Obama Flashback: ‘If you don’t like my policies, go out there and win an election.’

The republicans that won the election didn't mention repealing Obama care as part of their reelection or election campaign? Nada...to very little on that.... they completely backed down on repealing O care when they were running?

WHY didn't they run on that as a plank, if this is their FIRST measure that they plan to do and let the American people know this ahead of time?
you apparently have never played poker ! :up: ....... :lmao:
oh I have, but I am just not cut out for it.... I wear my emotions on my coat sleeve,for all to see, like most women...
The republicans that won the election didn't mention repealing Obama care as part of their reelection or election campaign? Nada...to very little on that.... they completely backed down on repealing O care when they were running?

WHY didn't they run on that as a plank, if this is their FIRST measure that they plan to do and let the American people know this ahead of time?
It wasn't necessary, it's common knowledge by now. Republicans finally grew a brain on messaging while the Democrats blew chunks with racism, war on woman foolishness while running from Obama himself. Which with sweet irony was the democrats running from ACA
Tell me something, do you think the republican house and senate will get some actual work done for we the people, now?

What are they going to do now that they have the reigns to better the country?
Mid-term elections are not always about doing something new, sometimes they are about stopping an agenda that has overreached.

Amnesty for illegal immigrants is probably off the table.
Using the EPA to regulate CO2 as a pollutant probably won't happen.
FDIC oversight will probably change so that the agency is not being used as a tool to reward cronies.
The IRS is going to be less aggressive at targeting small business owners with no history of wrongdoing.
The Keystone Pipeline will be front an center for the President to approve or veto.

In addition, they will muck up a lot of stuff because they are Republican politicians.
Tell me something, do you think the republican house and senate will get some actual work done for we the people, now?

What are they going to do now that they have the reigns to better the country?
1. That is "reins". Obama thinks he "reigns".

2.The House has gotten lots done for the people; Reid has blocked those bills from consideration in order to protect Obama from having to veto legislation the people's House wants

3. The removal of Harry Reid will show who the real obstructionists are.
Tell me something, do you think the republican house and senate will get some actual work done for we the people, now?

What are they going to do now that they have the reigns to better the country?

You're asking me?
Ok, I'll play.

I hope they see to it that the border is CLOSED and ENFORCED.

Next they can take financial control and paralyze obamacare and begin to dismantle it. america doesn't want dear leader's "care"
and the 5 million people that finally have health insurance, what will the republicans do to them? give them health care only called something else? or leave them without health insurance again?
We disrupted a system that worked for most Americans for 5 million fuckin' bums?

Now you see why people hate PP/ACA.
Tell me something, do you think the republican house and senate will get some actual work done for we the people, now?

What are they going to do now that they have the reigns to better the country?

You're asking me?
Ok, I'll play.

I hope they see to it that the border is CLOSED and ENFORCED.

Next they can take financial control and paralyze obamacare and begin to dismantle it. america doesn't want dear leader's "care"
and the 5 million people that finally have health insurance, what will the republicans do to them? give them health care only called something else? or leave them without health insurance again?

Since when did it become Congress job to provide people with health insurance and by that I mean taxpayers like me footing the bill? Here's an idea get off your lazy government welfare sucking asses, get a job and buy your own freaking health insurance and stop sponging off me!!
Tell me something, do you think the republican house and senate will get some actual work done for we the people, now?

What are they going to do now that they have the reigns to better the country?

You're asking me?
Ok, I'll play.

I hope they see to it that the border is CLOSED and ENFORCED.

Next they can take financial control and paralyze obamacare and begin to dismantle it. america doesn't want dear leader's "care"
and the 5 million people that finally have health insurance, what will the republicans do to them? give them health care only called something else? or leave them without health insurance again?
We disrupted a system that worked for most Americans for 5 million fuckin' bums?

Now you see why people hate PP/ACA.
those you call "bums" already had healthcare...automatically qualified for Medicaid if they collected welfare...

For the most part, these who went through the exchange, are people who DO work for a living, whose employer could not afford to offer health care insurance benefits...

As far as your 5 million remark, that was only the first year...most new programs allow 5 years, to get the actual number.... In Massachusetts it took about 5 years before you could analyze the end results of their Romneycare....same with Social Security, when it was first initiated.
Tell me something, do you think the republican house and senate will get some actual work done for we the people, now?

What are they going to do now that they have the reigns to better the country?
1. That is "reins". Obama thinks he "reigns".

2.The House has gotten lots done for the people; Reid has blocked those bills from consideration in order to protect Obama from having to veto legislation the people's House wants

3. The removal of Harry Reid will show who the real obstructionists are.
thank you for the spelling correction...I knew that, but the fingers typed it the other way, anyway! ;)

Actually the House has not gotten much done...sure they passed a half a hundred bills on killing Obamacare, which was meaningless since Obama has veto power, and they passed a bunch of other bills that were so ridiculous and partisan, it's not even funny, that HAD NO CHANCE in the Senate or if passed, they were guaranteed vetoes from the president with no 2/3's voting yea to overcome them, and a handful of their bills were good and made it to the floor of the Senate...(or sometimes didn't, due to Harry.)

We'll see, on your number 3!
The republicans that won the election didn't mention repealing Obama care as part of their reelection or election campaign? Nada...to very little on that.... they completely backed down on repealing O care when they were running?

