Obama: Gun control is my biggest frustration

Your "remedy" for gun violence is having everyone carry firearms
Little candycorn keeps repeating this lie, even after it has been debunked and explained to her time and again.

And she wonders why nobody pays attention to her any more. :cuckoo:

Here is the quote of you stating exactly what you said you didn't:

By the way, what is the best way to reduce mass shootings?
The only one proven to do that, is to let all law-abiding adults own and carry guns.

If you listen closely to the response, you can hear the hairs being split... He'll say that he never said criminals should carry guns. But what he's not going to say is that the guy didn't become a criminal until he decided to rob the bank, or the horse track, or the casino.

Until then his sawed off shot gun and AR 15 were being carried for self defense; just like the 10 guys he came into the bank, horse track, and casino with.

And you'll also note that none of the gun nuts answered the question. What does the guard do when he's out gunned, out manned, and out flanked by people carrying weapons? Probably draw his piece and wait for someone to make a move. Or have firepower that is superior.

Can't wait to see what the guys behind the counter at 7-11 come up with to defend themselves....

Wrong...not true. Criminals have long histories of being trouble going all the way back to their childhood. Normal people do not just one day decide, "hey...I just bought a gun...I'm going to go knock over that drug store."

Normal people,13 million of them, carry guns for self defense and never commit crimes with them...your view of the world is messed up...and not in tune with reality...that is why we should not take your proposals, or the proposals of the other anti gun extremists seriously.

How many times was Oswald and Whitman arrested prior to shooting people? What were the arrests for? Enough said

Oswald was a left wing socialist assassin… and back in Whitmans day you had kids bringing guns to school to hunt after school and to participate on their shooting teams…no school shootings,…….it is culture not guns that are the issue…

Again, almost all of the shooters have prior criminal histories and almost all of their victims have prior criminal histories….normal people are not using their guns to murder people…

Again…8,124 gun murders, the majority of which are criminals murdering other criminals…

1.5 million defensive uses with guns, normal people using guns to stop violent criminals…..

Can you tell which number is bigger…..?
Obama has not seized one gun, and he does not plan to. He wants to make it harder to acquire them, but the only accomplishment you OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNS retards have achieved is to cause the cost of guns and ammo to skyrocket.

Thanks a fucking lot, assholes.

Bull shit dumbass. He's not coming for my guns today, probably not tomorrow but you'd have to be a partisan moron or a complete idiot to not know that that is exactly his end goal.

Great point, his plan will finally come together 27 years after he leave office. Right?

Obviously you're as big an idiot as he is.
If OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ, he doesn't have much time left.

We've been waiting seven years now...
Obama has not seized one gun, and he does not plan to. He wants to make it harder to acquire them, but the only accomplishment you OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNS retards have achieved is to cause the cost of guns and ammo to skyrocket.

Thanks a fucking lot, assholes.

Bull shit dumbass. He's not coming for my guns today, probably not tomorrow but you'd have to be a partisan moron or a complete idiot to not know that that is exactly his end goal.

Great point, his plan will finally come together 27 years after he leave office. Right?
Guns are the least of our problems in this country...

You're right. Evangelical Christians are the biggest problem.
I don't see any of them trying to/killing anyone, now Muslims thats altogether different.
And we slap them on the wrist with the change of "workplace violence" progressives are such PUSSYFIED...
Being sentenced to death is your idea of a "slap on the wrist"!?!?
"Obama: Gun control is my biggest frustration"

And among those frustrations are the ridiculous lies and fallacies contrived by conservatives as to what constitutes 'gun control' – such as the lie that the president seeks to 'confiscate' guns.
Never mind the fact that The Obama, and His ilk can only support their desire for more gun control with arguments from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Bull shit dumbass. He's not coming for my guns today, probably not tomorrow but you'd have to be a partisan moron or a complete idiot to not know that that is exactly his end goal.

Great point, his plan will finally come together 27 years after he leave office. Right?
Guns are the least of our problems in this country...

You're right. Evangelical Christians are the biggest problem.
I don't see any of them trying to/killing anyone, now Muslims thats altogether different.
And we slap them on the wrist with the change of "workplace violence" progressives are such PUSSYFIED...
Being sentenced to death is your idea of a "slap on the wrist"!?!?
Does anyone believe "workplace violence" is an offense??
Terrorism, now that is an offense.
Political correctness only helps our enemies...
C'mon ladies....are you too much of a pussy to answer the question? Obviously but give it the old college try.

