Obama has no choice but to pardon Hillary

Hillary spent her entire psychotic adult life covering up her husband's infidelities and intimidating his victims. What in the world makes you believe that she would be willing to risk her life by 'uncovering Obama's crimes" when the criminal conspiracy known as the mainstream media is more loyal to the Hussein administration than the petty crimes of an enabler for a pervert?
To get out of jail................................
Obama has no choice but to pardon Hillary
Because he's a Muslim born in Kenya, and that's what they do, amiright?
I am so glad, that I have no idea what the f you are babbling about...........................
The Obama pardon of Hillary is just another hay laced nugget of horseshit from the mountain of horseshit which the tards favorite propaganda sites have fed them.
You really need more pills, and a few shots as well
And here you can see in full living color how the tards live in a fantasy in which their delusions are reality and realty is a delusion.

Obama has no choice but to pardon Hillary
Because he's a Muslim born in Kenya, and that's what they do, amiright?
I am so glad, that I have no idea what the f you are babbling about...........................
The Obama pardon of Hillary is just another hay laced nugget of horseshit from the mountain of horseshit which the tards favorite propaganda sites have fed them.
You really need more pills, and a few shots as well
And here you can see in full living color how the tards live in a fantasy in which their delusions are reality and realty is a delusion.

Your delusion is Trump can not win...........................

Otherwise she rats out Obumma and the swamp really gets drained, big time. So lets just have Obama pardon Hillary and prove that he is a criminal

In this country you have to be charged with a crime first. Then you go to court and guilt has to be proven by the prosecutor, then a judge or jury will determine innocence or guilt. If you are found guilty, then and only then would a pardon be required.

FOX NEWS is not court room, with a judge, jury, prosecutor & legal defense team.

...In this country you have to be charged with a crime first.Then you go to court and guilt has to be proven by the prosecutor, then a judge or jury will determine innocence or guilt. If you are found guilty, then and only then would a pardon be required...
If you are writing from within the United States, then, I am not certain that that is true.

Former US President Richard Nixon received a "preemptive" unconditional pardon from then-sitting President Gerald Ford, even though Nixon had not yet been indicted.

...In this country you have to be charged with a crime first.Then you go to court and guilt has to be proven by the prosecutor, then a judge or jury will determine innocence or guilt. If you are found guilty, then and only then would a pardon be required...
If you are writing from within the United States, then, I am not certain that that is true.

Former US President Richard Nixon received a "preemptive" unconditional pardon from then-sitting President Gerald Ford, even though Nixon had not yet been indicted.


Yeah, but the rules have changed a bit over the past 40 years since Nixon was pardoned. You now have to be convicted in order to be pardoned.

Here's the FAQ at the Justice website concerning presidential pardons and clemency if you are interested.

Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Executive Clemency | PARDON | Department of Justice

Nope, sorry, but saying that Obama will do it just because Nixon did, well, that doesn't work. The rules have changed since then, and you have to have served at least 5 years of a sentence to be considered for a pardon.

And...........Nixon's preemptive pardon was seen by all as a mistake on the part of Ford, and some even said it might have been unconstitutional. Matter of fact, his pardon of Nixon is one of the things that made him lose reelection.
Otherwise she rats out Obumma and the swamp really gets drained, big time. So lets just have Obama pardon Hillary and prove that he is a criminal

In this country you have to be charged with a crime first. Then you go to court and guilt has to be proven by the prosecutor, then a judge or jury will determine innocence or guilt. If you are found guilty, then and only then would a pardon be required.

FOX NEWS is not court room, with a judge, jury, prosecutor & legal defense team.


Wrong kid, because Obama can find her guilty without a court, then pardon her so she never goes to jail by jury
I dont know how Huma and Anthony can ever go to one of those D-List celebrity parties ever again after Hillary embarrassed the crap out of them.
...In this country you have to be charged with a crime first.Then you go to court and guilt has to be proven by the prosecutor, then a judge or jury will determine innocence or guilt. If you are found guilty, then and only then would a pardon be required...
If you are writing from within the United States, then, I am not certain that that is true.

Former US President Richard Nixon received a "preemptive" unconditional pardon from then-sitting President Gerald Ford, even though Nixon had not yet been indicted.


Yeah, but the rules have changed a bit over the past 40 years since Nixon was pardoned. You now have to be convicted in order to be pardoned.

Here's the FAQ at the Justice website concerning presidential pardons and clemency if you are interested.

Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Executive Clemency | PARDON | Department of Justice

Nope, sorry, but saying that Obama will do it just because Nixon did, well, that doesn't work. The rules have changed since then, and you have to have served at least 5 years of a sentence to be considered for a pardon.

