Obama: Gun-Control Advocates need to Listen More

Obama needs to listen to Chicago news broadcasts.

In between the gunfire going off in the background?
Seriously, sorry to hear about the young girl shot to death.

People used to complain about why protest deaths from war
and ignore violence, crime or drunk driving killing people constantly.
Now it looks like people are more sensitive on that level as well.

The root issue is conflict and abuse.
All these other things stem from that, so as we address the
root causes, all other things will get resolved in turn and we don't have to fight to
regulate "each and every" symptom or problem.

That's what we should have done with health care
address the root problems with people's health
and with corporate insurance being checked.
But not trying to micromanage or regulate from federal levels of govt.

It is interesting with Obama instead of forming consensus from the ground up,
he only does that partially with his bias excluding conservative or opposing parties,
and then from there he legislates from the top down and orders other people to fix it.

Maybe somewhere in this political learning curve, we will work together to form consensus based solutions BEFORE legislating or ordering anything. So we won't waste resources fighting, but focus on resolving things directly first. Maybe we'll evolve to that point?
Of having a real democratic process that includes instead of competes with different views?

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