OBAMA Does anyone really believe a word he says anymore?

President Obama was and remains a superior choice to either Senator McCain or Governor Romney.

Not that I was a big fan or McCain or Romney (Liked McCain better in 2000 than in 2008)... but with Obama's lies and track record, his big government spending, and his love of socialist style programs, I cannot say that he is or would be superior to a piece of dried cow dung... I could not say he is even superior to the worst President we had in my lifetime (Carter)...
How many of those who don't believe a word he said didn't vote for him, believed that he was born in Kenya and has a fake birth certificate, say he's a Communist, and hated him from day one?

There are far too many people on this board who simply come on here to spout nonsense and not to debate, they love nothing more than telling the world that Obama is this that and the other, when the reality is, the president isn't the problem and has never been, and I mean that for Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan etc.

The people who control politics, the corruption etc, these are the real problems, but those people who control politics are the ones who want you to say such nonsense to keep the heat away from them. Well done.

He is from Kenya, his BC has been proven to be fake, only a moron would have voted for him, he's a self admitted communist who was raised by communists, .. hate from day one no that came later.

The president isn't the problem? What are you a moron? He's not the only problem but he and his ilk in the two headed demoscum/replicanscum party are most certainly the leaders of the problem.

Who the hell do you think control politics, corruption etc, if not the frigging leaders of the friggin world?

You appear to be referencing some bigger picture like the issue is the adjective corrupt. Typical retard liberal... all we have to do is end corruption. Don't blame the leaders of corruption blame corruption itself. ROFL
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So if Bush went to war over Iraq's oil, where is it?
Iraq's oil is owned by - Iraq. In fact if you had been paying attention to the news you would have noticed that Iraq has signed contracts with several countries (the US is not one of them) to buy their oil.
Most of it goes to Europe.

Bush went to get the oil, you're assuming that he was successful. In a way he was.

Iraqi oil production has increased massively, "Oil production in the country has been slowly but steadily climbing since the end of the war as the Iraqi government and partners such as Exxon Mobil (XOM, Fortune 500), BP (BP), Chevron (CVX, Fortune 500) and Total (TOT) work to repair existing fields and hunt for new sources."

"Iraq has lofty plans to one day produce 11 million barrels a day -- nearly equal to Russia's current output and a million barrels a day more than Saudi Arabia's production."

Iraq oil production surpasses Iran - Aug. 10, 2012

Doubling of Iraqi oil production by 2020?

"Doubling of Iraqi oil production by 2020?"


This is where the oil is. The war helped push prices up, and demand from China has seen oil prices rise significantly. To simply say oil prices are not what they were in 1999 without taking into account the effects of the real world is crazy. Venezuela under Chavez, who gained power in 1999, decided to push oil prices up using OPEC

Chavez Oil. Prices, CITGO, Exxon Mobil, OPEC, Hugo Chavez, Venezuela

"During his presidency, Hugo Chavez has giving special importance also to OPEC cartel. He has been promoting meetings between OPEC members to regulate oil production. This caused some controversies in 2000 when he decided to have some encounters with Saddam Hussein as Iraq is a member of OPEC. He also keep having meetings with other controversial leaders, like Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Libya's Muammar al-Gaddafi and Algeria's Abdelaziz Bouteflika (all OPEC members)."

See the trend? Saddam gone, Iran sanctions, Gaddafi gone and Algeria is still there.

But Chavez tried to get OPEC to work together to push up prices, the US didn't like it, did they?

It doesn't matter that the US doesn't buy the oil. Oil prices go up and down depending on supply and demand. Reduce demand in countries like Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Libya and so on, and oil prices rise, which means the amount the US pays for oil goes up, even if this isn't US oil.

Two of the companies extracting oil from Iraq are American owned or partly American owned, others have plenty of US shareholders, like BP.

The US stands to profit from increased oil production in the US on several fronts.

You have to ask yourself why US interests since the end of the Cold War have been Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Venezuela, Afghanistan (oil pipelines), Kosovo (oil pipelines), and only a few other places.

Certainly Rwanda, Ivory Coast and Syria the US has kept away from, why do you think that is?

The progressive rant back then was that we were only going into Iraq because we wanted their oil...then when it became obvious that WASN'T the case you didn't hear that anymore. Do you guys ever get tired of being so completely wrong?

Do you get your 'facts' from the Ministry of Truth? What evidence do you have to prove your allegation that oil was not the reason for our invasion and occupation of Iraq?

Going into Iraq was about oil - they had it and we wanted it.*** After our defeat of Saddam in '91 he would not have given us the time of day let alone his oil. The mushroom cloud blitzkrieg by VP Cheney, SecDef Rumsfeld and SecSt. Rice on Meet the Press and other Sunday News Programs news to make a case for military action against Iraq was an effort to scare the public into support for the war of choice.

