Obama has no choice but to pardon Hillary

Schizophrenics that voted for Clinton can not understand the truth. I said that Obama has no choice but to pardon Hillary in order to keep himself out of jail. Trying to argue that is futile, but please try, it's entertaining watching you explain the Bill of Rights
You keep expressing your OPINION as if it is FACT - it is NOT.

As snowflakes have argued / pointed out - Hillary has not been charged, indicted, or convicted. There is NOTHING for which to pardon her. Claiming 'he has no option but to Pardon her' based on this facts is IMBECILIC.

IF he Pardons her it is an ADMISSION that she is GUILTY of CRIMES.

IF he Pardons her is also an ADMISSION that HE is also 'Guilty'':
- HE was the one who LIED about NOT knowing about her UN-Authorized, UN-secured, UN-Encrypted servers and personal e-mail, only to be exposed as having known all along, only to be exposed as having e-mailed Hillary's private e-mail, and having been exposed as using an ALIAS to do so.

...but no one gives a shit! OBAMA is 'un-touchable'! He always has been:

- He has violated both Constitution and law during his 8 years in office.

- His actions have been overturned and rebuked by the USSC: He was found 'GUILTY' / 'In the Wrong' - his actions UN-Constitutional - by the USSC for by-passing Congress to illegally make appointments when he did not have the power to do so.

- He has been found in Contempt of Court NUMEROUS times by lower courts for blatantly disobeying Court Orders.

- He has by-passed Congress to make his own treaties, to pay ransoms to our enemies for American hostages, and to STEAL $500 MILLION tax dollars - claiming it was for Zika in the US only to turn around and personally give it to the UN for their new 'Global Initiative'

- It was revealed he has been CRIMINALLY NON-COMPLIANT 73% of the time in regards to refusing to comply with FOIA Requests made to him / his administration.

He has been the most lawless President in US history and has run the most lawless administration in US history.

He could have already - justifiably - been Impeached several times over ... and nothing has ever been done, Nothing WILL ever be done, no matter what.

Hillary Clinton and her fate will only impact Barry in one way and one way ONLY - if ever: She was his Secretary of State, and any Judicial action taken against her in the future might reflect on his 'Legacy'. I do not even believe that will happen, though. The remaining FBI investigation against the Clintons involve the Clinton Foundation and suspicions of Corruption, Fraud, Bribery, etc... If anything comes of this it will not reflect on her political position as Sect of State and thus will not reflect on the Obama administration.

Too many words. Tip, you ain't no Stephen King kid
Too many words. Tip, you ain't no Stephen King kid
I'm sorry - I failed to take your low reading and reading comprehension level into account as I wrote this. My bad.
Why should I take the time to read you babble. Now you can not understand that all of that was babble, because babblers do not understand that they are babbling, which is why they babble in the first place.

So by all means babble on

Thanks for reading
Otherwise she rats out Obumma and the swamp really gets drained, big time. So lets just have Obama pardon Hillary and prove that he is a criminal

Otherwise, she'll trade her information on Obama starting and funding ISIS and arming them through the Benghazi Consulate
Otherwise she rats out Obumma and the swamp really gets drained, big time. So lets just have Obama pardon Hillary and prove that he is a criminal

Otherwise, she'll trade her information on Obama starting and funding ISIS and arming them through the Benghazi Consulate
Barry refuses to pardon Hillary.
Hillary gets indicted.
Hillary flees the country and ends up sharing a room with either Snowden or Assange in a non-extradition country / Embassy.

Why should I take the time to read...

So it's 'Ignorance By CHOICE'?! Got it. 'We' wouldn't want to read anything that goes against 'our' indoctrination', now would 'we'?

OK tune into CNN and listen to why Hillary is the real President and Trump is not. CNN's nonsense is bordering on insanity, which is why America elected Trump. You need to accept this, or leave, or continue to live in your fantasy world of make believe truths

Have you ever ducked a sniper

Clinton can not open her mouth without lying, and she will never apologize for her lies.
Otherwise she rats out Obumma and the swamp really gets drained, big time. So lets just have Obama pardon Hillary and prove that he is a criminal

Otherwise, she'll trade her information on Obama starting and funding ISIS and arming them through the Benghazi Consulate
Barry refuses to pardon Hillary.
Hillary gets indicted.
Hillary flees the country and ends up sharing a room with either Snowden or Assange in a non-extradition country / Embassy.

Obama has already bought a home in Dubai for just this purpose.... Obama Buys $4.9 Seaside Mansion in Non-Extradition Country of Dubai ⋆ USA 24
Otherwise she rats out Obumma and the swamp really gets drained, big time. So lets just have Obama pardon Hillary and prove that he is a criminal

Otherwise, she'll trade her information on Obama starting and funding ISIS and arming them through the Benghazi Consulate

Soooo....how much ya' think she's gonna charge for the info???
Otherwise she rats out Obumma and the swamp really gets drained, big time. So lets just have Obama pardon Hillary and prove that he is a criminal
What's she supposedly going to "rat him out" for? and why would he pardon her, so he can demonstrate that he thinks she's guilty of something even when she hasn't been charged with anything and sully his own reputation in the process? Personally I don't think he can stand her sorry ass (especially after she lost to Trump) so it doesn't make any sense that he would go out of his way to give her a pardon (especially since as far as I know she hasn't even applied for one).

The Queen of Corruption is irrelevant and she's going to get away with all her malfeasance, it's the way our fucked up system of Justice works; get over it and move on.
the pardon would have to read:

hitlery is pardoned today against anything trump or the new AG might due to her in a court of law. We don't know right now what charges would be imposed, but she is such a good person and has apologized for being stupid using an illegal server in her garage. I obummer forgive her with a pardon because, I can.
And Nixon walked... no jail time.

In less than a month Barry walks for good.
So you have now agreed that I am correct and Obumma will pardon Hillary. I am never wrong and have completely twisted your little brain to see the truth.

You've stated this repeatedly, and you have said that she will get a pardon and you are never wrong.

What ya wanna bet she never gets a pardon from Obama?
And Nixon walked... no jail time.

In less than a month Barry walks for good.
So you have now agreed that I am correct and Obumma will pardon Hillary. I am never wrong and have completely twisted your little brain to see the truth.

You've stated this repeatedly, and you have said that she will get a pardon and you are never wrong.

What ya wanna bet she never gets a pardon from Obama?

I don't bet...........................But if I were to bet, it would not be with a dildo from the internet
Hillary spent her entire psychotic adult life covering up her husband's infidelities and intimidating his victims. What in the world makes you believe that she would be willing to risk her life by 'uncovering Obama's crimes" when the criminal conspiracy known as the mainstream media is more loyal to the Hussein administration than the petty crimes of an enabler for a pervert?
Obama has no choice but to pardon Hillary
Because he's a Muslim born in Kenya, and that's what they do, amiright?
I am so glad, that I have no idea what the f you are babbling about...........................
The Obama pardon of Hillary is just another hay laced nugget of horseshit from the mountain of horseshit which the tards favorite propaganda sites have fed them.
You really need more pills, and a few shots as well

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