Obama In Germany: Europe Has Achieved Pinnacle Of Human Well Being

Of course Obamination loves Europe; they have the same dehumanizing hatred of Americans and love for Islam cock as he does! They deserve each other.
He is late with his insight. We´re just gambling our wealth away.
The funniest part is the sheep are told on one hand theyre goin to be replaced by robots and automation stop blaming immigrants while at the same time they need massive immigration to fill jobs .

they'll actually repeat it

a lot of Europeans never shook the serf mentality but thats another thread
wait i forgot

Europe Has Achieved Pinnacle Of Human Well Being


Of course! The Coward Continent is so "enlightened" they now pimp out their own little girls to muslim pedophile networks...........because the past 15 or 20 centuries of history proves that Europe has never met a Jew-killer it wouldn't cocksuck. And as someone who has studied Pisslam for years, it is the most praised-by-Hitler, Jew-exterminating, rape-happy, beheading-fetish, most demonstrable ideology of pure HATE on this planet. This American isn't surprised in the slightest that the Eurotrash filth of my race sucks enough Islam cock to coat the entire surface of the moon with a layer of muslim semen several inches thick. Once a Nazi whore, always a Nazi whore that despicable continent is.

Eurotrash violently hate Americans for the exact same reason they violently hate Jews: they have a psycho-paranoid reaction to anyone they perceive as "wealthier" and more powerful than Eurotrash; and the Freudian proof is that every time Eurotrash spew degrading hatred at either Americans or Jews, they immediately start sniveling about how much they hate Capitalism and the idea of wealth......come on, if that's not a monetary jealousy, what the fuck is?
The Pinnacle of Human Well Being???

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

I'm sure the dead and those raped by members of the death cult that Europe has shoveled in by the boatload would disagree.
He is late with his insight. We´re just gambling our wealth away.
The funniest part is the sheep are told on one hand theyre goin to be replaced by robots and automation stop blaming immigrants while at the same time they need massive immigration to fill jobs .

they'll actually repeat it

a lot of Europeans never shook the serf mentality but thats another thread

The problem for Europe is the ones that did shake that mentality came over here.

The problem for us is that their descendants have forgotten the reasons they left Europe in the first place.

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