Obama: Fox News is 'destructive' to America

I'm sure he prefers CNN (Communist News Network) which hires drunk driving racist murderous buffoons like Ricky Sanchez. This is just one more reason to love & respect Fox News. What would we do without them? They're the only Media Outlet that doesn't shamefully lick Hopey Changey's boots on a daily basis. Without Fox News we wouldn't get any truth about this White House & Democrats. Anyone with common sense understands that the Liberal dominated MSM can't be trusted. They've been in bed with the Democrats for several decades. Personally i thank God everyday for Fox News and Talk Radio. It's certainly no coincidence this President and Democrats want to shut them down. So keep on Rockin Fox News! The People fully support you!
OH PUHLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even GT admits he meant homosexual so cut the spin. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And who said I called anyone less than rats?

If it's okay to use gay as a perjorative, why can't I tell that joke?

Or are you just proving my point. Yes you are!


If you don't realize that one of those is far more insulting than the other you're an idiot.

If you also don't realize that one of them is meant to be insulting to gays and the other isn't you're an even bigger idiot.

And where exactly did he admit to it meaning homosexual because it sure ain't in this thread?

PS: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: (see, I can act like a five year old too).

You could say that if I ever complained about a conservative using it, but I haven't.
It's still you.
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So the magic question is...How is Fox news the same to conservatives as everyone else is to liberals?

Now heres the tricky part...Sean Hannity and Limbaugh are both carried by ABC radio...

annnnnd GO!
So it's gonna be ok for me to make a crack now about the Obama kids and the likelihood of them being fat assed, like their Mom or would that be racist? Just trying to get the boundaries to all this. Cuz I keep hearing, particularly from the left, that we should leave the Obama kids alone.... and yet, y'all seem to have a problem implementing that with Palin's kids. Interesting dichotomy.

You stupid hypocrite. You either believe that something is wrong or you don't. Not you. You're a phony. You had to jump right in, didn't you?? You've probably been waiting with baited breath for the chance. What a miserable, ugly, lying, two-faced bitch you are.
This post is the typical intellectual level of your input. Such class.

Come on, Rinata. PM me again so that I know for sure what little class you have and so that I am sure that you are really just as much a moron as your posts lead me to believe. Tell me again about the harm you hope comes to me.

First of all, I was responding to one of your neg reps. I never initiate contact with you or CG and you know that. Stop being such a damn drama queen. I told you to drop dead. Big deal. Worse things are said on here every single day. As a matter of fact, you told me several months ago to eat shit and die. But I'm sure you don't remember that.

Why are you always getting involved in CG's battles?? Can't she do it alone?? It's very curious. We are not going to do a back and forth here and bore everybody to death. Got it??
So it's gonna be ok for me to make a crack now about the Obama kids and the likelihood of them being fat assed, like their Mom or would that be racist? Just trying to get the boundaries to all this. Cuz I keep hearing, particularly from the left, that we should leave the Obama kids alone.... and yet, y'all seem to have a problem implementing that with Palin's kids. Interesting dichotomy.

You stupid hypocrite. You either believe that something is wrong or you don't. Not you. You're a phony. You had to jump right in, didn't you?? You've probably been waiting with baited breath for the chance. What a miserable, ugly, lying, two-faced bitch you are.
This post is the typical intellectual level of your input. Such class.

Come on, Rinata. PM me again so that I know for sure what little class you have and so that I am sure that you are really just as much a moron as your posts lead me to believe. Tell me again about the harm you hope comes to me.

How's your fat ass? Have you lost any of it? I know you had a goal to trim two feet off by the end of 2010, for a start.


Too bad CG can't fight her own battles. Her little stooge always has to chime in. How are you, little stooge??

Won't be much of a battle.

Yes, I know.
You stupid hypocrite. You either believe that something is wrong or you don't. Not you. You're a phony. You had to jump right in, didn't you?? You've probably been waiting with baited breath for the chance. What a miserable, ugly, lying, two-faced bitch you are.
This post is the typical intellectual level of your input. Such class.

Come on, Rinata. PM me again so that I know for sure what little class you have and so that I am sure that you are really just as much a moron as your posts lead me to believe. Tell me again about the harm you hope comes to me.

Too bad CG can't fight her own battles. Her little stooge always has to chime in. How are you, little stooge??

Won't be much of a battle.

Yes, I know.

After what you said about CG's dead fiance I don't think you have the moral high-ground. It's amazing she even responds to you.
You too? Darn! I thought I was special. Still, I bet she doesn't tell you how lucky your deceased fiance is to be dead instead of married to you. What a charmer our fat assed friend is. :lol:

*NB to the Board: Rinata is so proud of her comment regarding my fiance that she has given me permission to mention it in public. Nice of her.
Yeah. She's a real class act in PMs. And, she just keeps sending those PMs to me. I ask nicely for her to stop and she just keeps sending them. God forbid she ever visits someone's house; she'd never get the hell out.

She said that?

What a couple of liars. If you two stopped sending me neg reps with your stupid comments, I'd never talk to either of you. And you both lie like I've never seen. I told CG that her fiance sure dodged a bullet when he didn't get stuck being married to her. And I told SM to drop dead. And that's what you two are going on and on about. But putting your own spin on it, like good bagheads do.

Grow up. You're making complete fools of yourselves with your lies and insults.
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This post is the typical intellectual level of your input. Such class.

Come on, Rinata. PM me again so that I know for sure what little class you have and so that I am sure that you are really just as much a moron as your posts lead me to believe. Tell me again about the harm you hope comes to me.

Won't be much of a battle.

Yes, I know.

After what you said about CG's dead fiance I don't think you have the moral high-ground. It's amazing she even responds to you.

