Obama Gets Last Laugh..."The Chinese and Russians"...have nothing to worry about.

SJ 12721614
Well one thing's for sure. Russia and China don't have anything to worry about with Obama.

Yepp. They don't have to worry about crashing the world economy like Bush did. Or starting dumb wars for no reason in the Gulf region. Although Bush did invade Iraq and drive up oil prices to over $120 a barrel so Russia made big bucks while Americans were getting killed in Iraq. I'm glad Obama has oil prices down and nothing like a hundred troops getting killed a month in an unnecessary war.
Oh please...Stop the nonsense.
But since you opened the door. Please provide examples of how the Bush 43 admin "crashed the world's economy"....
And do not post links from left wing blogs or links to opinion pieces.
and Don't use buzz terms such as "Wall Street. FYI Obama owes "wall Street" his political standing. Without the donations and complicity of several large corps, Obama is just another former politician from Illinois.
Come back with facts. Anything less will be dismissed.
Obama Gets Last Laugh..."The Chinese and Russians"...have nothing to worry about.

Does their not worrying have anything to do with Obama's "Red Lines"?

Little doubt Putin has busted a gut.
LBT 12721637
How gullible and easy it is to fool him.

Fool him about what?
Yer kidding, right?
Russia over ran Ukraine and annexed the Crimean peninsula. Obama made a speech telling Americans he is outraged. Russia giggled.
The govt of China is a well documented sponsor of cyber terrorism and hacking from within its borders. Chinese hackers have broken into US Federal computer systems.
Obama makes speeches telling Americans that he is outraged. China giggles.
You Obama worshipers are a miracle
IlarM 12721775
Evidently, EVERY thing.

Cite one specific incident where Obama was fooled by any specific foreigner on any specific foreign policy. You can't can you? Not even one.
HA!...That Iran Nuclear deal was an absolute capitulation.
Not only did Obama give Iran $150 billion. He ended the sanctions. Finally, the deal allows....wait for it......The fucking Iranians to monitor themselves.
Right wingers' response to this thread CLEARLY show that either these right wingers have finally bowed their heads to Obama's clever rhetoric, or will still carry on their botching and moaning until January 2017.

In addition, I am happy to learn that right wingers NO LONGER consider FOX resembling...even remotely...to be a "media outlet", since their bitching that those GOP clown posse members ALSO complained that Fox moderators were "unfair."
Please rewrite your post so that it takes on the appearance of having a point
IlarM 12721839
ay what you will about Trump, but his claims about how INEPT the Obumbler/Lurch nuclear "deal" with Iran is and how badly it was negotiated is clearly correct.

How can Trump's claim be correct? It's all hypothetical loudmouth politicized rabble-rousing. There is no validation or means to validate that Trump could have done better or held the sanctions coalition together. So calling him correct is as absurd as Trump is.
Excuse me.. Did you have a point here?
IlarM 12721839
ay what you will about Trump, but his claims about how INEPT the Obumbler/Lurch nuclear "deal" with Iran is and how badly it was negotiated is clearly correct.

How can Trump's claim be correct? It's all hypothetical loudmouth politicized rabble-rousing. There is no validation or means to validate that Trump could have done better or held the sanctions coalition together. So calling him correct is as absurd as Trump is.
Excuse me.. Did you have a point here?

He never does. It's just incoherent junk.
nospoon 12754995
Russia over ran Ukraine and annexed the Crimean peninsula. Obama made a speech telling Americans he is outraged. Russia giggled.

How was Obama fooled by the annexation of Crimea? The majority of Crimeams overwhelmingly wanted to be rejoined with Russia. Constitutional government in Kiev was shattered due to violence against the elected President and Political Party of Ukraine. Crimeans had the right and freedom to sever ties with Kiev as well as request assistance and protection from Moscow. Obama was not fooled. He was first to recognize that Crimea was not going back to what it was prior to the coup and overthrow of the elected government in Kiev.

Russia has not overran Ukraine. You have been fooled by somebody to make such an exaggeration.
nospoon 12755084
Excuse me.. Did you have a point here?

Yes. The point has been factually stated. "There is no validation or means to validate that Trump could have done better or held the sanctions coalition together." Since you cannot produce validation or a means to achieve validation you have slithered away pretending you don't know what my point is. Anyone stating as fact that Trump definitely could have negotiated a better deal is a liar.
Don't go thinking "gotcha"....You lost this one and you lost big.

How have I lost? I have asked this question "Schooled him on what? So it's the Mullahs - what did they school Obama about" and have received no answer. Do you have an answer?
nospoon 12755052
Not only did Obama give Iran $150 billion. He ended the sanctions. Finally, the deal allows....wait for it......The fucking Iranians to monitor themselves.

Back up your last six words. There is no truth to what you are saying.

