Obama - I don't want my daughters "punished with a baby"

I would rather have a certified teacher in our public school system teach them.

The problem is that parents around the country disagree as to how it should be taught and who it should be taught by. Doesn't teaching the children at home solve the problem ?
are you seriously so fucking retarded that you don't see the difference between a right winger saying AIDS is GOD's punishment on gays and someone saying he doesn't want his children punished with an STD because he's kept them ignorant?
pun�ish �� (pnsh) KEY �

pun�ished , pun�ish�ing , pun�ish�es

1. To subject to a penalty for an offense, sin, or fault.
2. To inflict a penalty for (an offense).
3. To handle roughly; hurt: My boots were punished by our long trek through the desert.

Punish seems to be a word with moral context.

Unless Little O meant his children would become worn out from having children. Does Obama find his children punishing on him?

Oh and BTW - regardless of whatever it is Mr. Articulate MEANT to say, it isn't his job to tell MY children about birth control. Yet, he seems determined to deprive me of my essential liberty to raise my family my way. Oh sure, I can homeschool or send them to a private school but that cuts into the public trough and progressives" hate having my--I mean--their money taken away so I get a measly deduction on my income tax but my property taxes go unamended even though I opt-out of public services.

Let's make a deal: you keep your condoms and I'll keep my money and my family.

wrong---a lot of people believe the same way she does. Do you want to send your child over to Allies house for sex ed---if no --why not ?

I wouldn't send my child over to Allies house to learn how to take out the trash.

She sounds like an uneducated dumbfuck most of the time quite honestly.

To say "i'll teach my kids that sex results in pregnancy" or whatever she said..while factually not inaccurate a baby is the LEAST of the problem at this point.

Obama has said that he wants to prevent UNWANTED pregnancy in order to reduce the number of abortions... and yet you still hear people bitching and complaining. sorry you can't have it both ways... you're either for education to prevent the pregnancy to begin with and if they don't then you can say well you were told the consequences OR you're for just letting them go out and fuck recklessly and abort their unwanted pregnancy.
Dillo said:
The problem is that parents around the country disagree as to how it should be taught and who it should be taught by. Doesn't teaching the children at home solve the problem
Why yes, yes it would.

But you won't stop this train...the train that says if a child comes from a dysfunctional home, we must accept that dysfunction, and pretend it's normal. Pretend it's normal for little girls to get pregnant; pretend it's normal for them to get abortions. Pretend it's normal for high school kids to spread STDs, and make sure you tell them, there's no right or wrong to having sex. Everyone can have it anyway they want it..and there don't have to be any consequences. We'll HELP you have sex, in fact. And we won't tell.

You guys sound like sex offenders, I swear.
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Once again, Republicans resorting to name calling and insults, I am surprised I actually know any reasonable Republicans.

I'm surprised that you think you slipped that insult by everyone.
grow a spine
Way to twist the argument. Anyone with half a brain gets it though. A woman having a baby at 17 means that she is going to sacrifice so much of life that would normally be available to her in the time between graduation from high school and eventually marrying, settling down and having a family. That's what Obama meant but his words are deliberately twisted by the propagandists.

Either way - both your argument AND his are moronic..

How is it - in ANY WAY a "punishment" to have a baby - at ANY age?
Children with Aids get it from their parents. If children have STDs, then you damn sure better start teaching them to avoid sex, and looking into their family life, because somewhere someone's sexually abusing a kid, nitwit.

But you go ahead and keep promoting child sex. I'm sure that will reduce the pain.

Allie, seriously NEVER reproduce and if you have, give them up NOW for adoption... you are too stupid to parent a child.

we're not talking about 9 and 10 year olds here! the term CHILDREN refers to people under the age of 18 in case you're to fundamentally retarded to know that.

I've been talking to my daughter about sex since she was 8 and started asked questions... she also took sex ed in 5th grade. she said it was lame cuz they didn't even really talk about anything other than periods and puberty and what happens to your body as you develop.

How is it - in ANY WAY a "punishment" to have a baby - at ANY age?

so you think it's a-ok for a 12 year old to have a baby just like it would be for a 22 year old? cuz you know...what's wrong with having a baby at ANY AGE?

baby's are hard work...a lifetime of committment and responsibility. They require around the clock care and financial support for at a minimum of 18 years. They are draining emotionally, physically and financially. A TRUE parent gives up their own life the moment they bring a child into this world, sacraficing everything for them, from new clothes to trips to sometimes even eating dinner themselves.

