Obama Edges US Closer To Another War - Places Troops On Russian Border

Russia isn't worried, they know that Trump will let them do as they please...

More so than Obama did?

During Obama's reign, Russia annexed Crimea, invaded the Ukraine, awarded Edward Snowden asylum, imprisoned or otherwise muzzled his domestic opposition, engaged in provocative military behavior against NATO nations, including two Russian Su-24 planes buzzing the American guided missile destroyer Donald Cook, and they interfered in Syria, embarrassing the hell out of the US and England after crossing 'the red line'.

But you're worried about Trump letting Russia "do as they please"?

That's some wild ass perspective you've got there.
So you approve of the sanctions that Obama placed on the Russians.

Good on you.
The Alt Right sound just like the North Koreans every time the Americans and South Koreans do their maneuvers every March.

Now the Alt Right sounds like the Russians.

Fictional constructs don't sound like anyone. You're hearing voices again.
US sends special forces to RUSSIAN BORDER as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin’s ‘aggression’
- Russia is reportedly building up a nuclear arsenal in the province of Kaliningrad which borders Lithuania

"Lithuanian Defence Ministry spokeswoman Asta Galdikaite confirmed America has offered additional military support following Russia invasion of Crimea.

She said: “The United States was the first to offer additional safety assurance measures to the Baltic countries following the deterioration of the security situation in the region after the annexation of the Crimea”.

She added: “US Special Operations Forces presence in Lithuania is one of the deterrents” against military threats by Putin’s aggressive regime, reports the

US sends special forces to Russian border as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin's 'aggression'

Doesn't anyone find it amazing that this whole thing is about Hillary losing the election......not because Russia changed the vote count, but because MAYBE they hacked e-mails and let out the truth about the DNC! It has turned the hippie-yippie-occupy doves into hawks! Think about that a second.....they did NOT lie, they let the DNCs own words crush them.

Unless there is something else going on that is secy-secy, it appears to me that the leftist shouldn't be so much worried about Trump, they should be worried about Obungles since it appears he has lost his mind, AND he still has the nuclear codes! I mean legal or not, understand what Obungles is saying---->you outted my DNC friends for the crooks they are causing them to lose the election; therefore, I am gonna fu** with ya! How crazy is that when the people you are fooling with have a nuclear arsenal too!

I mean honestly.........who wants to send any of our kids to war to protect the DNC,s right to screw Bernie and cause violence at republican rally's, and insure that the people are lied to and propagandized by their own government? I mean, really!
Russia isn't worried, they know that Trump will let them do as they please...
No, Russia isn't worried because they remember Barry's 'Syrian Red Line' and how easily / quickly he abandoned the Ukraine, giving up Crimea without a second thought.

So you were going to enlist to fight the Russians over Crimea? That's what you wanted Obama to do?
US sends special forces to RUSSIAN BORDER as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin’s ‘aggression’
- Russia is reportedly building up a nuclear arsenal in the province of Kaliningrad which borders Lithuania

"Lithuanian Defence Ministry spokeswoman Asta Galdikaite confirmed America has offered additional military support following Russia invasion of Crimea.

She said: “The United States was the first to offer additional safety assurance measures to the Baltic countries following the deterioration of the security situation in the region after the annexation of the Crimea”.

She added: “US Special Operations Forces presence in Lithuania is one of the deterrents” against military threats by Putin’s aggressive regime, reports the

US sends special forces to Russian border as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin's 'aggression'

Doesn't anyone find it amazing that this whole thing is about Hillary losing the election......not because Russia changed the vote count, but because MAYBE they hacked e-mails and let out the truth about the DNC! It has turned the hippie-yippie-occupy doves into hawks! Think about that a second.....they did NOT lie, they let the DNCs own words crush them.

Unless there is something else going on that is secy-secy, it appears to me that the leftist shouldn't be so much worried about Trump, they should be worried about Obungles since it appears he has lost his mind, AND he still has the nuclear codes! I mean legal or not, understand what Obungles is saying---->you outted my DNC friends for the crooks they are causing them to lose the election; therefore, I am gonna fu** with ya! How crazy is that when the people you are fooling with have a nuclear arsenal too!

I mean honestly.........who wants to send any of our kids to war to protect the DNC,s right to screw Bernie and cause violence at republican rally's, and insure that the people are lied to and propagandized by their own government? I mean, really!

Remember when you were a hawk re Russia?
US sends special forces to RUSSIAN BORDER as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin’s ‘aggression’
- Russia is reportedly building up a nuclear arsenal in the province of Kaliningrad which borders Lithuania

"Lithuanian Defence Ministry spokeswoman Asta Galdikaite confirmed America has offered additional military support following Russia invasion of Crimea.

She said: “The United States was the first to offer additional safety assurance measures to the Baltic countries following the deterioration of the security situation in the region after the annexation of the Crimea”.

