Obama Deflects Responsibility- Obama: U.s. Intelligence Underestimated Militants In Syria - Cbs

The intelligence community failed to anticipate that half a million Iraqi soldiers couldn't stop a few thousand ISIS fighters.

Did you? And if the above is the case, that is, that Iraq is that incapable of defending itself...

...how the fuck then does it become OUR problem?
If you actually listened the intelligence community warned this lame administration months ago. The blame lies with the liar in chief.
This was is not and never will be about intelligence failures it is about a President who wanted to claim he had defeated Al-Qaeda and the war against radical Islam was over and who refused to hear, see, or accept anything that ran counter to his claim.
The intelligence community failed to anticipate that half a million Iraqi soldiers couldn't stop a few thousand ISIS fighters.

Did you? And if the above is the case, that is, that Iraq is that incapable of defending itself...

...how the fuck then does it become OUR problem?
If you actually listened the intelligence community warned this lame administration months ago. The blame lies with the liar in chief.

The truth is, there is no blame because it's not the responsibility of the US to save the world.
This was is not and never will be about intelligence failures it is about a President who wanted to claim he had defeated Al-Qaeda and the war against radical Islam was over and who refused to hear, see, or accept anything that ran counter to his claim.

You're an idiot. If Iraq with an army of half a million can't defend itself against 20,000 in ISIS, why does that become our job?
This was is not and never will be about intelligence failures it is about a President who wanted to claim he had defeated Al-Qaeda and the war against radical Islam was over and who refused to hear, see, or accept anything that ran counter to his claim.

You're an idiot. If Iraq with an army of half a million can't defend itself against 20,000 in ISIS, why does that become our job?
My post did not have anything to do with the Iraqi army either learn how to read or get someone to read the post for you moron.
This was is not and never will be about intelligence failures it is about a President who wanted to claim he had defeated Al-Qaeda and the war against radical Islam was over and who refused to hear, see, or accept anything that ran counter to his claim.

You're an idiot. If Iraq with an army of half a million can't defend itself against 20,000 in ISIS, why does that become our job?
My post did not have anything to do with the Iraqi army either learn how to read or get someone to read the post for you moron.

The President NEVER claimed the war against Al Qaeda was over.

I insist that you post a quote from the President proving me wrong.

Elections have consequences!
This was is not and never will be about intelligence failures it is about a President who wanted to claim he had defeated Al-Qaeda and the war against radical Islam was over and who refused to hear, see, or accept anything that ran counter to his claim.

You're an idiot. If Iraq with an army of half a million can't defend itself against 20,000 in ISIS, why does that become our job?
My post did not have anything to do with the Iraqi army either learn how to read or get someone to read the post for you moron.

The President NEVER claimed the war against Al Qaeda was over.

I insist that you post a quote from the President proving me wrong.
No he claimed they were decimated and on the edge of defeat and started pulling all U.S. troops out of the region despite the advice against and warnings about the consequences of doing so from his military advisors. Why would you do that if you didn't believe the war was over? Actions can speak louder than words as his did and now the decimated and on the edge of defeat Al-Qaeda is back under a new name but back just the same.
This was is not and never will be about intelligence failures it is about a President who wanted to claim he had defeated Al-Qaeda and the war against radical Islam was over and who refused to hear, see, or accept anything that ran counter to his claim.

You're an idiot. If Iraq with an army of half a million can't defend itself against 20,000 in ISIS, why does that become our job?
My post did not have anything to do with the Iraqi army either learn how to read or get someone to read the post for you moron.

The President NEVER claimed the war against Al Qaeda was over.

I insist that you post a quote from the President proving me wrong.
No he claimed they were decimated and on the edge of defeat and started pulling all U.S. troops out of the region despite the advice against and warnings about the consequences of doing so from his military advisors. Why would you do that if you didn't believe the war was over? Actions can speak louder than words as his did and now the decimated and on the edge of defeat Al-Qaeda is back under a new name but back just the same.

Not true. shut up.
So Obama is blaming his failed foreign policy on US intelligence failures. Always looking for someone else to blame. Another teaching moment for him as he teaches the younger generation there is no such thing as personal accountability

That's who the Bush apologists blamed for there being no WMD's in Iraq and thus no good reason to start the war that got us into this mess in the first place.

Or have you forgotten?

And your point?

He admitted that mistakes were made. It's his administration, so everything falls on him. Everybody knows that's how it works. But you have to bitch about something, right? Damned if does, damned if he doesn't.

Bullshit he is a little boy who can NEVER accept the responsibility when something goes wrong.

He is a stupid little child.
Up past your bedtime?
This was is not and never will be about intelligence failures it is about a President who wanted to claim he had defeated Al-Qaeda and the war against radical Islam was over and who refused to hear, see, or accept anything that ran counter to his claim.

You're an idiot. If Iraq with an army of half a million can't defend itself against 20,000 in ISIS, why does that become our job?
My post did not have anything to do with the Iraqi army either learn how to read or get someone to read the post for you moron.

The President NEVER claimed the war against Al Qaeda was over.

I insist that you post a quote from the President proving me wrong.
No he claimed they were decimated and on the edge of defeat and started pulling all U.S. troops out of the region despite the advice against and warnings about the consequences of doing so from his military advisors. Why would you do that if you didn't believe the war was over? Actions can speak louder than words as his did and now the decimated and on the edge of defeat Al-Qaeda is back under a new name but back just the same.

Not true. shut up.
Can't dispute the facts piss off.
The intelligence community failed to anticipate that half a million Iraqi soldiers couldn't stop a few thousand ISIS fighters.

Did you? And if the above is the case, that is, that Iraq is that incapable of defending itself...

...how the fuck then does it become OUR problem?

Except the intelligence community did anticipate the threat posed by what is now called ISIL:

Al Qaeda Terrorism in Syria is a 8220 Weapon of Mass Destruction 8221 UN Security Council Ignores Documentary Evidence Global Research

A month ago, EVERYONE agreed NO ONE saw ISIL coming. Now this BS lol....our media is a ratings/controversy whore disgrace...Fox etc is not even news, just hate/bs propaganda for angry old white dupes...
Still covers this bs...end of story, hater dupes. Best thing ever for making Arabs look in the mirror.
No matter what disastrous moron Pubs say....
A month ago, EVERYONE agreed NO ONE saw ISIL coming. Now this BS lol....our media is a ratings/controversy whore disgrace...Fox etc is not even news, just hate/bs propaganda for angry old white dupes...

Who agreed no one saw ISIS coming? Certainly not the international media that has been reporting on their conquests.

Certainly not Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.who testified before Congress in February of this year and stated in testimony what a threat ISIS had been becoming.

Certainly not Assistant Secretary of State Brett McGurk who informed the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee last November in 2013 that ISIS was a powerhouse and gaining strength.

Certainly not Maliki and the Iraqi government in 2013 because they were asking for air support by drones to take out ISIS strongholds. Obama refused, but Iraq still asked.

And certainly last but not least, President Assad who's been telling the whole world that he hasn't been fighting rebels but fighting terrorists.

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