Obama Embarrassed Himself Today Lying To His Base / Liberals

The lying weasel is still trying to take credit for the economy. Typical bureaucrat, every success is his and every failure is someone else's.


Hypocrite extraordinaire!:mad:

The only thing going down from 2009 to 2016 was unemployment.

You would have to be stupid to not know that.



For some reason, Republicans think just by saying something makes it true.

They know nothing of facts or data or even history.
The lying weasel is still trying to take credit for the economy. Typical bureaucrat, every success is his and every failure is someone else's.


Hypocrite extraordinaire!:mad:

The only thing going down from 2009 to 2016 was unemployment.

You would have to be stupid to not know that.



For some reason, Republicans think just by saying something makes it true.

They know nothing of facts or data or even history.

He manipulated the numbers. He didn’t lower shit Go to bed. It’s past your bedtime moron

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I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend





Must suck being a Republican and knowing your party will never be as good for the country as Democrats.


If the Democrats are good then we are really in trouble as a nation. Obama the worst president in history with Jimmy Carter. I love how liberals just think there so much better but the fact is they are greatly hated in the US and all over the world as well except Iran

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
that's why Trump has 10% approval around the world where Obama had 50%, dingbat dupe. You people are absolutely Clueless except on phony scandals...
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend





Must suck being a Republican and knowing your party will never be as good for the country as Democrats.


If the Democrats are good then we are really in trouble as a nation. Obama the worst president in history with Jimmy Carter. I love how liberals just think there so much better but the fact is they are greatly hated in the US and all over the world as well except Iran

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
that's why Trump has 10% approval around the world where Obama had 50%, dingbat dupe. You people are absolutely Clueless except on phony scandals...

More bullshit from the left

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend





Must suck being a Republican and knowing your party will never be as good for the country as Democrats.


If the Democrats are good then we are really in trouble as a nation. Obama the worst president in history with Jimmy Carter. I love how liberals just think there so much better but the fact is they are greatly hated in the US and all over the world as well except Iran

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
that's why Trump has 10% approval around the world where Obama had 50%, dingbat dupe. You people are absolutely Clueless except on phony scandals...
The World does not elect US presidents... We would be fucked if they did.
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend





Must suck being a Republican and knowing your party will never be as good for the country as Democrats.


If the Democrats are good then we are really in trouble as a nation. Obama the worst president in history with Jimmy Carter. I love how liberals just think there so much better but the fact is they are greatly hated in the US and all over the world as well except Iran

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
that's why Trump has 10% approval around the world where Obama had 50%, dingbat dupe. You people are absolutely Clueless except on phony scandals...
The World does not elect US presidents... We would be fucked if they did.
The rest of the world and the rest of the country do not like Republicans, at least since Nixon. They do better than Republicans. This is a GOP run screw the not rich mess of a country these days... Worst inequality and upward Mobility anywhere, bad infrastructure expensive college in training no Health Care daycare good vacations... With the wealthy running wild LOL and so many brainwashed fools...
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and hQuote These Messagese intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend

Were you drunk while start this thread?'
"...and hQuote These Messagese intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!"-- easyt65

All the highlighted misspelling and you forgot to turn the Caps Lock off or were you yelling? :dunno:
Followed by unoriginal talking points.
Then, there's the part where you lose it because Obama lied but you go in denial when Trump tells one of his thousands of lies since he took office.
Folks, we have a drunken, hypocritical, low educated and pissed off poster in the room.
Anyway, your hand-puppet act is always quite amusing. Keep up the good work?
I once listened to Hannity, and he told about how the Democrats were ridiculously claiming the Republicans were for dirty air and water. I laughed at him for over exaggerating about the Democrats....

NOBODY would believe anyone would be FOR dirty air an water, and no one with a brain would makes such an embarrassing accusation.

....and then there Barry was on stage, claiming the Republicans are for dirty air and water, polluting them both 'when you weren't looking'.


Please tell me, snowflakes of this board, that you never for a second actually believed that bat-shit crazy proppagana seriously - tell me you aren't as stupid as Gruber said you are....
I once listened to Hannity, and he told about how the Democrats were ridiculously claiming the Republicans were for dirty air and water. I laughed at him for over exaggerating about the Democrats....

NOBODY would believe anyone would be FOR dirty air an water, and no one with a brain would makes such an embarrassing accusation.

....and then there Barry was on stage, claiming the Republicans are for dirty air and water, polluting them both 'when you weren't looking'.


Please tell me, snowflakes of this board, that you never for a second actually believed that bat-shit crazy proppagana seriously - tell me you aren't as stupid as Gruber said you are....
You once listened to hannity? That is hilarious. You watch and listen to hannity every day of the week, and everything that comes out of his mouth is gospel to you.

Now go get some sleep, Tinker Bell, it's way past your bedtime.
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and hQuote These Messagese intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend

Were you drunk while start this thread?'
"...and hQuote These Messagese intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!"-- easyt65

All the highlighted misspelling and you forgot to turn the Caps Lock off or were you yelling? :dunno:
Followed by unoriginal talking points.
Then, there's the part where you lose it because Obama lied but you go in denial when Trump tells one of his thousands of lies since he took office.
Folks, we have a drunken, hypocritical, low educated and pissed off poster in the room.
Anyway, your hand-puppet act is always quite amusing. Keep up the good work?
Drunk? No. I was laughing at Barry so hard I could hardly type, though.