She added: “US Special Operations Forces presence in Lithuania is one of the deterrents” against military threats by Putin’s aggressive regime, reports the

US sends special forces to Russian border as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin's 'aggression'

Doesn't anyone find it amazing that this whole thing is about Hillary losing the election......not because Russia changed the vote count, but because MAYBE they hacked e-mails and let out the truth about the DNC! It has turned the hippie-yippie-occupy doves into hawks! Think about that a second.....they did NOT lie, they let the DNCs own words crush them.

Unless there is something else going on that is secy-secy, it appears to me that the leftist shouldn't be so much worried about Trump, they should be worried about Obungles since it appears he has lost his mind, AND he still has the nuclear codes! I mean legal or not, understand what Obungles is saying---->you outted my DNC friends for the crooks they are causing them to lose the election; therefore, I am gonna fu** with ya! How crazy is that when the people you are fooling with have a nuclear arsenal too!

I mean honestly.........who wants to send any of our kids to war to protect the DNC,s right to screw Bernie and cause violence at republican rally's, and insure that the people are lied to and propagandized by their own government? I mean, really!
The move was agreed upon last summer..
US sends special forces to RUSSIAN BORDER as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin’s ‘aggression’
- Russia is reportedly building up a nuclear arsenal in the province of Kaliningrad which borders Lithuania

"Lithuanian Defence Ministry spokeswoman Asta Galdikaite confirmed America has offered additional military support following Russia invasion of Crimea.

She said: “The United States was the first to offer additional safety assurance measures to the Baltic countries following the deterioration of the security situation in the region after the annexation of the Crimea”.

She added: “US Special Operations Forces presence in Lithuania is one of the deterrents” against military threats by Putin’s aggressive regime, reports the

US sends special forces to Russian border as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin's 'aggression'

Doesn't anyone find it amazing that this whole thing is about Hillary losing the election......not because Russia changed the vote count, but because MAYBE they hacked e-mails and let out the truth about the DNC! It has turned the hippie-yippie-occupy doves into hawks! Think about that a second.....they did NOT lie, they let the DNCs own words crush them.

Unless there is something else going on that is secy-secy, it appears to me that the leftist shouldn't be so much worried about Trump, they should be worried about Obungles since it appears he has lost his mind, AND he still has the nuclear codes! I mean legal or not, understand what Obungles is saying---->you outted my DNC friends for the crooks they are causing them to lose the election; therefore, I am gonna fu** with ya! How crazy is that when the people you are fooling with have a nuclear arsenal too!

I mean honestly.........who wants to send any of our kids to war to protect the DNC,s right to screw Bernie and cause violence at republican rally's, and insure that the people are lied to and propagandized by their own government? I mean, really!

Remember when you were a hawk re Russia?

Actually, I was more of a hawk on Iran, but link a statement I made that said we should go to war with Russia? I do not ever remember saying that. But if you can link where I did, I will surely apologize for being mistaken.
US sends special forces to RUSSIAN BORDER as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin’s ‘aggression’
- Russia is reportedly building up a nuclear arsenal in the province of Kaliningrad which borders Lithuania

"Lithuanian Defence Ministry spokeswoman Asta Galdikaite confirmed America has offered additional military support following Russia invasion of Crimea.

She said: “The United States was the first to offer additional safety assurance measures to the Baltic countries following the deterioration of the security situation in the region after the annexation of the Crimea”.

She added: “US Special Operations Forces presence in Lithuania is one of the deterrents” against military threats by Putin’s aggressive regime, reports the

US sends special forces to Russian border as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin's 'aggression'

Doesn't anyone find it amazing that this whole thing is about Hillary losing the election......not because Russia changed the vote count, but because MAYBE they hacked e-mails and let out the truth about the DNC! It has turned the hippie-yippie-occupy doves into hawks! Think about that a second.....they did NOT lie, they let the DNCs own words crush them.

Unless there is something else going on that is secy-secy, it appears to me that the leftist shouldn't be so much worried about Trump, they should be worried about Obungles since it appears he has lost his mind, AND he still has the nuclear codes! I mean legal or not, understand what Obungles is saying---->you outted my DNC friends for the crooks they are causing them to lose the election; therefore, I am gonna fu** with ya! How crazy is that when the people you are fooling with have a nuclear arsenal too!

I mean honestly.........who wants to send any of our kids to war to protect the DNC,s right to screw Bernie and cause violence at republican rally's, and insure that the people are lied to and propagandized by their own government? I mean, really!
The move was agreed upon last summer..

OK, so then you are saying this whole action by Obama is a canard then. He had already decided to do this long ago, and anything he is saying that this is in any way a response to the supposed Russian hacking is another case of this administrations propaganda machine.

Fine by me, either way it goes proves what this administration is pulling off, so I accept either scenario!
US sends special forces to RUSSIAN BORDER as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin’s ‘aggression’
- Russia is reportedly building up a nuclear arsenal in the province of Kaliningrad which borders Lithuania

"Lithuanian Defence Ministry spokeswoman Asta Galdikaite confirmed America has offered additional military support following Russia invasion of Crimea.