And...........Nixon's preemptive pardon was seen by all as a mistake on the part of Ford, and some even said it might have been unconstitutional. Matter of fact, his pardon of Nixon is one of the things that made him lose reelection.

Here's the thing...

One cannot APPLY for a Presidential Pardon without the conviction and five-year waiting period referenced on the web page you supplied (thanks)..


I see nothing barring a sitting President from initiating and granting a Pardon without the application (i.e., through the initiative of the President him-or-herself)...

For example, Ford initiated the Pardon, rather than Nixon applying for it...

And if - IF - it is legal for a President to initiate such a process, without the Application Rules getting in the way, then, the prospect of a Pardon is still on the table...

Or so it seems, to this observer...
Otherwise she rats out Obumma and the swamp really gets drained, big time. So lets just have Obama pardon Hillary and prove that he is a criminal

Why would President Obama allow the white racist rabbit eared AG Inbred Session's bother Hillary.........Pardon Hillary so the Red State White racist known as inbred Sessions can't have his hill billy Witch Hunt!!!
I dont know how Huma and Anthony can ever go to one of those D-List celebrity parties ever again after Hillary embarrassed the crap out of them.

There is a lot you don't know!!! After all your brain never fully developed because of you conservative ancestory. You've been cursed with the "stupid" GENE.
Otherwise she rats out Obumma and the swamp really gets drained, big time. So lets just have Obama pardon Hillary and prove that he is a criminal

Why would President Obama allow the white racist rabbit eared AG Inbred Session's bother Hillary.........Pardon Hillary so the Red State White racist known as inbred Sessions can't have his hill billy Witch Hunt!!!

Hillary Clinton was not charged with any crime, nor will she be. She did not go to court with a judge, jury and legal defense team.

What is it you people don't understand about this?

You Trump supporters really need to focus on the NOW. Hillary Clinton is out of the picture, and while I am certain that Trump's physco-babble interpreters would like to keep you focused on Hillary Clinton, the NEWS right now is all about RUSSIA'S involvement into this election to get Trump elected.

It's not going to be Hillary Clinton that gets "Locked Up"--but I can think of a couple of people who may be.


Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees
Lindsey Graham says 99 of the 100 Senators agree that Russia...
FBI, CIA agree on Russia's role in election hacks


FBI director, James Comey is now on the American public's list of most wanted. His name is as good as MUDD.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
Last edited:
And Nixon walked... no jail time. In less than a month Barry walks for good.
So you have now agreed that I am correct and Obumma will pardon Hillary. I am never wrong and have completely twisted your little brain to see the truth.
NO. Please point out above where I said I agree.

In less than a month Obama will walk. no one will come after him, no matter what. Hillary, on the other hand, needs no pardon - snowflakes have declared it to be so. So there is no reason to pardon her. ... Except that the investigation into Corruption+ of the Clinton Foundation continues. If Trump's FBI Director recommends indictment to Trump's USAG I do not believe he will stand in the way of Justice. He said he would not GO AFTER HER. He did not say he would protect her from prosecution the way Barry did.
Schizophrenics that voted for Clinton can not understand the truth. I said that Obama has no choice but to pardon Hillary in order to keep himself out of jail. Trying to argue that is futile, but please try, it's entertaining watching you explain the Bill of Rights

100% perfect examples of the fucking LIBs. Anyone can go anywhere and ask the same question and they would get the same responses.
Hillary spent her entire psychotic adult life covering up her husband's infidelities and intimidating his victims. What in the world makes you believe that she would be willing to risk her life by 'uncovering Obama's crimes" when the criminal conspiracy known as the mainstream media is more loyal to the Hussein administration than the petty crimes of an enabler for a pervert?
Hillary's asslickers better make sure she NEVER coughs on an orange segment.
...In this country you have to be charged with a crime first.Then you go to court and guilt has to be proven by the prosecutor, then a judge or jury will determine innocence or guilt. If you are found guilty, then and only then would a pardon be required...
If you are writing from within the United States, then, I am not certain that that is true.

Former US President Richard Nixon received a "preemptive" unconditional pardon from then-sitting President Gerald Ford, even though Nixon had not yet been indicted.


Yeah, but the rules have changed a bit over the past 40 years since Nixon was pardoned. You now have to be convicted in order to be pardoned.

Here's the FAQ at the Justice website concerning presidential pardons and clemency if you are interested.

Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Executive Clemency | PARDON | Department of Justice

Nope, sorry, but saying that Obama will do it just because Nixon did, well, that doesn't work. The rules have changed since then, and you have to have served at least 5 years of a sentence to be considered for a pardon.