BARRY is the one who had to be drunk to actually stand in front of those sheep and lie his ass off telling such unbelievable BS with a straight face...

With all the evidence that has been exposed of his and his administration having protected Hillary from Indictment, running his own Watergate, and running that conspiratorial scam to try to keep Trump from winning, I am shocked Barry came out of hiding ... even to try to salvage what little us left of his nearly wiped out 'legacy'.

I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend





Must suck being a Republican and knowing your party will never be as good for the country as Democrats.


If the Democrats are good then we are really in trouble as a nation. Obama the worst president in history with Jimmy Carter. I love how liberals just think there so much better but the fact is they are greatly hated in the US and all over the world as well except Iran

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
that's why Trump has 10% approval around the world where Obama had 50%, dingbat dupe. You people are absolutely Clueless except on phony scandals...
The World does not elect US presidents... We would be fucked if they did.
The rest of the world and the rest of the country do not like Republicans, at least since Nixon. They do better than Republicans. This is a GOP run screw the not rich mess of a country these days... Worst inequality and upward Mobility anywhere, bad infrastructure expensive college in training no Health Care daycare good vacations... With the wealthy running wild LOL and so many brainwashed fools...

Nixon spied on what a handful of people. Obama spied on thousands. Using the IRS and selling out reporters I wish Reagan was still around. Best President ever

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Brock Hussaine is demonstrating what a low life scumbag, racist he is every time he opens his disgusting, giant mouth. Brock said after picking his snout and sucking in his lips, "...our history of racial, ethnic and religious division." First of all he did not grow up in America. And WTF is the difference between race and ethnicity? Actually, the Christian religion is the one that united Blacks and Whites in America from time to time, although Blacks created their own version the past few decades with the help of Jewish advisers brainwashing them into thinking Jesus was Black. So we the insanity of Afro-centrism and the fake ass church of fake Reverend Wright that Brock called his "father" who insists Whitey is evil because they have higher IQ's, have created Western civilization, are better looking, etc.

Last edited:


'The Great Divider' preaching to the sheep...

“They hate people who don't look like us, who don't think like us, who don't believe what we do...who is a different color..."


This coming from the guy whose party was as exposed as racists, sexist, homophobes, and anti-Semites when their own personal e-mails were stolen and released to the public...

This is the guy who was admittedly willingly mentored by the extremely racist, anti-American, hate-spewing 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright...

This is the guy who, like during this recent propaganda-filled theatrics, pulled the 'race card', falsely accusing others to create division.

Obama knows damn-well that there at an approx 22 MILLION ILLEGALS in this country, thanks in very large part to Democrats ... that approx 1500 ILLEGALS PER DAY cross illegally into our country to demand we pay for / take care of them while disrespecting us / our laws....

Obama damn-well knows that there are thousands of CRIMINAL illegals in a caravan headed for our southern border with the intention of illegally coming into our country and that there are more convoys forming / coming...

And Obama ... and snowflakes ... know damn-well Americans who do not support breaking existing laws to help criminals who do not respect us/ this country / our laws are NOT 'racists'!

Race, color, sex, etc has no bearing on the fact that these people are criminals violating our laws, no hearing on the fact that these people do not get vetted and we have no idea who they are, no bearing on the fact that we need to secure our borders...

Barry led the propaganda push at the rally declaring, "If you do not support illegal immigration into this country you are a racist!"

For 8 years Barry was the 'BFF' of illegals, terrorists, Drug Cartels, violent illegals, violent illegal gangs, human traffickers, dictators, and enemies....

....the most popular Democrat stood on stage and accused Conservatives / the GOP of doing what they / he has done and of being who they are / he is...


Now, back to the thread topic - Barry embarrassing himself...
Last edited:
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend





Must suck being a Republican and knowing your party will never be as good for the country as Democrats.


If the Democrats are good then we are really in trouble as a nation. Obama the worst president in history with Jimmy Carter. I love how liberals just think there so much better but the fact is they are greatly hated in the US and all over the world as well except Iran

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
that's why Trump has 10% approval around the world where Obama had 50%, dingbat dupe. You people are absolutely Clueless except on phony scandals...
The World does not elect US presidents... We would be fucked if they did.
The rest of the world and the rest of the country do not like Republicans, at least since Nixon. They do better than Republicans. This is a GOP run screw the not rich mess of a country these days... Worst inequality and upward Mobility anywhere, bad infrastructure expensive college in training no Health Care daycare good vacations... With the wealthy running wild LOL and so many brainwashed fools...
Socialism is a parasite
PROOF POSITIVE that snowflakes only hate Presidents who lie when they are the other party's President...

Trump lies non-stop because he parrots Fox noise and other garbage propaganda. You live on an imaginary planet, super duper. The Obama lies you believe are predictions that were blocked... In other words your fos.

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