NOW, if the person is READY to be a parent then a child, even with all that, is a blessing. A joy to behold and a miracle unlike any other...

however, IF the person is NOT ready for all that comes with having a child, it is a punishment for making the mistake of having unprotected sex.

and newsflash dummy, children also gets AIDS through blood transfusion and other forms of bodily fluid contact. but I'm sure you like the ignorant lil cave you live in so just ignore the facts.
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I wouldn't send my child over to Allies house to learn how to take out the trash.

She sounds like an uneducated dumbfuck most of the time quite honestly.

To say "i'll teach my kids that sex results in pregnancy" or whatever she said..while factually not inaccurate a baby is the LEAST of the problem at this point.

Obama has said that he wants to prevent UNWANTED pregnancy in order to reduce the number of abortions... and yet you still hear people bitching and complaining. sorry you can't have it both ways... you're either for education to prevent the pregnancy to begin with and if they don't then you can say well you were told the consequences OR you're for just letting them go out and fuck recklessly and abort their unwanted pregnancy.

What is it about TEACHING YOU OWN KIDS that you and Obama don't understand ???
What gives you OR Obama the right to teach MY kid a damn thing about sex ?
Why do libs feel the need to take away the right of good people to teach their children sex ed?

I knwo, I know, they'll pull out the old "Some parents don't teach sex ed or use the fundie myths" argument.

First, you don't get to set the standard about what constitutes adequate sex ed in a private home even--and especially--if based on religious principle. You people remember the thing we call the Bill of Rights?

Second, you don't have the right to survey families to see if they meet the standard you have no right to set.
Allie, seriously NEVER reproduce and if you have, give them up NOW for adoption... you are too stupid to parent a child.

we're not talking about 9 and 10 year olds here! the term CHILDREN refers to people under the age of 18 in case you're to fundamentally retarded to know that.

I've been talking to my daughter about sex since she was 8 and started asked questions... she also took sex ed in 5th grade. she said it was lame cuz they didn't even really talk about anything other than periods and puberty and what happens to your body as you develop.

so you think it's a-ok for a 12 year old to have a baby just like it would be for a 22 year old? cuz you know...what's wrong with having a baby at ANY AGE?

baby's are hard work...a lifetime of committment and responsibility. They require around the clock care and financial support for at a minimum of 18 years. They are draining emotionally, physically and financially. A TRUE parent gives up their own life the moment they bring a child into this world, sacraficing everything for them, from new clothes to trips to sometimes even eating dinner themselves.

NOW, if the person is READY to be a parent then a child, even with all that, is a blessing. A joy to behold and a miracle unlike any other...

however, IF the person is NOT ready for all that comes with having a child, it is a punishment for making the mistake of having unprotected sex.

and newsflash dummy, children also gets AIDS through blood transfusion and other forms of bodily fluid contact. but I'm sure you like the ignorant lil cave you live in so just ignore the facts.

I taught mine---you teach yours----you got a problem with that ?
What is it about TEACHING YOU OWN KIDS that you and Obama don't understand ???
What gives you OR Obama the right to teach MY kid a damn thing about sex ?

For the record, I'm just wondering what gives some people on here (not saying you Dillo) or the GOP the right to say who can and can't have a marriage in this country instead of just civil unions.
What is it about TEACHING YOU OWN KIDS that you and Obama don't understand ???
What gives you OR Obama the right to teach MY kid a damn thing about sex ?

OPT OUT OF THE CLASS FOR YOUR KID YOU DUMB FUCK! what is it about your sexual hang up that you think it's wrong for OTHER parents to want sex education taught in school?

No one is saying your child MUST attend these classes... and obama said CLEARLY "I WILL TEACH THEM" FIRST MORALS..et al... now you can ignore what he said all you want but that's what he said and he clearly said YOU SHOULD TEACH THEM HOW TO MAKE GOOD DECISIONS... YOU as in the PARENT!

is this another wedge issue dillo?

Sex education has a place in our schools because kids need to be taught how to protect themselves...if YOU think you're doing a fine job then don't let your kid take the class...it's not fucking rocket science :cuckoo:
Allie, seriously NEVER reproduce and if you have, give them up NOW for adoption... you are too stupid to parent a child.

we're not talking about 9 and 10 year olds here! the term CHILDREN refers to people under the age of 18 in case you're to fundamentally retarded to know that.

