Obama has no choice but to pardon Hillary

...In this country you have to be charged with a crime first.Then you go to court and guilt has to be proven by the prosecutor, then a judge or jury will determine innocence or guilt. If you are found guilty, then and only then would a pardon be required...
If you are writing from within the United States, then, I am not certain that that is true.

Former US President Richard Nixon received a "preemptive" unconditional pardon from then-sitting President Gerald Ford, even though Nixon had not yet been indicted.


Yeah, but the rules have changed a bit over the past 40 years since Nixon was pardoned. You now have to be convicted in order to be pardoned.

Here's the FAQ at the Justice website concerning presidential pardons and clemency if you are interested.

Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Executive Clemency | PARDON | Department of Justice

Nope, sorry, but saying that Obama will do it just because Nixon did, well, that doesn't work. The rules have changed since then, and you have to have served at least 5 years of a sentence to be considered for a pardon.

And...........Nixon's preemptive pardon was seen by all as a mistake on the part of Ford, and some even said it might have been unconstitutional. Matter of fact, his pardon of Nixon is one of the things that made him lose reelection.

Here's the thing...

One cannot APPLY for a Presidential Pardon without the conviction and five-year waiting period referenced on the web page you supplied (thanks)..


I see nothing barring a sitting President from initiating and granting a Pardon without the application (i.e., through the initiative of the President him-or-herself)...

For example, Ford initiated the Pardon, rather than Nixon applying for it...

And if - IF - it is legal for a President to initiate such a process, without the Application Rules getting in the way, then, the prospect of a Pardon is still on the table...

Or so it seems, to this observer...

However, history has taught us that granting a pardon before a trial for a public official is highly disliked by the American people. If Obama did that, it would be political suicide, and he's got plans for after he retires from office to help out the DNC. If he pardoned Hillary like Nixon got pardoned, the DNC would never forgive him, nor would they listen to him ever again. Not only would it be political suicide for Obama, but something like that would almost certainly destroy the DNC.

Obama can not commit political suicide, as his politicking days are already dead

I guess you missed the part where I said it would not only kill his career, but would also hit hard on the DNC, because Hillary and Obama are both Democrats and it could be seen as him trying to cover up for his party. So no, because of the optics of it now, as well as the optics when it was done for Nixon, there is no way in hell that Obama will try to preemptively pardon Clinton.
...In this country you have to be charged with a crime first.Then you go to court and guilt has to be proven by the prosecutor, then a judge or jury will determine innocence or guilt. If you are found guilty, then and only then would a pardon be required...
If you are writing from within the United States, then, I am not certain that that is true.

Former US President Richard Nixon received a "preemptive" unconditional pardon from then-sitting President Gerald Ford, even though Nixon had not yet been indicted.


Yeah, but the rules have changed a bit over the past 40 years since Nixon was pardoned. You now have to be convicted in order to be pardoned.

Here's the FAQ at the Justice website concerning presidential pardons and clemency if you are interested.

Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Executive Clemency | PARDON | Department of Justice

Nope, sorry, but saying that Obama will do it just because Nixon did, well, that doesn't work. The rules have changed since then, and you have to have served at least 5 years of a sentence to be considered for a pardon.

And...........Nixon's preemptive pardon was seen by all as a mistake on the part of Ford, and some even said it might have been unconstitutional. Matter of fact, his pardon of Nixon is one of the things that made him lose reelection.

Here's the thing...

One cannot APPLY for a Presidential Pardon without the conviction and five-year waiting period referenced on the web page you supplied (thanks)..


I see nothing barring a sitting President from initiating and granting a Pardon without the application (i.e., through the initiative of the President him-or-herself)...

For example, Ford initiated the Pardon, rather than Nixon applying for it...

And if - IF - it is legal for a President to initiate such a process, without the Application Rules getting in the way, then, the prospect of a Pardon is still on the table...

Or so it seems, to this observer...

Wrong, Nixon never applied for a pardon.
Next said he did...

I increased the font-size and highlighted the relevant text in red (once you expand this)... the original contains that very same text.

Never said he did.
...In this country you have to be charged with a crime first.Then you go to court and guilt has to be proven by the prosecutor, then a judge or jury will determine innocence or guilt. If you are found guilty, then and only then would a pardon be required...
If you are writing from within the United States, then, I am not certain that that is true.

Former US President Richard Nixon received a "preemptive" unconditional pardon from then-sitting President Gerald Ford, even though Nixon had not yet been indicted.


Yeah, but the rules have changed a bit over the past 40 years since Nixon was pardoned. You now have to be convicted in order to be pardoned.

