Obama had his ass handed to him

The question is, will the Hussein accept reality and compromise, or will he strike out like a wounded animal and do as much damage to the country before he vacates the office?

Hmm...what would a progressive asshole do?
Somebody with balls would tell you to GFY, and I very much hope that he does.

In other words, you hope he fucks over the country as much as possible, to send a message back to Americans.

I'm glad you're being honest about it.
Payback is a bitch little man. Get used to it. Your side had no issues fucking over the country, when they thought they could win that way.

Our side is already used to it, what do you think the country has been going through since Dems took over the government in 2007?
Your side made a play for it, and lost. We are counting on you to do so again, and you will, undoubtedly, which is exactly what we need. Why is it so hard for you little morons to see that it's a revolving door, to a very small club with bartenders on both sides. I would have thought you would have figured that out by now? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

I know very well it can be a revolving door, never stated otherwise. I never stated that the Democrats are done forever and won't win another big election.

I think if Repubs stick to a conservative agenda, they will remain in power and fix this broken economy. If they lose their way again and choose liberals like McCain as the face of the party, they will lose again. Its in those times that there isn't much difference between the Republican Party and the Deomocrat Party.

The difference between the two parties is that Democrats always have to lie and deceive to get elected, never really talking about their progressive agenda. Then when they win and start pushing that Agenda, they lose. Republicans on the other hand get elected and re-elected if they practice what they preach, conservatism. Its when they wander off and become "moderates", ie compromising liberals, then they lose.
OP- Jeebus everything's about the black guy...ay caramba. Too bad all the Dems vote in 2 years...And you GOP aholes will be hating on the woman.... Oh well the country finally got health care...depressing, dismal bastards...lol
Memo to the White House...we are free men and we don't want your Obama commie care bullshit:

All I can say is I'm Happy!

Brainwashed chumps of the greedy idiot rich. That's tough, because it's not going anywhere. By 2016, it'll have 70% approval. Because 30% of the country are bought off, greedy aholes, or stupid racists.

I know very well it can be a revolving door, never stated otherwise. I never stated that the Democrats are done forever and won't win another big election.
That's a decent start. Now remember that there are no black hats or white hats, just hats, and they don't work for you, not unless you can ink a mighty big check.

And it's not can be, it is. It takes two to tango and you pay for dinner and drinks even though you're not allowed inside.
Snopes on #24:
In October 2012 the above-referenced quotation in which James Carville purportedly likened the Democratic constituency to "a herd of cows" received wide circulation on the Internet. It appears to have originated with an unsourced posting to the ThinkExist.com which has been reproduced on a number of other web sites. However, we found no news article, speech, interview transcript, or printed source documenting this statement as one actually made by James Carville, and a representative from his office confirmed that the purported quote was not something Carville himself ever said:
Apparently the quote was falsely posted by an unknown user to a quotations website called thinkexist.com. We have contacted the website and asked them to take the quote down. James Carville never said these words, and this quote in no way belongs to James Carville.

Feel free to distribute my response, so people know the truth that this quote was 100% falsely attributed to James Carville.

Read more at snopes.com James Carville Quote

That makes you and your heroes lying POSs. ASSHOLE. But everyone but hater dupes knew that.
Snopes on #24:
In October 2012 the above-referenced quotation in which James Carville purportedly likened the Democratic constituency to "a herd of cows" received wide circulation on the Internet. It appears to have originated with an unsourced posting to the ThinkExist.com which has been reproduced on a number of other web sites. However, we found no news article, speech, interview transcript, or printed source documenting this statement as one actually made by James Carville, and a representative from his office confirmed that the purported quote was not something Carville himself ever said:
Apparently the quote was falsely posted by an unknown user to a quotations website called thinkexist.com. We have contacted the website and asked them to take the quote down. James Carville never said these words, and this quote in no way belongs to James Carville.

Feel free to distribute my response, so people know the truth that this quote was 100% falsely attributed to James Carville.

Read more at snopes.com James Carville Quote

That makes you and your heroes lying POSs. ASSHOLE. But everyone but hater dupes knew that.

SNOPES-......:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: They LIE like YOU DO!!


I am sitting here in the comfort of my German livingroom and will watch with amusement as your nations politics turn more and more into a circus.

The axis of evil are Republicans/corporate America/wall street.

Supporting Japan product dumping
Fake gasoline shortage
S&L crisis
Deregulating the HMO Act
Raising taxes on the middle class eleven time in eight years
Star Wars
Two stock market crashes
Deregulating derivatives
Failing to police wall street
Worst economic crash in history
Promoting income inequality
Yea but if Obama no longer has an ass, then what is Holder going to...I mean how is Holder going to...oh never mind.

The axis of evil are Republicans/corporate America/wall street.

Supporting Japan product dumping
Fake gasoline shortage
S&L crisis
Deregulating the HMO Act
Raising taxes on the middle class eleven time in eight years
Star Wars
Two stock market crashes
Deregulating derivatives
Failing to police wall street
Worst economic crash in history
Promoting income inequality
The question is, will the Hussein accept reality and compromise, or will he strike out like a wounded animal and do as much damage to the country before he vacates the office?

Hmm...what would a progressive asshole do?

Well, Republicans were well rewarded for doing as much damage to the country as they could, so I'm not sure I see your point.
OP- Jeebus everything's about the black guy...ay caramba. Too bad all the Dems vote in 2 years...And you GOP aholes will be hating on the woman.... Oh well the country finally got health care...depressing, dismal bastards...lol
You're the only one making it about race, fool.

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