Obama Demagoguery Supplemented By A Touch Of Cruelty


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Peter Wehner

In the Great Sequestration Debate, here’s what we know:
(a) The president has patrimony of an idea he now characterizes as a brutal and senseless assault on America.
(b) The president and his then-chief of staff, Jack Lew, misled the public about their role in giving birth to the sequester idea.
(c) House Republicans have twice passed legislation to avoid the sequester cuts with carefully targeted ones, but Senate Democrats refused to act.
(d) Mr. Obama has brushed off a Republican plan to give him flexibility to allocate the $85 billion in spending cuts, which makes no sense if the president wants to replace reckless cuts with responsible ones.​

Whatever one thinks about the merits of cutting $85 billion out of an almost $3.6 trillion budget, the effort to portray the cuts as ushering in days of tribulation, distress and anguish, of trouble and ruin, of darkness and gloom is–how to put this?–insane.

If the sequester cuts go into effect, domestic agencies would have to cut 5 percent from their budgets after having received a 17-percent increase during the president’s first term (not counting the more than a quarter-of-a-trillion stimulus bonus). And our budget this fiscal year would still be larger (by some $15 billion) than it was in the last fiscal year.


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Obama Demagoguery Supplemented by a Touch of Cruelty « Commentary Magazine

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