?

Is it wrong to expect Truman like behavior from our Presidents?

Truman's the worst President in history.. so.. yes.

Guess you haven't been reading the papers recently.

Yes, I'd say he has some catching up to do.
the admin that created the debt is the one who didnt give a crap.

you know , your team


No that's true. Of course Bush&Co didn't create the entire debt, Bush&Co did however reverse the trend of fiscal responsibiilty a result of President Clinton working with a Republican Congress.

Oh, and Ronnie Raygun increased the debt, raised taxes and set in motion an irrational movement later to adopt tea party as its name, a non sequitur to be sure, but one which creates the image of a patriot even as they oppose the principles of government by and for the people.
OK. Fine. Now, if I'm gonna be outraged, I need to know what previous Presidents have done. Got any info?


I recall reading a biography of Harry S. Truman, and it recounting the fact that he kept postal stamps in two different pockets...one for government mailings, and one for personal.
Now, that may be apocryphal, like Washington and the cherry tree...but isn't that what we are comparing this behavior to?

Is it wrong to expect Truman like behavior from our Presidents?

Truman's the worst President in history.. so.. yes.

I disagree, but I'm not alone. FYI or choose to ignore, your choice:

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I recall reading a biography of Harry S. Truman, and it recounting the fact that he kept postal stamps in two different pockets...one for government mailings, and one for personal.
Now, that may be apocryphal, like Washington and the cherry tree...but isn't that what we are comparing this behavior to?

Is it wrong to expect Truman like behavior from our Presidents?

Truman's the worst President in history.. so.. yes.

I disagree, but I'm not alone. FYI or choose to ignore, your choice:

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can you imagine how different our nation would be if Henry Wallace had not been replaced by Harry Truman???
Wow. Talk about the Obama's being shameless swine on taxpayer dollars.

And now the White House is actually claiming that this was an official government trip so Michelle could encourage young people in two growing democracies to become involved in national affairs. Sheesh. The load of bullshit that comes out of this administration is surreal.

First lady Michelle Obama's family trip to South Africa and Botswana in June cost taxpayers well over $424,000, according to new accounting based on Air Force manifests obtained by Judicial Watch, a taxpayer watchdog group.

The use of Air Force aircraft alone for the June 21-27 trip cost $424,142, said the group, and that doesn't include the food, lodging, and ground transportation for the 21 family and staff members.

Shared sacrifice my ass. I've always wanted to go to Australia and talk to kids about getting involved in National Affairs. Anyone want to fork over money to me?

ETA: Michelle Obama

Didn't see ANYTHING about "senior staff", so whatt was that all about? Plus the following excerpt from the article is straight out of the "class warfare" handbook. I guess the Reps have been screaming about it so much to cover up the fact that they've been studying the playbook hard!!!

It is also a symbol of the gulf between the taxpayer-subsidised, privileged lifestyle of America’s ruling elites in Washington, compared to the tens of millions of hard-working Americans who are struggling to pay the mortgage, hold on to their homes, put food on the table for their families, and simply make ends meet.
Bring out the pitchforks!

“The Obama daughters were not listed as Senior Staff – that only designates the area of the plane where they were seated,” says the official. “The Air Force categorizes the passengers by compartment on the plane.”
Washington Examiner: Half a Million for Michelle Obama's Africa Trip ... - Michelle Obama - Fox Nation

they spent 200 million dollars a day while in botswana.

and ordered kaviar and champagne.
Curious...why do you feel the need to exaggerrate as you put words iun the mouth of those that are expressing concern about this situation?

Are you not secure fairly debating the topic?

DO you not have any way to support the spedning a half a million dollars to have the President, his family, and others travel overseas for a "good will" trip that included a safari and other "non good will" events?

Do y0ou nbelieve it would have been a lot less expensive if it were just The President, his wife and a few staffers?

Maybe save 200K?

I know...samll potatos..

Well, it isnt small to that family guy in foreclosure without a job and 4 mouths to feed. It is a treasure to him.
the admin that created the debt is the one who didnt give a crap.

you know , your team

are you actually stating that the Obama administration has not added to the national debt, or increased the deficit? Is that what you're saying???
Bush, Jr. didn't include the two wars, Medicare D, or his tax cuts in his budget.
Obama added those things to the budget, thus increasing it by several $Trillion.

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