Obama Embarrassed Himself Today Lying To His Base / Liberals






Must suck being a Republican and knowing your party will never be as good for the country as Democrats.


If the Democrats are good then we are really in trouble as a nation. Obama the worst president in history with Jimmy Carter. I love how liberals just think there so much better but the fact is they are greatly hated in the US and all over the world as well except Iran

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that's why Trump has 10% approval around the world where Obama had 50%, dingbat dupe. You people are absolutely Clueless except on phony scandals...
The World does not elect US presidents... We would be fucked if they did.
The rest of the world and the rest of the country do not like Republicans, at least since Nixon. They do better than Republicans. This is a GOP run screw the not rich mess of a country these days... Worst inequality and upward Mobility anywhere, bad infrastructure expensive college in training no Health Care daycare good vacations... With the wealthy running wild LOL and so many brainwashed fools...
Socialism is a parasite
It's called modern civilization LOL. Enjoy your scumbag Heroes robbing you blind, super dupe. Worst upward mobility and inequality ever and in any rich country by far....
I just watched the embarrassing display Obama put on while campaigning today...

During his 'theatrics' he told the MODEST (small compared to President Trump's) that President Trump is 'stealing them blind' by 'giving tax cuts to the rich'...

...intentionally refusing to mention those tax cuts and what President Trump and the GOP has done has resulted in:

- The strongest economy in decades

- Lowest economy in decades

- Lowest minority unemployment in history

- Most Americans working in history

- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back ARE BACK

- Higher wages, raises, bonuses...

- Less Americans dependent on DEMOCRATS and their unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

...and he intentionally refused to mention how the platform the Democrats are running on is one to put the country in reverse by INCREASING TAXES, ELIMINATING THOSE JOBS, DTIVE MANUFACTURING JOBS BSCK OVERSEAS, & continuing to bring 1500 illegals per day into the country to compete with Americans for jobs as they - the Democrats - reduce the number of jobs available to drive record numbers of Americans and illegals back onto those social programs and dependency on Democrats!

Obama to launch midterm campaigning this weekend
No lies... Just a continuation of Obama's economy and growth with a bump from a trillion dollar deficit add...
Nothing matters if we don't get the Mandatory spending under control.
We won't have a nation if we don't tweak it so that's manageable.

I will tweak it for you. Lift the income cap on the Social Security tax.

Go fuck yourself. If you want to pay more taxes, feel free to write the government a check.

I am quite sure that proposal would not affect your taxes one bit.
You're dead wrong.
Nothing matters if we don't get the Mandatory spending under control.
We won't have a nation if we don't tweak it so that's manageable.

I will tweak it for you. Lift the income cap on the Social Security tax.

Go fuck yourself. If you want to pay more taxes, feel free to write the government a check.

I am quite sure that proposal would not affect your taxes one bit.
Really, they should raise the cap to what it should be with inflation, and add a cola into the future... As it is, another GOP give away to the rich....

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