Obama Hellcare and Gun Control


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
ObamaCare Threatens Gun Owners’ Rights

"gun owners should be especially concerned about this “Obamanation,” because it will allow the federal government to use our medical information to keep us from buying guns.
Just ask yourself:

* Was there a death in your family recently causing you to suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
* Do you take anxiety medications?
* Did you ever say: I had thoughts of suicide when I was dealing with stress at home or work or after my recent breakup?
* Have you voluntarily checked yourself into an institution to get counseling?"

I feel sorry for the poor saps that will have to make a living confiscating guns. It will be a high risk, low reward job

I feel sorry for the poor saps that will have to make a living confiscating guns. It will be a high risk, low reward job


"Consider the Florida military veteran who made national news recently because his guns were confiscated, not returned, and he is suing the city of Daytona Beach, FL.
The veteran, identified simply as “A.B.,” sought help for depression in December of 2012. After he called Veteran’s Assistance, here’s what happened:
Instead of having someone counsel him, VA called local police, who came to A.B.’s home [and] had him involuntarily committed for a psychological evaluation. They also confiscated his firearms, ammo, bows, arrows and other objects they felt could be used as weapons.
A.B. was found to be mentally fit during this evaluation, but authorities still have refused to return his firearms despite AB completing all needed paperwork and affidavits. Now, authorities are saying they won’t return his guns without a court order. This is obviously against the law and the source of the lawsuit."

ObamaCare Threatens Gun Owners’ Rights

"gun owners should be especially concerned about this “Obamanation,” because it will allow the federal government to use our medical information to keep us from buying guns.
Just ask yourself:

* Was there a death in your family recently causing you to suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
* Do you take anxiety medications?
* Did you ever say: I had thoughts of suicide when I was dealing with stress at home or work or after my recent breakup?
* Have you voluntarily checked yourself into an institution to get counseling?"


"Sadly, what happened to military veterans has now begun in the private sector – especially in places like New York, where they recently passed their misnamed SAFE Act.
According to gun rights reporter Dan Roberts, firearms are now being confiscated from gun owners because of their mental health information. For example:
John Doe, an upstanding professional with no outstanding criminal convictions and no history of violent action, received a letter from the Pistol Permit Department informing him that his license was immediately revoked upon information that he was seeing a therapist for anxiety and had been prescribed an anxiety drug. He was never suicidal, never violent, and has no criminal history."

Yep, and if you think they won't be scanning the electronic medical records I got a bridge to sell ya.
ObamaCare Threatens Gun Owners’ Rights

"gun owners should be especially concerned about this “Obamanation,” because it will allow the federal government to use our medical information to keep us from buying guns.
Just ask yourself:

* Was there a death in your family recently causing you to suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
* Do you take anxiety medications?
* Did you ever say: I had thoughts of suicide when I was dealing with stress at home or work or after my recent breakup?
* Have you voluntarily checked yourself into an institution to get counseling?"


"Sadly, what happened to military veterans has now begun in the private sector – especially in places like New York, where they recently passed their misnamed SAFE Act.
According to gun rights reporter Dan Roberts, firearms are now being confiscated from gun owners because of their mental health information. For example:
John Doe, an upstanding professional with no outstanding criminal convictions and no history of violent action, received a letter from the Pistol Permit Department informing him that his license was immediately revoked upon information that he was seeing a therapist for anxiety and had been prescribed an anxiety drug. He was never suicidal, never violent, and has no criminal history."


That is illegal. He should sue.
The kind of intrusion that is practiced by the IRS in financial matters now extends to medical matters. This will only cause people to either 'go off the grid' for some types medical care, or avoid it completely. This is exactly the opposite of what any professional care giver would advise.

Those unintended consequences are a bitch.
That is illegal. He should sue.

I concur:

"Review of the cases in which the Supreme Court concluded that registration requirements violate the self-incrimination clause is instructive. In these cases, it is evident that an unconstitutional registration would require disclosure that is effectively an admission of uncharged criminal activity. See, e.g., Leary v. United States, 395 U.S. 6 (1969) (invalidating statute requiring defendant to identify himself as transferee of marijuana who had failed to register and pay an occupational tax); Haynes v. United States, 390 U.S. 85 (1968) (striking down statute that required registration of individuals transacting in firearms and that was applied only to weapons used principally by persons engaged in unlawful activities); and Marchetti v. United States, 390 U.S. 39, 60-61 (1968) (striking down statute requiring gamblers to register with the Internal Revenue Service, in light of wide prohibition of gambling). Under these statutes, compliance with the disclosure requirements "produced an immediate or real and appreciable hazard of self-incrimination due to the fact that the statutes were largely designed to discover . . . involvement in the prohibited activity." S.E.C. v. Fehn, 97 F.3d 1276, 1292 (9th Cir. 1996) (internal quotation marks omitted). That is not the case with SORNA, which does not require the disclosure of any information that would constitute admission of an uncharged crime."

