Obama Flashback: ‘If you don’t like my policies, go out there and win an election.’

No amnesty of any type. Close the border.
without a penny more being spent on it.....

can that be done?

What does close the border mean?

How do you close the border, without extra money? Reforms? rearrangement of funds maybe?


It has NEVER been done in my lifetime....

Mine fields!!

WARNING: Minefield, crossing our border illegally may result in DEATH!

Yeah problem solved.
Tell me something, do you think the republican house and senate will get some actual work done for we the people, now?

What are they going to do now that they have the reigns to better the country?
What will happen is obama will be forced to show who he really is when he starts vetoing good sound legislation that will be able to fix his mess. tht is what will happen. 2016 will not be the year for hillary if obama does this.

You are supposing that Congress is going to "start" to legislate good sound legislation... good luck with that.
It will happen just to force obama's hand and use his veto power, so the American people will she the truth about obama. This is the next part of the plan.
No amnesty of any type. Close the border.
without a penny more being spent on it.....

can that be done?

What does close the border mean?

How do you close the border, without extra money? Reforms? rearrangement of funds maybe?


It has NEVER been done in my lifetime....

Mine fields!!

WARNING: Minefield, crossing our border illegally may result in DEATH!

Yeah problem solved.
Isn't most of this land owned by citizens, and that would take eminent domain for the government to own this land? Or is there an easement that our government already owns along the entire border either State or Federally owned?

(Not that I would even entertain your suggestion in 'real life', but for the Devil's advocate's sake, I'll play) :)
No amnesty of any type. Close the border.
without a penny more being spent on it.....

can that be done?

What does close the border mean?

How do you close the border, without extra money? Reforms? rearrangement of funds maybe?


It has NEVER been done in my lifetime....

Mine fields!!

WARNING: Minefield, crossing our border illegally may result in DEATH!

Yeah problem solved.
Isn't most of this land owned by citizens, and that would take eminent domain for the government to own this land? Or is there an easement that our government already owns along the entire border either State or Federally owned?

(Not that I would even entertain your suggestion in 'real life', but for the Devil's advocate's sake, I'll play) :)

FACT illegals sneak into our country and KILL OUR KIDS and young people. I am astonished at the compassion some people have for these illegal criminals while they kill our kids and young people and destroy their lives with drugs. Its so bad National Geographic did a documentary on it. And that's just drugs. Where the hell is the liberal outrage over all the damage these illegals are doing to AMERICANS?
No amnesty of any type. Close the border.
without a penny more being spent on it.....

can that be done?

What does close the border mean?

How do you close the border, without extra money? Reforms? rearrangement of funds maybe?


It has NEVER been done in my lifetime....

Mine fields!!

WARNING: Minefield, crossing our border illegally may result in DEATH!

Yeah problem solved.
Isn't most of this land owned by citizens, and that would take eminent domain for the government to own this land? Or is there an easement that our government already owns along the entire border either State or Federally owned?

(Not that I would even entertain your suggestion in 'real life', but for the Devil's advocate's sake, I'll play) :)

FACT illegals sneak into our country and KILL OUR KIDS and young people. I am astonished at the compassion some people have for these illegal criminals while they kill our kids and young people and destroy their lives with drugs. Its so bad National Geographic did a documentary on it. And that's just drugs. Where the hell is the liberal outrage over all the damage these illegals are doing to AMERICANS?
I don't think immigrants should be able to come in to our country illegally, I believe they should wait their turn and come in LEGALLY.....and most Democrats feel the same way....where we differ with you, is we believe we need reforms, that would allow for the LEGAL process to actually function in the way it was meant to function, we don't believe most illegals are the gangsters, illegal drug dealers, and murders that you falsely claim they ALL are... but we do believe there are some that are criminals just like we have Americans that are felons and criminals who belong to gangs and steal and murder, nor do we believe that the most of the illegals should be killed and blown in to smithereens as their toes cross the border , the way you seem to think they should be....

outside of those huge differences, we do agree we have an illegal immigration problem....
Tell me something, do you think the republican house and senate will get some actual work done for we the people, now?

