Obama Deflects Responsibility- Obama: U.s. Intelligence Underestimated Militants In Syria - Cbs

The intelligence community failed to anticipate that half a million Iraqi soldiers couldn't stop a few thousand ISIS fighters.

Did you? And if the above is the case, that is, that Iraq is that incapable of defending itself...

...how the fuck then does it become OUR problem?
He admitted that mistakes were made. It's his administration, so everything falls on him. Everybody knows that's how it works. But you have to bitch about something, right? Damned if does, damned if he doesn't.
Bullshit. He's never taken responsibility for anything ever. It's always someone else's fault.

Even the NY Times is calling him a liar now its pathetic.
So Obama is blaming his failed foreign policy on US intelligence failures. Always looking for someone else to blame. Another teaching moment for him as he teaches the younger generation there is no such thing as personal accountability

That's who the Bush apologists blamed for there being no WMD's in Iraq and thus no good reason to start the war that got us into this mess in the first place.

Or have you forgotten?
He admitted that mistakes were made. It's his administration, so everything falls on him. Everybody knows that's how it works. But you have to bitch about something, right? Damned if does, damned if he doesn't.
Bullshit. He's never taken responsibility for anything ever. It's always someone else's fault.

Even the NY Times is calling him a liar now its pathetic.
When youv'e lost the NYT, you've lost everything.
So Obama is blaming his failed foreign policy on US intelligence failures. Always looking for someone else to blame. Another teaching moment for him as he teaches the younger generation there is no such thing as personal accountability



Obama: U.S. intelligence underestimated militants in Syria - CBS

(Reuters) - U.S. intelligence agencies underestimated Islamic State activity inside Syria, which has become "ground zero" for jihadists worldwide, President Barack Obama said in a CBS television interview broadcast on Sunday.

Conversely, the United States overestimated the ability of the Iraqi army to fight the militant groups, Obama said in a "60 Minutes" interview taped on Friday, days after the U.S. president made his case at the United Nations for action.

Citing earlier comments by James Clapper, director of national intelligence, Obama acknowledged that U.S. intelligence underestimated what had been taking place in Syria.

Islamic militants went underground when U.S. Marines quashed al Qaeda in Iraq with help from Iraq's tribes, he said.

"But over the past couple of years, during the chaos of the Syrian civil war, where essentially you have huge swaths of the country that are completely ungoverned, they were able to reconstitute themselves and take advantage of that chaos," Obama said

Obama U.S. intelligence underestimated militants in Syria - CBS Reuters

This is the quote from Obama on 60 minutes:

"Jim Clappper has acknowledged that I think they underestimated what had been taking place in Syria," he said, blaming the instability of the Syrian civil war for giving extremists space to thrive.

It looks to me like he is going for the "Lie of the Year" award again.
So Obama is blaming his failed foreign policy on US intelligence failures. Always looking for someone else to blame. Another teaching moment for him as he teaches the younger generation there is no such thing as personal accountability

That's who the Bush apologists blamed for there being no WMD's in Iraq and thus no good reason to start the war that got us into this mess in the first place.

Or have you forgotten?

And all this time I thought Bush was getting his intel from a dozen or so of the top Democrats that were absolutely certain that there were WMD's in Iraq and so stated publicly. They were so sure they voted to give him the authority to attack Iraq.

Or have you forgotten?
Yup, I'm sure it says right on the intel report that ISIS is a JV terrorist group. Obama said something about playing whack-a-mole as these terrorist groups pop up. He made it sound like radical Islam is a new thing and no one could have anticipated this. We knew about ISIS. If a radical group exists, it's simply stupid to assume they don't pose a threat.

He had no qualms throwing the entire intelligence community under the bus. How could poor little Bam have any idea of what was going on? He has missed more than half of intelligence briefings, but I thought someone was supposed to fill him in. I just can't believe that our own intel said not to worry about the little ole ISIS group. And our allies used to share this type of intel with us. Seriously, the entire planet missed this one? Or don't they trust us enough to share anymore?

Many in the intelligence community are denying Obama's accusations toward them. Imagine that. Of course, they are probably all racist conservatives.

I believe that Obama is so worried about offending any Muslim anywhere that they have too much leeway and can get away with a lot before Obama is forced to address the problem. And, in typical fashion, he places blame elsewhere.
Obama can never see beyond the next election cycle. That is a limited view. Here is a perfect example.
Obama has said as many other short sighted individuals "I prefer a single payer health system."
If he prefers that then he works towards making that happen...i.e. Obamacare.
BUT Obama doesn't see far enough down the road..i.e. just the next election cycle.
Because if he did he would wonder as I have what then will happen to the 1,300 health insurance payers if there is only one?
These 1,300 companies pay $100 billion in federal, state, local and property taxes on their offices each year.
They also employ 400,000 people.
If these 1,300 companies are replaced by a single "payer" where will the $100 billion in lost revenue come from and where will the jobs be for the 400,000?
See Obama doesn't care about the future of our country.
The above example shows he doesn't care where that $100 billion a year in lost taxes will come from. He doesn't care about 400,000 lost jobs.
And Obama doesn't care that in 2012 BEFORE the election HE was warned about ISIS but to admit at that time and as well as the failure of Benghazi
would have cost him votes. So we got Joe Biden's bumper sticker: 'bin Laden's dead and General Motors is alive'!
To show terrorism is gone and economy is booming!
Again...both lies and both said to get re-elected.
Obama knew about ISIS for over a year from his daily briefs (PDB) and did nothing. He is a typical liar.
I'm sure the intel guys appreciate Obama constantly throwing them under the bus on national television, taking into consideration that he doesn't sit in on intel briefs, and he doesn't read their input on his tablet.

Obama just has more important things to do.

He admitted that mistakes were made. It's his administration, so everything falls on him. Everybody knows that's how it works. But you have to bitch about something, right? Damned if does, damned if he doesn't.
Mistakes were made? That's the same as saying he wasn't responsible.
While he was golfing intel guys tried to warn him.
I think this guy is a Muslim. I really think he hates to say anything bad about Islamic extremist.
He admitted that mistakes were made. It's his administration, so everything falls on him. Everybody knows that's how it works. But you have to bitch about something, right? Damned if does, damned if he doesn't.
Bullshit. He's never taken responsibility for anything ever. It's always someone else's fault.

Even the NY Times is calling him a liar now its pathetic.
link? total bs
He says it because he knows Americans are stupid enough to believe it.

FACT: The US Gov't funds ISIS.
Correction: WHITE Americans.

Barry/Holder have been duping the citizens of this country for 6 years. Bet 47% still believe him though. :lmao:
I'm sure the intel guys appreciate Obama constantly throwing them under the bus on national television, taking into consideration that he doesn't sit in on intel briefs, and he doesn't read their input on his tablet.

Obama just has more important things to do.

I hope Clapper walks.
He admitted that mistakes were made. It's his administration, so everything falls on him. Everybody knows that's how it works. But you have to bitch about something, right? Damned if does, damned if he doesn't.

Bullshit he is a little boy who can NEVER accept the responsibility when something goes wrong.

He is a stupid little child.

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