Here's the FAQ at the Justice website concerning presidential pardons and clemency if you are interested.

Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Executive Clemency | PARDON | Department of Justice

Nope, sorry, but saying that Obama will do it just because Nixon did, well, that doesn't work. The rules have changed since then, and you have to have served at least 5 years of a sentence to be considered for a pardon.

And...........Nixon's preemptive pardon was seen by all as a mistake on the part of Ford, and some even said it might have been unconstitutional. Matter of fact, his pardon of Nixon is one of the things that made him lose reelection.

Here's the thing...

One cannot APPLY for a Presidential Pardon without the conviction and five-year waiting period referenced on the web page you supplied (thanks)..


I see nothing barring a sitting President from initiating and granting a Pardon without the application (i.e., through the initiative of the President him-or-herself)...

For example, Ford initiated the Pardon, rather than Nixon applying for it...

And if - IF - it is legal for a President to initiate such a process, without the Application Rules getting in the way, then, the prospect of a Pardon is still on the table...

Or so it seems, to this observer...

However, history has taught us that granting a pardon before a trial for a public official is highly disliked by the American people. If Obama did that, it would be political suicide, and he's got plans for after he retires from office to help out the DNC. If he pardoned Hillary like Nixon got pardoned, the DNC would never forgive him, nor would they listen to him ever again. Not only would it be political suicide for Obama, but something like that would almost certainly destroy the DNC.

Obama can not commit political suicide, as his politicking days are already dead

Obama now has nothing (substantive) to lose by granting a Presidential Pardon to the HildaBeast, and the DNC Ruling Elites may thank him for it.
If you are writing from within the United States, then, I am not certain that that is true.

Former US President Richard Nixon received a "preemptive" unconditional pardon from then-sitting President Gerald Ford, even though Nixon had not yet been indicted.


Yeah, but the rules have changed a bit over the past 40 years since Nixon was pardoned. You now have to be convicted in order to be pardoned.

Here's the FAQ at the Justice website concerning presidential pardons and clemency if you are interested.

Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Executive Clemency | PARDON | Department of Justice

Nope, sorry, but saying that Obama will do it just because Nixon did, well, that doesn't work. The rules have changed since then, and you have to have served at least 5 years of a sentence to be considered for a pardon.

And...........Nixon's preemptive pardon was seen by all as a mistake on the part of Ford, and some even said it might have been unconstitutional. Matter of fact, his pardon of Nixon is one of the things that made him lose reelection.

Here's the thing...

One cannot APPLY for a Presidential Pardon without the conviction and five-year waiting period referenced on the web page you supplied (thanks)..


I see nothing barring a sitting President from initiating and granting a Pardon without the application (i.e., through the initiative of the President him-or-herself)...

For example, Ford initiated the Pardon, rather than Nixon applying for it...

And if - IF - it is legal for a President to initiate such a process, without the Application Rules getting in the way, then, the prospect of a Pardon is still on the table...

Or so it seems, to this observer...

However, history has taught us that granting a pardon before a trial for a public official is highly disliked by the American people. If Obama did that, it would be political suicide, and he's got plans for after he retires from office to help out the DNC. If he pardoned Hillary like Nixon got pardoned, the DNC would never forgive him, nor would they listen to him ever again. Not only would it be political suicide for Obama, but something like that would almost certainly destroy the DNC.

Obama can not commit political suicide, as his politicking days are already dead

I guess you missed the part where I said it would not only kill his career, but would also hit hard on the DNC, because Hillary and Obama are both Democrats and it could be seen as him trying to cover up for his party. So no, because of the optics of it now, as well as the optics when it was done for Nixon, there is no way in hell that Obama will try to preemptively pardon Clinton.
He can pitch it as taking care of an old political comrade in the face of an explicit threat to send her to jail once He Who Must Not Be Named is given his new magic wand.

ObamaBots will come up with one juicy rationalization or another to cover Barrys' ass.
Yeah, but the rules have changed a bit over the past 40 years since Nixon was pardoned. You now have to be convicted in order to be pardoned.

Here's the FAQ at the Justice website concerning presidential pardons and clemency if you are interested.

Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Executive Clemency | PARDON | Department of Justice

Nope, sorry, but saying that Obama will do it just because Nixon did, well, that doesn't work. The rules have changed since then, and you have to have served at least 5 years of a sentence to be considered for a pardon.

And...........Nixon's preemptive pardon was seen by all as a mistake on the part of Ford, and some even said it might have been unconstitutional. Matter of fact, his pardon of Nixon is one of the things that made him lose reelection.

Here's the thing...

