Obama Increased Real Defense Spending by More Than 10 Percent

Harry Reid has refused to permit the Federal government to budget for going on 4 years now.

Nobody should be surprised it has careened out of control.
President Barack Obama increased inflation-adjusted Department of Defense spending by 10 percent--even while ending the war in Iraq.

That is more than the automatic cut in defense spending that will take place in January if Obama and Congress do not agree to a new spending-and-debt-limit deal.

Obama Increased Real Defense Spending by More Than 10 Percent | CNS News

...to artificially increase GDP before the election. But why are you crowing about this? Do YOU support higher military spending?
President Barack Obama increased inflation-adjusted Department of Defense spending by 10 percent--even while ending the war in Iraq.

That is more than the automatic cut in defense spending that will take place in January if Obama and Congress do not agree to a new spending-and-debt-limit deal.

Obama Increased Real Defense Spending by More Than 10 Percent | CNS News

...to artificially increase GDP before the election. But why are you crowing about this? Do YOU support higher military spending?

I am merely posting it. You decide how you feel about it. Where is the sentence you hightlighted? I read the article three times.
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10%? Wow. I dont hear the right wing bitching about that HUGE increase in federal spending. We already have, BY FAR, the largest military in the world. Hell, just the military forces in Texas would be one of the worlds strongest militaries.

And with all the waste, fraud and duplication of service in the govt and military, we balloon it 10%?

GOP, where is the whining about this?
sheesh....here we go again with Birther CNS saying that the defense spending in fiscal 2009 belongs to Obama EVEN THOUGH it was president bush's budget.

From 2002-2009 fiscal budgets belong to president Bush....you can't give president Bush 7 years of responsibility and Obama 9 years for an 8 year period....as CNS News is....

So, what are the figures for defense increases from 2009, Bush's last fiscal year through now?

also, wasn't a good part of the defense budget increased due to Obama giving the VA more money for our vets? do you want that spending to go away and just leave our wounded vets by the wayside?
The point beretta is making, I believe, is that if we go over the fiscal cliff in January, the cuts to defense which will occur add up to less than the amount defense spending was increased under Obama.

In other words, it won't be the end of the world for the DoD. The sun will still come up the next day, and no tanks will be repossessed by Bain Capital.

sheesh....here we go again with Birther CNS saying that the defense spending in fiscal 2009 belongs to Obama EVEN THOUGH it was president bush's budget.

From 2002-2009 fiscal budgets belong to president Bush....you can't give president Bush 7 years of responsibility and Obama 9 years for an 8 year period....as CNS News is....

So, what are the figures for defense increases from 2009, Bush's last fiscal year through now?

also, wasn't a good part of the defense budget increased due to Obama giving the VA more money for our vets? do you want that spending to go away and just leave our wounded vets by the wayside?
You could shitcan the Joint Strike Fighter and the Osprey money pits, spend that money on veterans, and have change left over.
10%? Wow. I dont hear the right wing bitching about that HUGE increase in federal spending. We already have, BY FAR, the largest military in the world. Hell, just the military forces in Texas would be one of the worlds strongest militaries.

And with all the waste, fraud and duplication of service in the govt and military, we balloon it 10%?

GOP, where is the whining about this?

Did Obama go after any of that waste, fraud and duplication?
Welcome to baseline budgeting!

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sheesh....here we go again with Birther CNS saying that the defense spending in fiscal 2009 belongs to Obama EVEN THOUGH it was president bush's budget.

From 2002-2009 fiscal budgets belong to president Bush....you can't give president Bush 7 years of responsibility and Obama 9 years for an 8 year period....as CNS News is....

So, what are the figures for defense increases from 2009, Bush's last fiscal year through now?

also, wasn't a good part of the defense budget increased due to Obama giving the VA more money for our vets? do you want that spending to go away and just leave our wounded vets by the wayside?

Booooooooooooosh! At least he had a budget if nothing else.
sheesh....here we go again with Birther CNS saying that the defense spending in fiscal 2009 belongs to Obama EVEN THOUGH it was president bush's budget.

All Pelosi-Reid-Obama's doing.

Right down the fucking line including the signatures.

You freeloaders simply refuse to take responsibility for anything that you do.

'Feb 26, 2009

President calls for fiscal responsibility and hard choices, but not yet.

Washington, DC - President Obama’s $3.5 trillion 2009 budget will spend money today and burden taxpayers for generations. Under the Presidents proposal, spending will increase to nearly 35 percent of GDP, far from the historical norm of 20 percent, and the deficit will soar to 12.3 percent of GDP, levels not seen since the height of World War II.'