Maybe you should mind your own business. Those 2 loosers are only nice to you because you're like them. So you don't know what you're talking about. I say things to them that I would never say to anyone else. They deserve it. After putting up with their abuse for months, I decided to give it right back. If they don't like what they are getting, then they need to change what they give out.
Yes, I know.

After what you said about CG's dead fiance I don't think you have the moral high-ground. It's amazing she even responds to you.

Maybe you should mind your own business. Those 2 loosers are only nice to you because you're like them. So you don't know what you're talking about. I say things to them that I would never say to anyone else. They deserve it. After putting up with their abuse for months, I decided to give it right back. If they don't like what they are getting, then they need to change what they give out.

Nether one of them is a loser...by any stretch.

But sometimes we say things that we regret and sometimes we say things out of anger. This place is supposed to be a place for exchanging ideas or blowing off steam. However sometimes we can go too far here. I think a line needs to be drawn somewhere. One thing for sure....as long as you're willing to laugh about it afterward there's no hard feelings. No reason to get personal. A thin skin tends to show a lack of self-confidence.

Oh...and I didn't witness the incident but I was told about it so it was made my business.
You stupid hypocrite. You either believe that something is wrong or you don't. Not you. You're a phony. You had to jump right in, didn't you?? You've probably been waiting with baited breath for the chance. What a miserable, ugly, lying, two-faced bitch you are.
This post is the typical intellectual level of your input. Such class.

Come on, Rinata. PM me again so that I know for sure what little class you have and so that I am sure that you are really just as much a moron as your posts lead me to believe. Tell me again about the harm you hope comes to me.

First of all, I was responding to one of your neg reps. I never initiate contact with you or CG and you know that. Stop being such a damn drama queen. I told you to drop dead. Big deal. Worse things are said on here every single day. As a matter of fact, you told me several months ago to eat shit and die. But I'm sure you don't remember that.

Why are you always getting involved in CG's battles?? Can't she do it alone?? It's very curious. We are not going to do a back and forth here and bore everybody to death. Got it??

YOU keep PMing me. Never, ever do I initiate ANY PMing with you. *cringe*

I tell you, rinata, you have a crush on me or some very bizarre obsession which only makes sense to morons. I don't swing that way, so get over your obsession with me and stop fucking PMing me.

[Emphasis added] Bullshit. I never use that phrase. Ever.



The more you bitch about rep, the more you can expect them - at least three times as much. Of course, that has never occurred to you, so you just keep fucking PMing me and keep whining.
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I have to admit that I'm genuinely surprised that Obama continues to throw stones at FOXNEWS. It's a lose-lose proposition for him. Is it arrogance? ignorance? Has to be one or the other, or perhaps even both.

Here's the bottom line: Obama objects to FOXNEWS because it presents a point of view that is opposite to his. Yet that is the bread-and-butter to any democracy: the freedom to present an opposing view. Now Obama comes across as someone who favors state-controlled propaganda over journalistic integrity.

And I'm not defending FOXNEWS. The principle here is that when any head of state publicly attacks any news organization, that head of state puts himself at a great disadvantage. I thought Obama was supposed to be smarter than that.

Apparently not.
I have to admit that I'm genuinely surprised that Obama continues to throw stones at FOXNEWS. It's a lose-lose proposition for him. Is it arrogance? ignorance? Has to be one or the other, or perhaps even both.

Here's the bottom line: Obama objects to FOXNEWS because it presents a point of view that is opposite to his. Yet that is the bread-and-butter to any democracy: the freedom to present an opposing view. Now Obama comes across as someone who favors state-controlled propaganda over journalistic integrity.

And I'm not defending FOXNEWS. The principle here is that when any head of state publicly attacks any news organization, that head of state puts himself at a great disadvantage. I thought Obama was supposed to be smarter than that.

Apparently not.
Right. Either he really is not al that bright or he thinks Americans in general are not all that bright. Either way, it doesn't look good on him.
I have to admit that I'm genuinely surprised that Obama continues to throw stones at FOXNEWS. It's a lose-lose proposition for him. Is it arrogance? ignorance? Has to be one or the other, or perhaps even both.

Here's the bottom line: Obama objects to FOXNEWS because it presents a point of view that is opposite to his. Yet that is the bread-and-butter to any democracy: the freedom to present an opposing view. Now Obama comes across as someone who favors state-controlled propaganda over journalistic integrity.

And I'm not defending FOXNEWS. The principle here is that when any head of state publicly attacks any news organization, that head of state puts himself at a great disadvantage. I thought Obama was supposed to be smarter than that.

Apparently not.
Right. Either he really is not al that bright or he thinks Americans in general are not all that bright. Either way, it doesn't look good on him.

He is convinced that everyone would love him if it weren't for Fox. It is an update of Nixon's Enemies List.
THis is the worst administration n history. That includes Richard Nixon.
The amazing thing about Beck is that he is selling gold coins to his followers for half their real value.

That's hard to do.
If you don't realize that one of those is far more insulting than the other you're an idiot.

If you also don't realize that one of them is meant to be insulting to gays and the other isn't you're an even bigger idiot.

And where exactly did he admit to it meaning homosexual because it sure ain't in this thread?

PS: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: (see, I can act like a five year old too).

You could say that if I ever complained about a conservative using it, but I haven't.
It's still you.

Hey pal, it's YOU that said there were times when it was okay to call people gay, so don't try the consistency bit now.

So Obama is applauded by the libs for giving his opinion on how Fox is destructive for America, yet he is incapable of giving his opinion on the wisdom of building a mosque at Ground Zero?
So Obama is applauded by the libs for giving his opinion on how Fox is destructive for America, yet he is incapable of giving his opinion on the wisdom of building a mosque at Ground Zero?

It's called the Bill of Rights.

Maybe you should read it sometime.

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