One cannot APPLY for a Presidential Pardon without the conviction and five-year waiting period referenced on the web page you supplied (thanks)..


I see nothing barring a sitting President from initiating and granting a Pardon without the application (i.e., through the initiative of the President him-or-herself)...

For example, Ford initiated the Pardon, rather than Nixon applying for it...

And if - IF - it is legal for a President to initiate such a process, without the Application Rules getting in the way, then, the prospect of a Pardon is still on the table...

Or so it seems, to this observer...

However, history has taught us that granting a pardon before a trial for a public official is highly disliked by the American people. If Obama did that, it would be political suicide, and he's got plans for after he retires from office to help out the DNC. If he pardoned Hillary like Nixon got pardoned, the DNC would never forgive him, nor would they listen to him ever again. Not only would it be political suicide for Obama, but something like that would almost certainly destroy the DNC.

Obama can not commit political suicide, as his politicking days are already dead

I guess you missed the part where I said it would not only kill his career, but would also hit hard on the DNC, because Hillary and Obama are both Democrats and it could be seen as him trying to cover up for his party. So no, because of the optics of it now, as well as the optics when it was done for Nixon, there is no way in hell that Obama will try to preemptively pardon Clinton.
He can pitch it as taking care of an old political comrade in the face of an explicit threat to send her to jail once He Who Must Not Be Named is given his new magic wand.

ObamaBots will come up with one juicy rationalization or another to cover Barrys' ass.

Like I said, preemptive pardons have been very unpopular with the American people ever since Nixon got his, and there hasn't really been another one since.

If Obama did that, he would destroy the DNC.

Here's the thing...

One cannot APPLY for a Presidential Pardon without the conviction and five-year waiting period referenced on the web page you supplied (thanks)..


I see nothing barring a sitting President from initiating and granting a Pardon without the application (i.e., through the initiative of the President him-or-herself)...

For example, Ford initiated the Pardon, rather than Nixon applying for it...

And if - IF - it is legal for a President to initiate such a process, without the Application Rules getting in the way, then, the prospect of a Pardon is still on the table...

Or so it seems, to this observer...

However, history has taught us that granting a pardon before a trial for a public official is highly disliked by the American people. If Obama did that, it would be political suicide, and he's got plans for after he retires from office to help out the DNC. If he pardoned Hillary like Nixon got pardoned, the DNC would never forgive him, nor would they listen to him ever again. Not only would it be political suicide for Obama, but something like that would almost certainly destroy the DNC.

Obama can not commit political suicide, as his politicking days are already dead

I guess you missed the part where I said it would not only kill his career, but would also hit hard on the DNC, because Hillary and Obama are both Democrats and it could be seen as him trying to cover up for his party. So no, because of the optics of it now, as well as the optics when it was done for Nixon, there is no way in hell that Obama will try to preemptively pardon Clinton.
He can pitch it as taking care of an old political comrade in the face of an explicit threat to send her to jail once He Who Must Not Be Named is given his new magic wand.

ObamaBots will come up with one juicy rationalization or another to cover Barrys' ass.

Like I said, preemptive pardons have been very unpopular with the American people ever since Nixon got his, and there hasn't really been another one since.

If Obama did that, he would destroy the DNC.

Not issuing the pardon destroys the DNC as Hillary will rat out the entire bunch if she hits a cell
However, history has taught us that granting a pardon before a trial for a public official is highly disliked by the American people. If Obama did that, it would be political suicide, and he's got plans for after he retires from office to help out the DNC. If he pardoned Hillary like Nixon got pardoned, the DNC would never forgive him, nor would they listen to him ever again. Not only would it be political suicide for Obama, but something like that would almost certainly destroy the DNC.

Obama can not commit political suicide, as his politicking days are already dead

I guess you missed the part where I said it would not only kill his career, but would also hit hard on the DNC, because Hillary and Obama are both Democrats and it could be seen as him trying to cover up for his party. So no, because of the optics of it now, as well as the optics when it was done for Nixon, there is no way in hell that Obama will try to preemptively pardon Clinton.
He can pitch it as taking care of an old political comrade in the face of an explicit threat to send her to jail once He Who Must Not Be Named is given his new magic wand.

ObamaBots will come up with one juicy rationalization or another to cover Barrys' ass.

Like I said, preemptive pardons have been very unpopular with the American people ever since Nixon got his, and there hasn't really been another one since.

If Obama did that, he would destroy the DNC.

Not issuing the pardon destroys the DNC as Hillary will rat out the entire bunch if she hits a cell

Face it...........you are desperately grasping at the smallest of straws, hoping that it will prove Hillary's guilt.

