Obama immigration shift a hit with voters, says new poll

Someone who was brought here as a child, or who was born here, is not a criminal.

Try again.

who is talking about the ones who were born here asswipe??

so if daddy robs a bank and gives his kid who through no fault of his own hit a bonanza we should let him keep his ill gotten gains??

Great illustration. The LAW is the LAW.

it would just be cruel to take what was gained through thievery away from an innocent kid... think about it.. parents stole into the country illegally, purchased or stole illegal id, have voted in elections, got on the public teat, (hard working American kids had to pay taxes to support these criminals) and iberals want to reward their offspring? Really?
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I'm liberal but I disagree with Obama here. Yes it would be difficult for those kids to be deported, and I hope in the future we strengthen our immigration so that there are not millions squeezing through the cracks, but America is not liable for people across the world being "traumatized" even if they are not US citizens.

The parents illegally entered the country and it is insane for them to think "well we had five kids here and even though we entered illegally our children MUST get access to all the financial assistant any other American should." Sorry, but its not the fault of the American people, its the fault of the people who entered the country illegally and lived illegally for years.

I mean theres eventually a point where a country can only take in so many new people. People always say "oh well the illegals take the jobs no one else wants" but if you keep having millions upon millions of illegal aliens entering the country then, as you learn in macroeconomics, the system starts to become disbalanced.

I don't like pandering to the vote of people who are ILLEGAL aliens, and there families and friends who want access to the benefits of being American citizens.
It's still unconstitutional for obozo to simply refuse to enforce laws passed by congress. The constitution says the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed."
It's still unconstitutional for obozo to simply refuse to enforce laws passed by congress. The constitution says the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

As much as I hate to agree with one who sucks off goats, he is correct.
yes, it was, the program is for only 2 years. I would have prefferred to see high penalties for the people that hire the illegals.

I would prefer to see higher penalties all around on it... employers definitely.. but also ramping up on enforcing current immigration laws and ramping up the rounding up and deporting of illegals in this contry
"Poll shows", "study says" "according to some people"

Those are all "Weasel Words."

I'm sure we can do a poll now and it will prove that moonglow is a troll, then I can write a post complete with "weasel words" that says "Poll Shows Moonglow Is a Troll."

The poll really said that 64% of Americans don't think that the illegals brought here as children are criminals. The question wasn't asked whether they should receive the benefit of parental wrongdoing.

If a child really wants a bicycle and daddy steals one and gets caught, does the kid get to keep the bicycle because he didn't steal it himself?
If republicans decide to stand against these people, it's a losing position for them. Don't forget hispanics are a ever growing slice of the electorate, and it is actually very reasonable to let them stay since they have lived in America almost their entire lifes. Just get over it and move forward.
It's a prickly problem. You have a young adult who was raised here, and either has no memory of the homeland his or her parents brought him or her from, or has never even been to that country. He or she may not even speak any other language than English, with no trace of an accent.


Nothing prickly about it. We should deport anyone known to be here illegally - no exceptions. And besides 90% of the people who apply for this amnesty will be lying and obozo will tell the aministrators to take their word on it anyway.
The poll showed that relatively few respondents surveyed consider immigration their top issue amid continued economic anxiety, with 4 percent of voters naming it as their leading concern.

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It warrants repeating...

4 percent of voters naming it as their leading concern.
I could care less if 100% of the 4% said it was a good thing. It only weighs highly in the minds of 4 fucking % of the respondents. Big deal.
If republicans decide to stand against these people, it's a losing position for them. Don't forget hispanics are a ever growing slice of the electorate, and it is actually very reasonable to let them stay since they have lived in America almost their entire lifes. Just get over it and move forward.

Oh hell honey, we are over it. What obummer did yesterday is way more detrimental to the black population of America. waaaay more.
If republicans decide to stand against these people, it's a losing position for them. Don't forget hispanics are a ever growing slice of the electorate, and it is actually very reasonable to let them stay since they have lived in America almost their entire lifes. Just get over it and move forward.

We don't know how long they've been in america and there's no way to prove it. You can buy school documents on every street corner. The fraud here will be incredible and this talk of 800,000 is a lie. It will be ten times that.

Why can't we have a president who will enforce the law?. DEPORT ALL KNOWN ILLEGALS - NO EXCEPTIONS.
The poll showed that relatively few respondents surveyed consider immigration their top issue amid continued economic anxiety, with 4 percent of voters naming it as their leading concern.

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It warrants repeating...

4 percent of voters naming it as their leading concern.
I could care less if 100% of the 4% said it was a good thing. It only weighs highly in the minds of 4 fucking % of the respondents. Big deal.

No, your interpretation is why President Obama will have a second term. 4% said it was a prime concern. That did not mean that the other 96% was not in favor of it. Seems that a very high percentage of the other 96% is in favor of it, even if it is not a prime concern. And the reactions of those that are once again doing the "Let him die, let him die" type of reaction are definately alienating many moderates and independents for whom this is not an issue.
Someone who was brought here as a child, or who was born here, is not a criminal.