She said: “The United States was the first to offer additional safety assurance measures to the Baltic countries following the deterioration of the security situation in the region after the annexation of the Crimea”.

She added: “US Special Operations Forces presence in Lithuania is one of the deterrents” against military threats by Putin’s aggressive regime, reports the

US sends special forces to Russian border as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin's 'aggression'

Doesn't anyone find it amazing that this whole thing is about Hillary losing the election......not because Russia changed the vote count, but because MAYBE they hacked e-mails and let out the truth about the DNC! It has turned the hippie-yippie-occupy doves into hawks! Think about that a second.....they did NOT lie, they let the DNCs own words crush them.

Unless there is something else going on that is secy-secy, it appears to me that the leftist shouldn't be so much worried about Trump, they should be worried about Obungles since it appears he has lost his mind, AND he still has the nuclear codes! I mean legal or not, understand what Obungles is saying---->you outted my DNC friends for the crooks they are causing them to lose the election; therefore, I am gonna fu** with ya! How crazy is that when the people you are fooling with have a nuclear arsenal too!

I mean honestly.........who wants to send any of our kids to war to protect the DNC,s right to screw Bernie and cause violence at republican rally's, and insure that the people are lied to and propagandized by their own government? I mean, really!
The move was agreed upon last summer..

OK, so then you are saying this whole action by Obama is a canard then. He had already decided to do this long ago, and anything he is saying that this is in any way a response to the supposed Russian hacking is another case of this administrations propaganda machine.

Fine by me, either way it goes proves what this administration is pulling off, so I accept either scenario!
NATO members requested help , and the US responded...Which is what allies do...
US sends special forces to RUSSIAN BORDER as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin’s ‘aggression’
- Russia is reportedly building up a nuclear arsenal in the province of Kaliningrad which borders Lithuania

"Lithuanian Defence Ministry spokeswoman Asta Galdikaite confirmed America has offered additional military support following Russia invasion of Crimea.

She said: “The United States was the first to offer additional safety assurance measures to the Baltic countries following the deterioration of the security situation in the region after the annexation of the Crimea”.

She added: “US Special Operations Forces presence in Lithuania is one of the deterrents” against military threats by Putin’s aggressive regime, reports the

US sends special forces to Russian border as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin's 'aggression'

Doesn't anyone find it amazing that this whole thing is about Hillary losing the election......not because Russia changed the vote count, but because MAYBE they hacked e-mails and let out the truth about the DNC! It has turned the hippie-yippie-occupy doves into hawks! Think about that a second.....they did NOT lie, they let the DNCs own words crush them.

Unless there is something else going on that is secy-secy, it appears to me that the leftist shouldn't be so much worried about Trump, they should be worried about Obungles since it appears he has lost his mind, AND he still has the nuclear codes! I mean legal or not, understand what Obungles is saying---->you outted my DNC friends for the crooks they are causing them to lose the election; therefore, I am gonna fu** with ya! How crazy is that when the people you are fooling with have a nuclear arsenal too!

I mean honestly.........who wants to send any of our kids to war to protect the DNC,s right to screw Bernie and cause violence at republican rally's, and insure that the people are lied to and propagandized by their own government? I mean, really!
The move was agreed upon last summer..

OK, so then you are saying this whole action by Obama is a canard then. He had already decided to do this long ago, and anything he is saying that this is in any way a response to the supposed Russian hacking is another case of this administrations propaganda machine.

Fine by me, either way it goes proves what this administration is pulling off, so I accept either scenario!
NATO members requested help , and the US responded...Which is what allies do...

That is fine, I have no problem with it; as long as Obama doesn't say that it was because of Russian hacks.......or the MSM for that matter. Hey, I am all for doing what needs done from either side of the aisle when allies call.
The Alt Right sound just like the North Koreans every time the Americans and South Koreans do their maneuvers every March.

Now the Alt Right sounds like the Russians.

Fictional constructs don't sound like anyone. You're hearing voices again.
Direct similarities in reality do, billyflake. You are engaged in fictional constructs again.

"Go to the win-dow ... go to the win-dow ..."
^^ :lol: ^^ losing it
George Soros wants the EU and US to go to war with Russia. Obama is just doing as his master commands.
US troops are already stationed in Lithuania. If more troops are deployed there they would be reinforcements. Hence, the people who object to more troops being sent are objecting to adding reinforcements and force protection to already deployed forces.

It appears the pro-Russian posters here are OK with the Russians deploying forces on the borders in places like the Baltics, but the US responding by adding protective forces for its own troops after those Russian forces are deployed is worthy of an uproar and support for the Russians and Putin from their American comrades.
obama is really going to do it. He's taking his hurt feelings to a shooting war. I hope the commanders start refusing to follow his orders. The creature has clearly lost whatever mind he had.
Sabotage. Obama and Clinton have left Trump an awful Cold War mess. And all because they're corrupt sore losers. They'd love to see Trump get bogged down in miserable wars. They've really set him up for disaster. It's shameful. But hopefully Trump can cool things down. We'll see.

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