Sorry..................but there isn't gonna be a pardon from Obama. We have already explained several different reasons why.

And no................saying that because Ford did it for Nixon is the reason Obama will do it for Hillary is a non starter as well.
Obama can not commit political suicide, as his politicking days are already dead

I guess you missed the part where I said it would not only kill his career, but would also hit hard on the DNC, because Hillary and Obama are both Democrats and it could be seen as him trying to cover up for his party. So no, because of the optics of it now, as well as the optics when it was done for Nixon, there is no way in hell that Obama will try to preemptively pardon Clinton.
He can pitch it as taking care of an old political comrade in the face of an explicit threat to send her to jail once He Who Must Not Be Named is given his new magic wand.

ObamaBots will come up with one juicy rationalization or another to cover Barrys' ass.

Like I said, preemptive pardons have been very unpopular with the American people ever since Nixon got his, and there hasn't really been another one since.

If Obama did that, he would destroy the DNC.

Not issuing the pardon destroys the DNC as Hillary will rat out the entire bunch if she hits a cell

Face it...........you are desperately grasping at the smallest of straws, hoping that it will prove Hillary's guilt.

Sorry..................but there isn't gonna be a pardon from Obama. We have already explained several different reasons why.

And no................saying that because Ford did it for Nixon is the reason Obama will do it for Hillary is a non starter as well.
How am I grasping at straws when America has already made Hillary the LOSER?
I guess you missed the part where I said it would not only kill his career, but would also hit hard on the DNC, because Hillary and Obama are both Democrats and it could be seen as him trying to cover up for his party. So no, because of the optics of it now, as well as the optics when it was done for Nixon, there is no way in hell that Obama will try to preemptively pardon Clinton.
He can pitch it as taking care of an old political comrade in the face of an explicit threat to send her to jail once He Who Must Not Be Named is given his new magic wand.

ObamaBots will come up with one juicy rationalization or another to cover Barrys' ass.

Like I said, preemptive pardons have been very unpopular with the American people ever since Nixon got his, and there hasn't really been another one since.

If Obama did that, he would destroy the DNC.

Not issuing the pardon destroys the DNC as Hillary will rat out the entire bunch if she hits a cell

Face it...........you are desperately grasping at the smallest of straws, hoping that it will prove Hillary's guilt.

Sorry..................but there isn't gonna be a pardon from Obama. We have already explained several different reasons why.

And no................saying that because Ford did it for Nixon is the reason Obama will do it for Hillary is a non starter as well.
How am I grasping at straws when America has already made Hillary the LOSER?

You're grasping at straws because you desperately want to believe that Hillary is guilty. Now, since Trump has stated publicly that he's not gonna pursue charges, the only way you've got to prove she's guilty is if Obama gives her a preemptive pardon. Like I said.............it's not gonna happen, and you're grasping at straws to prove her guilt if it's based on Obama's pardon.
He can pitch it as taking care of an old political comrade in the face of an explicit threat to send her to jail once He Who Must Not Be Named is given his new magic wand.

ObamaBots will come up with one juicy rationalization or another to cover Barrys' ass.

Like I said, preemptive pardons have been very unpopular with the American people ever since Nixon got his, and there hasn't really been another one since.

If Obama did that, he would destroy the DNC.

Not issuing the pardon destroys the DNC as Hillary will rat out the entire bunch if she hits a cell

Face it...........you are desperately grasping at the smallest of straws, hoping that it will prove Hillary's guilt.

Sorry..................but there isn't gonna be a pardon from Obama. We have already explained several different reasons why.

And no................saying that because Ford did it for Nixon is the reason Obama will do it for Hillary is a non starter as well.
How am I grasping at straws when America has already made Hillary the LOSER?

You're grasping at straws because you desperately want to believe that Hillary is guilty. Now, since Trump has stated publicly that he's not gonna pursue charges, the only way you've got to prove she's guilty is if Obama gives her a preemptive pardon. Like I said.............it's not gonna happen, and you're grasping at straws to prove her guilt if it's based on Obama's pardon.
Dude I do not want desperately to believe that Hillary is guilty. In reality I do believe Hillary is guilty, and I have no idea what the F you are babbling about, which means you are a brain dead Hillary voter..............

She has no friends because she killed them all in one way or another.

Like I said, preemptive pardons have been very unpopular with the American people ever since Nixon got his, and there hasn't really been another one since.

If Obama did that, he would destroy the DNC.

Not issuing the pardon destroys the DNC as Hillary will rat out the entire bunch if she hits a cell

Face it...........you are desperately grasping at the smallest of straws, hoping that it will prove Hillary's guilt.

