Obama Edges US Closer To Another War - Places Troops On Russian Border

If Barry drags us into a 3rd (THIRD) war (the other 2 being UN-Constitutional / UN-Authorized), will Barry go before Congress to ask for authority this time, or will he just blow off Congress and do it himself again?
This is very interesting. Recently, WikiLeaks has appealed for leaked White House documents before President Barack Obama leaves office, as its founder Julian Assange again denied Russia was the source of hacked Democratic party emails that hurt Hillary Clinton's bid for the US presidency. What are the reasons behind this?
You can read full news here and share your thoughts on this.

Because of the archivist, we have learned about our past Presidents and their administrations. This is how we have learned that Wilson was a racist, and that Roosevelts own administration understood that what it was doing, was not helping the depression. Many other Presidents have been outed also on what was actually going on.

This is why with the advent of the computer, Hillary and friends in the Obungles administration, have kinda circumvented the spirit of what is supposed to happen. You do not think for an instant that Hillary put in a private server because it was easier do you! Remember, this administration PROMISED to be the most transparent in history, only for Americans to discover, they had covered up all kinds of things, and had out and out lied to Americans.

Assange probably is well aware of this, and has offered cash to stop the destruction of digital records of the cover ups. And in all honesty, Obungles knows he is trouble with a change over of party's in the White House, and the President being Trump. Making to much stuff disappear will raise a lot of questions, like......where are the files at? In essence, they would have to re-create the files, and that is a daunting task for all of the crap they pulled off. Within a week, Trump is going to know what actually happened at Benghazi, or know they destroyed the files. He will know a lot of things really quickly, and that is why the Democrats are in a panic. Can you imagine what will happen if Trump asks the question of, "how come I can't find the archival documents on this, or that!"

We all know that usually Presidents go off and do not criticize the President who follows. I have a feeling if Obungles opens his mouth one time, the whole Democratic house of cards is going to come crashing down on them, because Trump is going to ask the questions, that are going to cause very much discomfort from those who made the decisions that have been debated over for 8 years. He isn't a politician remember, and if he can pull the Obungles administration down after what they are doing to him, I have no doubt, he will do it!
Not long ago some of these some critics were bitching about the response Obama made when Russian jets out of Kaliningrad flew simulated attacks on a US Navy ship in international waters off the Kaliningrad coast. Now when it appears troops have been deployed that could assist if a military response was needed they are bitching about putting those forces in place. The USMB Putin cheerleaders don't really know what they want other than any excuse for Obama bashing. Let those US troops in the Baltic's fend for themselves without support from other US Troops that might offend Putin seems to be their message.
Sabotage. Obama and Clinton have left Trump an awful Cold War mess. And all because they're corrupt sore losers. They'd love to see Trump get bogged down in miserable wars. They've really set him up for disaster. It's shameful. But hopefully Trump can cool things down. We'll see.
In that case Trump will be accused of being Russia's puppet.
I really don't know how to feel about this.

Could Obama be so petulant that he would start a hot war with Russia just to derail Trump?

I'm no fan of Russia, I just don't think they hack the election, but shouldn't this move have been left to the incoming president? Not taken by the lame duck president of the losing side.

It's seems very politically motivated.

It's disgusting that Obama would kill Americans in a war just to get back at Trump.

And Obama received the Nobel Peace Price. What a sick joke!
US troops are already stationed in Lithuania. If more troops are deployed there they would be reinforcements. Hence, the people who object to more troops being sent are objecting to adding reinforcements and force protection to already deployed forces.

It appears the pro-Russian posters here are OK with the Russians deploying forces on the borders in places like the Baltics, but the US responding by adding protective forces for its own troops after those Russian forces are deployed is worthy of an uproar and support for the Russians and Putin from their American comrades.

Look, Obama has already reinstated the Cold War.

We are concerned with Obama causing a hot one.

No one here is fans of Russia. We just don't buy they hacked the election.

But if a Republican had done this before an incoming Democrat, your side would have screamed bloody murder.

It just seems more politically timed than anything else.

If Obama was so concerned about Russia, why wait until now?
US sends special forces to RUSSIAN BORDER as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin’s ‘aggression’
- Russia is reportedly building up a nuclear arsenal in the province of Kaliningrad which borders Lithuania

"Lithuanian Defence Ministry spokeswoman Asta Galdikaite confirmed America has offered additional military support following Russia invasion of Crimea.

She said: “The United States was the first to offer additional safety assurance measures to the Baltic countries following the deterioration of the security situation in the region after the annexation of the Crimea”.

She added: “US Special Operations Forces presence in Lithuania is one of the deterrents” against military threats by Putin’s aggressive regime, reports the

US sends special forces to Russian border as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin's 'aggression'

So we have troops on the border - I wonder if Obama let them bring their guns?

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