See: Iraq war: Predictions made, and results - CSMonitor.com

Why do you defenders of Bush, et al, continue to lie and misrepresent history. You've got to have enough brain cells to realize the evidence of your lies is insurmountable.


Politicians lie to us all the time. Some lies are little, some are big.

The only mystery is why so many have such affection for and devotion to government, the tool of the liars.

Mystery? They are getting paid to be devoted.
Let us know when 5-6 million people get the plans they liked back.

Who says they liked it? Who says what they got isnt better?

Let's cut through all the bullshit, Closed! If the ACA really WAS better then you wouldn't have to fine people who don't sign up for it because they'd be RUSHING to sign up on their own!

You "mandate" things and "fine" for non-compliance when what you're pushing isn't what people want.

What? You mean like when someone gets a fine for failure to wear a seatbelt? So seatbelts must be awful?

Thats your logic?
President Obama was and remains a superior choice to either Senator McCain or Governor Romney.

I'm sure Vladimir Putin agrees with you.

Not sure about Vlady...I'm happy that our President didn't spill American blood over a useless parcel of land in the Black Sea however.

What would you or Governor Romney have done differently to prevent the Russian takeover of Crimea?

Romney told Obama that Russia was a foe, at which point Obama arrogantly tried to ridicule Romney. Now who looks like the fool over and over again? ........:eusa_whistle:
Who says they liked it? Who says what they got isnt better?

Let's cut through all the bullshit, Closed! If the ACA really WAS better then you wouldn't have to fine people who don't sign up for it because they'd be RUSHING to sign up on their own!

You "mandate" things and "fine" for non-compliance when what you're pushing isn't what people want.

What? You mean like when someone gets a fine for failure to wear a seatbelt? So seatbelts must be awful?

Thats your logic?

No you stupid retard. It's like when the government writes a law mandating people buy seatbelt insurance at the same time they make a law forcing the people building seat belts to use gold thread for the seat belts, while also making it illegal to shop for seat belts and get their own damn seat belts any damn way they please, while also making people who have income over 100k per year to pay for the astronomical insurance costs of half the country to receive their gold inlaid seat belt insurance for free, and also pay for the dumb ass decisions of the people who refused to get seat belts or insurance and got injured due to their own dumb ass decisions.
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Let's cut through all the bullshit, Closed! If the ACA really WAS better then you wouldn't have to fine people who don't sign up for it because they'd be RUSHING to sign up on their own!

You "mandate" things and "fine" for non-compliance when what you're pushing isn't what people want.

What? You mean like when someone gets a fine for failure to wear a seatbelt? So seatbelts must be awful?

Thats your logic?

No you stupid retard. It's like when the government writes a law mandating people buy seatbelt insurance at the same time they make a law forcing the people building seat belts to use gold thread for the seat belts, while also making it illegal to shop for seat belts and get their own damn seat belts and damn way they please, while also making people who have income over 100k per year to pay for the astronomical insurance costs of half the country to receive their gold inlaid seat belt insurance for free, and also pay for the dumb ass decisions of the people who refused to get seat belts or insurance and got injured due to their own dumb ass decisions.

Wait your turn silly
What? You mean like when someone gets a fine for failure to wear a seatbelt? So seatbelts must be awful?

Thats your logic?

No you stupid retard. It's like when the government writes a law mandating people buy seatbelt insurance at the same time they make a law forcing the people building seat belts to use gold thread for the seat belts, while also making it illegal to shop for seat belts and get their own damn seat belts and damn way they please, while also making people who have income over 100k per year to pay for the astronomical insurance costs of half the country to receive their gold inlaid seat belt insurance for free, and also pay for the dumb ass decisions of the people who refused to get seat belts or insurance and got injured due to their own dumb ass decisions.

Wait your turn silly

Grr... :eusa_silenced: :eusa_whistle:

I mean seriously the guy has lied to the American people so many times I have lost count.
He has more scandals under his belt than all the presidents combined and has put us in more debt than all of the previous presidents.

You really have to be brain dead at this point to think anything he does is going to benefit the American People.

