Obama: Fox News is 'destructive' to America

If calling me names makes you feel better, have at it. Get creative with it. Hooray

It does, I loving shoving your nose in your hypocrisy asswipe.

You're short of shoving my nose in anything. All you've done is boasted a point at an anonymous screen-name titled "G.T."


Translation for that is, He's admitting, Willow, that you nailed him for his hypocrisy, but like the kid I caught trying to steal my bike once, he's running away and yelling, "You don't know where I live!"

So, he thinks he has a small victory in that.

Pretty pathetic.

You nailed his ass!

I didn't know that Michelle Obama was fat, but you just did what you asked if it was hypothetically ok to do, so you're cool with it regardless now.

Nolt noticing your sleazy hypocritical azz calling out caringertoit

Well, #1. You're definitely correct. I'm as sleazy as they come.

But besides that point, I have no vested interest in calling out (whoever that name is you're trying to say).

I'm here for the shear entertainment of pushing Conservative message-board people's buttons. That wouldn't do anything to serve that purpose, and so I determined that it's a waste of time. It's not that serious, Willow. Don't make me call Mad Martigan.

So, in other words you are telling us, even as a troll, you are a complete failure.


It does, I loving shoving your nose in your hypocrisy asswipe.

You're short of shoving my nose in anything. All you've done is boasted a point at an anonymous screen-name titled "G.T."


Translation for that is, He's admitting, Willow, that you nailed him for his hypocrisy, but like the kid I caught trying to steal my bike once, he's running away and yelling, "You don't know where I live!"

So, he thinks he has a small victory in that.

Pretty pathetic.

You nailed his ass!


There's no hypocrisy you fucking idiot. I'm not here to be even handed. I pick on dolts like you. Conniebots. You're a schmuck, look at you. You just made like 5 posts straight gloating about the same fucking thing like this is your *true* meaning in life. Serious? Your level of douche is a 10+, I give you the daily nod, followed by a donkey punch.


If I had a Rooster, and you had a Donkey, and your Donkey ate my Rooster's feet, what do you have?

Two feet of my cock in your ass. :lol:
Well, #1. You're definitely correct. I'm as sleazy as they come.

But besides that point, I have no vested interest in calling out (whoever that name is you're trying to say).

I'm here for the shear entertainment of pushing Conservative message-board people's buttons. That wouldn't do anything to serve that purpose, and so I determined that it's a waste of time. It's not that serious, Willow. Don't make me call Mad Martigan.

Can you explain the difference in "shear" and "sheer" ? :lol::lol::lol:

one shear's sheep out of sheer necessity. You son have been sheared. :lol:

A spelling Nazi is the purest form of flattery? I don't know how to partake in your gayness. Clue me in.


OH! Another liberal I get to add to my collection of hypocrites on homosexual issues.

Funny how it's okay for libs to use gay as a pejorative, but you bring up something like gay marriage, and SUDDENLY they get all self righteous and you better not even so much as BREATHE the word gay without complete reverence as one of their vaunted "victims."

Like I said in the other thread. You want to know why they never found a cure for AIDS? Because there are some things even rats won't do!

Now watch the SAME PEOPLE who use gay as a PERJORATIVE, just about explode with outrage over that!

Read the sig. It's only okay to be offensive to conservatives. It's not okay to be offensive to liberals.

Self righteous hypocritical PHONIES!


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You're short of shoving my nose in anything. All you've done is boasted a point at an anonymous screen-name titled "G.T."


Translation for that is, He's admitting, Willow, that you nailed him for his hypocrisy, but like the kid I caught trying to steal my bike once, he's running away and yelling, "You don't know where I live!"

So, he thinks he has a small victory in that.

Pretty pathetic.

You nailed his ass!


There's no hypocrisy you fucking idiot. I'm not here to be even handed. I pick on dolts like you. Conniebots. You're a schmuck, look at you. You just made like 5 posts straight gloating about the same fucking thing like this is your *true* meaning in life. Serious? Your level of douche is a 10+, I give you the daily nod, followed by a donkey punch.


If I had a Rooster, and you had a Donkey, and your Donkey ate my Rooster's feet, what do you have?

Two feet of my cock in your ass. :lol:

All you are telling me there is not only are you failed troll, but a hypocritical one at that!

