Obama daughters listed as "senior staff" for African trip

Bring out the pitchforks!

“The Obama daughters were not listed as Senior Staff – that only designates the area of the plane where they were seated,” says the official. “The Air Force categorizes the passengers by compartment on the plane.”
Washington Examiner: Half a Million for Michelle Obama's Africa Trip ... - Michelle Obama - Fox Nation

they spent 200 million dollars a day while in botswana.

and ordered kaviar and champagne.
Who can forget Michele Bachmann repeating that figure?
Bring out the pitchforks!

“The Obama daughters were not listed as Senior Staff – that only designates the area of the plane where they were seated,” says the official. “The Air Force categorizes the passengers by compartment on the plane.”
Washington Examiner: Half a Million for Michelle Obama's Africa Trip ... - Michelle Obama - Fox Nation

they spent 200 million dollars a day while in botswana.

and ordered kaviar and champagne.

and shot giraffes from helicopters, knowing full well that giraffes can't fly

oh, the humanity!!
the admin that created the debt is the one who didnt give a crap.

you know , your team

are you actually stating that the Obama administration has not added to the national debt, or increased the deficit? Is that what you're saying???
Bush, Jr. didn't include the two wars, Medicare D, or his tax cuts in his budget.
Obama added those things to the budget, thus increasing it by several $Trillion.

are you actually stating that the Obama administration has not added anything of their own to the national debt, or increased the deficit through any of their own actions? Is that what you're saying???
Wow. Talk about the Obama's being shameless swine on taxpayer dollars.

And now the White House is actually claiming that this was an official government trip so Michelle could encourage young people in two growing democracies to become involved in national affairs. Sheesh. The load of bullshit that comes out of this administration is surreal.

First lady Michelle Obama's family trip to South Africa and Botswana in June cost taxpayers well over $424,000, according to new accounting based on Air Force manifests obtained by Judicial Watch, a taxpayer watchdog group.

The use of Air Force aircraft alone for the June 21-27 trip cost $424,142, said the group, and that doesn't include the food, lodging, and ground transportation for the 21 family and staff members.

Shared sacrifice my ass. I've always wanted to go to Australia and talk to kids about getting involved in National Affairs. Anyone want to fork over money to me?

ETA: Michelle Obama

And where in the articular does it say anything about the daughters being "senior staff"

if its there..i missed it.
Wow. Talk about the Obama's being shameless swine on taxpayer dollars.

And now the White House is actually claiming that this was an official government trip so Michelle could encourage young people in two growing democracies to become involved in national affairs. Sheesh. The load of bullshit that comes out of this administration is surreal.

First lady Michelle Obama's family trip to South Africa and Botswana in June cost taxpayers well over $424,000, according to new accounting based on Air Force manifests obtained by Judicial Watch, a taxpayer watchdog group.

The use of Air Force aircraft alone for the June 21-27 trip cost $424,142, said the group, and that doesn't include the food, lodging, and ground transportation for the 21 family and staff members.

Shared sacrifice my ass. I've always wanted to go to Australia and talk to kids about getting involved in National Affairs. Anyone want to fork over money to me?

ETA: Michelle Obama

And where in the articular does it say anything about the daughters being "senior staff"

if its there..i missed it.

What articular?
I guess you would have preferred they were listed as "The Little Bitches."


Deflect deflect deflect :lol:

You're an idiot. It doesn't matter in the least what they are called aboard a flight.

Have you always been this stupid or did the drugs destroy your mind?

Generally a flight manifest is very accurate. That way if the flight goes down you know who you are looking for. In my opinion it should have listed their names and the relationship to the mother.

I am curious however if they were considered "senior staff" and as such....their positions paid for.

You're an idiot. It doesn't matter in the least what they are called aboard a flight.

Have you always been this stupid or did the drugs destroy your mind?

Why yes it does matter that the children of the President and First Lady are listed as "senior staff".

They are travelling on the taxpayers dime when the Obamas continually call for shared sacrifice.

They are limousine liberals with the typical "do as I say, not as I do".

And they are swine at the trough of the taxpayers dollars.

They deserve to be listed as "senior staff" and fly on our dollar. They will never ever have a normal life. Now leave the children alone. Of all the fucking things for you hacks to come up with.....


They are senior staff.... not children.
Deflect deflect deflect :lol:

You're an idiot. It doesn't matter in the least what they are called aboard a flight.

Have you always been this stupid or did the drugs destroy your mind?

Generally a flight manifest is very accurate. That way if the flight goes down you know who you are looking for. In my opinion it should have listed their names and the relationship to the mother.

I am curious however if they were considered "senior staff" and as such....their positions paid for.

you see?

That is how the left thinks in regard to actions of Obama.....

As Ravi said ...

"It doesn't matter in the least what they are called aboard a flight"

Ok...so then what in the world would be the reason for calling his children "senior staff"?

Why wopuld they not be called "first family" or "children"...or something more accurately describing them?

Why senior staff?
Deflect deflect deflect :lol:

You're an idiot. It doesn't matter in the least what they are called aboard a flight.

Have you always been this stupid or did the drugs destroy your mind?

Generally a flight manifest is very accurate. That way if the flight goes down you know who you are looking for. In my opinion it should have listed their names and the relationship to the mother.

I am curious however if they were considered "senior staff" and as such....their positions paid for.
Take it up with the Air Force.

they spent 200 million dollars a day while in botswana.

and ordered kaviar and champagne.
Curious...why do you feel the need to exaggerrate as you put words iun the mouth of those that are expressing concern about this situation?

Are you not secure fairly debating the topic?

DO you not have any way to support the spedning a half a million dollars to have the President, his family, and others travel overseas for a "good will" trip that included a safari and other "non good will" events?

Do y0ou nbelieve it would have been a lot less expensive if it were just The President, his wife and a few staffers?

Maybe save 200K?

I know...samll potatos..

Well, it isnt small to that family guy in foreclosure without a job and 4 mouths to feed. It is a treasure to him.

lol, you're such a fuggin' hack, dude
Loving the fauxrage, guys :thup:

Buncha a fuggin' tools.

Nah...inquisitive is more like it...

So maybe you can answer...

It was said that it really doesnt matter what the girls were referred to on the flight manifest...

Fine...that works for me....

So then tell me...if it really doesnt matter what they were called, why werent they just called exactly what they were....first family...

And until you can give me a rational answer to that question, I will continue to believe that you are the tool who doesnt care when something, as major as Solyndra, as deadly as Fast and Furioous or as minor as this, doesnt make sense.
They need the titles so they'll have something to put on their college applications, in case being a president's daughter isn't enough.
Wow. Talk about the Obama's being shameless swine on taxpayer dollars.

And now the White House is actually claiming that this was an official government trip so Michelle could encourage young people in two growing democracies to become involved in national affairs. Sheesh. The load of bullshit that comes out of this administration is surreal.

First lady Michelle Obama's family trip to South Africa and Botswana in June cost taxpayers well over $424,000, according to new accounting based on Air Force manifests obtained by Judicial Watch, a taxpayer watchdog group.

The use of Air Force aircraft alone for the June 21-27 trip cost $424,142, said the group, and that doesn't include the food, lodging, and ground transportation for the 21 family and staff members.

Shared sacrifice my ass. I've always wanted to go to Australia and talk to kids about getting involved in National Affairs. Anyone want to fork over money to me?

ETA: Michelle Obama
I thought it was against the law to employ young children in this country. Did they just turn 15 with the family hard-up and strapped for cash or something? :rolleyes:
this is just a glance inside the psyche of Obama !!! if they will stoop to lying about their own children ,imagine what they are doing to America !!
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