Your "remedy" for gun violence is having everyone carry firearms so everyone will be too afraid to shoot anyone else who may be armed. It's batshit crazy from every perspective but, alas, you two are batshit crazy so it's no surprise.

The question is, though, what do you do if you're the bank? Do the guards have to carry M-60 machine guns and build pill-boxes next to the vault to protect the money? What about air marshalls on planes? With everyone carrying all the time....how does she/he know that the dude with a sawed off shotgun sitting 8 feet behind the pilot is a "good guy" with a gun?
The race tracks out in California (not to mention the casinos in Vegas) have millions on hand at a time. What are your remedies there with 5,000 people all there with AR15s?

Try to muster up some estrogen and answer the questions my bitches.

I'm going to go buy some jewelry and cakes for a friend whose birthday is this weekend. I may get myself something too to celebrate my latest victory over the gun-nuts although I am running out of room to store all of my celebratory prizes from so many victories.

You know, normal gun owners walk into bands all the time, the ones that don't prohibit guns, and they don't cause any problems…..there are no guards, and the banks go un robbed…..and in Chicago and other places with strict gun control where the normal people do not have access to guns, at least not until recently, robbers still robbed banks with guns…….

Do you think about your posts before you hit enter…or do you just hit enter on whatever has stumbled across the screen?

Of course she doesn't.

She thinks everyone with a gun is going to rob a bank or kill someone.

Of course everyone with a gun is going to highjack a plane as well. In short she thinks every one with a gun is a nut.

Just shows what an idiot she is.

Oh and there are more than enough laws on the books already pertaining to guns.

Wonder what Cornholio will do if someone breaks into her house?? Argue them to death?? Guess she better hope no one shows up.
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It doesn't here...

It proves it works. It will work here once we have an updated reading of the 2nd amendment by modern legal minds. In 10 years nobody will care that they can't buy an Uzi. Happens every time.

The 2nd is so short and straight to the point it really has the liberals flummoxed. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED suck on it libs!

If you're in a well regulated militia, as it clearly states.

Go ahead tell us how the SCOTUS got it wrong so we can point and laugh :laugh:

Courts with different members render different verdicts on different days and when presented with different data. Gun nuts mowing down innocent kids from coast to coast is a new data point

You do realize that kids are not being mowed down in this country……right?
It proves it works. It will work here once we have an updated reading of the 2nd amendment by modern legal minds. In 10 years nobody will care that they can't buy an Uzi. Happens every time.

The 2nd is so short and straight to the point it really has the liberals flummoxed. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED suck on it libs!

If you're in a well regulated militia, as it clearly states.

Go ahead tell us how the SCOTUS got it wrong so we can point and laugh :laugh:

Courts with different members render different verdicts on different days and when presented with different data. Gun nuts mowing down innocent kids from coast to coast is a new data point

You do realize that kids are not being mowed down in this country……right?

The left has to make up lies.
It doesn't here...

It proves it works. It will work here once we have an updated reading of the 2nd amendment by modern legal minds. In 10 years nobody will care that they can't buy an Uzi. Happens every time.

The 2nd is so short and straight to the point it really has the liberals flummoxed. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED suck on it libs!

If you're in a well regulated militia, as it clearly states.

Go ahead tell us how the SCOTUS got it wrong so we can point and laugh :laugh:

Courts with different members render different verdicts on different days and when presented with different data. Gun nuts mowing down innocent kids from coast to coast is a new data point
Gun nuts mowing down innocent kids from coast to coast is a new data point

Most of the criminals killing kids with guns live in democrat voting districts and more than likely voted for the democrats…

And here are the real stats…..out of a country of over 320 million people how many kids were murdered with guns in 2013….


How many were killed by other means.



Kids murdered by guns....

under 1: 12
age 1-4: 39

age 5-14: 142

total gun murder of children.....193

Kids murdered by other means...

under 1: 270
age 1-4: 298
age 5-14: 135

murder of children by other means.....703
Now, if even if you include gun accidents into the total.....

you are still wrong....

Accidental death by gun for children....

under 1: 3
age 1-4: 27
age 5-14: 39

Total accidental gun death for kids 2013....69

Again...stop reading that crap from the anti gunners...they are lying to you ....
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Obama has not seized one gun, and he does not plan to. He wants to make it harder to acquire them, but the only accomplishment you OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNS retards have achieved is to cause the cost of guns and ammo to skyrocket.

