Obama - I don't want my daughters "punished with a baby"

If you don't want your kids taught sex education at school, make a phone call and tell the school.

Why is this so difficult for you?

Sex ed is one thing. I have no problem with my 11 year old girl having a class where the form and function of her body is taught, and my 14 year old being taught how babies are made.

As far as teaching children where and how to obtain and use contraceptives, the "truth" about abortion, and homosexuality...all with a "it's okay" attitude, screw that. Teach it to your own kids. It doesn't belong in the classroom any more than Hail Mary belongs in the classroom. If you want it, send your kids to a private school that specializes in teaching your children the nitty gritty about every form of sex there is, and gives instructions for each and every sex act.
None whatsoever. So opt out.

Though, with your hysterical fear, it might be better for your kids.

I tell mine to avoid the kids that don't take sex ed like the plague.


it's a public school--why should anything go on there that my child should have to "opt out" of ?

I tell mine to avoid the kids that don't take sex ed like the plague.

EXACTLY--you don't want your kids "contaminated". Best of luck !!:lol:
tell me this...how can the same people who want to ban abortions...put this bumpersticker on their suv's.

"if you cant feed 'em dont breed em"

abortion has existed since women figured out how to do it. herbs were used for centuries....back street abortions....etc...you wont stop abortion even by outlawing them....you will just make health care a lot harder for women.
Sex ed is one thing. I have no problem with my 11 year old girl having a class where the form and function of her body is taught, and my 14 year old being taught how babies are made.

As far as teaching children where and how to obtain and use contraceptives, the "truth" about abortion, and homosexuality...all with a "it's okay" attitude, screw that. Teach it to your own kids. It doesn't belong in the classroom any more than Hail Mary belongs in the classroom. If you want it, send your kids to a private school that specializes in teaching your children the nitty gritty about every form of sex there is, and gives instructions for each and every sex act.

this attitude is why i quit teaching sex education in public schools. LISTEN UP YOU IDIOTS...ITS NOT ABOUT HERPES ANYMORE. kids die from having unsafe sex...from not knowing the difference....hell adults hardly know what consists of "safe sex".....they just tell kids...no sex...well that aint working.
I would rather teach kids the truth than tell them lies...sorry. a lot of the problem is the parents dont have the skills needed to discuss sexuality.
If they die from having unsafe sex, we must assume that sex is unsafe and therefore STOP TEACHING THEM IT'S OK.

Like I said, I don't care about teaching the mechanics. I don't even care about the county clinics providing contraceptives. But I do mind the way it's promoted and marketed in the classroom.

And that's what it is. Promotion and marketing. You tell kids that their folks might not like it, but it's natural and not wrong..they're going to jump at that. You tell kids they might die...but you have ways around it...they're going to jump at that.

You tell kids this is the way it works, and let their parents decide how to deal with the rest of it.
If they die from having unsafe sex, we must assume that sex is unsafe and therefore STOP TEACHING THEM IT'S OK.

Like I said, I don't care about teaching the mechanics. I don't even care about the county clinics providing contraceptives. But I do mind the way it's promoted and marketed in the classroom.

And that's what it is. Promotion and marketing. You tell kids that their folks might not like it, but it's natural and not wrong..they're going to jump at that. You tell kids they might die...but you have ways around it...they're going to jump at that.

You tell kids this is the way it works, and let their parents decide how to deal with the rest of it.

Sex ed isn't saying, 'here kids go crazy', it is teaching young adults about AIDS and birth control. The truth is, they will do it if you tell them about it or not. I would rather take precautions to stop the spread of STD's, lets say by giving classes to 16 year old's in high school.
You stop STDs by not having sex. Pretty much puts the kabosh to it.

The rest is just window dressing for permissive behavior, and removal of consequence.
You stop STDs by not having sex. Pretty much puts the kabosh to it.

The rest is just window dressing for permissive behavior, and removal of consequence.

Every child does something behind their parent's back. When your child is out of the house, in their 20's, they are in a situatino where others may be telling them it is ok. Ignorance is bliss, but if you stay ignorant enough you get hurt.
All kids play with matches. We don't need a class to teach them how to make bombs safely.
All kids play with matches. We don't need a class to teach them how to make bombs safely.

That is a ridiculus comparision. So we should not bother telling our kids the stove is hot with the hope they will not burn their hands?
Every child does something behind their parent's back. When your child is out of the house, in their 20's, they are in a situatino where others may be telling them it is ok. Ignorance is bliss, but if you stay ignorant enough you get hurt.

MY child is not YOUR responsibilty.

It's like talking to a goat.

No, you tell them the stove will hurt them. You don't tell them the stove is hot, wink, wink, but they can play with it, wink, wink, if they use a dishtowel over their hand.

You tell them not to play with matches, or they'll hurt themselves. You don't explain why fire burns, then teach them ways to avoid being burned while playing with matches, and give them the equipment they need to play.

Children shouldn't have sex. Period. If they do, it's #1, ILLEGAL, #2, dangerous, and #3, they aren't psychologically ready for it.

So explain to me why we teach them HOW to have sex, and tell them it's okay?

Have abortions gone down? Why no, we have more abortions than ever.
And out-of-wedlock births sky rocketed with the onset of sex education. Explain to me how, then, anyone can argue that sex ed helps?
this attitude is why i quit teaching sex education in public schools. LISTEN UP YOU IDIOTS...ITS NOT ABOUT HERPES ANYMORE. kids die from having unsafe sex...from not knowing the difference....hell adults hardly know what consists of "safe sex".....they just tell kids...no sex...well that aint working.
I would rather teach kids the truth than tell them lies...sorry. a lot of the problem is the parents dont have the skills needed to discuss sexuality.

Then make sex education mandatory for PARENTS !

It's like talking to a goat.

No, you tell them the stove will hurt them. You don't tell them the stove is hot, wink, wink, but they can play with it, wink, wink, if they use a dishtowel over their hand.

You tell them not to play with matches, or they'll hurt themselves. You don't explain why fire burns, then teach them ways to avoid being burned while playing with matches, and give them the equipment they need to play.

Children shouldn't have sex. Period. If they do, it's #1, ILLEGAL, #2, dangerous, and #3, they aren't psychologically ready for it.

So explain to me why we teach them HOW to have sex, and tell them it's okay?

Have abortions gone down? Why no, we have more abortions than ever.
And out-of-wedlock births sky rocketed with the onset of sex education. Explain to me how, then, anyone can argue that sex ed helps?

Are you that sheltered that you believe kids do not do it anyway? What if you child needs to cook? Do they just not do it because of the possibility of getting hurt? Talking to a goat... I admire your command of the english language.
Once again. Slowly for the peanut gallery...

Just because they do it doesn't mean we put the stamp of approval on it.
Are you that sheltered that you believe kids do not do it anyway? What if you child needs to cook? Do they just not do it because of the possibility of getting hurt? Talking to a goat... I admire your command of the english language.

oh boy--I love this one---all kids fuck. :cool:
Once again. Slowly for the peanut gallery...

Just because they do it doesn't mean we put the stamp of approval on it.

You are right, we should not. We should preach abstinance as a first choice, but what if they are in their 20's and looking for some fun because their friends talk about it? Just answer me that.

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