What you have stated is absolutely correct, Obama has proven himself to be a congenital liar as well as a complete fraud. But this fact is really only the tip of the iceberg. The Congress in this country is suppose to pass the laws, the president takes an oath to uphold these laws, not modify, change them or selectively choose which laws should be enforced. His Justice Department is so corrupt his own attorney general was charged with lying to Congress, not once but several times. Obama stated himself that it is good to be the president, that he can do whatever he wants to do. In other words he somehow believes himself to be above the law of the land. It is also true that Obama has spent more taxpayer dollars than all presidents combined, what is even worse is that he has wasted nearly two trillion dollars on green energy pipe dreams that have failed or gone bankrupt. My question to Mr. Obama is this, why is our government engaged in the development of the private sector? That is not the job of government. We all already know that Obama is a progressive socialist, but the fact actually is that socialism has been tried many many times in the past, it has always failed. On paper Socialism looks very inviting, but in the real world when you run out of other people's money, you must now print the money to sustain your socialist agendas. This is what is happening now in this country. Obama believes that you can somehow spend your way into prosperity, think about that for a moment. It is impossible to do this and we all know this already as we all have our own little budgets, our own bills and financial responsibilities. If you ran your personal finances the way the government runs it's finances you would find yourself in very hot water in a heart beat. I did not vote for Mr. Obama but I have listened to him many times, you do not need a degree in political science to realize that the man is living in a delusional world of make believe. Take Obama Care as an example, nearly everything Obama told us all about Obama Care has turned out to be not only miss leading but in most cases complete lies. The really good news about Obama Care is that the Democrats completely own this gigantic train wreck and they will pay dearly at the polling booth for a very very long time. Obama has modified this law no less than thirty one times without as much as even consulting with our Congress, this is clearly in direct violation of our Constitution. Obama seems to believe that our Constitution is an outdated document that can be ignored. I have reason to believe that if Obama were not a black man he would in all likelihood have already been impeached. But who will move to impeach our first black president, almost no one is the answer. The fact of the matter is this, we , the American people have gotten exactly what we had asked for in Obama when we elected this man as our leader. I do not expect very much from president Obama and I quit believing him a very long time ago. He has disappointed me far to many times. He is very good at a couple of things, like spending money and taking credit for things he actually played a very minor roll in. He is also an expert at the blame game and accusing others of being racist. When I see Mr. Obama my heart sinks, as I pray that he does not do further damage to our great nation. Mr. Obama to me seems completely out of touch with everyday Americans, and it is beyond me the motive for all of his lies other than his political agendas. What this country really needs right now is a real leader, someone who tells the truth and understands how to lead from the front, not the back. Someone who's heart and mind really care more about the welfare of our nation rather than that of politics and socialist agendas.

And that is the only reason he's still President and has the arrogance of a "Banana Republic" Dictator.
let us know when he lies us into a war.


Let us know when 5-6 million people get the plans they liked back.

Who says they liked it? Who says what they got isnt better?

We'll Obama said if they liked them they could keep them and since the people got cancellation notices because there plan did not meet the Obamacare standards not because the people called up and cancelled I would say its a pretty safe guess they liked them. Obama says they got better plans but what the hell gives Obama and the federal government the right to decide what health insurance plan is best for you?
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I'm sure Vladimir Putin agrees with you.

Not sure about Vlady...I'm happy that our President didn't spill American blood over a useless parcel of land in the Black Sea however.

What would you or Governor Romney have done differently to prevent the Russian takeover of Crimea?

Sure as hell not this!

[ame=http://youtu.be/XsFR8DbSRQE]Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube[/ame]

So, in other words Bob, you can't think of a thing he should have done differently but criticize him just the same.
President Obama was and remains a superior choice to either Senator McCain or Governor Romney.

Not that I was a big fan or McCain or Romney (Liked McCain better in 2000 than in 2008)... but with Obama's lies and track record, his big government spending, and his love of socialist style programs, I cannot say that he is or would be superior to a piece of dried cow dung... I could not say he is even superior to the worst President we had in my lifetime (Carter)...

Big government spending...please tell us the last GOP President who reduced spending....

Obama was, is, and always will be the superior choice to any of his opponents in 2008 and 2012. As for cow dung...you seem to have trouble competing yourself.
Obama doesn't believe what he says. But he things the Small Folk are stupid enough to believe it.
I'm sure Vladimir Putin agrees with you.

Not sure about Vlady...I'm happy that our President didn't spill American blood over a useless parcel of land in the Black Sea however.

What would you or Governor Romney have done differently to prevent the Russian takeover of Crimea?

Romney told Obama that Russia was a foe, at which point Obama arrogantly tried to ridicule Romney. Now who looks like the fool over and over again? ........:eusa_whistle:

Incorrect in point and fact.

Here is Romney calling it that:

Here is Obama schooling Governor Romney.

Russia is a regional power with a third rate economy and whose only excuse for being on the stage is nuke weapons which will never be used by them.

Again, what would you have done differently to prevent Russia from taking Crimea? I'm happy we're not spilling blood...you?
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