Thanks a fucking lot, assholes.

Bull shit dumbass. He's not coming for my guns today, probably not tomorrow but you'd have to be a partisan moron or a complete idiot to not know that that is exactly his end goal.

Great point, his plan will finally come together 27 years after he leave office. Right?
Guns are the least of our problems in this country...

You're right. Evangelical Christians are the biggest problem.

Actually, atheists have murdered more people than any evangelical chrisitian….last count for atheist mass murder…100 million.
It proves it works. It will work here once we have an updated reading of the 2nd amendment by modern legal minds. In 10 years nobody will care that they can't buy an Uzi. Happens every time.

The 2nd is so short and straight to the point it really has the liberals flummoxed. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED suck on it libs!

If you're in a well regulated militia, as it clearly states.

Go ahead tell us how the SCOTUS got it wrong so we can point and laugh :laugh:

Courts with different members render different verdicts on different days and when presented with different data. Gun nuts mowing down innocent kids from coast to coast is a new data point
Gun nuts mowing down innocent kids from coast to coast is a new data point

Most of the criminals killing kids with guns live in democrat voting districts and more than likely voted for the democrats…

And here are the real stats…..out of a country of over 320 million people how many kids were murdered with guns in 2013….


How many were killed by other means.



Kids murdered by guns....

under 1: 12
age 1-4: 39

age 5-14: 142

total gun murder of children.....193

Kids murdered by other means...

under 1: 270
age 1-4: 298
age 5-14: 135

murder of children by other means.....703
Now, if even if you include gun accidents into the total.....

you are still wrong....

Accidental death by gun for children....

under 1: 3
age 1-4: 27
age 5-14: 39

Total accidental gun death for kids 2013....69

Again...stop reading that crap from the anti gunners...they are lying to you ....

I wonder how many of those kids were killed in drive by shootings??

Kids killed accidently by gang members. Gang members who were trying to kill members of other gangs. Gang members who don't buy guns legally.

Apparently Cornhole doesn't realize that there is a giant black market out there for guns. A black market that no amount of gun legislation will ever influence.
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The 2nd is so short and straight to the point it really has the liberals flummoxed. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED suck on it libs!

If you're in a well regulated militia, as it clearly states.

Go ahead tell us how the SCOTUS got it wrong so we can point and laugh :laugh:

Courts with different members render different verdicts on different days and when presented with different data. Gun nuts mowing down innocent kids from coast to coast is a new data point
Gun nuts mowing down innocent kids from coast to coast is a new data point

Most of the criminals killing kids with guns live in democrat voting districts and more than likely voted for the democrats…

And here are the real stats…..out of a country of over 320 million people how many kids were murdered with guns in 2013….


How many were killed by other means.



Kids murdered by guns....

under 1: 12
age 1-4: 39

age 5-14: 142

total gun murder of children.....193

Kids murdered by other means...

under 1: 270
age 1-4: 298
age 5-14: 135

murder of children by other means.....703
Now, if even if you include gun accidents into the total.....

you are still wrong....

Accidental death by gun for children....

under 1: 3
age 1-4: 27
age 5-14: 39

Total accidental gun death for kids 2013....69

Again...stop reading that crap from the anti gunners...they are lying to you ....

I wonder how many of those kids were killed in drive by shootings??

Kids killed accidently by gang members. Gang members who were trying to kill members of other gangs. Gang members who don't buy guns legally.

Apparently Cornholio doesn't realize that there is a giant black market out there for guns. A black market that no amount of gun legislation will ever influence.

Feel free to take those links…the anti gun extremists keep using kids and their sad deaths to push their agenda…the above links show how the facts just don't back up their claims….
Obama has not seized one gun, and he does not plan to. He wants to make it harder to acquire them, but the only accomplishment you OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNS retards have achieved is to cause the cost of guns and ammo to skyrocket.

Thanks a fucking lot, assholes.

Bull shit dumbass. He's not coming for my guns today, probably not tomorrow but you'd have to be a partisan moron or a complete idiot to not know that that is exactly his end goal.

Great point, his plan will finally come together 27 years after he leave office. Right?

Obviously you're as big an idiot as he is.
If OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ, he doesn't have much time left.

We've been waiting seven years now...

Can you not read, or did you not bother to read? I'm thinking it's the former. Idiot.

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