Obama: Fox News is 'destructive' to America

I haven't seen MSNBC's Ed Shultz comment on Alan Grayson's ad in which by the way Alan approved this message where he totally did a hatchet job on what Dan Webster actually said.Ed Shultz has gone literally overboard in his over the top love fest for this guy,now when Alan goes so far over the line in misrepresenting what a person says MSNBC doesn't even touch the issue.
So are genetics, apparently.

So it's gonna be ok for me to make a crack now about the Obama kids and the likelihood of them being fat assed, like their Mom or would that be racist? Just trying to get the boundaries to all this. Cuz I keep hearing, particularly from the left, that we should leave the Obama kids alone.... and yet, y'all seem to have a problem implementing that with Palin's kids. Interesting dichotomy.

You stupid hypocrite. You either believe that something is wrong or you don't. Not you. You're a phony. You had to jump right in, didn't you?? You've probably been waiting with baited breath for the chance. What a miserable, ugly, lying, two-faced bitch you are.
This post is the typical intellectual level of your input. Such class.

Come on, Rinata. PM me again so that I know for sure what little class you have and so that I am sure that you are really just as much a moron as your posts lead me to believe. Tell me again about the harm you hope comes to me.
FoxLies is the propaganda wing of the Republican Party.

NewsCorp, the parent company of FoxLies, donated $1 million dollars to the Republican Governors Association.

Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Shouldn't the Republicans be giving money to Fox?

After all of the slobbering the MSM has been doing over Obama you wanna bring this BS up?

Besides....Republicans aren't in the habit of buying their votes with Treasury funds like the Dems. They aren't bailing out union pensions with billions of dollars of Stimulus funds. They aren't pushing bailout bills to prop up their media suckups. The only thing they ever do is give a tax cut or a tax refund to businesses to help create jobs. And no....a tax-cut doesn't have to be paid for because the dividends you get in return makes it worthwhile.
So it's gonna be ok for me to make a crack now about the Obama kids and the likelihood of them being fat assed, like their Mom or would that be racist? Just trying to get the boundaries to all this. Cuz I keep hearing, particularly from the left, that we should leave the Obama kids alone.... and yet, y'all seem to have a problem implementing that with Palin's kids. Interesting dichotomy.

You stupid hypocrite. You either believe that something is wrong or you don't. Not you. You're a phony. You had to jump right in, didn't you?? You've probably been waiting with baited breath for the chance. What a miserable, ugly, lying, two-faced bitch you are.
This post is the typical intellectual level of your input. Such class.

Come on, Rinata. PM me again so that I know for sure what little class you have and so that I am sure that you are really just as much a moron......

Don't forget she's a fat-ass as well. :popcorn:
You do realize that words (such as gay) can have more than one definition right? Or should I assume you never passed elementary English?

But yes that's so obviously on par with calling them less than rats :cuckoo:

Whatever helps your victim complex.

OH PUHLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even GT admits he meant homosexual so cut the spin. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And who said I called anyone less than rats?

If it's okay to use gay as a perjorative, why can't I tell that joke?

Or are you just proving my point. Yes you are!


If you don't realize that one of those is far more insulting than the other you're an idiot.

If you also don't realize that one of them is meant to be insulting to gays and the other isn't you're an even bigger idiot.

And where exactly did he admit to it meaning homosexual because it sure ain't in this thread?

PS: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: (see, I can act like a five year old too).



It's ONLY OKAY to offend conservatives, it's NOT okay to offend liberals.


FoxLies is the propaganda wing of the Republican Party.

NewsCorp, the parent company of FoxLies, donated $1 million dollars to the Republican Governors Association.

Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Shouldn't the Republicans be giving money to Fox?

Yeah! Like the liberal media isn't the propaganda wing of the Democrat party!

Hillarious, one station out of, I dunno a half dozen or so isn't completely in the tank for the progressives and Marxists and they have a meltdown. But, historically, that is how they operate... complete domination of the media and therefore, complete control of the "message". Can't have any dissenting opinions floating around...
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Hillarious, one station out of, I dunno a half dozen or so isn't completely in the tank for the progressives and Marxists and they have a meltdown.

It really is indicative of how they see things.

It's why in communist countries the press only gives THEIR VIEW on everything.

Liberals think they are entitled to all views being THEIRS.

The fact that they can't stop ONE NEWS OUTLET from expressing differing views, just DRIVES THEM INSANE.

No wonder they call the Constitution a "living document." They want to live to see it's demise.

Hillarious, one station out of, I dunno a half dozen or so isn't completely in the tank for the progressives and Marxists and they have a meltdown.

It really is indicative of how they see things.

It's why in communist countries the press only gives THEIR VIEW on everything.

Liberals think they are entitled to all views being THEIRS.

The fact that they can't stop ONE NEWS OUTLET from expressing differing views, just DRIVES THEM INSANE.

No wonder they call the Constitution a "living document." They want to live to see it's demise.


