Obama - I don't want my daughters "punished with a baby"

You are right, we should not. We should preach abstinance as a first choice, but what if they are in their 20's and looking for some fun because their friends talk about it? Just answer me that.

Then if they're stupid enough to buck what they've been taught and get knocked up, they'll have the joy of a baby to mature them.
Then if they're stupid enough to buck what they've been taught and get knocked up, they'll have the joy of a baby to mature them.

You are sick. I am sorry, but I don't want to hear any more from you about this. Think of the child, being raised in a broken home...imagine what kind of generation that will cause.

Another example of his less-than-stellar candid speaking ability. Like the guns and religion, and the lipstick comment.

I guess his exasperation gets the upper hand sometimes, but hey we're all human. I really don't believe he meant that babies are a bad thing. Most parents that truly think babies are a bad thing are pretty easy to spot, least in my limited experience.
fine--have your kids opt out of religous classes in school.
I would, if it was constitutional to teach religion in school...and I bet you would, too, if you didn't agree with the theology.

So, why do you have a problem opting out of sex ed?
Another example of his less-than-stellar candid speaking ability. Like the guns and religion, and the lipstick comment.

I guess his exasperation gets the upper hand sometimes, but hey we're all human. I really don't believe he meant that babies are a bad thing. Most parents that truly think babies are a bad thing are pretty easy to spot, least in my limited experience.

He meant he didn't want to have his daughters 'cursed' with an uxpected surprise. But 'blessed' with a childwhen they are ready.
Sex ed is one thing. I have no problem with my 11 year old girl having a class where the form and function of her body is taught, and my 14 year old being taught how babies are made.

As far as teaching children where and how to obtain and use contraceptives, the "truth" about abortion, and homosexuality...all with a "it's okay" attitude, screw that. Teach it to your own kids. It doesn't belong in the classroom any more than Hail Mary belongs in the classroom. If you want it, send your kids to a private school that specializes in teaching your children the nitty gritty about every form of sex there is, and gives instructions for each and every sex act.
Again, if you don't want them to learn it at school, let the school know. There is no school in the country that would force sex ed on your kid.
it's a public school--why should anything go on there that my child should have to "opt out" of ?

EXACTLY--you don't want your kids "contaminated". Best of luck !!:lol:
I don't agree with everything the public schools teach, either. If your goal is to stop teaching science in school, go for it.
Another example of his less-than-stellar candid speaking ability. Like the guns and religion, and the lipstick comment.

I guess his exasperation gets the upper hand sometimes, but hey we're all human. I really don't believe he meant that babies are a bad thing. Most parents that truly think babies are a bad thing are pretty easy to spot, least in my limited experience.

Well---I suggest that all those who were outraged over Bush's speaking ability take a good look at Obama blunders cause you're going to hear them all over again. You may want to find a different favorite thing about him.
Well---I suggest that all those who were outraged over Bush's speaking ability take a good look at Obama blunders cause you're going to hear them all over again. You may want to find a different favorite thing about him.

What is your favorite thing about McCAin?
That is one of the reasons I do not like McCain. Most of Palin's speech was bashing Obama saying that all the does is bash McCain, the rest is not even about her policies.

ahh you hate women huh ? :lol:
Have abortions gone down? Why no, we have more abortions than ever.

I don't think that is right, but if it is I would be interested to see a link.

My understanding is that education and general improvement in socioeconomic status has reduced abortion steadily since the 1970's. One advantage of an Obama presidency is that he believes that improving the economy will enable more women currently in poverty to choose life, ie reduce abortion.
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ahh you hate women huh ? :lol:

Not at all. If I did, I would start with 'It's not even because she is a woman.' I just do not like her personality, she speaks so well, but a lot of it is not true. She has the power to speak her thoughts but she is using it instead to degrade others. That is why...
Not at all. If I did, I would start with 'It's not even because she is a woman.' I just do not like her personality, she speaks so well, but a lot of it is not true. She has the power to speak her thoughts but she is using it instead to degrade others. That is why...

I'm afraid that for now she is told what to say and where to say it. Let's sneak her into Washington before they realize what happened.
Well---I suggest that all those who were outraged over Bush's speaking ability take a good look at Obama blunders cause you're going to hear them all over again. You may want to find a different favorite thing about him.

I suspect it (a person's feeling of trust in a candidate or familiarity with their general ideology or just simply "liking them") boils down a to a few things like whether they speak in a familiar way, and you're right - Obama may be as bad at Obamisms as Bush has been at Bushisms.

They've all said stupid things - Hillary had the bobby kennedy comment, McCain the seven houses thing, Palin has a new stupid thing most days.

I noticed McCain would say things like Amurcan and nucular on the campaign trail - he didn't used to say stuff like that and I wonder if he picked it up to appeal to a different slice of the electorate. Obama does it to, sounding more educated on some occasions, and more (dare I say it) black on others.

There's a hell of a lot of 'nonissues' in campaigning, but we can try.
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