I've been talking to my daughter about sex since she was 8 and started asked questions... she also took sex ed in 5th grade. she said it was lame cuz they didn't even really talk about anything other than periods and puberty and what happens to your body as you develop.

so you think it's a-ok for a 12 year old to have a baby just like it would be for a 22 year old? cuz you know...what's wrong with having a baby at ANY AGE?

baby's are hard work...a lifetime of committment and responsibility. They require around the clock care and financial support for at a minimum of 18 years. They are draining emotionally, physically and financially. A TRUE parent gives up their own life the moment they bring a child into this world, sacraficing everything for them, from new clothes to trips to sometimes even eating dinner themselves.

NOW, if the person is READY to be a parent then a child, even with all that, is a blessing. A joy to behold and a miracle unlike any other...

however, IF the person is NOT ready for all that comes with having a child, it is a punishment for making the mistake of having unprotected sex.

and newsflash dummy, children also gets AIDS through blood transfusion and other forms of bodily fluid contact. but I'm sure you like the ignorant lil cave you live in so just ignore the facts.

There you have it, a "pro-choice" libtard telling the rest of the world when and how they should have children.

Tell me again how it's those of us who value and love children who are trying to force anything on anyone.

"Not being ready" is not a reason to kill a wife, a husband, or a child.

I was under the impression that in the US we test our blood for AIDS these days, and blood-transmitted aids via transfusions was a thing of the past.

I have 4 children, and one grandchild. All beautiful, intelligent kids.
The problem is that parents around the country disagree as to how it should be taught and who it should be taught by. Doesn't teaching the children at home solve the problem ?
If you don't want your kids taught sex education at school, make a phone call and tell the school.

Why is this so difficult for you?
There you have it, a "pro-choice" libtard telling the rest of the world when and how they should have children.

Tell me again how it's those of us who value and love children who are trying to force anything on anyone.

"Not being ready" is not a reason to kill a wife, a husband, or a child.

I was under the impression that in the US we test our blood for AIDS these days, and blood-transmitted aids via transfusions was a thing of the past.

I have 4 children, and one grandchild. All beautiful, intelligent kids.

not ready is why they take precaution... so it doesn't happen in the first place.....

and now you've jumped from abortion to killing wives and husbands? you guys really are retarded.

tainted blood still gets through allie, nothing is 100% fool proof... it doesn't happen often but it does happen.

as for your kids congrats..I'm gonna guess it has more to do with outside influence than it does you just based on the interactions we've had on this board...
What is it about TEACHING YOU OWN KIDS that you and Obama don't understand ???
What gives you OR Obama the right to teach MY kid a damn thing about sex ?
None whatsoever. So opt out.

Though, with your hysterical fear, it might be better for your kids.

I tell mine to avoid the kids that don't take sex ed like the plague.

OPT OUT OF THE CLASS FOR YOUR KID YOU DUMB FUCK! what is it about your sexual hang up that you think it's wrong for OTHER parents to want sex education taught in school?

No one is saying your child MUST attend these classes... and obama said CLEARLY "I WILL TEACH THEM" FIRST MORALS..et al... now you can ignore what he said all you want but that's what he said and he clearly said YOU SHOULD TEACH THEM HOW TO MAKE GOOD DECISIONS... YOU as in the PARENT!

is this another wedge issue dillo?

Sex education has a place in our schools because kids need to be taught how to protect themselves...if YOU think you're doing a fine job then don't let your kid take the class...it's not fucking rocket science :cuckoo:

no--sex education was put in schools because parents were to afraid to do it and liberals wanted it to be taught in a particular way.
If a school taught abstinence, liberals would flip out.
I'll make you a deal-----if all schools teach is abstinence I'm all for it. If all schools tell the parents to teach the importance of teaching their children about sex, I'm all for it.
WTF wedge issue ? You don't even know what you're talking about.
Either way - both your argument AND his are moronic..

How is it - in ANY WAY a "punishment" to have a baby - at ANY age?

well, unless you consider limited educational and economic prospects punishment, or the increased probability of being a single parent household punishment- practically none.

i'm not an Obama supporter, and I've enjoyed busting stones about the whole lipstick thing, i have to ask you-

are you this stupid in real life? you think teen pregnancy is a good thing? you think gov Palin is just thrilled about this?

get a grip
None whatsoever. So opt out.

Though, with your hysterical fear, it might be better for your kids.

I tell mine to avoid the kids that don't take sex ed like the plague.


fine--have your kids opt out of religous classes in school.

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