They only thrive when they can control the message.
Every major media outlet in the WORLD was up GWB's ass for 8 years, I don't recall hearing Bush bitching and whining like Obama over press coverage. Jesus, if Obama gets asked anything tougher than "what do you think of this sunny day", he freaks out.
Every major media outlet in the WORLD was up GWB's ass for 8 years, I don't recall hearing Bush bitching and whining like Obama over press coverage. Jesus, if Obama gets asked anything tougher than "what do you think of this sunny day", he freaks out.

They tend to ask him how he thinks he's doing.

That's a tough fucken question.
Every major media outlet in the WORLD was up GWB's ass for 8 years, I don't recall hearing Bush bitching and whining like Obama over press coverage. Jesus, if Obama gets asked anything tougher than "what do you think of this sunny day", he freaks out.

They tend to ask him how he thinks he's doing.

That's a tough fucken question.

Um no it is not. It would be Tough if they called him out when he said he thought he was doing well, but they never do.

They let him control the narrative.
Freedom of the press and speech is so overated, isn't Obama.

Obama: Fox News is ‘destructive’ to America – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs


Fox News Network is the best thing that ever happened to Americans who want to see their country remain free. If you want to have a one world government, and a dead Constitution, then you will probably not agree. Go Fox! :clap2:
So are genetics, apparently.

So it's gonna be ok for me to make a crack now about the Obama kids and the likelihood of them being fat assed, like their Mom or would that be racist? Just trying to get the boundaries to all this. Cuz I keep hearing, particularly from the left, that we should leave the Obama kids alone.... and yet, y'all seem to have a problem implementing that with Palin's kids. Interesting dichotomy.

You stupid hypocrite. You either believe that something is wrong or you don't. Not you. You're a phony. You had to jump right in, didn't you?? You've probably been waiting with baited breath for the chance. What a miserable, ugly, lying, two-faced bitch you are.

Funny shit.... getting all hyperbolic over a "probably". Jeeeez, not just a fat ass, but a brainless fat assed. You get dumber by the day... there may be some medical reason - alcohol and drugs both have impacts on the brain.... or maybe you were born stupid and deteriorated naturally. Who knows.... who cares?
So it's gonna be ok for me to make a crack now about the Obama kids and the likelihood of them being fat assed, like their Mom or would that be racist? Just trying to get the boundaries to all this. Cuz I keep hearing, particularly from the left, that we should leave the Obama kids alone.... and yet, y'all seem to have a problem implementing that with Palin's kids. Interesting dichotomy.

You stupid hypocrite. You either believe that something is wrong or you don't. Not you. You're a phony. You had to jump right in, didn't you?? You've probably been waiting with baited breath for the chance. What a miserable, ugly, lying, two-faced bitch you are.
This post is the typical intellectual level of your input. Such class.

Come on, Rinata. PM me again so that I know for sure what little class you have and so that I am sure that you are really just as much a moron as your posts lead me to believe. Tell me again about the harm you hope comes to me.

You too? Darn! I thought I was special. Still, I bet she doesn't tell you how lucky your deceased fiance is to be dead instead of married to you. What a charmer our fat assed friend is. :lol:

*NB to the Board: Rinata is so proud of her comment regarding my fiance that she has given me permission to mention it in public. Nice of her.
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You stupid hypocrite. You either believe that something is wrong or you don't. Not you. You're a phony. You had to jump right in, didn't you?? You've probably been waiting with baited breath for the chance. What a miserable, ugly, lying, two-faced bitch you are.
This post is the typical intellectual level of your input. Such class.

Come on, Rinata. PM me again so that I know for sure what little class you have and so that I am sure that you are really just as much a moron as your posts lead me to believe. Tell me again about the harm you hope comes to me.

You too? Darn! I thought I was special. Still, I bet she doesn't tell you how lucky your deceased fiance is to be dead instead of married to you. What a charmer our fat assed friend is. :lol:

*NB to the Board: Rinata is so proud of her comment regarding my fiance that she has given me permission to mention it in public. Nice of her.
Yeah. She's a real class act in PMs. And, she just keeps sending those PMs to me. I ask nicely for her to stop and she just keeps sending them. God forbid she ever visits someone's house; she'd never get the hell out.
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This post is the typical intellectual level of your input. Such class.

Come on, Rinata. PM me again so that I know for sure what little class you have and so that I am sure that you are really just as much a moron as your posts lead me to believe. Tell me again about the harm you hope comes to me.

You too? Darn! I thought I was special. Still, I bet she doesn't tell you how lucky your deceased fiance is to be dead instead of married to you. What a charmer our fat assed friend is. :lol:

*NB to the Board: Rinata is so proud of her comment regarding my fiance that she has given me permission to mention it in public. Nice of her.
Yeah. She's a real class act in PMs. And, she just keeps sending those PMs to me. I ask nicely for her to stop and she just keeps sending them. God forbid she ever visits someone's house; she'd never get the hell out.

She said that?

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