And...........Nixon's preemptive pardon was seen by all as a mistake on the part of Ford, and some even said it might have been unconstitutional. Matter of fact, his pardon of Nixon is one of the things that made him lose reelection.

Here's the thing...

One cannot APPLY for a Presidential Pardon without the conviction and five-year waiting period referenced on the web page you supplied (thanks)..


I see nothing barring a sitting President from initiating and granting a Pardon without the application (i.e., through the initiative of the President him-or-herself)...

For example, Ford initiated the Pardon, rather than Nixon applying for it...

And if - IF - it is legal for a President to initiate such a process, without the Application Rules getting in the way, then, the prospect of a Pardon is still on the table...

Or so it seems, to this observer...

Wrong, Nixon never applied for a pardon.
...In this country you have to be charged with a crime first.Then you go to court and guilt has to be proven by the prosecutor, then a judge or jury will determine innocence or guilt. If you are found guilty, then and only then would a pardon be required...
If you are writing from within the United States, then, I am not certain that that is true.

Former US President Richard Nixon received a "preemptive" unconditional pardon from then-sitting President Gerald Ford, even though Nixon had not yet been indicted.


Yeah, but the rules have changed a bit over the past 40 years since Nixon was pardoned. You now have to be convicted in order to be pardoned.

Here's the FAQ at the Justice website concerning presidential pardons and clemency if you are interested.

Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Executive Clemency | PARDON | Department of Justice

Nope, sorry, but saying that Obama will do it just because Nixon did, well, that doesn't work. The rules have changed since then, and you have to have served at least 5 years of a sentence to be considered for a pardon.

And...........Nixon's preemptive pardon was seen by all as a mistake on the part of Ford, and some even said it might have been unconstitutional. Matter of fact, his pardon of Nixon is one of the things that made him lose reelection.

Here's the thing...

One cannot APPLY for a Presidential Pardon without the conviction and five-year waiting period referenced on the web page you supplied (thanks)..


I see nothing barring a sitting President from initiating and granting a Pardon without the application (i.e., through the initiative of the President him-or-herself)...

For example, Ford initiated the Pardon, rather than Nixon applying for it...

And if - IF - it is legal for a President to initiate such a process, without the Application Rules getting in the way, then, the prospect of a Pardon is still on the table...

Or so it seems, to this observer...

However, history has taught us that granting a pardon before a trial for a public official is highly disliked by the American people. If Obama did that, it would be political suicide, and he's got plans for after he retires from office to help out the DNC. If he pardoned Hillary like Nixon got pardoned, the DNC would never forgive him, nor would they listen to him ever again. Not only would it be political suicide for Obama, but something like that would almost certainly destroy the DNC.
...In this country you have to be charged with a crime first.Then you go to court and guilt has to be proven by the prosecutor, then a judge or jury will determine innocence or guilt. If you are found guilty, then and only then would a pardon be required...
If you are writing from within the United States, then, I am not certain that that is true.

Former US President Richard Nixon received a "preemptive" unconditional pardon from then-sitting President Gerald Ford, even though Nixon had not yet been indicted.


Yeah, but the rules have changed a bit over the past 40 years since Nixon was pardoned. You now have to be convicted in order to be pardoned.

Here's the FAQ at the Justice website concerning presidential pardons and clemency if you are interested.

Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Executive Clemency | PARDON | Department of Justice

Nope, sorry, but saying that Obama will do it just because Nixon did, well, that doesn't work. The rules have changed since then, and you have to have served at least 5 years of a sentence to be considered for a pardon.

And...........Nixon's preemptive pardon was seen by all as a mistake on the part of Ford, and some even said it might have been unconstitutional. Matter of fact, his pardon of Nixon is one of the things that made him lose reelection.

Here's the thing...

One cannot APPLY for a Presidential Pardon without the conviction and five-year waiting period referenced on the web page you supplied (thanks)..


I see nothing barring a sitting President from initiating and granting a Pardon without the application (i.e., through the initiative of the President him-or-herself)...

For example, Ford initiated the Pardon, rather than Nixon applying for it...

And if - IF - it is legal for a President to initiate such a process, without the Application Rules getting in the way, then, the prospect of a Pardon is still on the table...

Or so it seems, to this observer...

However, history has taught us that granting a pardon before a trial for a public official is highly disliked by the American people. If Obama did that, it would be political suicide, and he's got plans for after he retires from office to help out the DNC. If he pardoned Hillary like Nixon got pardoned, the DNC would never forgive him, nor would they listen to him ever again. Not only would it be political suicide for Obama, but something like that would almost certainly destroy the DNC.

Obama can not commit political suicide, as his politicking days are already dead

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