Obama 2009 Budget Projects Deficit of $1.75 trillion | FreedomWorks

President Obama Signs FY 2009 Omnibus Budget Bill
Written by Michael Wero
Friday, 13 March 2009 14:29

'It was supposed to have been completed last fall, but Democrats opted against election-year battles with Republicans and former President George W. Bush.'

Obama signs massive, 'imperfect' spending bill - politics - White House | NBC News
President Barack Obama increased inflation-adjusted Department of Defense spending by 10 percent--even while ending the war in Iraq.

That is more than the automatic cut in defense spending that will take place in January if Obama and Congress do not agree to a new spending-and-debt-limit deal.

Obama Increased Real Defense Spending by More Than 10 Percent | CNS News

If inflation was more than 10% then Obama cut defense spending.

Your story is BS.

I work for the Army Department. Obama has increased dick.
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President Barack Obama increased inflation-adjusted Department of Defense spending by 10 percent--even while ending the war in Iraq.

That is more than the automatic cut in defense spending that will take place in January if Obama and Congress do not agree to a new spending-and-debt-limit deal.

Obama Increased Real Defense Spending by More Than 10 Percent | CNS News

If inflation was more than 10% then Obama cut defense spending.

Your story is BS.

I worl for the Army Department. Obama has increased dick.

I love when people say, "your story" or "your article". I merely posted it and said nothing. I just sat back and let others decide how they view it.

When I post an article that I wrote then "your story is BS" would be appropriate.
President Barack Obama increased inflation-adjusted Department of Defense spending by 10 percent--even while ending the war in Iraq.

That is more than the automatic cut in defense spending that will take place in January if Obama and Congress do not agree to a new spending-and-debt-limit deal.

Obama Increased Real Defense Spending by More Than 10 Percent | CNS News

If inflation was more than 10% then Obama cut defense spending.

Your story is BS.

I worl for the Army Department. Obama has increased dick.

There was no 10 percent inflation. Nice try.

Do you work for the whole Department of Defense?

Didn't think so.

Did you even read the post to which you were responding?

President Barack Obama increased inflation-adjusted Department of Defense spending by 10 percent--even while ending the war in Iraq.

Didn't think so.

Shall we try again?

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The point beretta is making, I believe, is that if we go over the fiscal cliff in January, the cuts to defense which will occur add up to less than the amount defense spending was increased under Obama.

In other words, it won't be the end of the world for the DoD. The sun will still come up the next day, and no tanks will be repossessed by Bain Capital.


I am not for slavishly acceding to every funding request from the DOD, and would actually like to see some forced prioritization of military spending. However, the political games that are played on this subject by both sides do not portend well for our future.
President Barack Obama increased inflation-adjusted Department of Defense spending by 10 percent--even while ending the war in Iraq.

That is more than the automatic cut in defense spending that will take place in January if Obama and Congress do not agree to a new spending-and-debt-limit deal.

Obama Increased Real Defense Spending by More Than 10 Percent | CNS News

If inflation was more than 10% then Obama cut defense spending.

Your story is BS.

I worl for the Army Department. Obama has increased dick.

There was no 10 percent inflation. Nice try.


A rare instance when we agree. I was going to use that on his next comeback. You would think I killed his first born by merely posting an article without even commenting to boot.
If we go over the fiscal cliff, Defense spending will be cut for the whole year of 2013 by $54.7 billion, according to the article.

Defense spending has increased by $55.6 billion, adjusted for inflation, since 2008.

At the same time, domestic spending would also be cut by $54.7 billion, according to the article.

I find it interesting the article does not state how much domestic spending has increased since 2008. This suggests to me they are trying to communicate a biased opinion. To wit, the Right can outwait the Left on the fiscal cliff. Defense won't be hurt much, but cuts to domestic spending would cause a lot of pain. Something the Left wants to avoid at all costs.

Leaving out the vital piece of information about how much domestic spending has increased since 2008 is a dick move. Since Obama has run up multi trillions of deficits since taking office, it is a good bet domestic spending has gone up by at least 10 percent as well.

House Speaker Boehner is calling for the fiscal cliff to be pushed off for another year. This article seems to be feeding into that agenda.

But Congress has known this cliff was coming for a long time. For at least a year. So there is no excuse for putting it off for another year. A year from now, Boehner will push for yet another extension, just as he has every year since Obama took office.

And the debt will continue to skyrocket.

Any delays will cause more deficit spending, and that will all be on Boehner's head.

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Soooooo...I decided to look up how much domestic spending has gone up.

A CBO report from January shows (see table E-7) that domestic discretionary spending rose from $485.1 billion in 2008 to $614.2 billion in 2010, an increase of $129.1 billion or 27 percent.

FactCheck.org : Budget Spin

Domestic spending has gone up more than defense spending. Considerably more. A $54.7 billion cut would barely register.


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