Try again.

who is talking about the ones who were born here asswipe??

so if daddy robs a bank and gives his kid who through no fault of his own hit a bonanza we should let him keep his ill gotten gains??

If daddy used the money to get the kid a private school education, you going to remove his brain?
Someone who was brought here as a child, or who was born here, is not a criminal.

Try again.

who is talking about the ones who were born here asswipe??

so if daddy robs a bank and gives his kid who through no fault of his own hit a bonanza we should let him keep his ill gotten gains??

If daddy used the money to get the kid a private school education, you going to remove his brain?

so passing ill gotten gains to the kids is a okay?? good then you won't level an inheritance tax on them will ewe?
So the govt knew that there are exactly 800, 000 illegal immigrants here brought as children or whatever they say, and didn't do anything about it? What about the illegals that that will come tomorrow and after? How will they be able to tell who is who? The immigration policy of both parties is just a huge joke.

Indeed they are. The immigration quotas were not high enough to satisfy the labor demand. If they had been, the labor immigrants could have been easily tracked and paying taxes and supporting their presence.

We created the problem we have today through sheer stupidity.
President Barack Obama's high-profile shift on immigration last week—announcing plans to grant temporary legal status to as many as 800,000 undocumented people brought to American soil as children—has the overwhelming support of likely voters in a new Bloomberg poll released Tuesday.

Sixty-four percent of them—and 66 percent of independents, the frequently up-for-grabs voters thought to decide elections—support the president's decision. The White House has forcefully (and rather implausibly) denied that Obama sought political gain from his announcement. But as recently as March 2011, he had said publicly that he lacked the power to halt such deportations.

The Bloomberg survey found that just 30 percent of likely voters disagreed with the president's plan. Fifty-six percent of likely Republican voters opposed it, while 86 percent of Democrats supported it. Just 26 percent of independents sided with the Republican majority in the poll.

The results surely cheered Obama's re-election campaign, which has been working to reassemble the victorious coalition that powered his history-making 2008 win—but it faces an uphill fight in the face of deep pessimism about the economy.
Obama immigration shift a hit with voters, says new poll | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Oblama blackens repubs eye
This should be no surprise. Voters have been against harsh treatment of undocumented immigrants for years. They have strongly opposed deportation as a solutions and have favored the Dream Act
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It warrants repeating...

4 percent of voters naming it as their leading concern.
I could care less if 100% of the 4% said it was a good thing. It only weighs highly in the minds of 4 fucking % of the respondents. Big deal.

No, your interpretation is why President Obama will have a second term. 4% said it was a prime concern. That did not mean that the other 96% was not in favor of it. Seems that a very high percentage of the other 96% is in favor of it, even if it is not a prime concern. And the reactions of those that are once again doing the "Let him die, let him die" type of reaction are definately alienating many moderates and independents for whom this is not an issue.

But it DID mean that 96% rank other issues as more pressing concerns, and therefore, will weigh their votes more based on those other issues than this one.
who is talking about the ones who were born here asswipe??

so if daddy robs a bank and gives his kid who through no fault of his own hit a bonanza we should let him keep his ill gotten gains??

If daddy used the money to get the kid a private school education, you going to remove his brain?

so passing ill gotten gains to the kids is a okay??

The kid should not be punished for the stupidity of our government's past policies. Your analogy is flawed. You would throw a kid in jail because his dad was a bank robber.
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It warrants repeating...

4 percent of voters naming it as their leading concern.
I could care less if 100% of the 4% said it was a good thing. It only weighs highly in the minds of 4 fucking % of the respondents. Big deal.

No, your interpretation is why President Obama will have a second term. 4% said it was a prime concern. That did not mean that the other 96% was not in favor of it. Seems that a very high percentage of the other 96% is in favor of it, even if it is not a prime concern. And the reactions of those that are once again doing the "Let him die, let him die" type of reaction are definately alienating many moderates and independents for whom this is not an issue.

4% means its a rounding error as a key issue

Surely, even you can see that
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It warrants repeating...

4 percent of voters naming it as their leading concern.
I could care less if 100% of the 4% said it was a good thing. It only weighs highly in the minds of 4 fucking % of the respondents. Big deal.

No, your interpretation is why President Obama will have a second term. 4% said it was a prime concern. That did not mean that the other 96% was not in favor of it. Seems that a very high percentage of the other 96% is in favor of it, even if it is not a prime concern. And the reactions of those that are once again doing the "Let him die, let him die" type of reaction are definately alienating many moderates and independents for whom this is not an issue.

oh the dramatics are touching...it' says it's NOT a top concern for most people so how does that equate into Obama winning a second term?
are you so desperate to think people don't have BIGGER concerns, like jobs, the economy, etc ...this was just another distraction by the administration...we'll see IF IT WORKS

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