United States of America v. Juvenile Male, District of Montana, No. 09-30330 ,09-30273 ,09-30365 (9th Cir. 01/25/2012)

The kind of intrusion that is practiced by the IRS in financial matters now extends to medical matters. This will only cause people to either 'go off the grid' for some types medical care, or avoid it completely. This is exactly the opposite of what any professional care giver would advise.

Those unintended consequences are a bitch.

The cartels, whose killing spree has taken tens of thousands of lives in just the last couple years, have shattered the peace on the border and become the subject of the Obama administration’s most notorious scandal. Some conservatives have wondered aloud whether the “Fast and Furious” program of arming Mexican drug gangs was intended to create an excuse to crack down on American gun ownership
ObamaCare Threatens Gun Owners’ Rights

"gun owners should be especially concerned about this “Obamanation,” because it will allow the federal government to use our medical information to keep us from buying guns.
Just ask yourself:

* Was there a death in your family recently causing you to suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
* Do you take anxiety medications?
* Did you ever say: I had thoughts of suicide when I was dealing with stress at home or work or after my recent breakup?
* Have you voluntarily checked yourself into an institution to get counseling?"


Only an idiot would give the government personal information.
Every liberal idea is linked in some way to gun grabbing.
The intention is to disarm the nation in order to allow their Nambla base ease of access to your children.
Every law they think up is based in paedophile dogma.
ObamaCare Threatens Gun Owners’ Rights

"gun owners should be especially concerned about this “Obamanation,” because it will allow the federal government to use our medical information to keep us from buying guns.
Just ask yourself:

* Was there a death in your family recently causing you to suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
* Do you take anxiety medications?
* Did you ever say: I had thoughts of suicide when I was dealing with stress at home or work or after my recent breakup?
* Have you voluntarily checked yourself into an institution to get counseling?"


Only an idiot would give the government personal information.

Unfortunately in the google era there is no longer personal information. Those determined to disarm us will use any pretext.

Every liberal idea is linked in some way to gun grabbing.
The intention is to disarm the nation in order to allow their Nambla base ease of access to your children.
Every law they think up is based in paedophile dogma.

Every "liberal idea" aka, fascist program increases government power which increases tyranny which leads to disarmament.

ObamaCare Threatens Gun Owners’ Rights

"gun owners should be especially concerned about this “Obamanation,” because it will allow the federal government to use our medical information to keep us from buying guns.
Just ask yourself:

* Was there a death in your family recently causing you to suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
* Do you take anxiety medications?
* Did you ever say: I had thoughts of suicide when I was dealing with stress at home or work or after my recent breakup?
* Have you voluntarily checked yourself into an institution to get counseling?"


Only an idiot would give the government personal information.

Unfortunately in the google era there is no longer personal information. Those determined to disarm us will use any pretext.


If you're dumb enough to put your information out there then that's on you.

You apply for Obamacare you give up all your privacy rights.
Only an idiot would give the government personal information.

Unfortunately in the google era there is no longer personal information. Those determined to disarm us will use any pretext.


If you're dumb enough to put your information out there then that's on you.

You apply for Obamacare you give up all your privacy rights.


Reason I believe folks should object to any question(s) which they determine violate the self-incrimination clause .

ObamaCare Threatens Gun Owners’ Rights

"gun owners should be especially concerned about this “Obamanation,” because it will allow the federal government to use our medical information to keep us from buying guns.
Just ask yourself:

* Was there a death in your family recently causing you to suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
* Do you take anxiety medications?
* Did you ever say: I had thoughts of suicide when I was dealing with stress at home or work or after my recent breakup?
* Have you voluntarily checked yourself into an institution to get counseling?"


"Sadly, what happened to military veterans has now begun in the private sector – especially in places like New York, where they recently passed their misnamed SAFE Act.
According to gun rights reporter Dan Roberts, firearms are now being confiscated from gun owners because of their mental health information. For example:
John Doe, an upstanding professional with no outstanding criminal convictions and no history of violent action, received a letter from the Pistol Permit Department informing him that his license was immediately revoked upon information that he was seeing a therapist for anxiety and had been prescribed an anxiety drug. He was never suicidal, never violent, and has no criminal history."


That is illegal. He should sue.

It's worse than that even, the guy they took the weapons from and suspended his permit wasn't even the same guy that was having issues with anxiety! They had the same damned name and that was enough for confiscation!

Judge Orders Guns Returned to Man After Finding "Error" by State Police. | WKBW News 7: News, Sports, Weather | Buffalo, NY | Top Stories
The shit you people can come up with :cuckoo:

Why not use your over active imaginations for something useful?
The shit you people can come up with :cuckoo:

Why not use your over active imaginations for something useful?

“Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.”

—Thomas Jefferson
1st Inaugural Address, 1801


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