Obama did not give Iran $150 billion. It was Iran's money released in exchange for major reductions in Iran's nuclear program. You forgot to mention those pertinent facts. Nobody has been fooled on either side. There is an agreement and it is all in writing. Nowhere does it say the Iranians will be monitoring themselves.

You have been fooled by the right wing political entertainment industry. I see you have been entertained quite well.
Meathead 12754982
Does their not worrying have anything to do with Obama's "Red Lines"?

You mean the redline that something would be done about Syria's former CW/BW arsenal that Russia and Syria used to deny treat it existed? Well Putin caved - admitted they existed and forced Assad to give that entire arsenal up.

You did hear that Syrua's BW/CW arsenal and production facilities have been destroyed in place or moved out of Syria and destroyed.

Not sure how the redline chatters means Obama was fooled. Can you explain why you brought it up?
But since you opened the door. Please provide examples of how the Bush 43 admin "crashed the world's economy"....

He invaded Iraq when oil was at $40 a barrel. The subsequent ill managed quagmire there drove oil price to well over $100 per barrel. That put a strain on the global economy - crippling what consumers could spend money on. Then he cut taxes for the rich during his dumb war driving up the U.S. Federal debt - paying for his war on credit. That's the easy ones - that should suffice.

And you right wingers blame the current president for all that happens on his watch.

Just practice what you preach now by applying it to Bush43. The worst recession since the Great Depression happened on his watch - as his watch was ending. And of course 9/11 happened on his watch and what did that cost all our NATO partners that joined our military and diplomatic effort in Afghanistan?

Increased spending on wars curtails domestic spending - some of which could have helped to diminish the challenges of an economic downturn.

Huge mistake it was to invade Iraq when UN inspectors could have disarmed Iraq without war. So Bush "the decider" decided that one entirely on his own.
nospoon 12754995
Russia over ran Ukraine and annexed the Crimean peninsula. Obama made a speech telling Americans he is outraged. Russia giggled.

How was Obama fooled by the annexation of Crimea? The majority of Crimeams overwhelmingly wanted to be rejoined with Russia. Constitutional government in Kiev was shattered due to violence against the elected President and Political Party of Ukraine. Crimeans had the right and freedom to sever ties with Kiev as well as request assistance and protection from Moscow. Obama was not fooled. He was first to recognize that Crimea was not going back to what it was prior to the coup and overthrow of the elected government in Kiev.

Russia has not overran Ukraine. You have been fooled by somebody to make such an exaggeration.
Right.....Not a single drop of blood was shed. Nary a shot fired.
Oh defender of Obama at any cost, here is a newsflash for you....No US President worth their salt would have allowed the Russian Federation to go unscathed with such an act of imperialism.
Ok, now I am waiting for your knee jerk reaction.....Go.
But since you opened the door. Please provide examples of how the Bush 43 admin "crashed the world's economy"....

He invaded Iraq when oil was at $40 a barrel. The subsequent ill managed quagmire there drove oil price to well over $100 per barrel. That put a strain on the global economy - crippling what consumers could spend money on. Then he cut taxes for the rich during his dumb war driving up the U.S. Federal debt - paying for his war on credit. That's the easy ones - that should suffice.

And you right wingers blame the current president for all that happens on his watch.

Just practice what you preach now by applying it to Bush43. The worst recession since the Great Depression happened on his watch - as his watch was ending. And of course 9/11 happened on his watch and what did that cost all our NATO partners that joined our military and diplomatic effort in Afghanistan?

Increased spending on wars curtails domestic spending - some of which could have helped to diminish the challenges of an economic downturn.

Huge mistake it was to invade Iraq when UN inspectors could have disarmed Iraq without war. So Bush "the decider" decided that one entirely on his own.
Ahh...No it doesn't.....The military budget is what it is....
Actually the price of oil was undervalued due to the recession in the Pacific Rim....Remember, Japan was just beginning to recover from their economic collapse.
The booming economies of both India and China( the number two and three oil consuming nations) dramatically increased demand for petroleum.
The value of the USD on which the commodities market price of oil is based was in the midst of being sold off as once again the economies of Japan ( recovering) And the Euro made those currencies more attractive. Compound that with tropical storms affecting US Gulf oil production and the result was the perfect storm of oil price speculation....
The post 9/11 collapse was shot lived, In fact the economy not only recovered in a matter of months, it began to grow so much that there was a need to slow it down as inflation was about to become a hindrance.
Tax cuts? Are you kidding?.....The reduction in across the board tax rates resulted in increased revenue.
Here's a fact that you libs refuse to acknowledge......But for the interference in the US housing and banking ( lending for said homes) industries, none of this would even occurred.
The problem you have is you hold Obama 100% blameless. As though his administration never existed....
One issue. Bush 43 was NOT a conservative POTUS. At best he governed as a right leaning populist.
He also governed by in effect "stealing" democrat supported issues and putting them into effect. NO Child Left Behind and The Medicare Overhaul are two such acts Bush wholeheartedly supported.
In fact had Bush 43 had a (D) after his name, you'd be defending these policies as well. And please. Don't try to deny that one.
Now, aside from your left wing partisan rant, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?
nospoon 12763331
. Right.....Not a single drop of blood was shed. Nary a shot fired. Oh defender of Obama at any cost, here is a newsflash for you....No US President worth their salt would have allowed the Russian Federation to go unscathed with such an act of imperialism.