Keep spluttering excuses. It's funny!

You're short of shoving my nose in anything. All you've done is boasted a point at an anonymous screen-name titled "G.T."


Translation for that is, He's admitting, Willow, that you nailed him for his hypocrisy, but like the kid I caught trying to steal my bike once, he's running away and yelling, "You don't know where I live!"

So, he thinks he has a small victory in that.

Pretty pathetic.

You nailed his ass!


There's no hypocrisy you fucking idiot. I'm not here to be even handed. I pick on dolts like you. Conniebots. You're a schmuck, look at you. You just made like 5 posts straight gloating about the same fucking thing like this is your *true* meaning in life. Serious? Your level of douche is a 10+, I give you the daily nod, followed by a donkey punch.


If I had a Rooster, and you had a Donkey, and your Donkey ate my Rooster's feet, what do you have?

Two feet of my cock in your ass. :lol:

that's just shear hypocrisy. pardon my spelling error won'tya?
:lol: Quite the life y'all two must have.

Yea, I call things gay yet support gay marriage. Tough concept, eh? :cool:

Samurai you need to lay off the self congratulatory posting style, people might start to think you're an elitist narcissistic liberal :eek:
So are genetics, apparently.

So it's gonna be ok for me to make a crack now about the Obama kids and the likelihood of them being fat assed, like their Mom or would that be racist? Just trying to get the boundaries to all this. Cuz I keep hearing, particularly from the left, that we should leave the Obama kids alone.... and yet, y'all seem to have a problem implementing that with Palin's kids. Interesting dichotomy.

You stupid hypocrite. You either believe that something is wrong or you don't. Not you. You're a phony. You had to jump right in, didn't you?? You've probably been waiting with baited breath for the chance. What a miserable, ugly, lying, two-faced bitch you are.


How DARE someone point out liberal hypocrisy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why she has to face the PENALTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ack-1::whip:

There! Do you feel better sweety, or do you need more?

Liberal hypocrites, I swear!

:lol: Quite the life y'all two must have.

Yea, I call things gay yet support gay marriage. Tough concept, eh? :cool:

Samurai you need to lay off the self congratulatory posting style, people might start to think you're an elitist narcissistic liberal :eek:

So, you are hypocritical troll and the next time you try to come off all self righteous and all calling conservatives homophobic, I HAVE YOUR WORDS TO KICK YOUR ASS WITH.

And how can I become a narcissist? You don't see me trying to justify a double standard like that, as liberals do. Oh, yeah, the person that did that, THAT WOULD BE YOU!

Thank you, you resident failed troll hypocrite.

My file is growing liberal hypocrites!

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Can you explain the difference in "shear" and "sheer" ? :lol::lol::lol:

one shear's sheep out of sheer necessity. You son have been sheared. :lol:

A spelling Nazi is the purest form of flattery? I don't know how to partake in your gayness. Clue me in.


OH! Another liberal I get to add to my collection of hypocrites on homosexual issues.

Funny how it's okay for libs to use gay as a pejorative, but you bring up something like gay marriage, and SUDDENLY they get all self righteous and you better not even so much as BREATHE the word gay without complete reverence as one of their vaunted "victims."

Like I said in the other thread. You want to know why they never found a cure for AIDS? Because there are some things even rats won't do!

Now watch the SAME PEOPLE who use gay as a PERJORATIVE, just about explode with outrage over that!

Read the sig. It's only okay to be offensive to conservatives. It's not okay to be offensive to liberals.

Self righteous hypocritical PHONIES!



You do realize that words (such as gay) can have more than one definition right? Or should I assume you never passed elementary English?

But yes that's so obviously on par with calling them less than rats :cuckoo:

Whatever helps your victim complex.
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A spelling Nazi is the purest form of flattery? I don't know how to partake in your gayness. Clue me in.


OH! Another liberal I get to add to my collection of hypocrites on homosexual issues.

Funny how it's okay for libs to use gay as a pejorative, but you bring up something like gay marriage, and SUDDENLY they get all self righteous and you better not even so much as BREATHE the word gay without complete reverence as one of their vaunted "victims."

Like I said in the other thread. You want to know why they never found a cure for AIDS? Because there are some things even rats won't do!

