Obama in 2011: ‘We’re Leaving Behind a Sovereign, Stable and Self-Reliant Iraq’


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Now Islamo terrorists control half of Iraq and is on the offense around the world.

The only reason we are discussing Syrian refugees is because of Obamas non existent foreign policy.
The extent of Obama's foreign policy is to let as many Islamic terrorists into our country as possible.
Well, it's not like the all-ah-mucky govt W installed was ever going to succeed. But, I do agree that the reason the Caliphate still exists, is that Obama got his wonderful Nobel Peace Prize for leaving Iraq; he saved the American automakers and staved off a depression (albeit with the Bernank doing the heavy lifting besides the auto bailout); he's got nationbuilding underway in Afghan with greatly reduced US troop levels, and Obamacare survives, and always will in some form, SO now Obama almost seems to resent the intrusion of ISIS that detracts from his victory lap on his way to building his library.

And both Hill and Adam Schiff have broken with Obama and call for more special forces and a safe zone, and I think Hillary wants to openly confront Putin over Assad. All of which is long overdue.
Well, it's not like the all-ah-mucky govt W installed was ever going to succeed. But, I do agree that the reason the Caliphate still exists, is that Obama got his wonderful Nobel Peace Prize for leaving Iraq; he saved the American automakers and staved off a depression (albeit with the Bernank doing the heavy lifting besides the auto bailout); he's got nationbuilding underway in Afghan with greatly reduced US troop levels, and Obamacare survives, and always will in some form, SO now Obama almost seems to resent the intrusion of ISIS that detracts from his victory lap on his way to building his library.

And both Hill and Adam Schiff have broken with Obama and call for more special forces and a safe zone, and I think Hillary wants to openly confront Putin over Assad. All of which is long overdue.
He got the Nobel peace price for leaving Iraq? Maybe you should go back in time. He got it for no reason.
Well, it's not like the all-ah-mucky govt W installed was ever going to succeed. But, I do agree that the reason the Caliphate still exists, is that Obama got his wonderful Nobel Peace Prize for leaving Iraq; he saved the American automakers and staved off a depression (albeit with the Bernank doing the heavy lifting besides the auto bailout); he's got nationbuilding underway in Afghan with greatly reduced US troop levels, and Obamacare survives, and always will in some form, SO now Obama almost seems to resent the intrusion of ISIS that detracts from his victory lap on his way to building his library.

And both Hill and Adam Schiff have broken with Obama and call for more special forces and a safe zone, and I think Hillary wants to openly confront Putin over Assad. All of which is long overdue.
He got the Nobel peace price for leaving Iraq? Maybe you should go back in time. He got it for no reason.
Irony is not your strong point.
These people are so sad that more Americans aren't dying in Iraq defending Iraqis who won't defend themselves.

It's chilling.
(A) Obama was following the time line established by the Bush administration
(B) What kind of buffoon thinks any global situation stays exactly the same for four years? :wtf:
(A) Obama was following the time line established by the Bush administration
(B) What kind of buffoon thinks any global situation stays exactly the same for four years? :wtf:
Thanks for admitting that Obama isn't a leader. If he was you wouldn't be blaming Bush.
Well, it's not like the all-ah-mucky govt W installed was ever going to succeed. But, I do agree that the reason the Caliphate still exists, is that Obama got his wonderful Nobel Peace Prize for leaving Iraq; he saved the American automakers and staved off a depression (albeit with the Bernank doing the heavy lifting besides the auto bailout); he's got nationbuilding underway in Afghan with greatly reduced US troop levels, and Obamacare survives, and always will in some form, SO now Obama almost seems to resent the intrusion of ISIS that detracts from his victory lap on his way to building his library.

And both Hill and Adam Schiff have broken with Obama and call for more special forces and a safe zone, and I think Hillary wants to openly confront Putin over Assad. All of which is long overdue.

Could you explain how GWB controlled the democratic elections in Iraq? Please?
(A) Obama was following the time line established by the Bush administration
(B) What kind of buffoon thinks any global situation stays exactly the same for four years? :wtf:

A) Where else did Obama follow Bush's time table? And wasn't the left crowing about how OBAMA ended the Iraq war? If done on Bush's time table shouldn't Bush get the credit for ending it? Then Obama the blame for the disaster happening today?

B) Apparently Obama thinks things don't change. What doesn't change is blaming Bush. ISIS formed as a more or less social club in Iraq, that is true. But by all reports ISIS had minimum effect and limited recruiting. Then they moved to Syria where they were well armed by the US. After that they were able to capture US arms in Iraq which Obama failed to move, or destroy. Yes, Bush could have also but our troops were still in Iraq when Bush left.

Bottom line, Obama's good intentions have set the world on fire.
(A) Obama was following the time line established by the Bush administration
(B) What kind of buffoon thinks any global situation stays exactly the same for four years? :wtf:
Thanks for admitting that Obama isn't a leader. If he was you wouldn't be blaming Bush.

Obama couldn't come into office and magically make all of Bush's messes disappear. You don't acquire a burnt out building,

wave a magic wand, and set up for business the next day.
Can you imagine the RWnuts propaganda histrionics if Obama had contrived to keep thousands of troops in Iraq,

against the will of the American people, the Iraqi people, and the Iraqi government?

Yes you can imagine that, which is why you know their bitching about the actual outcome is purely ODS.
Guess the op forgot about the SOFA treaty which was signed all american forces out of Iraq by 12-31-11, BY BUSH!!!

I don't remember Obama ever voting to invade Iraq??

Gee I thought Rumsfeld said in 2002 it would only be a 2 week war???

Whatever happened to those WMDS??

Mission accomplished??? LOL!!

Whatever hapenend to Condi's mushroom cloud???

Didn't Cheyney say the insurgents were dying out in 2005??

I thought we were going to be greeted as Liberators????, LOL..

I guess ISIS ate up Bushies freedom fries??

As long as American wants to be the Worlds police, we will continue to be stuck in 20-30 year Wars, and Trillions in debt, those fucking Repugs and Tea Maggots Complain about debt, but yet love war?? WTF??

If that fucking dumbshit drunk motherfucker BUSH had NEVER invaded Iraq there would be no ISIS today!!!
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(A) Obama was following the time line established by the Bush administration
(B) What kind of buffoon thinks any global situation stays exactly the same for four years? :wtf:
Thanks for admitting that Obama isn't a leader. If he was you wouldn't be blaming Bush.

Obama couldn't come into office and magically make all of Bush's messes disappear. You don't acquire a burnt out building,

wave a magic wand, and set up for business the next day.
I could do it in less than seven years and take credit for it. Not like Obama, screw it up and blame someone else.

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