WHY didn't they run on that as a plank, if this is their FIRST measure that they plan to do and let the American people know this ahead of time?

Unfortunately you are correct and it was predicted when Obama and Reid shoved ACA down the american throat. Government programs, no matter how bad, never go away. This is no different. There are aspects of the bill that were good and could have been passed with a single sheet of paper not 1500 sheets of paper that the democrats admitted to not reading or understanding.

So the best we can hope for is for them to do something to make it affordable to those caught between a job that provides healthcare and subsidizes. As for cost, i see no containment unless REAL competition is created both for medical and drug expense.
What exactly do we expect to get done? I have no problem with the immigration laws we have today. The law we have today was argued over in the past it doesn't need changed. Enforce the LAW.

They CAN do whatever to reduce the deficit and then the debt, but I really believe it is out of control.

The only thing I see that Congress needs do is respond to new technology. Such as the NSA spying and the drone program. They need to enforce regulation that are common sense and good for the country.
No amnesty of any type. Close the border.
without a penny more being spent on it.....

can that be done?

What does close the border mean?

How do you close the border, without extra money? Reforms? rearrangement of funds maybe?


It has NEVER been done in my lifetime....
Tell me something, do you think the republican house and senate will get some actual work done for we the people, now?

What are they going to do now that they have the reigns to better the country?

You're asking me?
Ok, I'll play.

I hope they see to it that the border is CLOSED and ENFORCED.

Next they can take financial control and paralyze obamacare and begin to dismantle it. america doesn't want dear leader's "care"
and the 5 million people that finally have health insurance, what will the republicans do to them? give them health care only called something else? or leave them without health insurance again?

Tell me something, do you think the republican house and senate will get some actual work done for we the people, now?

What are they going to do now that they have the reigns to better the country?

Liberal Dictionary:
Actual work done for we the people - Grow the government. Put more parasites on the dole.
Tell me something, do you think the republican house and senate will get some actual work done for we the people, now?

What are they going to do now that they have the reigns to better the country?

You're asking me?
Ok, I'll play.

I hope they see to it that the border is CLOSED and ENFORCED.

Next they can take financial control and paralyze obamacare and begin to dismantle it. america doesn't want dear leader's "care"
and the 5 million people that finally have health insurance, what will the republicans do to them? give them health care only called something else? or leave them without health insurance again?
We disrupted a system that worked for most Americans for 5 million fuckin' bums?

Now you see why people hate PP/ACA.
those you call "bums" already had healthcare...automatically qualified for Medicaid if they collected welfare...

For the most part, these who went through the exchange, are people who DO work for a living, whose employer could not afford to offer health care insurance benefits...

As far as your 5 million remark, that was only the first year...most new programs allow 5 years, to get the actual number.... In Massachusetts it took about 5 years before you could analyze the end results of their Romneycare....same with Social Security, when it was first initiated.

Well yeah..when you force people to sign up what choice do they have?
Thats like crowing about the number of insured motorist.
Tell me something, do you think the republican house and senate will get some actual work done for we the people, now?

What are they going to do now that they have the reigns to better the country?

You're asking me?
Ok, I'll play.

I hope they see to it that the border is CLOSED and ENFORCED.

Next they can take financial control and paralyze obamacare and begin to dismantle it. america doesn't want dear leader's "care"
and the 5 million people that finally have health insurance, what will the republicans do to them? give them health care only called something else? or leave them without health insurance again?
They have health insurance, that they pay for. They don't have any more health care than they ever had. If they want health care, they still have to pay for it, in addition to paying for health insurance. The option is the same option that they always had, an emergency room.
Tell me something, do you think the republican house and senate will get some actual work done for we the people, now?

What are they going to do now that they have the reigns to better the country?

You're asking me?
Ok, I'll play.

I hope they see to it that the border is CLOSED and ENFORCED.

Next they can take financial control and paralyze obamacare and begin to dismantle it. america doesn't want dear leader's "care"
and the 5 million people that finally have health insurance, what will the republicans do to them? give them health care only called something else? or leave them without health insurance again?

So expand Medicaid to cover them? Not a bad idea, though I am not certain you truly agree with something like that???
Tell me something, do you think the republican house and senate will get some actual work done for we the people, now?

What are they going to do now that they have the reigns to better the country?

You're asking me?
Ok, I'll play.

I hope they see to it that the border is CLOSED and ENFORCED.

Next they can take financial control and paralyze obamacare and begin to dismantle it. america doesn't want dear leader's "care"
and the 5 million people that finally have health insurance, what will the republicans do to them? give them health care only called something else? or leave them without health insurance again?

So expand Medicaid to cover them? Not a bad idea, though I am not certain you truly agree with something like that???

It sure would be a lot cheaper than the boondoggle we have now.
You give them the most basic care you can while still saving their lives.
No private rooms,no fancy hospitals,no high end specialist.
A perfect situation for training new doctors actually.
Tell me something, do you think the republican house and senate will get some actual work done for we the people, now?

What are they going to do now that they have the reigns to better the country?
What will happen is obama will be forced to show who he really is when he starts vetoing good sound legislation that will be able to fix his mess. tht is what will happen. 2016 will not be the year for hillary if obama does this.

You are supposing that Congress is going to "start" to legislate good sound legislation... good luck with that.

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