Obama Goes Beyond Mere Gun Control, Hints at Confiscation - Breitbart

People've been mischaracterizing what Australia did after their big shooting. They didn't ban guns, they made you register you have them. Not the craziest idea. I'd like that for us too. If as with the Oregon shooter someone moves into the state then begins amassing a huge arsenal of weapons in just 3 years, that's something local police need to know about since there's no legitimate reason for it. Especially if it's supposedly for defense.
Yeah, yeah....you've been crying wolf about President Obama taking your guns since 2008.
These other countries that Obama wants to emulate because supposedly they do not having mass shootings......what did they do with guns..........ooooops
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People've been mischaracterizing what Australia did after their big shooting. They didn't ban guns, they made you register you have them. Not the craziest idea. I'd like that for us too. If as with the Oregon shooter someone moves into the state then begins amassing a huge arsenal of weapons in just 3 years, that's something local police need to know about since there's no legitimate reason for it. Especially if it's supposedly for defense.
If he had to pass background checks....someone did know about it........btw you could have good size arsenal just for various sorts of hunting.......then what
what if our "Mens Privates" are in the shape of a very dangerous weapon,,,will they be confiscated too? will some of us become Bruce Jenner?

only winger idiots don't care that breitbart was a liar and his site is garbage.
You mean like CNN,MSNBC,Politico,HuffPO, Media Matters, Politiafact, turthout, alternet, dailykos are garbage liars?

no, lowlife. but i wouldn't rely on daily kos. if you have a problem with politifact, you're a full out moron.

oh right.
oh look at the liberal that goes straight to insult, when someone doesn't agree with them. Funny when you google progressive liberal web sites, what shows up ? POLITIFACT.

Fact Checkers: PolitiFact Shows Bias

Liberal Pundits Shocked to Discover PolitiFact Not Always Factual

Selection bias at Politifact? « Hot Air

only winger idiots don't care that breitbart was a liar and his site is garbage.
You mean like CNN,MSNBC,Politico,HuffPO, Media Matters, Politiafact, turthout, alternet, dailykos are garbage liars?

no, lowlife. but i wouldn't rely on daily kos. if you have a problem with politifact, you're a full out moron.

oh right.
oh look at the liberal that goes straight to insult, when someone doesn't agree with them. Funny when you google progressive liberal web sites, what shows up ? POLITIFACT.

Fact Checkers: PolitiFact Shows Bias

Liberal Pundits Shocked to Discover PolitiFact Not Always Factual

Selection bias at Politifact? « Hot Air
Lol I'm sure you had no problem with their declaration about Obama's statement on ObamaCare being the lie of the year.
We can expect the bastard to make an all out push for confiscation between now and the election.
expect more false flag attacks, psyops and propaganda...it's what they do best..

remember what rahm said;

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."

..and they are not above "inventing" crises so they can act...
Pity we can't expect you and others on the delusional right to seek out the mental health treatment you so clearly need.

only winger idiots don't care that breitbart was a liar and his site is garbage.
You mean like CNN,MSNBC,Politico,HuffPO, Media Matters, Politiafact, turthout, alternet, dailykos are garbage liars?

no, lowlife. but i wouldn't rely on daily kos. if you have a problem with politifact, you're a full out moron.

oh right.
oh look at the liberal that goes straight to insult, when someone doesn't agree with them. Funny when you google progressive liberal web sites, what shows up ? POLITIFACT.

Fact Checkers: PolitiFact Shows Bias

Liberal Pundits Shocked to Discover PolitiFact Not Always Factual

Selection bias at Politifact? « Hot Air

You get what you deserve based on your own history of disgusting behavior. *shrug*

And I'm not overly impressed about winger efforts to pretend facts don't exist.
These morons who keep saying "we need to be more like Britain and Australia" well, those countries have bans on guns. Britain on handguns and Australia on all guns.

The morons say "no one wants to take your guns" well, quite bringing up Britain and Australia then! Those that do are too stupid to breath, find another straw man to bloviate about.

If the morons keep on insisting there is anything good about those countries gun politics, see what happens if this country trys gun confiscation. No doubt there would be millions dead on both sides, see how that plays out with the bleeding hearts.

Since Day 1, since he armed violent Mexican drug gangs and was an accomplice in the murder of Brian Terry, Obama's been killing US citizens trying to get guns banned
Lying comes so easily to most on the right – it's truly and illness.

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

So sayeth a rightwingnut loon

Yes anyone not far left is a rightwingnut to you far left drones, so that is about 90 to 95% of the population..

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