What are they going to do now that they have the reigns to better the country?

I actually believe that there are enough Democrats in the Senate that will vote with the Republicans to over ride the filibusters that Harry Reid's gang will file and some bills will eventually get to Obama's desk. At that point, the ball is FINALLY in his court. I could be wrong, but it remains to be seen.

democrats can't filibuster...thanks to harry forcing the rule change that originally prohibited republicans from filibustering...LMAO..hunting isn't much fun when the rabbit gets the gun....

That is what I thought, but after checking it out, the 51 votes to break a filibuster only applies to Presidential nominations, with the exception of a Supreme Court nominee. I seriously doubt that the Republicans would try to change it for all bills now that they have the majority, even if they could.

That is correct.
I was wrong.

mea culpa.

Don' ever do that again! (just kidding)
No amnesty of any type. Close the border.
without a penny more being spent on it.....

can that be done?

What does close the border mean?

How do you close the border, without extra money? Reforms? rearrangement of funds maybe?


It has NEVER been done in my lifetime....

Mine fields!!

WARNING: Minefield, crossing our border illegally may result in DEATH!

Yeah problem solved.
Isn't most of this land owned by citizens, and that would take eminent domain for the government to own this land? Or is there an easement that our government already owns along the entire border either State or Federally owned?

(Not that I would even entertain your suggestion in 'real life', but for the Devil's advocate's sake, I'll play) :)

FACT illegals sneak into our country and KILL OUR KIDS and young people. I am astonished at the compassion some people have for these illegal criminals while they kill our kids and young people and destroy their lives with drugs. Its so bad National Geographic did a documentary on it. And that's just drugs. Where the hell is the liberal outrage over all the damage these illegals are doing to AMERICANS?
I don't think immigrants should be able to come in to our country illegally, I believe they should wait their turn and come in LEGALLY.....and most Democrats feel the same way....where we differ with you, is we believe we need reforms, that would allow for the LEGAL process to actually function in the way it was meant to function, we don't believe most illegals are the gangsters, illegal drug dealers, and murders that you falsely claim they ALL are... but we do believe there are some that are criminals just like we have Americans that are felons and criminals who belong to gangs and steal and murder, nor do we believe that the most of the illegals should be killed and blown in to smithereens as their toes cross the border , the way you seem to think they should be....

outside of those huge differences, we do agree we have an illegal immigration problem....

Have you read the legal requirements for legally immigrating to the USA? None of these losers qualify. You must have a job or means of supporting yourself, jumping on our welfare is not allowed. You also have to be in good health. These illegals jumping our borders do not qualify to immigrate here so you can speed up the legal process, allow more people to immigrate here but it won't change the fact that these illegals would still fail to qualify. Rewarding them with amnesty makes no sense.

How about this, illegal candidates for amnesty have to meet current requirements for immigrating here legally or be deported. My guess is millions would fail to qualify.
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Tell me something, do you think the republican house and senate will get some actual work done for we the people, now?

What are they going to do now that they have the reigns to better the country?

You're asking me?
Ok, I'll play.

I hope they see to it that the border is CLOSED and ENFORCED.

Next they can take financial control and paralyze obamacare and begin to dismantle it. america doesn't want dear leader's "care"
and the 5 million people that finally have health insurance, what will the republicans do to them? give them health care only called something else? or leave them without health insurance again?

"what if?".."what about this?".."what about that?"

We return to the free market system where the market is self correcting and doesn't need central planning, comrade.

Close and enforce the border.

Deport illegals.

Defund and strangle obamacare.
What free market that corrects itself? Wasn't the Bail Out for the banks and auto industry, and the AIG's of the world, a Bail Out that the Republicans put forth with President Bush residing and all of his republican advisers?

I think you are dreaming on that one....or just simply blind.

The free market doesn't control what politicians do. It can be held responsible if politicians insist on interfering. Politicians are responsible for bail outs. They are also responsible for the problems that are used to justify bailouts.

If you think Bush was some kind of free marketeer, then you know nothing about Bush.

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