Let's correct the record. I have not stated no blood has been shed. My point was that your written claim that Ukraine has been overrun is bogus. That is a major and deceitful exaggeration. Crimea was rejoined to Russia with very little bloodshed. And I do not defend Obama's position on Crimea. Crimeans had every right to sever ties with Kiev and seek support from Moscow. That is opposite Obama's position. A coup d'état is a coup d'état. Non-Russian speaking Ukrainians are responsible for that.

Obama could not stop the rioting in Kiev or the coup d'état that followed, nor could he stop the annexation of Crimea or the rebellion in the east.

As far as the value of "salt" in a U.S. president you have a very short memory. Think of the Russian 'liberation' of South Ossetia and Abkhazia from Georgia in 2008 during the Olympics.

So when you said "no" in your commentary here; (No US President worth their salt would have allowed the Russian Federation to go unscathed with such an act) ... your argument is already debunked by modern historical record. You see Russia came out of that episode of their resistance to NATO expansion on its borders totally unscathed as Bush and Putin enjoyed the Olympics in Biejing.

So you are wrong about "no U.S. president" in the first place.

So let's keep this about how Obama was supposedly fooled by any world leader shall we?

Any deliberate US military escalation in response to crisis in Ukraine beyond sanctions would have been dangerous, stupid and would not have achieved a different outcome.

The EU had first say in the matter and there was little demand for direct military intervention by the west - except by crackpots in Ukraine and crackpots in the U.S.

Thank god wiser heads prevailed. As bad as it all was - it could have gotten much worse.
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nospoon 12763430
Tax cuts? Are you kidding?.....The reduction in across the board tax rates resulted in increased revenue.

What increase in revenue? Bush had budget surpluses inherited from Clinton to start his first term. We very quickly returned to yearly deficits. During war time it was unprecedented to cut higher rates when Bush did it. The old trickle down theory raised its ugly head - promising to create jobs. Look at the net number of jobs created over Bush's eight years. Zero!!!! Do you actually think Bush43's economic failed policies had much to do with the Great Bush Recession of 2007?

And do you actually think Iraq was invaded and occupied at no increase in cost to the peacetime US Defense Department budget. Lordy Lordy if you do????

The Bush Admin said the invasion of Iraq would cost fifty billion. They never said it would cost nothing. Do you know what "off the books" means. The Bushies did intend to deceive the public on the cost of the Iraq War. Are you one of the many still deceived?

When the US invaded Iraq in March 2003, the Bush administration estimated that it would cost $50-60bn to overthrow Saddam Hussein and establish a functioning government. This estimate was catastrophically wrong: the war in Iraq has cost $823.2bn between 2003 and 2011. Some estimates suggesting that it may eventually cost as much as $3.7tnwhen factoring in the long-term costs of caring for the wounded and the families of those killed.

The most striking fact about the cost of the war in Iraq has been the extent to which it has been kept "off the books" of the government's ledgers and hidden from the American people. This was done by design. A fundamental assumption of the Bush administration's approach to the war was that it was only politically sustainable if it was portrayed as near-costless to the American public and to key constituencies in Washington. The dirty little secret of the Iraq war – one that both Bush and the war hawks in the Democratic party knew, but would never admit – was that the American people would only support a war to get rid of Saddam Hussein if they could be assured that they would pay almost nothing for it.

The most obvious way in which the true cost of this war was kept hidden was with the use of supplemental appropriations to fund the occupation. By one estimate, 70% of the costs of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan between 2003 and 2008 were funded with supplemental or emergency appropriations approved outside the Pentagon's annual budget. These appropriations allowed the Bush administration to shield the Pentagon's budget from the cuts otherwise needed to finance the war, to keep the Pentagon's pet programs intact and to escape the scrutiny that Congress gives to its normal annual regular appropriations.

With the Iraq war treated as an "off the books" expense, the Pentagon was allowed to keep spending on high-end military equipment and cutting-edge technology. In fiscal terms, it was as if the messy wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were never happening.

How the US public was defrauded by the hidden cost of the Iraq war | Michael Boyle
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