Now watch the SAME PEOPLE who use gay as a PERJORATIVE, just about explode with outrage over that!

Read the sig. It's only okay to be offensive to conservatives. It's not okay to be offensive to liberals.

Self righteous hypocritical PHONIES!



You do realize that words (such as gay) can have more than one definition right? Or should I assume you never passed elementary English?

But yes that's so obviously on par with calling them less than rats :cuckoo:

Whatever helps your victim complex.

OH PUHLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even GT admits he meant homosexual so cut the spin. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And who said I called anyone less than rats?

If it's okay to use gay as a perjorative, why can't I tell that joke?

Or are you just proving my point. Yes you are!


OH! Another liberal I get to add to my collection of hypocrites on homosexual issues.

Funny how it's okay for libs to use gay as a pejorative, but you bring up something like gay marriage, and SUDDENLY they get all self righteous and you better not even so much as BREATHE the word gay without complete reverence as one of their vaunted "victims."

Like I said in the other thread. You want to know why they never found a cure for AIDS? Because there are some things even rats won't do!

Now watch the SAME PEOPLE who use gay as a PERJORATIVE, just about explode with outrage over that!

Read the sig. It's only okay to be offensive to conservatives. It's not okay to be offensive to liberals.

Self righteous hypocritical PHONIES!



You do realize that words (such as gay) can have more than one definition right? Or should I assume you never passed elementary English?

But yes that's so obviously on par with calling them less than rats :cuckoo:

Whatever helps your victim complex.

OH PUHLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even GT admits he meant homosexual so cut the spin. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And who said I called anyone less than rats?

If it's okay to use gay as a perjorative, why can't I tell that joke?

Or are you just proving my point. Yes you are!


If you don't realize that one of those is far more insulting than the other you're an idiot.

If you also don't realize that one of them is meant to be insulting to gays and the other isn't you're an even bigger idiot.

And where exactly did he admit to it meaning homosexual because it sure ain't in this thread?

PS: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: (see, I can act like a five year old too).
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no, its YOU that is the fucking moron
i kinow what the word means
piss off asshole

you are an idiot
that wasnt on FNC

Yes it was. They hire them. Typical republican though. Even with prove, you still won't believe it. Science, the failure of trickle down economics, and Obama's birth and you still won't believe the truth.

Its sad these people have any power.

hey JFK.....just because someone disagrees with you doesnt mean they are a "Republican"....Dive aint no republican....
FoxLies is the propaganda wing of the Republican Party.

NewsCorp, the parent company of FoxLies, donated $1 million dollars to the Republican Governors Association.

Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Shouldn't the Republicans be giving money to Fox?
That would be right wing spinster. You may find a man when you move to the fat old white guy retirement community. Good luck!

:lol::lol::lol: She might find someone to accept her unattractive face, but not that personality.
How's your fat ass? Have you lost any of it? I know you had a goal to trim two feet off by the end of 2010, for a start.


Too bad CG can't fight her own battles. Her little stooge always has to chime in. How are you, little stooge??
:lol::lol::lol: She might find someone to accept her unattractive face, but not that personality.
How's your fat ass? Have you lost any of it? I know you had a goal to trim two feet off by the end of 2010, for a start.


Too bad CG can't fight her own battles. Her little stooge always has to chime in. How are you, little stooge??

Ohhhh! An internet battle with a fat assed bitch. I wonder who will win? Will it be me? Or you?

What a loser you are, Rinata. Can't even win the battle of the bulge.
So let mr get this straight: Obama does not have the freedom of speech to say what he wants to say about Fox News?

I guess freedom of speech is only good if you agree with it you partisan hack...

You're the man/woman (I don't know you). The perfect response to this thread, and completely correct. Thank you so much!
How's your fat ass? Have you lost any of it? I know you had a goal to trim two feet off by the end of 2010, for a start.


Too bad CG can't fight her own battles. Her little stooge always has to chime in. How are you, little stooge??

Ohhhh! An internet battle with a fat assed bitch. I wonder who will win? Will it be me? Or you?

What a loser you are, Rinata. Can't even win the battle of the bulge.

WOW!!! You're are a tremendously rude person California Girl! You and si modo. I don't even know what you two are bickering about and I don't care. You are really going to personally insult her like that? You have really stooped low on this one... You should apologize.

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