Obama hasn't created jobs: Words that make the ridiculous right look even more....

The only jobs Obama has created are Government jobs that our kids, grandchildren and GREAT grandchildren will get TO PAY FOR and be SLAVES too
During the Bush years, Republicans, being paid by the Chinese financed Chamber of Commerce, put policies in place that helped move millions of jobs to China. That has been documented and posted on this site, many many times.

Republicans, using reconciliation THREE TIMES during the Bush years worked to redistribute the wealth of the nation to the top 1% and their plan has been wildly successful. The reason they gave was that those were the "job creators", except the "job creators" created no jobs. Republicans haven't even made an attempt to explain their massive failure. Why? Because moving the wealth of the nation to the top 1% was the plan all along and it worked. In their eyes, there was no failure.

Republicans are screaming, "Obama has created no jobs", even while screaming "Government can't create jobs" and even when over a hundred Republican congressmen took hundreds of millions of stimulus and created tens of thousands of jobs. Jobs they worked to stop, couldn't, and so tried to take credit for the very jobs they voted against. Again, well documented.


Again, we documented the millions of jobs available that can't be filled because of a lack of skills. Obama wants to make the education available in this country so Americans can fill those positions. Republicans work tirelessly to stop that from happening.

Republicans tried to elect a "pioneer in outsourcing" as President. The very month of the elections, he was moving one of his companies to scandal plagued China. A company making millions in this country, but could make millions more paying slave wages.

Republicans have said getting rid of the minimum wage and safety regulations will create "high paying" jobs. Both an incredibly stupid AND insane idea.

They can't even face that fact that over 5 million more Americans are employed, in spite of everything they are trying to do to stop it, since the mess they handed over to Obama.

The question is, "Will they ever stop?" And how long before even their base gets tired of being called crazy and stupid for supporting leaders who are both crazy and insane. How long before the GOP base gets mad at being called "stupid" by their leaders? How long before the GOP base decides to top being victimized by their leaders?

And after all the terrible damage Republicans have caused through their economic policies, their wars, their unwarranted use of reconciliation, when will they start to abandon these failed policies?

So let me see if I've got this straight? Mitt Romney is all about outsourcing jobs to China while Barack Obama isn't? So would any of you, oh so intelligent progressives like to take a stab at explaining why Obama's "Jobs Czar" Jeffrey Immelt has outsourced far more jobs than Mitt Romney ever DREAMED of...all the while running a corporation that paid little or no taxes?
Well, I would love to. But the problem is, there is no position of Jobs Czar.

But if you think any progressive is happy with the history of those making up Obama's Jobs Council, you would be wrong. And Immelt is simply a member of that council And of course, he is the CEO of GE. So, you would suggest removing all of the job outsourcing ceo's from the Jobs Council, right. Maybe you can get some republican politicians to go along with that plan.
But it's those DARNED Republicans that are the problem! Eye roll...
Another wasted minute reading an Oldstyle post. And by the way, your "eye Roll" thing is SO adolescent. Just a comment to try to help you, dipshit.
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The only jobs Obama has created are Government jobs that our kids, grandchildren and GREAT grandchildren will get TO PAY FOR and be SLAVES too
Damn. I can either believe you or the CBO. What should I do? The CBO has a team of economists, Steph. How many do you have working for you???
Like when John Kerry complains about rich people not paying enough in taxes...but registered his yacht in Delaware rather than Massachusetts to avoid paying a higher tax? Or when Al Gore rushed the sale of his television network through before the first of the year so he could avoid paying the higher taxes that progressives just pushed through to force rich people to pay their "fair share"? The hypocrisy on this sort of thing is so blatant that it make me laugh.
What hypocrisy is that, oldstyle. Did someone tell you that progressives want to pay taxes that they do not have to??? Or are you just making it up??

By the way, where DID you find those bits about Kerry and Gore? Must have been some impartial web site, eh, Oldstyle? You know, I can not find it out there on the web. BUT....BUT... THERE IT IS!!! It is out there on the bat shit crazy con sites. Why, have you been cruising the bat shit crazy con sites that you claim you never surf???
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The only jobs Obama has created are Government jobs that our kids, grandchildren and GREAT grandchildren will get TO PAY FOR and be SLAVES too

All numbers seasonally adjusted from Current Employment StatisticsJanuary 2009
Private Sector non-farm payroll jobs: 110,985,000
Federal Government jobs: 2,790,000

December 2012
Private Sector non-farm payroll jobs: 112,096,000 (Change of +1,111,000)
Federal Government jobs: 2,794,000 (Change of +4,000)

So where are you getting your info from? Or did you just make it up?
The only jobs Obama has created are Government jobs that our kids, grandchildren and GREAT grandchildren will get TO PAY FOR and be SLAVES too

All numbers seasonally adjusted from Current Employment StatisticsJanuary 2009
Private Sector non-farm payroll jobs: 110,985,000
Federal Government jobs: 2,790,000

December 2012
Private Sector non-farm payroll jobs: 112,096,000 (Change of +1,111,000)
Federal Government jobs: 2,794,000 (Change of +4,000)

So where are you getting your info from? Or did you just make it up?

this fact provided by Richard Vedder of the American Enterprise Institute: “If today the country had the same proportion of persons of working age employed as it did in 2000, the U.S. would have almost 14 million more people contributing to the economy.” Fourteen million is more than the combined workforces of 18 states.
But what is true is that they want to see this economy fail, and to blame its failure on Obama.

it is true that they want to see their ideas vindicated and BO blamed, not that they want to see the people suffer under yet another failed liberal socialist government.
Yes, Ed. That is your version of I want to see this administration fail.

too stupid!! obviously if you're in a war you don't want to see your enemy succeed!!

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