Sorry..................but there isn't gonna be a pardon from Obama. We have already explained several different reasons why.

And no................saying that because Ford did it for Nixon is the reason Obama will do it for Hillary is a non starter as well.
How am I grasping at straws when America has already made Hillary the LOSER?

You're grasping at straws because you desperately want to believe that Hillary is guilty. Now, since Trump has stated publicly that he's not gonna pursue charges, the only way you've got to prove she's guilty is if Obama gives her a preemptive pardon. Like I said.............it's not gonna happen, and you're grasping at straws to prove her guilt if it's based on Obama's pardon.
Dude I do not want desperately to believe that Hillary is guilty. In reality I do believe Hillary is guilty, and I have no idea what the F you are babbling about, which means you are a brain dead Hillary voter..............

She has no friends because she killed them all in one way or another.


Who did Hillary have killed? Got links, or is this another fake news story like Hillary running a child sex ring out of a pizza shop?
Not issuing the pardon destroys the DNC as Hillary will rat out the entire bunch if she hits a cell

Face it...........you are desperately grasping at the smallest of straws, hoping that it will prove Hillary's guilt.

Sorry..................but there isn't gonna be a pardon from Obama. We have already explained several different reasons why.

And no................saying that because Ford did it for Nixon is the reason Obama will do it for Hillary is a non starter as well.
How am I grasping at straws when America has already made Hillary the LOSER?

You're grasping at straws because you desperately want to believe that Hillary is guilty. Now, since Trump has stated publicly that he's not gonna pursue charges, the only way you've got to prove she's guilty is if Obama gives her a preemptive pardon. Like I said.............it's not gonna happen, and you're grasping at straws to prove her guilt if it's based on Obama's pardon.
Dude I do not want desperately to believe that Hillary is guilty. In reality I do believe Hillary is guilty, and I have no idea what the F you are babbling about, which means you are a brain dead Hillary voter..............

She has no friends because she killed them all in one way or another.


Who did Hillary have killed? Got links, or is this another fake news story like Hillary running a child sex ring out of a pizza shop?

New Documents Prove Hillary Clinton Murder Cover-Up


You never were bright were you
Face it...........you are desperately grasping at the smallest of straws, hoping that it will prove Hillary's guilt.

Sorry..................but there isn't gonna be a pardon from Obama. We have already explained several different reasons why.

And no................saying that because Ford did it for Nixon is the reason Obama will do it for Hillary is a non starter as well.
How am I grasping at straws when America has already made Hillary the LOSER?

You're grasping at straws because you desperately want to believe that Hillary is guilty. Now, since Trump has stated publicly that he's not gonna pursue charges, the only way you've got to prove she's guilty is if Obama gives her a preemptive pardon. Like I said.............it's not gonna happen, and you're grasping at straws to prove her guilt if it's based on Obama's pardon.
Dude I do not want desperately to believe that Hillary is guilty. In reality I do believe Hillary is guilty, and I have no idea what the F you are babbling about, which means you are a brain dead Hillary voter..............

She has no friends because she killed them all in one way or another.


Who did Hillary have killed? Got links, or is this another fake news story like Hillary running a child sex ring out of a pizza shop?

New Documents Prove Hillary Clinton Murder Cover-Up


You never were bright were you

You know, I read the link, and it's a conspiracy theory. You REALLY think that Foster and Hillary had an affair? But, if you're gonna believe your link, then you're a lot dimmer than I originally thought.
How am I grasping at straws when America has already made Hillary the LOSER?

You're grasping at straws because you desperately want to believe that Hillary is guilty. Now, since Trump has stated publicly that he's not gonna pursue charges, the only way you've got to prove she's guilty is if Obama gives her a preemptive pardon. Like I said.............it's not gonna happen, and you're grasping at straws to prove her guilt if it's based on Obama's pardon.
Dude I do not want desperately to believe that Hillary is guilty. In reality I do believe Hillary is guilty, and I have no idea what the F you are babbling about, which means you are a brain dead Hillary voter..............

She has no friends because she killed them all in one way or another.


Who did Hillary have killed? Got links, or is this another fake news story like Hillary running a child sex ring out of a pizza shop?

New Documents Prove Hillary Clinton Murder Cover-Up


You never were bright were you

You know, I read the link, and it's a conspiracy theory. You REALLY think that Foster and Hillary had an affair? But, if you're gonna believe your link, then you're a lot dimmer than I originally thought.

I know Hillary was sucking his dick, and that Billy had him murdered. I also know that enough Americans believe this that Hillary Clinton will never be the President. Now go wank off to your Rachel Madcow poster

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